On Thin Ice Spoilers  

The following are transcripts for the Wings of the Goddess Mission 20 On Thin Ice.

Contents [hide]


  • Cait Sith Naoi
  • Raustigne
  • Ragelise
  • Noillurie
  • Vestillet
  • Larzos
  • Portia
  • Portentous Woman

Act 1: Beaucedine Glacier (S)

Lilisette : Phew... That was a close shave.
Cait Sith Naoi : Hrm?
??? : Gahaha... I'm impressed.
Larzos : Let me introduce myself. I'm Larzos, Captain of the Bismuth Musketeers and a Spitewarden of Lady Lilith.
Larzos : We might stand on opposin' sides of the board, but you've got guts. I like people with guts. I've got a feeling we're gonna get along just fine.
Lilisette : Wh-what's that rumbling!?
Cait Sith Naoi : Ceithir! We're not finished yet!

Ceithir warps away as an avalanche comes crashing down through the glacier.

Lilisette : !?
Portia : Lilisette! Get down!
Lilisette : This is--!? A protective barrier?
Portia : Did they... save us?
Lilisette : PLAYERNAME!!!

Two eyes carry off Portia and Lilisette, who are trapped in a magical bubble.

Cait Sith Naoi :
Cait Sith Naoi : Lilisette! Portia!
Cait Sith Naoi : Nooooooo!
Cait Sith Naoi : How could this have happened!? Ah, the predicament!
Cait Sith Naoi : Ugh... I-I'm stuck! PLAYERNAME! A hand if you --

You are buried in the snow. You get out and chat with Cait Sith Naoi.

Cait Sith Naoi : This is a catastrophe! The enemy has deprived us of our most potent playing piece! Our trump card!
Cait Sith Naoi : We must go and save them right away! No time to delay!
Cait Sith Naoi : But how can we hope to prevail against an opponent that brought even Ringaling to heel... ? O Gentle Altana, please shine forth your guiding light....

''Meanwhile, in a dark, distant dungeon, Lilisette and Portia are presented to a mysterious woman in a black, gothic dress. The woman is playing chess with herself on a board suspended in midair.

Larzos : Go on. Mind how you conduct yourself, or you'll end up short a head. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Lilisette : .....
Larzos : I've brought them as commanded, milady.
Portentous Woman : Very good.
Larzos : If I might ask, milady, which is the one you sought?
Portentous Woman : ... (she points at Portia)
Larzos : I see.
Portentous Woman :
Lilisette : D-didn't anyone teach you that it's rude to stare?
Portentous Woman : How disappointing... Why, I feel betrayed even.
Portentous Woman : I had expected a great deal more sophistication, all things considered. But then again, for what purpose do expectations exist if not to be betrayed?
Portentous Woman : Even so, this doesn't lessen the disappointment of reality: an unsophisticated, undersized slip of a girl...
Lilisette : Hey! Unsophisticated, I'll admit, but who're you calling undersized!?
Portentous Woman : If I were to judge by looks alone, she'd be no more than a mere pawn -- a throwaway piece.
Larzos : Well, ain't that a cryin' shame.
Lilisette : Oww!
Lilisette : Hey! What do you think you're doing!?
Portentous Woman : Silence!
The woman hits Lilisette with a wall of magical energy.
Lilisette : Oof!
Portia :Lilisette!
Portentous Woman : You are welcome here.
Portia : What?
Lilisette : Wh-who are you?

Back at Beaucedine...

Cait Sith Naoi : What could they intend for Lilisette and Portia, I wonder...
Cait Sith Naoi : Could it be that the two girls are essential elements in their future? Necessary ingredients? But if so, in what way?
Cait Sith Naoi : ...
Cait Sith Naoi : PLAYERNAME. You've come to realize, too, have you not?
Cait Sith Naoi : Their reason for coming to the past is for no purpose other than to steal the future! Swipe it from right under our noses!

Back in the strange dungeon...

