Treasure and Tribulations  

Start Area: Balga's Dais
Start NPC:Shami (H - 8)
Max Party:3
Related Mobs:Mimic
Max Level:50
(Average from 15 ratings)
Items Required:Comet Orb
Items Granted:Astral Ring
Conjurer's Ring
Darksteel Ore
Drake Ring
Fencer's Ring
Gold Ingot
Gold Ore
Guardian's Ring
Kampfer Ring
Light Spirit Pact
Mahogany Log
Medicine Ring
Minstrel's Ring
Petrified Log
Platinum Ore
Rogue's Ring
Ronin Ring
Scroll of Freeze
Scroll of Quake
Scroll of Raise II
Scroll of Regen III
Shinobi Ring
Slayer's Ring
Soldier's Ring
Sorcerer's Ring
Tamer's Ring
Tracker's Ring
Wyvern Scales
This Quest is Repeatable
Last Updated: Sun Mar 20 15:30:06 2011

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Battle Notes

To begin, trade 50 Beastmen Seals to Shami at (H-8) in Port Jeuno in order to obtain the Rare/Ex item Comet Orb. Upon receiving the orb, make your way to the Balga's Dais zone located in the Giddeus dungeon.

Be advised that only three players can enter the battlefield, that their levels will be capped at level 50, and that there is a 30 minute time limit that starts the moment the orb trader enters the battlefield.

Upon entering the battlefield, you will find three treasure chests (Large Box, Medium Box, and Small Box) in the center of the room. When one chest is opened, the other two will disappear.

  • There is a 33% chance that you will choose a chest that, when opened, will result in completing the bcnm, and your party will receive the treasure pool from the chest.

  • There is a 66% chance that the chest you open will transform into a Mimic, and in order to complete the bcnm, the mimic will have to be defeated.


The most common strategy in doing this BCNM is to utilize the roulette method, which is basically just to choose one chest and hope that luck is on your side, since popping the right chest will result in an instant win. If a mimic is spawned, the player will either try escaping using a Warp Cudgel, a Scroll: Instant Warp, or the Warp I spell, or, if using the method of going in on a level one job, just dying.

However, it is possible to beat the BCNM with a small group via killing the mimic spawned if the "lucky" chest isn't opened. However, this often requires planning and preparation ahead of time to win, as the group must go in with every intention of defeating a mimic should they fail to open the "lucky" chest.

Red Mage and Ninja method

A simple, straightforward method, though easily the longest one used, the Ninja will fight the mimic while the Red Mage cures and buffs the Ninja, while helping to enfeeble the mimic. The mimic's Death Trap ability as well as its Draw-in effect will often result in the Red Mage being hit a few times, so it is advised to keep Stoneskin, Blink, and Phalanx up as much as possible to survive.

Black Mage method

This method basically culminates a full contingent of Black Mages casting the Freeze Ancient Magic on the mimic soon after it spawns.

This page last modified 2008-04-03 02:49:53.
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i love this bcnm
# Jun 08 2005 at 12:54 AM Rating: Default

should say it all 1.5 mill
# May 31 2005 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
tried this quest today.. my first time^^
i've chosen the small box and i've found a rogue's ring, a platinum ore and some gil.
Small Box
# May 24 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
Did this 3 times today:

Picked the Small Box: Succes !!
Drops were unbelievable crappy:
1 x Soilders Ring (1k)
1 x Scroll:Freeze (17k)

Picked the Small Box: Failed ..

3. Run:
Picked the Small Box: Succes !!
Drops were:
1 x Astral Ring (900k O_O)
1 x Ministrel Ring (30k)

Btw... this "Pink-Shade-Trick" doesnt really work. I never noticed a different in the boxes.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 03 2005 at 11:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hey guys im the one who said the pink shade trick and it does work..... you have to really be looking and comparing what the boxes look like on the inside this isnt just one of those things that you can look and and just say well they arent the same color you have to look at them and compare.... and im not sure about the pc to ps2 difference but i am on pc so im not sure respond if you have any questions ^^.
What about a full party?
# May 22 2005 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
Let me start off by saying: a "well balanced pt" can not take this in a square fight. Maybe with some insane party of a couple summoners or something....

