Boy and the Beast Spoilers  

The following are transcripts and video for the quest Boy and the Beast.

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Southern San d'Oria (S) Part 1

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Raustigne : Access beyond the Victory Gate is not permitted at this time.
Raustigne : Why, Viscount Dieuffon and Squire Altennia!
Altennia : Good day, Raustigne.
Altennia : Oh, and PLAYERNAME as well. I am pleased to see you again.
Altennia : Please allow me to introduce Viscount Phillieulais S Dieuffon, lieutenant of the Royal Guards.
Phillieulais S Dieuffon : It is a pleasure to meet you, PLAYERNAME.
Raustigne : What in the name of Altana!?
??? : You will stand down this instant! I will join that accursed First Regiment...
Let me join...in my sister's stead!
Estavoille : Milord, we beg you!
Raphaillance : Please, you must return with us to the chateau!
Halver M Borel : Arrrgh! Stand down, I said! What part of that command do you two not understand!?
Phillieulais S Dieuffon : My dear Count Borel, what be the reason for this commotion?
Phillieulais S Dieuffon : This behavior befits not a person of your standing.
If you do not compose yourself, the Temple Knights shall have no choice but to attend to you.
Halver M Borel : Phillieulais! You may be my childhood friend, but this matter concerns you not!
Halver M Borel : M-my beloved siste... I will not stand by and watch her march off to Garlaige Citadel!
Phillieulais S Dieuffon : I see...
Phillieulais S Dieuffon : Count Borel... Halver... I do not deny that His Majesty's counteroffensive strategy will be wrought with danger. But as Altennia's own flesh and blood, surely you understand her feelings, her desire to protect and serve her nation.
Altennia : Thank you for your kind words, sir.
Altennia : No harm will come to me, dear brother. You are aware of my proficiency with polearms better than any other.
Halver M Borel : B-but, Altennia...
Estavoille : Please forgive us, milord! We must now escort you back to the chateau!
Halver M Borel : Altennia! Nooooooooo!!!
Halver M Borel : Altennniaaaaaa!!!
Altennia : I'm sorry, Halver...
Phillieulais S Dieuffon : Altennia... Despite my words to your brother, I must confess I am not entirely without apprehension.
Phillieulais S Dieuffon : The Knights of the Carmine Swallow are the finest soldiers in the Kingdom, the elite among elite.
I have the utmost confidence they will do more than hold their own against the enemy.
Phillieulais S Dieuffon : But never forget that soldiers pay for complacency with their lives.
The past few days have seen a substantial surge in beasthorde activity in the vicinity of San d'Oria.
Keep your guard up at all times, Altennia, not only for your sake, but for Halver's as well.
Altennia : I apologize for making you witness what just transpired, PLAYERNAME.
Altennia : It was my brother, Halver, who was escorted away kicking and screaming.
Altennia : You see, a mission of critical import has been entrusted upon my regiment.
Altennia : I am not authorized to disclose the details of the operation, but...
Altennia : I fear I may not be able to see any of my loved ones again.
Altennia : ...
Altennia : There is something I must ask of you. Please hear me out.
Altennia : If...
Altennia : If I fall in battle...
Altennia : I want you to look after Excenmille and the Young Griffons.
Altennia : Ever since the tragic loss of his mother, I have been all he has.
Excenmille had closed himself off from all other elders...
But miraculously, he has taken to you, PLAYERNAME.
Altennia : There is no other I can depend on.
Altennia : Can I ask this of you, if I should not return?

Will you take care of the Young Griffons?

  • I promise! <--
  • Be strong, Altennia!

Altennia : This means more to me than you could ever imagine. Thank you, PLAYERNAME.
Altennia : Now I can charge into battle under the Carmine Swallow banner without any regret.
Altennia : The time for departure has come.
Altennia : Before I leave, there is something you should know.
Altennia : (This concerns Temple Knight Darvylle, whom you say was conversing with the Orc escapee.)
Altennia : (Darvylle has been observed absent on numerous occasions to tend to matters of an unknown nature.)
Altennia : (I sense treachery at play, PLAYERNAME. It would be prudent to not let that one out of your sight.)
Altennia : I must go now. Thank you, PLAYERNAME. I know the Young Griffons are in good hands.