Aquila : (Pssst. They could pass for identical twins at least in stubbornness, don't you think?)
Haudrale : (If you've tired of living, I suggest you keep wagging that tongue of yours.)
Haudrale : (The manipulation begins...)
Portentous Woman : I know your heart's innermost desire. Your wish is to save the life of Ragelise B Baloumat, is it not?
Portia : !!!
Portentous Woman : Join our cause, and what you seek shall be yours.
Portentous Woman : The curse is slowly but surely draining away his life force, with but one eventuality... The cold embrace of death.
Portia : S-Sir Ragelise! ... What? N-no...
Portentous Woman : No one -- not that petulant girl, not the felines, nor the so-called Champions of the Dawn -- can save your beloved. No one can... but us.
Portia : Do you speak the truth? Can Sir Ragelise... truly be saved?
Lilisette : Portia, no! You mustn't be fooled!
Portentous Woman : Mind your manners!
The woman hits Lilisette with another spell.
Lilisette : Uh!
Portia : Lilisette!
Portentous Woman : You of all people should know better. The wound will cause Ragelise B Baloumat insufferable pain for as long as he draws ragged breath. It will weaken him with each passing day and break his spirit. Then it will kill him.
Portia : ...!
Lilisette : B-but...
Portentous Woman : Poor misled child.... Ask yourself this. Why is it that you're disappearing from people's memories? The truth is difficult to accept, but's resoundingly clear.
Portentous Woman : It's because you're unwanted. You and the future from which you came... both will cease to exist.
Portentous Woman : No one will remember that you ever lived -- not even those you hold most dear. The solitude will torment you every waking second until you die, forgotten, without a single tear being shed in your name.
Lilisette : No! That's not true!
Portentous Woman : Look back on your past and you'll see. You've always been alone.
Portentous Woman : Nobody needs you. That's why they all abandon you and disappear.
Lilisette : .... PLAYERNAME is different!
Portentous Woman : PLAYERNAME... ?
Lilisette : My tag-team partner, PLAYERNAME! He believes in me, and would never abandon me!
Portentous Woman : I grow weary of your petulance.
The woman casts another spell on Lilisette.
Lilisette : Owwww!
Portia : Stop it! I won't forgive you if you harm Lilisette!
Portentous Woman : ...
Lilisette : ....
Larzos : You wish to keep that one alive, milady?
Portentous Woman : Even pawns have their uses. Lock them up in the dungeon. I will abide by your wish for now.
Portentous Woman : But in time, you will come to accept the truth in my words through choked tears.

Back at Beaucedine, you are still taking with Cait Sith Naoi.

Cait Sith Naoi : PLAYERNAME. On our own, we don't stand a wind elemental's chance in Beaucedine.
Cait Sith Naoi : We must return to San d'Oria and entreat the aid of the knights. Request backup.
Cait Sith Naoi : But... I dread how Ringaling might react when he finds out that Portia has been captured.
Cait Sith Naoi : PLAYERNAME... The unenviable task of bearing the brunt of Ringaling's fury, I entrust to you. Leave it to the expert.

Act 2: Southern San d'Oria (S)

You and Cait Sith Naoi enter Southern San d'Orea (S) to speak with Ragelise.

