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#1 Mar 10 2006 at 7:14 PM Rating: Excellent
836 posts
Hello all, I am about to tell you info like I had promided! :D

Here are some pictures:


(I'm not sure if anyone else posted similar info, sry in advance.)


Blue Mage

I know we already know of these, BUT there will be other new jobs! They are going to tell us tonight, so I will update info.

Blue Mage: They showed us live play of the Blue Mage abilities..they are cool as hell. They had a mithra BlU in full AF fighting a new monster, it looks like a purple Jaba the Hut. lol Blu did Bomb Toss, Dimensional Death, Spider version of Slow, it did 2 abilities that the mandragora's do, but I dont know the name of them ><. They wouldnt show us the BLU 2 hr, :(.

They didnt show us Corsair abilities, hopefully they will tonight.

Chocobo Raising


I'm not sure where you raise it, but you have to feed it and care for it, or it will runaway. :( Also, the size of the chocobo depends on how you raise it. lol

*Drum roll please*
The chocobo that you raise can also be in a different color!! woot!

Also if you have a friend who has raised a chocobo too, you can get both if the chocobos together so they can mate, and have a baby chocobo. XD

Great news also, CHOCBO RACES!, and they said in the fall they will add chocobo circuits.

Mog Locker

They will not be expanding Mog House limit, but they will be adding a Mog Locker, which I think you will access from an NPC.
The Mog Locker can hold 30-50 items, and maybe more.

The fee to use it might be gil, an item, or a quest they said they weren't sure yet.

The Colosseum

This will not be a PvP area, but a mob vs mob area, that anyone can do. So you can be lvls 1-75 it doesn't matter. They didn't specify on how you get the mobs to fight.

They will be adding new areas for PvP in the fall, but they didn't specify how the battle field will be, or how the PvP gameplay will be.


This is going to be crazy and fun lol. With Beseiged mobs can attack the cities! People that are in the towns are automatically placed in parties and alliances to help drive them out the the town/city. Also you can't lose exp, if you die.
(They will be ToAU cities.)


There will be added stuff that you can use Merit points to get. They didnt specify. :(

Bahamut MIGHT be a new summon, they said they were not sure yet,

They will be adding male mithra, but the didn't specify whether it will be for gameplay, or if they will be just be in CS's.

You will not be able to change appearances, because the PS2 players would not be able to take advantage of it.

There will be no lvl cap area's in ToAU, but there will be some lvl cap fights.

The min lvl to get New Jobs will be 30(of course), and you will have to complete a quest.

There will be new items, and they said they will increase the drop rate on certain items, if they feel it will not affect the economy.(Basically so the RMT can't exploit it.)

To get to the new continent, it can be accessed from Mhaura.

Ok, I'm not sure if this is bad news, but I'm too happy about it.

They are nerfing every job. They used the word "Balancing", but basically they said they will adjust ALL the jobs. They didn't say whether they were taking away certain attributes ot adding them, so it might or might not be nerfing, we'll see after expansion comes out.

Ok, I will update more info after tonight, and I will add more pics, and possibly video. Hope you like the info. :)

MAJOR UPDATE!(You guys are gonna love me for this! XD)

(I have recorded footage of Corsair in action, and footage of the 3rd Job!! I'm going to post it as soon as I can. :P)

Update here are the link to the video clips. :D

(I took clips with my Digital Camera so its a little fuzzy, but you can still see good stuff, hoe you like them.^^)


Clip #1- This is when they first showed up corsair.

Clip#2- Corsair during battle, she uses the "Card" ability.

Clip#3- This is when they unveiled the final job..Puppet Master.

(Also IGN was there recording video footage, he said they might post it tonight, or later within the week.)


(I’m typing this while they are talking, so forgive my misspellings)

They will be adding more abilities and attributes to existing jobs. Thinking about changing, so changes might happen.


Adding stronger weapons that warriors can use, since they can use a lot of weapons,

Adding stuff so war can sub other jobs and make it better to use and more fun.

The ability to throw their axes.


They are adding so a monk will not just punch lol
An idea is to give Hp to other pt members, since they have so much HP.


Adding to make the battle more enjoying, one of the abilites,
Give Hp or Mp to pt member
Benedition cures all bad status’s


About the request for BLM NERF:
They said that BLM doing Manaburn pt's is a creative to pt, but it's not how they envisioned it to work. Since they don't want to stop any BLM from manaburning, BLM are getting new spells to make them more inviting for higeher lvl pt's and merit pt's. They do not want to affect how players want to party, so the solution was to ADD abilities to most jobs.

Which spells.... they didn’t tell us. -.-


Adding new spells, didn’t tell us which ones. -.-


Abilities can be distributed between pt members

Might enchance “steal”, so they can steal more items, maybe multiple items.

