Alter Ego and Fellow Adjustments

 In the upcoming June version of Final Fantasy XI, several changes will be made to the Adventuring Fellow and Trust Initiative Alter Ego systems, to make your NPC allies more useful than ever! Trust NPCs will now be able to be summoned in several new battlefields, such as Skirmish areas and Seekers of Adoulin missions, and can be called out while in parties with other players.

Adventuring Fellows will also be seeing an addition to areas they can be summoned in, being now available in both outdoor and dungeon areas from the Seekers of Adoulin expansion!

Excited for these new changes to your NPC friends? Let us know about it over on the ZAM forums!

From the official Final Fantasy XI forums:

[dev1206] Alter Ego and Fellow Adjustments

  • Alter egos and fellows will undergo the following adjustments.
    • Alter egos will now be able to be called forth while in parties with other players.
      * Alliances may not be formed when in a party comprised of both players and alter egos, nor may parties contain multiple alter egos of the same NPC.
    • Alter egos will now be able to be called forth in the following areas and content.
      • Battlefields requiring macrocosmic or microcosmic orbs.
      • Battlefields accompanying Seekers of Adoulin missions and quests.
      • Skirmish content in the following areas.
        Rala Waterways [U] / Cirdas Caverns [U] / Yorcia Weald [U] /
        Outer Ra’Kaznar [U]
  • Fellows will be able to accompany players in the following areas.
    Rala Waterways / Yahse Hunting Grounds / Ceizak Battlegrounds / Foret de Hennetiel /
    Yorcia Weald / Morimar Basalt Fields / Marjami Ravine / Kamihr Drifts / Sih Gates /
    Moh Gates / Cirdas Caverns / Dho Gates / Woh Gates / Outer Ra’Kaznar


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