Southern San d'Oria (S) Part 2

no description

Rholont : Welcome back from your mission!
Word of your accomplishments in the field has reached all ears at headquarters!
Rholont : Your trouncing of bloodthirsty Orcs has brought honor to the Young Griffons!
Rholont : Oh, I must inform you, the War Council scheduled for today has been postponed, due to an emergency change-of-mind by the captain.
Rholont : Both the captain and lieutenant have departed for a scouting expedition of Gigas activity on Gerlvan Isle.
Rholont : You are unaware of this undertaking by the Young Griffons?
Rholont : It is the continuation of an expedition that was commenced prior to your enlistment.
Rholont : What? A status report of the expedition, you say?
Rholont : Engineer Bistillot!!!
Bistillot : <Sigh>
Sentinel Rholont, how many times must I remind you that shouting is completely unnecessary from this distance?
Rholont : Let's see...
By calculating their progress based on a report from the previous journey, I assume they have now arrived and commenced gathering information at Vunkerl Inlet.
Rholont : With but the two of them, I wonder if everything is proceeding according to plan...
Rholont : You see, during the previous expedition, we encountered a hulking, grey Gigas. Well...if truth be told, we caught but a glimpse of the monstrous creature from afar. But that was enough to cause our ranks to crumble into disarray. The undignified way in which we reacted still remains a bitter memory for the Young Griffons...
Bistillot : After such an episode, even a foolhardy Elvaan like the captain would not act rashly should he again encounter that Gigas.
Rholont : But knowing the captain, there is the possibility he has gone back to seek the very same Gigas...to redeem himself.
Rholont : It was near the bridge in Vunkerl Inlet where we saw the Gigas in question.
Chances are it is there you will find the captain and lieutenant.

Vunkerl Inlet (S) Part 1

no description

Leadavox: (singing) Elvaan child and Gigas.
Leadavox: (singing) Sittin' in a tree.
Leadavox: (singing) F-I-S-H-I-N-G.
Rahal: PLAYERNAME? How did you know to find us here!?
Rahal: <Sigh>
Please remind me to reevaluate what confidential information we entrust to Rholont and Bistillot...
Rahal: Oh, with me here is Leadavox, a good Goblin friend. She has a talent for communicating with Gigas.
Leadavox: Hi there!
Rahal: We tracked down this most unusual Gigas, uh... K-Kly...
Leadavox: The name's "Klythios." He's fond of fishin'!
Rahal: Yes yes, Klythios.
Rahal: Knowing of the Gigas' propensity for ferocity, we had concealed ourselves in the bushes, observing the creature from afar...
Rahal: When Excenmille inexplicably leaps out like a madman and challenges Klythios to a fish-off!
Rahal: Look yonder...
Excenmille: Fly, damn you! Fly like the wind!
Excenmille: You watch, my grey, gargantuan friend! It shan't be long till you feast your eyes upon the largest fish ever reeled in this side of Vana'diel!
Klythios: Ughuo! Gugho, gaghuuu.
Rahal: According to Leadavox, the two are engaged in a test of strength, where victory is decided by the larger fish.
But... sometimes I cannot help but wonder whether they actually understand each other.
Leadavox: What? you questionin' my ability to communicate with Gigas!?
Rahal: I-I'm sorry, I hadn't meant to give offense...
Leadavox: That's more like it. I like ya, so I'm gonna tell ya somethin' interestin'.
Leadavox: That Klythios there, is descended from the gods--a real nasty piece of work, he is!
Leadavox: Even other Gigas know to keep away!
Rahal: Is he truly as dangerous as you say? Nothing to suggest that has happened so far...
Leadavox: You'll change your mind when Klythios sups on fish and has your friend for dessert!
Excenmille: ...
Excenmille: Confound it! Why is it taking so long?
Excenmille: Huh?
Excenmille: Yes! This unmistakable feeling...a catch of Gigas proportion!
Klythios: Uwoh, ugaaa!?
Excenmille: ...
Excenmille: .........
Excenmille: A snag...
Klythios: Gwaaa! Gwahahahahaha!
Excenmille: That's it!
Excenmille: No more mister nice Elvaan! I shall reel this in even if it means bringing in with it the whole of Vana'diel!!!