Perfect dodge when used during a battle, and you get behind the mob your damage increases.


Might add Auto-Refresh :D. Might add more Shield abilities. Have more tp gained when using shiled.


Add benefits when Drk uses a Scythe. Might make Absorb spells more powerful.


When released is used mob goes back to spot were it spwned, they will be changing somethings with Bst but they didn’t say.:(


Make it so Brds have more uses for the other songs they can use.
Might add a new “flee” type song for lower lvls.

(For those that don't know the only "Flee" type song now is "Chocobo Mazurka" and ia a lvl 75 song.)


Might change increase the dmg, with the distance from mob.
Sharp shot will not be affected by distance.
Increase the types of arrows that can be put in quivers.


SAM, when they hit the enemy will decrease the amount of TP the mob gets.


Wont be decreasing anything, or adding anything, they feel that Ninja is strong enough, so maybe in the future they will add some new attributes.
Might add Utsusemi: San


No new plans to add anything. Might add in the future.


Might give SMN more MP so they can use avatars more during battle, instead of just calling them out to use a spell.

Change to make it so the strength of the avatars is determined by your summoning skill.

Won’t add Bahamut because they would have to lower his strength, so there is no plans to add him as an avatar.

They are adding new Summons, but thet didnt say which ones, or when they will be adding them.



Can only acuire new spells when BLU is main job.
To learn an ability you must defeat that mob.
You learn a spell only if your within a certain lvl amount of the mob.(basically you cant go around killing too weak to learn an ability. XD)

Can’t learn every ability, but they are making plans to expand what they can learn.

You will have to set the spell before you can use it.
Each spell will have certain amount of set up points, so you will have to set spells until you have no more set up points.

Set up points increase with lvl, number of spells you can set increase with lvl.
The strength of spell determines what type of mob you are using in on.

Some spells can be used in SC and MB’s.
Some spells will be AoE..


Main abiliy:

Card numbers determines the affect. You use 2 cards, if you hit 11 you get maximum affect.(kind of like black jack)

If you have warrior in pt everyone gets attack bonus
If you have a mage, they get magic attack bonus

Card shot: use a certain card with the gun and it turns it into a magical attack.
If there is mob with Dia and they do a card shot it strengthens dia.

They might add an ability that lowers the recast times of spells for pt members.


THE 3RD JOB IS..................


They didn't show its fighting style, so we probably have to find out when we buy the expansion, or they'll tell us tomorrow hopefully.

(someone asked to Nerf SMN, because they can have a pt full of smn's and get more exp. ><, they said no, but if a certain job messes up the balance in the game then they will “adjust” that job.
Q&A- Here are some questions and answers, I put the most relevant ones that I thought were most important.

Q: Will armor be provide for the wyvern?
A: No, but it is a good idea, we have never thought of that.

Q: Will the new ability for whm to give HP or MP will it affect enmity?
A: Because it is an action that is used in game, some enmity will be gained but not so much that the goblin will come over and stab you in the back.

Q: Does Charisma affect Provoke?
A: No, does not affect it in any way.

Q: How exactly does Treasure Hunter work?
A: If I tell you exactly, I will go back to Japan and be dead. (laughter from crowd), but I will tell you that Thief does not have to have last hit, all you need is a thief in a pt.

Q: Are any changes going to be made to PLD 2 hr “Invincible” so that they are immune to magic attacks?
A: No, because Invincible mean immune to physical attacks, so there are currently no plans to change how Invincible works?

Q: Will Whm have an ability that can apir MP from a mob so all members of pt will get mp?
A: No, but I will write that down, we've haven't thought of that either.

Hopefully you guys like the info.^^ will update!

<3 Kalaria

Edited, Fri Mar 10 19:21:21 2006 by kalaria[u]

Edited, Fri Mar 10 23:58:44 2006 by kalaria

Edited, Sat Mar 11 01:28:43 2006 by kalaria

Edited, Sat Mar 11 01:34:17 2006 by kalaria

Edited, Sat Mar 11 02:01:35 2006 by kalaria[b]

Edited, Sat Mar 11 02:11:58 2006 by kalaria

Edited, Sat Mar 11 02:39:35 2006 by kalaria

Edited, Sat Mar 11 06:34:52 2006 by kalaria

Edited, Sat Mar 11 17:39:11 2006 by kalaria

Edited, Sat Mar 11 17:44:21 2006 by kalaria
#2 Mar 10 2006 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
they MIGHT know if hes a summon? theyre cutting it kind of close. also the info is being posted here

#3 Mar 10 2006 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
1,978 posts
They are nerfing every job. They used the word "Balancing", but basically they said they will adjust ALL the jobs.