A friend talked me into getting the orb and trying this with a "well balanced party" of linkshell friends... I couldn't find any info on people who've tried a full 6 person group, so I figured it might be possible. Now I see the error in that logic. >< Espcially given that it took a few months to gather people, and all of the willing were people who had never done this bcnm before. :) But a group of us celebrated the vanadiel new years eve (the turn to 1/1/972) with a pt of:

WHM/BLM (Maori)
BLM/RDM (Ruebius)
RDM/BLM (MaggieP)
THF/NIN (Nemelle)
PLD/WAR (Blckfrncs)
DRG/WAR (Eycee)

Aiming to fight on fullmoon icesday (for freeze mb between thf and drg).

It took long enough getting organized and getting there that we ended up doing first run on lightsday -- a little nerve racking, since the mimic is light based.

As we entered, buffed, ate food, I (white mage) casts reraise and heal mp while party tries the "peeking into the chest" trick.

Peeking into the chests didn't seem to show much difference. So we went with the default small. Score! Drops: Astral ring, ronin ring.

Party members were like, sweet, this is easy. So they flock back to jeuno for orbs.

Second run: tried peeking, couldn't tell. Went with small, and score again... scroll of freeze, and sorcerer's ring.

Third run: couldn't tell from peeking. One party member thought the large chest looked slightly different, so we nervously tried that one. Mimic! Our first fight.

Let me just say again: I seriously doubt a party can beat this. We barely even scratched it. The AOE stun does NOT wear quickly, and it really really hates healing magic. Every cure I cast drew the hate and sucked me in to drop me into the red in a few short hits. It will aggro magic casting when you first start casting, but you still seem to be able to finish the spell.

The accuracy of the mob does seem to be pretty bad against the melees, though he was doing a good number on the mages.

I was only able to launch a few cures, the thing did a pretty good job of keeping us stunned and unable to respond.

We took the hit, waited three minutes, reraised and R2'ed everyone. The party decided everyone going in was pointless, so the remaining orbs did solo runs. Neither was able to peek into the boxes, both chose small, and both died.

In short, three runs:

Small = good x2
Small = bad x2
Large = bad x1

Drops: Astral ring, ronin ring, sorcerer's ring, scroll of freeze. Total value: 1,026 at current AH listing.

The number of people in the arena does not affect drops. It seems to be two drops regardless of whether you go solo or in a party.

With R2, not that big a hit to exp, but lots of fun and good bonding experience. :) Thanks to all from my LS who were willing to take a learning experience.

Edited, Sun May 22 21:57:10 2005
RE: What about a full party?
# May 24 2005 at 12:36 AM Rating: Default
199 posts
I just have to say that the peeking thing can kind of work. It all depends on how color crazy you are. I said it was the small one on our first two runs, not because forums said to go with small, but because it looked different. All you have to do is check if the large and medium look identical. Then it has to be the small. Technically. And that mimic is somewhat impossible. My spells were damaging it, but I couldn't cast enough without losing half my life. Fun BCNM, should only be for crazy people. I'm Ruebius btw, for any of you non-signature reading people.
RE: What about a full party?
# Jun 03 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
Could this be a PC vs. PS2 thing?

I have friends who swear by the color thing, but I have never seen any difference in the internal color. I am actually someone who is extremely good at picking up on these types of differences. And on my system there is absolutely no difference in the colors (and I've been a part of 3 successful and 4 unsuccessful attempts at this).

But I am playing on PS2. Could it be that on PC there is a color difference? There have been other PC/PS2 variations (Valkrum Dunes ocean glitch is PS2, airship glitch is PC, etc)... so it's not unreasonable to think that this may be another one.
RE: What about a full party?
# Jun 04 2005 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts
Well, you have a half hour to try to look into the boxes.... since we had six people and a variety of players, we had both PS2 and PC people trying.

