Update Notes: Thursday June 29, 2017


  • Added a confirmation to removing a chat tab. This can be disabled at Options > User Interface > Chat Window > Confirm Remove Tab.

Chamber of Rejuvenation [Raid]

  • Summoned Detonators no longer gain immunity from mez and stun once they have been mezzed or stunned.
  • Corrected an issue which sometimes caused Trakanon to not use his Bursting Spores ability.
  • Drag type abilities will no longer work on Trakanon.


  • Sleek Wolf Hides - Erwin Rohan now has the proper quest completion icon.
  • Some Nice Bear Hides - Danielle Clothspinner now has the proper quest completion icon.
  • Turning Turtle - The second pile of turtle shells can now also be gathered.
  • Complex Rime - Mazni's Summoning Stone can once again be used to summon the Effigy of Mazni.
  • A Bone to Grind - Defeating the Bonegrinder in Befallen: Cavern of the Afflicted [Agnostic] now updates the quest.
  • Rumors of the Grender - Characters can no longer get stuck next to the Grender totem directly under the Order of the Arcane in Greater Faydark.


  • The level 100 Shiny Brass Halberd and the Shiny Brass Shield have exchanged their Shiny Brass stats with each other.


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