The Talekeeper's Truth - WAR AF2  

Start Area: Bastok Mines
Start NPC:Deidogg (H - 6)
Related Areas:Castle Oztroja
Palborough Mines
Related Mobs:Ni'Ghu Nestfender (G - 10)
Yagudo Parasite
Mission:2 - 0
Min Level:50
Max Level:75
(Average from 19 ratings)
Items Required:Mottled Quadav Egg
Parasite Skin
Items Granted:Fighter's Calligae
This Quest is Repeatable
Last Updated: Tue Feb 15 23:09:33 2005

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Deidogg wants to prove that the Talekeeper Raogrimm was no hero. First, he wants you to defeat the Quadav nest guardian in the Palborough Mines that Raogrimm claimed to have killed, and take from it the mottled Quadav egg the Talekeeper failed to bring back.


Note: You must have completed The Doorman - WAR AF1 to start this quest.

First, talk to Phara at J-9 in Bastok Mines. Next, go and speak to Deidogg at H-6 in Bastok Mines. Talk to him twice to receive a cutscene.

Go to Palborough Mines, and at (G-10), look for a ???. Examine this to spawn the notorious monster Ni'Ghu Nestfender. When defeated, the NM drops a Mottled Quadav Egg.

After that, go to Castle Oztroja and kill Yagudo Parasites, which spawn around H-9 on the third floor. Kill them until you get a Parasite Skin.

Return to Bastok Mines. Trade the Mottled Quadav Egg to Deidogg for a cutscene. Afterwards trade the Parasite Skin to him to receive the final cutscene. Wait until next in game day and speak with Deidogg again to receive your Fighter's Calligae.

Quest Series

This quest is part of the artifact gear quest series for Warrior. The quest series includes:

This page last modified 2009-02-13 09:22:19.
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# Dec 31 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
1,743 posts
I soloed this as 69 bst, took about 2 hours total including travel (most of which was spent traipsing around Palborough and Oztroja looking for the correct spots). Quadav NM took less than 3 minutes, parasite dropped skin on first kill. Whoo!

Edited, Mon Jan 24 02:23:37 2005
trouble in af quest
# Nov 09 2004 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
how come i cant start the quest am lvl 52 war with razor axe how come i cant start it???my group is 69thf 68nin 64 thf and me 52 war and he wontlet me start quest!! do i need fame or something??
RE: trouble in af quest
# Nov 22 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
Talk to Phara in bastok mines. She is the one you talked to for af axe quest. Once you talk to her again you will be fine.
# Oct 06 2004 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
after retrieving both items he asked me to come back tomorrow.

so there is a 1 day wait between giving the last item and getting the boots.
Getting there is the tough part
# Oct 04 2004 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Did this last night while doing whm AF2 for the whm in our static
frist try
52 whm/smn
52 rdm/whm
52 drk/war
52 war/nin (me)
60 war/nin
sneak/invis wore too soon and we got agro from the T and TV yags past the four lever door
tele-mea'd and sent the rdm for some oils and powders
second try (drk had to go)
52 whm/smn
52 rdm/whm
52 war/nin (me)
60 war/nin
the two war's used oils and powders and we camped in the room with the leeches, carby pulled one leech for war AF2 (*glee*) then pulled abbots as they spawned
got the water on the 4th abbot
happy day
# Oct 03 2004 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
116 posts
nvm lol
# Oct 03 2004 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
116 posts
whats the reward...?
part one
# Sep 02 2004 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
did part one today with me 53war/nin 58 rdm/blm n a 59 pld killed the NM easy now for part two
Gettin' my AF
# Jul 29 2004 at 9:58 PM Rating: Default
ok, i have yet to do this (50 war/25 nin), but i was wondering if i could do it with a party of lvl 50s? or would it take an alliance? please someone who has done this reply =). I'd like to know from firsthand experience.
RE: Gettin' my AF
# Jul 30 2004 at 12:09 AM Rating: Decent
51 posts
Leth, you should really use your name when posting. It makes it easier for people to find your stuff. Smiley: smile

RE: Gettin' my AF
# Jul 29 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Default
Oh, by the way, could a party of lvl 50s make it to the Yagudo Parasites with relatively little pain? And if anyone on Phoenix server would like to help me out, name's Lethano, and i'd really appreciate the help ^_^
RE: Gettin' my AF
# Aug 11 2004 at 11:26 PM Rating: Default
me lvl 60whm/smn and 60drk/nin had more trouble killing yags than parasites. so im sure lvl 50 pt could do it with relative ease just becareful because they link
Need Assistance on Midgardsormr Server for "Reviann"
# Jul 20 2004 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
146 posts
Hello.. actually this is a message for an LS buddy of mine. (^_^)b Reviann is needing assistance from anybody able to help him with his AF2! Please send him tell if you are so kind enough to assist him! Thanks for your help and for reading this post!

