Spell details for Barpetrify  

Jobs/Level:Red Mage, lvl 43
Rune Fencer, lvl 42
MP cost:20
Scroll:Scroll of Barpetrify
Duration:2.5 minutes
Reuse:10 Seconds
Cast time:2.5 seconds
Target Type:Self
Description:Enhances your resistance against petrification.

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hm-tab key
# Feb 23 2005 at 4:29 AM Rating: Decent
Well I am set on collecting all the spells this is by far the coolest job in the game, an elemental warrior with two parths to chose the dark side (BLM) or the light side (WHM). I have been a subsitute teacher whm when no one can find one willing to party so I sub BLM for MP bonus. About Petrification better get it Cop and the new areas have mobs in which most haven't fully encounted. Buy/Collect them all Rdm's or forget being in a party (Pay attention those w/o "Dispel"-"Ice Spikes/Paralysis" or "Refresh" it is a long journey to kingdomhood. (Utilmate Solo Job)

-Malcontnet/Gaurda Server- Loonz
It works
# Dec 03 2004 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
603 posts
I believe Barpetrify works a good deal. The only problem is there is not a huge demand for it. How many mobs do you know that casts petrify that you will actually fight.

I thought, what the hell, I am lvl 60, I got resist petrify III job trait...who needs this spell. Well, Um I did. I was fighting the shadow dragon solo and it petrified my for the duration of the fight. (I lasted 1 and half mins petrified). Then I hit the dirt. I would have won, if not for the petrification.

Anyway, I bought resist petrify to try again. I also brought a 56 whm along for the help. I cast bar petrify and I was only petrified for a few seconds during the fight. And he tried to get me a few times. So it does work. Bar petrify combined with out job trait resists, is good.

You will need it to if you ever go on the hunt for lizards. Not much call for it, but at times glad that you bought it, when the need arises.

Edited, Fri Dec 3 13:36:05 2004
Does this work???
# Jul 19 2004 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
109 posts
I've heard over and over from people "Don't bother with Barsleepra" Many have told me it doesn't help at all. I haven't been able to tell really.

Does Barpetrify really help? Has anyone tested it?

Thanks ....
RE: Does this work???
# Nov 15 2004 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
817 posts
Maybe it's just me, but doesn't this spell seem a little redundant. Don't get me wrong..I'm one of those people that has all the spells whether I need them or not. But even this looks fishy to me. I mean, it's a RDM only spell. As a RDM we already have Resist Petrify I and II at this lvl. By lvl 50, we have Resist Petrify III. Why in the world would we need another spell to resist petrification?

Now that I'm done ranting, I'm off to go buy the damn spell. ^^
RE: Does this work???
# Aug 05 2004 at 5:35 PM Rating: Excellent
2,261 posts
Well, It increases your defense against Petrification. I couldn't comment on how useful it is, but it's probably just like Barsleep. Even if you have it on, your still more than likely gonna get put to sleep. It might just affect the amount of time you are petrified. Trust me, nothing is worse than having Full HP/MP when you get Petrified then watching your character slowly get picked away at till death because you were stoned the entire time. This happened to me a few days ago. If I had had this spell (and used it), I may have come out of that battle alive.
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