
Adamant is created using a refining technique which involves smelting and various other secret methods to purify it. Adamant is normally magic-inert so therefore any person wielding an adamant weapon, adamant shield, or wearing adamant armor is immune to magic. In most circumstances, they cannot use it either. There is a way to enchant adamant items so that their enchantments can be used like any other enchantments on weapons or armor made of other metals. These enchantments have historically been only of the kind that dwarven Runesmiths make and must have been placed on the item in question during the forging process.

After the item is finished, its runic properties are "set" and can never be changed or added on to in any way. Whether these items would take enchantments from human wizards during the time of refining is not known and any suggestions that they would is pure speculation. Adamant weapons, armor, and shields are as durable and weigh as little as Mithril ones.

Warhammer Online

This page last modified 2008-08-18 18:30:07.