Point out?
# Jul 11 2004 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
Can you please give the location of the leeches on these maps?


Nevermind, it's h-10 on the 3rd map

Edited, Mon Jul 12 17:15:26 2004
Second part
# Jun 09 2004 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
The first part of this quest has been well detailed, so I will skip it. The second part took a bit of investigation to really figure out.

To get to the Yagudo Parasites, you must travel up to the third floor of Castle Oztroja. To get to the third floor, you must pass through two doors; both of which require you to be visible and able to interact with a locking mechanism. The Yagudo in here aggro and link like crazy. Most stand in pairs. If you get aggro, there is a high probability that you will die because the exit is very difficult to find. Just die in a visible place and you might get lucky and have a whm raise II you.

When you enter, weave around until to you get to the east end of the first floor. Here you will need to pull one of two levers. If you are quick, you can pull the lever, run back, and wait to see if it is correct. If the wrong one is used, a trap door opens to the basement where tier 4 Yagudo are. Try the other lever and the door will open. At this point, you are walking amongst tier 4 Yagudo. When I was lv52, a couple of them checked as easy prey. At lv53, all were too weak. Invis takes care of aggro problems. Go up the stairs and make your way around to the south end of the second floor where there is a rectangular hallway.

The rectangular hallway has a secret door on the east end of it. Within this secret room there are two tier 5 Yagudo which will be easy prey to a lv53. They will aggro you if you even open the door. The key for the second locked door is in here. An AF party can take these, but they will link. There is a safe hallway to pull to if you need to clear the place out.

Once the key is acquired, go to the west end of the second floor and you will find the locked door which requires the key just acquired. There are two tier 5 Yagudo in front of this door so invis is, again, impossible.

*Alternative to the secret room: You can wait at the locked door on the second floor. This path is well traveled as it leads to where the coffers are. If you are good, you can have invis going and run through the door when a high level farmer goes through. The door shuts incredibly fast so you must have invis up before the farmer even opens the door.

Follow the hallway up until you come to a fountain area. Here you will find the Yagudo Parasites. They link and aggro, so pulling will be difficult. We just killed two at once and that was fine.

For this portion of the AF quest, we had a lv53 WAR/NIN, a lv49 THF/WHM, and a lv60+ JP THF/WHM. We were able to dispatch all tier 5 yagudo and parasites with ease. Three members around lv50 should be able to take a tier 5 safely.
Its not very hard
# Jun 09 2004 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Done it with my 52 party, except a 45 monk (WAR,DRK,MNK,WHM,BRD,BLM).
We killed the low lvl ***** nearby to gather 300% tp first and throw it in at the beginning of the fight.
After it, our melee can't do much damage on it, but the nukes from BLM never get resisted.
Take care of the ore throwing and warcry of it.
Ore throwing can hit up to 500 damage, that isn't a big number after you fighted Exoray while doing limit 1 quest.
Warcry is a pain if you dont have a RDM or BRD to dispel it, it will hit 100+ per hit to drain up the mp of your whm.
It uses invincible when 50% hp, but no biggie, the spells of BLM still kick in :)
What Am I doing wrong?
# May 04 2004 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
I'm a LV 52 WAR, I had just finished my 1st AF. I talk to Deidogg, he basically says "Go away outsider." Is there something I'm missing?

Edited, Tue May 4 16:52:10 2004
RE: What Am I doing wrong?
# May 05 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
Nevermind, I figured it out. I just had to talk to Phara before I talk to Deidogg. ^^

1st Attempt:
I went with a LV 75 DRK/WHM, I asked him to change his sub to WAR, he was Japanese and I think he was trying to say that he'll be fine, I was gonna ask for more help but I guess he was saying that us 2 should be able to handle it but that was a flop. The DRK died, luckily I had subbed my THF so I fleed, that thing followed me all the way to the entrance!!!

2nd Attempt:
I found a LV 74 PLD Taru to help me ^^, and a LV 75 WAR, both of them had subbed WHM. I told them to build some TP, but they said that we should be fine. I got worried a little, cause the PLDs HP went down to 400+, but I just remembered that he was a Taru, the rest was history!!! Gonna try to get the Parasite tonite!!! :)

Edited, Wed May 5 18:28:16 2004
RE: What Am I doing wrong?
# Sep 26 2004 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
Hello !
Same thing happened to me. I had to talk with Phara before the Galka wants to talk with me. And I had to talk two times with the Galka before he talk me about Quadav Egg.

