Fangs of the Lion Spoilers  

Following is a transcript of the mission AU43 - Fangs of the Lion.

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Scene 1: Alzadaal Undersea Ruins

Amnaf: ...

Amnaf: Ugh......

Amnaf: I will...not...allow...

Amnaf: For...the...Grand...Vizier...

Amnaf: I...will...stop...you...

Amnaf: For...my...Raz...fahd......

Amnaf: !?

Naja Salaheem: !?

Raubahn: Amnaf. My dear Immortal Lion.

Raubahn: Your part in this is over. You have earned eternal rest...

Naja Salaheem: Ewww... Now this is an interrrestin' development.

Naja Salaheem: My tail is twitchin' all over the place...

Naja Salaheem: (Listen up, Player name. We rrrun in different directions and meet up back at the office...)

Naja Salaheem: Now!

Raubahn: Player name...one day I shall feast on your soul...

Raubahn: One day...

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2009-03-17 21:30:47.