Raustigne : Ah, PLAYERNAME! How does this day find you?
Raustigne : Please enter the chateau at will.
Ragelise : Why, PLAYERNAME. What brings you back so soon?
Ragelise : Where are the others? I thought Portia and Lilisette had left in your company.
Ragelise : Egads! What in blazes is that black and white create--?
Cait Sith Naoi : Small details such as my identity can wait. Will keep until another day. Your comrade PLAYERNAME has urgent news to divulge to you.
Ragelise : Wh-what!? Both Portia and Lilisette!? Confound it! Confound it to hell!
Ragelise : PLAYERNAME! I cannot believe you permitted such a thing to happen!
Cait Sith Naoi : Eep!
Ragelise : What... what am I saying? The blame is not yours, but mine. Had only I been strong enough to overcome my condition....
Ragelise : I... I'm sorry...
Cait Sith Naoi : Ringaling...
Ragelise : Please forgive me my outburst.
Cait Sith Naoi : Wh'where are you going?
Ragelise : You knwo as well as I. I strike for the Beaucedine Glacier.
Cait Sith Naoi: : N-no! Wait! You can't handle this on your own! We need to think before we act! Chart out each step!
Ragelise : !!!
Ragelise : Ugh... Damn this wound...
Noillurie : Sir Ragelise! Why are you not resting in bed?
Cait Sith Naoi : !?
Noillurie : You are in no condition to be wandering about unescorted!
Ragelise : N-Noillurie!? I... I thought you were engaging enemy forces out at the Vunkerl Inlet...
Noillurie : I had indeed gone and joined the fray at the inlet. But I was there only in body, for my mind had never left you. In reconciling the two, I knew there was naught I could do save one thing: return here to be by your side.
Noillurie : I have no excuses to offer. My irrational behavior astonishes even myself.
Noillurie : It is true what they say about love... that it can drive a woman insane.
Ragelise : Noillurie?
Noillurie : I arrived here just in time to hear of your intent to go north. It would be my honor to go forth in your stead and color the white snow of Beaucedine crimson with steaming heathen blood!
Ragelise : Noillurie, listen---
Noillurie : Say no more! For bereft of love and honor, a woman's life holds no meaning!
Ragelise : I'm not sure I follow...
Noillurie : Rest easy, Sir Ragelise, for distance is no obstacle for two who are bound by destiny.
Ragelise : Erhm...
Noillurie : Upon my return, I... I would that we were joined before the Goddess.
Ragelise : ...
Noillurie : Company, fall in!
Vestillet : Hahaha, the trials and tribulations of a heartthrob...
Ragelise : This is no laughing matter.
Vestillet : I know, and envy you not in the least. I came here not to mock, but to say that I, too, will depart for the north.
Vestillet : I assume you're already aware of the Allied Forces' preemptive strategy underway there? Some time ago, it came to light that the beastmen were amassing a sizable force out in Valdeaunia.
Vestillet : Noillurie's unit and my own have been assigned the task of laying an ambush.
Ragelise : What? I've heard of no such thing. Why have my Ironcrest Hawks not been called?
Vestillet : The war is far from over, my friend, and you, far from fully healed. Likely, General Cousseraux deemed it best that your unit is kept in reserve for a more dire time.
Ragelise : I cannot abide by this. I will not be left behind.
Vestillet : Ragelise, listen to me. The war is already lost if we knight captains cannot distinguish between duty and personal affairs. Consider this. Should the operation fail, and you were to fall with us, the kingdom's defenses would be severely compromised. All would be lost.
Vestillet : Now, tell me. Portia... is she in danger?
Ragelise : Aye...
Vestillet : I thought as much. You just sit tight and leave this matter to us.
Cait Sith Naoi : Oooh, ooh! Don't forget Lilisette! Lilisette's in danger, too!
Vestillet : Hm? Understood.
Ragelise : I'm counting on you....
Cait Sith Naoi : (PLAYERNAME! This is the chance we've been waiting for! An opening!)
Cait Sith Naoi : (While the Madder Falcons and the Red Roses hold any encroaching enemies at bay...)
Cait Sith Naoi : (You and I will attempt to locate Lilisette and Portia! Extricate the two damsels!)
Cait Sith Naoi : (Let's go and ask Vestillet and Noillurie for permission to join their company!)
Noillurie : Hm? Why, you're the one who so rudely interrupted my private interlude with Sir Ragelise...
Vestillet : If you've yet to be introduced, this here is PLAYERNAME, one of Ragelise's closest friends.
Vestillet : Hm? You wish to accompany our units north so as to rescue the two Troupe Mayakov dancers? Having had the honor of fighting alongside you in La Vaule, I know full well your battle prowess. However---
Noillurie : Absolutely out of the question!
Vestillet : Aye... 'Tis unfortunate, but I fear I cannot extend my hand in welcome. Our orders come from above, and it is not our decision to make.
Noillurie : Above all else, I'll not allow my unit's integrity to be compromised by unproven personnel.
Cait Sith Naoi : ("Unproven"? What nerve! PLAYERNAME! Surely, you'll not take this insult lying down? Be walked all over? Yes, that's the spirit, PLAYERNAME! Show them the kind of mettle you're made of!)
Noillurie : Hmm... Sir Ragelise does seem to hold you in some regard...
Noillurie : Very well. I shall hence retire temporariliy to undertake my pre-departure purification ritual. During which time, bring us that which can attest to your martial prowess.
Noillurie : A close friend of Sir Ragelise would surely lack not for recognition among Kingdom troops.
Vestillet : Ah yes, a fine proposal. What better way for PLAYERNAME to prove his worth than with the endorsement of our own soldiers?
Vestillet : PLAYERNAME. Seek out the knights within the Kingdom's walls for their support in writing. Something upwards of 20 signatures should suffice. Naturally, more signatures can only lend greater weight to your cause.
Vestillet : Do your best to put your credentials beyond doubt, and we shall negotiate with our superiors on your behalf.
Noillurie : Then it is agreed. Waste no time, though, for war waits for no woman.

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2010-02-06 13:00:50.