If there is a difference, it's so slight that it's hard to tell if you're imagining things.
Bad Luck
# May 10 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,657 posts
Me and a buddy of mine had some extra beastmans seals so we figured we would give this one a shot. Went as a lvl 50PLD anf a lvl 46BLM. Tried twice and picked the wrong chest both times and got pwned. he tried to warp us out but he kept getting interrupted by the AoE attacks. Coudlnt run cause it pulls you back.

So after 2 attempts, all we walked away with was negative XP from dieing. Its very tempting and I might try it again, but if you try to do it solo, just be prepared to die. Cause you have a 2/3 chance of picking the wrong chest and getting the crap beat out of you.

Good luck,to those who try it. I hope your luck turns out better than mine was. XD
Bad luck
# May 10 2005 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,657 posts
Me and a buddy of mine had some extra beastmans seals so we figured we would give this one a shot. Went as a lvl 50PLD anf a lvl 46BLM. Tried twice and picked the wrong chest both times and got pwned. he tried to warp us out but he kept getting interrupted by the AoE attacks. Coudlnt run cause it pulls you back.

So after 2 attempts, all we walked away with was negative XP from dieing. Its very tempting and I might try it again, but if you try to do it solo, just be prepared to die. Cause you have a 2/3 chance of picking the wrong chest and getting the crap beat out of you.

Good luck,to those who try it. I hope your luck turns out better than mine was. XD
# May 09 2005 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
385 posts

Platinum ring, mythril ingot, and gil.

*posted to update site*
# May 05 2005 at 10:43 PM Rating: Excellent
holy crap you guys are making this BCNM seem hard.... this is the most simple thing to do if you know how. all you have to do is zoom the camera out so that you can see your character and then you just have to move your character and the camera so that you see inside the boxes. 2 of these are the same shade of pink which are the mimics and 1 is different which is the treasure. i have done this BCNM 3 times using this strategy and i have not failed once even though my drops werent that good... but i have also had friends get good drops using this so this way you dont have to get those stupid mimics any more.
# May 17 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
476 posts
I tried this, and they were all the same color of pink. Needless to say, my 31 WAR kinda died. Is there any other indication besides the pink?
# May 08 2005 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
...This didn't work for me, they were all the same color and shade on the inside. Mimic spawned & kicked my *** in 6 hits x.x
# May 08 2005 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
809 posts
I've found this doesn't work, as they are all the same shade of pink. It may just be me tho

Edited, Mon May 9 00:03:29 2005
# May 08 2005 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
dude i will sleep with you, just did it and got astral w00t
# May 06 2005 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
OMG This works like a charm! Thank you so much for being so brilliant! Rate him up!
# May 05 2005 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
I attacked the leftmost (small) box and it was a mimic. :/ Did this again and attacked the small box again and it was still a mimic. Gah.. This is waste. 100 seals and what i got is over 1000 exp loss and no items. :\ Still, I'm gonna collect more seals and choose the left until i will get something else than exp loss.

Edited, Thu May 5 18:50:57 2005
Lucky win!
# Apr 18 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
177 posts
well, ive been playing ffxi for about a year and i have never once used my beastman seals. so after i leveled up blm to 17 i subbed it with my 55 rdm and took a comet orb to balga's dais. first attempt i chose the largest box and got a platnum ring (sold it for 124k on unicorn same day) and an astral ring!! couldnt believe my luck so i tried again two more times, second attempt chose the smallest box, chainspell+warp...third attemp largest box again, and chainspell+warp (yes i waited for chainspell to regen just to be safe). a couple members of my LS also tried, no luck for them either. so guess i had beginners luck...ill save my other 100 seals for something different.

Unicorn Server
RE: Lucky win!
# May 05 2005 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
Can you hit all the boxes at the same time?

Edit: Whoops.. didn't mean to reply.

Edited, Thu May 5 17:15:16 2005
RE: Lucky win!
# May 06 2005 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Yeah I tried using a -ga spell, all it did was crash FFXI. When I loged back in, dead.
How do you choose
# Apr 05 2005 at 6:37 PM Rating: Default
I'm 0 for 6 on this, and I choose the box by either voking it or engaging it. Is this wrong, thus explaining why I have no luck?
# Apr 03 2005 at 5:58 AM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
This might sound stupid...but has anyone ever tried hitting all 3 boxes at once?
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

# Mar 31 2005 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
I used 100 Beastmen Seals on this today, since I was quitting and thought I might as well use them. 50 THF/25 NIN.

