EQ Update #145

Site Updates

In this update all of the classic dyed fine plate armor was marked with original tags. Also a bunch of poison vial recipes were updated by Drewinette to what appears to be the unique component in the name of the recipes so they can easily be spotted in a recipe search.

Tomorrow we'll begin work on the new Old Sebilis HH zone and get all those new items moved over.

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Click Read More to see all the updates.

Updated Items: Small Yellow Fine Breastplate ;  Small Dark Yellow Fine Vambraces ;  Small Dark Yellow Fine Gauntlets ;  Small Dark Yellow Fine Greaves ;  Small Dark Yellow Fine Breastplate ;  Small Crimson Fine Breastplate ; Small Crimson Fine Vambraces ;  Small Brown Rust Fine Vambraces ;  Small Brown Rust Fine Gauntlets ;  Small Brown Rust Fine Greaves ;  Small Brown Rust Fine Breastplate ;  Small Dark Blue Fine Vambraces ;  Small Dark Blue Fine Gauntlets ;  Small Dark Blue Fine Breastplate ;  Small Red Rust Fine Vambraces ;  Small Red Rust Fine Gauntlets ;  Small Red Rust Fine Breastplate ;  Small Pale Yellow Fine Greaves ;  Small Pale Yellow Fine Bracer ;  Small Pale Yellow Fine Vambraces ;  Small Pale Yellow Fine Gauntlets ;  Small Pale Yellow Fine Breastplate ;  Pale Green Small Fine Vambraces ;  Pale Green Small Fine Gauntlets ;  Pale Green Small Fine Greaves ;  Pale Green Small Fine Breastplate ;  Pale Green Large Fine Vambraces ;  Pale Green Large Fine Gauntlets ;  Pale Green Large Fine Greaves ;  Pale Green Large Fine Breastplate ;  Small Pale Blue Fine Vambraces ;  Small Pale Blue Fine Gauntlets ; Small Pale Blue Fine Breastplate ;  Large Yellow Fine Breastplate ;  Large Red Rust Fine Vambraces ;  Large Red Rust Fine Gauntlets ;  Large Red Rust Fine Breastplate ;  Large Pale Blue Fine Vambraces ;  Large Pale Blue Fine Gauntlets ;  Large Pale Yellow Fine Bracer ;  Large Pale Yellow Fine Vambraces ;  Large Pale Yellow Fine Gauntlets ;  Large Pale Yellow Fine Greaves ;  Large Pale Yellow Fine Breastplate ;  Blued Steel Breastplate ;  Black Steel Breastplate ;  Blued Steel Breastplate ;  Small Grey Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Small Blue Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Large Slate Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Small Black Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Large Rose Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Small Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Small Slate Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Large Red Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Small Rose Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Small Red Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Large Pale Blue Fine Breastplate ;  Small Slate Fine Plate Bracer ;  Yellow Fine Plate Bracer ;  Small Grey Fine Plate Bracer ;  Small Red Rust Fine Plate Bracer ;  Small Red Fine Plate Bracer ;  Small Yellow Fine Plate Bracer ;  Small Rose Fine Plate Bracer ;  Small Yellow Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Yellow Fine Plate Boots ;  Small Rose Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Small Red Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Small Red Rust Fine Plate Boots ;  Small Slate Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Yellow Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Small Rose Fine Plate Boots ;  Small Pale Yellow Fine Plate Boots ;  Small Red Fine Plate Boots ;  Small Slate Fine Plate Boots ;  Small Yellow Fine Plate Boots ;  Yellow Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Small Slate Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Small Red Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Small Yellow Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Small Rose Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Yellow Fine Plate Helm ;  Small Slate Fine Plate Helm ;  Small Red Rust Fine Plate Helm ;  Small Rose Fine Plate Helm ;  Small Red Fine Plate Greaves ;  Small Yellow Fine Plate Greaves ;  Small Rose Fine Plate Greaves ;  Small Red Fine Plate Helm ;  Small Pale Yellow Fine Plate Helm ;  Yellow Fine Plate Greaves ;  Small Yellow Fine Plate Helm ;  Small Red Rust Fine Plate Greaves ;  Small Slate Fine Plate Greaves ;  Yellow Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Small Pale Blue Fine Plate Helm ;  Small Pale Blue Fine Plate Greaves ;  Small Pale Blue Fine Plate Bracer ;  Small Pale Blue Fine Plate Boots ; Small Grey Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Small Grey Fine Plate Helm ;  Small Grey Fine Plate Greaves ;  Small Grey Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Small Grey Fine Plate Boots ;  Small Dark Yellow Fine Plate Helm ;  Small Dark Yellow Fine Plate Bracer ;  Small Dark Yellow Fine Plate Boots ;  Small Dark Blue Fine Plate Helm ;  Small Dark Blue Fine Plate Greaves ;  Small Dark Blue Fine Plate Bracer ;  Small Dark Blue Fine Plate Boots ;  Small Crimson Fine Plate Helm ; Small Crimson Fine Plate Greaves ;  Small Crimson Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Small Crimson Fine Plate Bracer ;  Small Crimson Fine Plate Boots ;  Small Brown Rust Fine Plate Helm ;  Small Brown Rust Fine Plate Bracer ;  Small Brown Rust Fine Plate Boots ;  Small Blue Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Small Blue Fine Plate Helm ;  Small Blue Fine Plate Greaves ;  Small Blue Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Small Blue Fine Plate Bracer ;  Small Blue Fine Plate Boots ;  Small Black Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Small Black Fine Plate Helm ;  Small Black Fine Plate Greaves ;  Small Black Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Small Black Fine Plate Bracer ;  Small Black Fine Plate Boots ;  Slate Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Slate Fine Plate Helm ;  Slate Fine Plate Greaves ;  Slate Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Slate Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Slate