Excenmille pulls hard

Klythios: Ugo, ugagaaa!!!
Klythios: Gugyaaa!

Klythios falls over

Excenmille: A-an earthquake?
Excenmille: Hm? What are you doing down on your haunches?
Klythios: Uggan, gueg, guddag! Gagaggh! Gagaggh!
Rahal: Leadavox, what is he trying to say?
Leadavox: That's for me to know, and for you to find out... with some gil.
Rahal: Once a Goblin, always a Goblin, I see...
Leadavox: But since I like you so much, you can pay me later.
Leadavox: Okay, this is a good one.
Klythios has reluctantly admitted defeat--he thinks your friend caused the earthquake!
Rahal: Wh-what!? Surely you jest!
Rahal: Hey Excenmille!
Excenmille: Oh, Rahal. And you're here too, PLAYERNAME?
Rahal: It appears you are victorious, thanks to your incredible "feat" in moving the whole of Vana'diel.
Excenmille: Oh. That is rather... unexpected.
Klythios: Uguuu... ugguguuu.
Excenmille: Is something amiss, Klythios? Did you injure yourself when you fell?
Excenmille: PLAYERNAME!
Excenmille: I am assigning you to an emergency mission.
Excenmille: Lieutenant Rahal, do you recall the time when Bistillot told us about remedial herbs?
Rahal: Yes, the quick-acting remedial herbs that are found only on Vunkerl Inlet...
Rahal: If I remember correctly, the leaves of this particular species of herbs are known to change color depending on the time of day.
Rahal: How fortunate! I have Bistillot's notes concerning these herbs in my possession.
Excenmille: Good work, Lieutenant. I shall take it from here.

"Vunkerl herb memo"
00:00~07:59 San d'Oria
08:00~15:59 Bastok
16:00~23:59 Windurst

Excenmille: The numbers on the left signify the time of day, while the words on the right refer to...
Excenmille: ......
Excenmille: W-well, what are you waiting for, PLAYERNAME!?
Excenmille: Go gather the herb and return here, post-haste!
Excenmille: What? The words on the right side of the note? Th-the meaning is perfectly clear, so work it out for yourself, soldier!
Excenmille: D-dismissed!
Obtained key item: Vunkerl herb memo.

Vunkerl Inlet (S) Part 2

Excenmille: Hey, over here!
Excenmille: You found the herb? Well done, soldier! Now we can treat Klythios's injury.
Klythios: Guuu, guguo...
Excenmille: The herb works like a charm.
Excenmille: Hm? A fish-off rematch, you say?
Excenmille: Mwahahaha! I admire your indomitable spirit, my ludicrously large friend... It takes a real Gigas to even consider taking on Captain Excenmille of the Young Griffons, the fabled "Fisher of Vana'diel"!
Excenmille: I accept your challenge with pleasure...
Excenmille: But I am a fair Elvaan, and shall wait until your injury has healed completely.
Klythios: Uga, ugogo.
Excenmille: What's this? You wish to give this to me?
Excenmille: Take good care of yourself, you lumbering oaf!
Leadavox: I'm impressed! That boy can also communicate with Gigas...
Leadavox: Guess you won't be needin' me to interpret no more. See ya!
Leadavox: (singing) Elvaan child and Gigas.
Leadavox: (singing) Sittin' in a tree.
Leadavox: (singing) F-I-S-H-I-N-G.
Excenmille: PLAYERNAME, since you gathered the herb for Klythios, you deserve this more than I.
Excenmille: good work, Young Griffons! Thanks to your tireless efforts, the scouting expedition was a great success!
Excenmille: The debriefing will be held at headquarters. Lieutenant Rahal, PLAYERNAME, we're going home!
You obtain a carbon fishing rod!

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2010-06-12 18:25:58.