Thanks for the tips
# Apr 08 2004 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
I did it for my friend tonight.
We were all level 51 except the WAR, who was 50:

Party setup:

It hit me(PLD) for like 110-130, though it was slow (speed of a 1H Axe), and I had about 440 Defense with Boiled Crab and Defender. It hits hard, no worries there :)

And well, I'd say it was an even fight, as we finished it and the RDM had some spare mp. The only problem is that the BLM died at the end ><, I guess it's because he used Freeze then Manafont x.x

And btw, the NM is hard enough for ppl our level. If you say it's easy when you have 2+ level 60 people, obviously it's easy...
Some battle advice
# Mar 19 2004 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
322 posts
Yay! I'm very glad to have done my AF2 yesterday, but it took some planning.

Attempt #1:
51war (me), 65rdm, 64whm. We ended up teleporting out. We simply couldn't do enough damage to the thing.

Attempt #2:
58mnk, 51war (me), 50drk, 51thf, 50brd, 51whm. I know this sounds like a low-lvl group to be attempting this beast and a somewhat goofy class combination.
We all worked ourselves up to 300% TP by slaughtering everything else in the mines. The got buffs, used food, etc. Cast sneak on me, the thf and the mnk before activating the spawn (no immediate aggro). Thf uses sneak/trick + fast blade followed by a WS from everyone else for a gigantic SC that took it down to about 50% immediately. Melee all used 2hr. NM uses invincible at about 25% life... we just cured through it... then repeated most of the SC after the invincible wore off. Based on the exp we got I'd estimate this is a ~lvl60 NM. We walked out at full hp and most of our mp (all our whm did was cast CureIII on the mnk 4-5 times).

...As for getting the 2nd item? It's worth mentioning that to get to the 3rd floor you need to go through a door with a series of 4 levers that control how it opens. Basically, it's the most western branch on the 2nd floor. Actually getting this item was anti-climactic, as the leeches were easy prey to our lvl50-51 group, but the Yagudo in the area were mostly VT.

After handing in the 2nd item, wait 1 game day (1 hour) to pick up your item. Wait another game day to start AF3 (if you try sooner you'll get the same text from the NPC).
Pretty tough
# Feb 21 2004 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
3 warriors, Me level 52 and 2 friends level 53 with a 65 red mage and a 50 white mage managed to kill this, TWICE (2 of use needed the egg.)

He has a lot of defense, erase helps a great deal when he uses invincible or shell shield.

Apparently nestfender is a paladin, so he uses flash often.

The second time was a close call because we had used our 2 hours as a precatioun, red mage had to use convert + stone skin + cure 3 to regain msot of her mp. Very epic battles but we managed to do it.
Note ...
# Feb 07 2004 at 3:39 AM Rating: Excellent
To get this quest you must fist talk to Phara, the old lady who gave you AF1 quest near chocobo stables in Bastok Mines area. Then Talk to Deidogg. You may have to talk to him twice to get the quest.
Evil Evil Evil
# Feb 07 2004 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
All I have to say is EVIL !!!! This damn thing killed us with ease. Lvl 51 Warrior and lvl 67 RDM. Gonna have to go back with a full party. Wish I'd looked here first.
RE: Evil Evil Evil
# Feb 12 2004 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
You must have forgotten that a RDM is not as good as a WHM. Though they have there good properties, with only 2 people you will take too much damage for 1 RDM to heal.
# Jan 21 2004 at 3:52 AM Rating: Default
That NM is not that hard. I had 2 lv60 Monk lv54 WHM and me lv52Warrior killed it easy.
# Jan 19 2004 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
Location is F-10 in Palborough mines. 'ghu nestfender is probably about L70 or so. Died 2x both with a L73 whm, then ended up killing him with a full L70 pt - me including 67Pld, 70Blm, 67Rdm, 73whm, 72Drg and Me the warrior. Doing 2nd part tonight.
RE: af2
# Feb 26 2004 at 9:04 AM Rating: Default
OMG Over do it much? You don't need that many people.
RE: af2
# Sep 18 2004 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,534 posts
lol (grin) i just had me (lv 51 war) and a lv 75 rdm buddy :D (i think she was lv 75, she had /anon on lol)
Mecorx - Ifrit 75WAR/75WHM [Retired]
Mecorx - Odin 99WAR/99WHM/99DNC [Retired]
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