Precasted Utsusemi, used Instant Re-raise, ate food, and engaged the small box (left one). I started off with Sneak Attack and hit it for 86 damage. Which means, I spawned the mimic. The other boxes disappear when you hit one. This thing is ridiculously powerful. I was hitting for 6-15 damage with Corsair's Knife, Mithkabob, Swordbelt, etc. And it has a huge HP pool, I didn't even get it down to 1/10. Plus, it hit me for 200 damage each. Re-raised myself, attacked it again hoping maybe the treasure would work, and he started biting me. Used Perfect Dodge and Warped out of there.

Second attempt, ran in there, simply engaged and cut at the small box (left) again. I missed, and the other two disappeared, and the treasure showed up. I got removed from the battle field with the worst drops in Vana'diel history (Ronin Ring and some coral piece). Waste of Beastmen Seals, but I didn't care.
# Mar 23 2005 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
842 posts
can you warp and/or escape out of the battlefield its self?
chainspell+warp = gone!

if so, i have a use for the 400+ seals collecting dust
RE: exit
# Mar 23 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
936 posts
Yes you can but you might want blink up so your casting isn't interrupted. I managed to use a scroll of instant warp after activating my blink band (and failing for the 3rd straight time) so you can definitely warp out alive. Escape I'm not sure if that works in a Burning Circle area but you could try it.
RE: exit
# Mar 24 2005 at 1:16 AM Rating: Default
thats why he said chainspell
Add item
# Mar 23 2005 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
i just got a Shinobi ring from this. Personally i think this is not worth my 50 beastmen coins.
What a waste
# Mar 21 2005 at 11:16 PM Rating: Default
456 posts
Yuck. 50 wasted seals. Got 586 gil, a Tracker's Ring, a chunk of gold ore, and some severe heart palpitations. Didnt even bother AHing the ring because there were four up at the time and they seem to sell once every three weeks on Odin. NPC'd for two gil.
RE: What a waste
# Mar 23 2005 at 3:53 AM Rating: Default
842 posts
a quick shout in jeuno would have been nice, some people actually want things.
# Mar 21 2005 at 8:38 PM Rating: Good
722 posts
I did this twice back a few days after the patch where the Astral Rings were taken out of Oztroja and put into here. First time I guessed right (picked middle), and got about 1.4k, a Fencer's Ring (50k at the time), and Quake (130k at the time). Second time picked the wrong one (can't remember whether I picked small or middle though...), and was killed in 2 hits (went as a level 30 NIN so that I could Mijin Gakure if I got a mimic, but I forgot to change macro sets and ended up dying before I could switch and hit the right macro XD).
astral ring
# Mar 16 2005 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
441 posts
astral ring should be in the rewards for this.

I went in this BCNM as a 30 MNK, solo. picked the middle chest and recieved an astral ring. this was after the update where astrals where removed from castle Oz.

after hearing my luck about 10 from my LS tried this. 2 of them soloed also . 1 other person I know of got the astral ring also
RE: astral ring
# Mar 21 2005 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
414 posts
Confirmed. Astral Ring is one of the rewards. My mom just went as 32THF twice. Got lucky, picked small box, rewards: Slayer's Ring; Gold Ingot. 2nd run, picked large box: Minstrel's Ring, Astral Ring. So get out there and try your luck, mages! ^^
0 for 1
# Mar 14 2005 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
Fought this bugger the other night Rng/Nin, Whm/Blm, and Blm/Whm. We were discussing it and decided what the hay! Lets go see what happens. Listened to everybody ("I picked the small box"). Yeah right! Suddenly the small box grew feet and arms and a severe case of attitude for being disturbed. Rng was pelting away at him with arrows, bolts, barrage, sharpshot, etc... During the short lived battle Blm casted freeze, did about 200-300 damage and wound up watching the rest of battle from ground. Well I shouldn't have to tell you where things went from there. Guess the only Cure I got off the whole battle really upset him. I was his next victim. Rng hit with a sleep bolt. I think actually put him to sleep but unfortunately cant 100% confirm. After trying to avoid him a bit the Rng decided it was time make a stand and got his leggs choped out from beneath him.