Fine Plate Bracer ;  Slate Fine Plate Boots ;  Rose Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Rose Fine Plate Helm ;  Rose Fine Plate Greaves ;  Rose Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Rose Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Rose Fine Plate Bracer ;  Rose Fine Plate Boots ;  Red Rust Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Red Rust Fine Plate Helm ;  Red Rust Fine Plate Greaves ;  Red Rust Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Red Rust Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Red Rust Fine Plate Bracer ;  Red Rust Fine Plate Boots ;  Red Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Red Fine Plate Helm ;  Red Fine Plate Greaves ;  Red Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Red Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Red Fine Plate Bracer ;  Red Fine Plate Boots ;  Pale Yellow Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Pale Yellow Fine Plate Helm ;  Pale Yellow Fine Plate Greaves ;  Pale Yellow Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Pale Yellow Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Pale Yellow Fine Plate Bracer ;  Pale Yellow Fine Plate Boots ;  Pale Green Small Fine Plate Helm ;  Pale Green Small Fine Plate Bracer ;  Pale Green Small Fine Plate Boots ;  Pale Green Large Fine Plate Helm ;  Pale Green Large Fine Plate Bracer ;  Pale Green Large Fine Plate Boots ;  Pale Green Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Pale Green Fine Plate Helm ;  Pale Green Fine Plate Greaves ;  Pale Green Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Pale Green Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Pale Green Fine Plate Bracer ;  Pale Green Fine Plate Boots ;  Pale Blue Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Pale Blue Fine Plate Helm ;  Pale Blue Fine Plate Greaves ;  Pale Blue Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Pale Blue Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Pale Blue Fine Plate Bracer ;  Pale Blue Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Yellow Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Large Yellow Fine Plate Helm ;  Large Yellow Fine Plate Greaves ;  Large Yellow Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Large Yellow Fine Plate Bracer ;  Large Yellow Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Slate Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Large Slate Fine Plate Helm ;  Large Slate Fine Plate Greaves ;  Large Slate Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Large Slate Fine Plate Bracer ;  Large Slate Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Rose Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Large Rose Fine Plate Helm ;  Large Rose Fine Plate Greaves ;  Large Rose Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Large Rose Fine Plate Bracer ;  Large Rose Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Red Rust Fine Plate Helm ;  Large Red Rust Fine Plate Greaves ;  Large Red Rust Fine Plate Bracer ;  Large Red Rust Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Red Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Large Red Fine Plate Helm ;  Large Red Fine Plate Greaves ; Large Red Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Large Red Fine Plate Bracer ;  Large Red Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Pale Yellow Fine Plate Helm ;  Large Pale Yellow Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Pale Blue Fine Plate Helm ;  Large Pale Blue Fine Plate Greaves ;  Large Pale Blue Fine Plate Bracer ;  Large Pale Blue Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Grey Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Large Grey Fine Plate Helm ;  Large Grey Fine Plate Greaves ;  Large Grey Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Large Grey Fine Plate Bracer ;  Large Grey Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Grey Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Large Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Large Dark Yellow Fine Vambraces ;  Large Dark Yellow Fine Plate Helm ;  Large Dark Yellow Fine Plate Bracer ; Large Dark Yellow Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Dark Yellow Fine Greaves ;  Large Dark Yellow Fine Gauntlets ;  Large Dark Yellow Fine Breastplate ;  Large Dark Blue Fine Vambraces ;  Large Dark Blue Fine Plate Helm ;  Large Dark Blue Fine Plate Greaves ;  Large Dark Blue Fine Plate Bracer ;  Large Dark Blue Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Dark Blue Fine Gauntlets ;  Large Dark Blue Fine Breastplate ;  Large Crimson Fine Vambraces ;  Large Crimson Fine Plate Helm ;  Large Crimson Fine Plate Greaves ;  Large Crimson Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Large Crimson Fine Plate Bracer ;  Large Crimson Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Crimson Fine Breastplate ;  Large Brown Rust Fine Vambraces ;  Large Brown Rust Fine Plate Helm ;  Large Brown Rust Fine Plate Bracer ;  Large Brown Rust Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Brown Rust Fine Greaves ;  Large Brown Rust Fine Gauntlets ;  Large Brown Rust Fine Breastplate ;  Large Blue Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Large Blue Fine Plate Helm ;  Large Blue Fine Plate Greaves ;  Large Blue Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Large Blue Fine Plate Bracer ;  Large Blue Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Blue Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Large Black Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Large Black Fine Plate Helm ;  Large Black Fine Plate Greaves ;  Large Black Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Large Black Fine Plate Bracer ;  Large Black Fine Plate Boots ;  Large Black Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Grey Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Grey Fine Plate Helm ;  Grey Fine Plate Greaves ;  