Balancing doesnt automatically mean nerf <.<
They could be buffing jobs that need it instead, to balance.
thanks for the info though.
#4 Mar 10 2006 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Remember though, more then just them are at the event, and what one may miss, the others may have gotten, that's why I'm waiting to post my info after I see what everyone else posted, I don't want to start a new thread about what I've recorded from the event.

#5 Mar 10 2006 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
2,965 posts
Nice info! Thanks
#6 Mar 10 2006 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
While the info is being posted elsewhere, this is the most oragnized I've seen of it. I will be keeping up with this thread instead, so please keep it updated :)
#7 Mar 10 2006 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
i stand corrected and humbly apologize =)
#8 Mar 10 2006 at 7:27 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
I will add to what I have already wrote, so far no one else has posted info that I have provided and I will try my best not to repeat info. :)

#9 Mar 10 2006 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
kalaria wrote:
I will add to what I have already wrote, so far no one else has posted info that I have provided and I will try my best not to repeat info. :)


That's why I'm waiting myself lol.

#10 Mar 10 2006 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
/oops -.-

Edited, Fri Mar 10 19:41:58 2006 by kalaria
#11 Mar 10 2006 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
810 posts
Balancing jobs? a question to follow the statement, would be if balancing would consist primarily of nerfing or primarily of buffing?
#12 Mar 10 2006 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Whatever happens, happens. Leave it at that.

#13 Mar 10 2006 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
2,258 posts
*bump* Great info here!!
#14 Mar 10 2006 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
Whenever they add those Mithra♂ NPCs, I'm going to make sure to do everything in my power to get a playable conversion done...

Now, my question is, when will someone open up the conquest map screen and take a picture? That's what I really want to see from the ToAU preview above all else...
#15 Mar 10 2006 at 11:59 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
I have lots of updated info plz feel free to read! woot!
/cheer ToAU!
#16 Mar 11 2006 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
so far this is the easiest thread to read for new info.
liked the layout and ease of reading . thank you :)
#17 Mar 11 2006 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
1,651 posts
Q: Does Charisma affect Provoke?
A: No, does not affect it in any way.

Q: How exactly does Treasure Hunter work?
A: If I tell you exactly, I will go back to Japan and be dead. (laughter from crowd), but I will tell you that Thief does not have to have last hit, all you need is a thief in a pt.

VERY nice to finally get a firm answer to these issues.
#18 Mar 11 2006 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
ValeforeBain wrote:
Q: Does Charisma affect Provoke?
A: No, does not affect it in any way.

Q: How exactly does Treasure Hunter work?
A: If I tell you exactly, I will go back to Japan and be dead. (laughter from crowd), but I will tell you that Thief does not have to have last hit, all you need is a thief in a pt.

VERY nice to finally get a firm answer to these issues.

Actually those questions have been asked before (and answered), but apparently, people still believe it anyway..
#19 Mar 11 2006 at 12:22 AM Rating: Good
743 posts
I've heard people talking about the updates to the current jobs, but this is the first place I've seen it posted. Great info and easy to read. Rate up for you!
#20 Mar 11 2006 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,651 posts
What I meant was this will finally keep those people who still clung to these ideas quiet.

I still hear many people say that the thf has to land the final hit.
#21 Mar 11 2006 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,188 posts
Wow, sounds like they actually listened to alot of what the fanbase has been saying...bout time, too. I am a little saddened that they aren't buffing drg along with everyone else. I am curious what their "fixes" for bst will be (hopefully they will be fixes this time!). Chocobo breeding is a godsend! The monster fighting arena sounds cool too! (I hope you have some control though...it'd be boring otherwise. Probably too much to hope for some kind of monster raiser scenerio).

As for the specific job changes, I just hope they work like planned. It sounds like 90% addition and maybe 10% subtraction...but it's the 10% that SE is known for....
#22 Mar 11 2006 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,651 posts
Not to steal anything from this thread, but I noticed the others specifically mentioned that SE said these were all additions they were considering.

Good job on making a very organized thread OP, btw.
#23 Mar 11 2006 at 12:31 AM Rating: Default
Well looks like they just dug drgs grave, they are by far worst DD now, they bad as is and buff other DD, wtf is wrong with them.
#24 Mar 11 2006 at 12:33 AM Rating: Good
Thanks for the great info. Nice typing skills while it was happening!
#25 Mar 11 2006 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
oh i dont understand the ranger thing, is that, the dmg will be high no matter what distance, only acc effected, but if we use sharpshot then acc will be good no matter what distance.

seems whm getting good boost but bst scares me, either uber again or destroyed.
#26 Mar 11 2006 at 12:43 AM Rating: Default
4,209 posts
Auto-Refresh for PLD? SE obviously has no idea whats DRASTICALLY wrong with the job.
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