Note** This mob has draw in will spam it. He is very sensitive to magic casts and will use draw in on mages during spell casts. He hits for an average of 180-285 damage per hit. Oh and hope this helps most of all... He has a problem with accuracy. He only hits about 1 out of three hits against high evasion.

We are going back tonite to try him with full pt. I'll have more info on this guy including estimated hp, special abilities, resistance or weakness to effects, etc...

Good Luck
RE: 0 for 1
# May 05 2005 at 4:28 PM Rating: Default
first attemp
# Mar 11 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Excellent
31 posts
i jus did this yesterday went in as rdm/blm in case i needed to warp... blink, stoneskin, aquaveil, and phalanx was enough to allow me to warp... but didnt need it guessed it right and got a sorcerer's ring and astral by myself and on first 50 bcnm.. i then did it twice with friends in case they needed escape got nothing but scroll of quake. I've also done the 20 bcnm 6 times failed once and got no astral just thunder spirit pact.
i know for a fact it drops astral... GL
Astral Rings
# Mar 09 2005 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
I did this yesterday with a party of 6.

First 2 times we geussed the right box and got an Astral ring on both attempts. Third time our DRK geussed the wrong box and we got slaughtered by the mimic. I mean we didnt even got half its life off.

Im gonna do this tonight with my whm to see if i can get an Astral ring too, because its worth around 550-650k on Carbuncle server.
Hopin for the best
# Mar 04 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Hmm ill have to try this one later tonight, after i get a few more seals, by the posts it would seem going with the smallest chest and a low lvl job is the best thing to do, but thats alot of risk for 50seals and wateva it takes for you to get there.

Rank 5
*Play the game how you want to, not how others tell you to*
Im damn lucky
# Mar 01 2005 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
i heard about this BCNM from a friend who did it as a 26 Rdm and bragged about gtting the Scroll or Raise II, so i thought id try, got in as a 30 War, picked the small box and i recived a Guardians ring(kinda worthless) and a ASTRAL ring! I started shoving that in my friends face, when i sold it for 375k,
Waste of time and xp
# Feb 24 2005 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
567 posts
I just did this as 31 blm, so i could warp around.

I picked the small chest and it ate me.

Yay, 50 Beastmen seals down the tubes.

Of course as a main job thief I never get invited to BCNMs.
RE: Waste of time and xp
# Mar 10 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
2,214 posts
Too bad you are not on Carbuncle. I go to a few BCNMs as a thf. I had to convince a couple ppl to begin with, but a thf is great on the Worm and the Catipiller BCNM. As a matter of fact, I would recommend 2 thf and a rng for the catipiller BCNM. The Sneak Attack really helps put you over on the time. The only catch is, you should have your Marksmanship capped for lvl 30/40 before even trying.

Now, just to clarify with the worm one, Add a thf in using Acid bolts, so now your Rngs are doing 20+ dmg per hit. It has been a couple weeks since I have gone, so I don't remember the specific numbers, but Acid bolts really help the fight go faster. The last time I went (successfully... we went once without capped out blms... it was a slaughter) we had me (thf/nin with ranged acc gear) 2 rngs, 1 rdm, and 2 blms. The RDM was healing if necessary and using their bow (skill capped), and the 2 rngs kept hitting the thing non-stop, and the mages slept until franz was killed. After that we just sat back and enjoyed the show. With a fully capped out pt we never died.

Sorry, not specifically to this BCNM, but to the poor thf who had troubles, you just have to sell yourself, or know ppl willing to try something different. thfs are everyones friends, they help in many ways:) You just have to be creative. SATA, Steal and TH are not the only things thf is good for:)
Mimcs Beatable?
# Feb 23 2005 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
I think I'll try this BCNM next i need 5 more seals til 50. Are the mimics Beateble if your a whm doing it? o.O
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