Grey Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Grey Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Grey Fine Plate Bracer ;  Grey Fine Plate Boots ;  Green Small Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Green Small Fine Plate Helm ;  Green Small Fine Plate Greaves ;  Green Small Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Green Small Fine Plate Bracer ;  Green Small Fine Plate Boots ;  Green Small Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Green Large Fine Plate Vambraces ; Green Large Fine Plate Helm ;  Green Large Fine Plate Greaves ;  Green Large Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Green Large Fine Steel Breastplate ;  Green Large Fine Plate Bracer ;  Green Large Fine Plate Boots ;  Green Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Green Fine Plate Helm ;  Green Fine Plate Greaves ;  Green Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Green Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Green Fine Plate Bracer ;  Green Fine Plate Boots ;  Dark Yellow Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Dark Yellow Fine Plate Helm ;  Dark Yellow Fine Plate Greaves ;  Dark Yellow Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Dark Yellow Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Dark Yellow Fine Plate Bracer ;  Dark Yellow Fine Plate Boots ;  Dark Green Small Fine Vambraces ;  Dark Green Small Fine Plate Helm ;  Dark Green Small Fine Plate Bracer ;  Dark Green Small Fine Plate Boots ;  Dark Green Small Fine Greaves ;  Dark Green Small Fine Gauntlets ;  Dark Green Small Fine Breastplate ;  Dark Green Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Dark Green Fine Plate Helm ;  Dark Green Fine Plate Greaves ;  Dark Green Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Dark Green Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Dark Green Fine Plate Bracer ;  Dark Green Fine Plate Boots ;  Dark Blue Fine Plate Helm ;  Dark Blue Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Dark Blue Fine Plate Greaves ;  Dark Blue Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Dark Blue Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Dark Blue Fine Plate Bracer ;  Dark Blue Fine Plate Boots ;  Dark Green Large Fine Vambraces ;  Dark Green Large Fine Plate Helm ;  Dark Green Large Fine Plate Bracer ;  Dark Green Large Fine Plate Boots ;  Dark Green Large Fine Greaves ;  Dark Green Large Fine Gauntlets ;  Dark Green Large Fine Breastplate ;  Crimson Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Crimson Fine Plate Helm ;  Crimson Fine Plate Greaves ;  Crimson Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Crimson Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Crimson Fine Plate Bracer ;  Crimson Fine Plate Boots ; Brown Rust Fine Plate Bracer ;  Brown Rust Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Brown Rust Fine Plate Helm ;  Brown Rust Fine Plate Greaves ;  Brown Rust Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Brown Rust Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Brown Rust Fine Plate Boots ;  Blue Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Blue Fine Plate Helm ;  Blue Fine Plate Greaves ;  Blue Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Blue Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Blue Fine Plate Bracer ;  Blue Fine Plate Boots ;  Black Fine Plate Vambraces ;  Black Fine Plate Helm ;  Black Fine Plate Greaves ;  Black Fine Plate Gauntlets ;  Black Fine Plate Breastplate ;  Black Fine Plate Bracer ;  Black Fine Plate Boots 

Updated Recipes: Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Werewolf Pelt) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Blackburrow Gnoll Pelt) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Coyote Pelt) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Gnawfang's Pelt) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Jackal Pelt) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Scrounge's Pelt) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Mist Wolf Pelt) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Medium Quality Cat Pelt) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (High Quality Cat Pelt) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Giant Dire Wolf Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Giant Polar Bear Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Low Quality Lion Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Alligator Skin);  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Arena Lion Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Blackburrow Gnoll Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Panther Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Shark Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Superb Lion Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Tiger Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Zombie Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Medium Quality Wolf Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (High Quality Wolf Skin) ; Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (White Wolf Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Black Wolf Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Medium Quality Lion Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (High Quality Lion Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Puma Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Low Quality Bear Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Medium Quality Bear Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (High Quality Bear Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Polar Bear Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Thick Grizzly Bear Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Low Quality Wolf Skin) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Crow's Special Brew) ;  Unfired Advanced Poison Vial (Mammoth's Hide) 

Bestiary Updates: King Dronan


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