The Davoi Report Spoilers  

--Area: Southern San d'Oria--

Endracion: This time it's messenger duty. One of our knights is out scouting in a place called Davoi, on the southern edge of Jugner Forest.

Endracion: The Orcs' stronghold is in Davoi, so it's vital that we stop them from massing, or they may launch an assault.

Endracion: Of course, the Orcs are keeping an eye on us, too. Why, just a few days past, a squad of our Royal Knights fell to their axes.

Endracion: Prince Trion ordered scouts from the Royal Knights to Davoi, while Prince Pieuje ordered scouts from the Temple Knights. It's like the right hand knows not what the left is doing!

Endracion: Monarlais Halver is furious, but first he needs knowledge. You must find the scout from the Temple Knights, Receive his scouting report, and return that report to the monarlais.

Endracion: That is all. You'll take the mission then?

Endracion: The scout's name is Zantaviat. He's somewhere in Davoi, but where I cannot say.

Endracion: Come back after you've gotten the report. Those lands are no place to wander.

--Area: Davoi--

Zantaviat: A Message? Finally! I am Zantaviat of the Temple Knights.

Zantaviat: I've been monitoring Orc activity here for several weeks. They grow stronger in numbers by the day.

Zantaviat: In our recent investigations, we have observed that Orcs are working towards a single purpose. Prince Pieuje was right all along...

Zantaviat: I had prepared 'a Temple Knights' Davoi report' and given it to one of the officers to deliver...

Zantaviat: ...but the officer dropped one of the pages while fleeing from an Orc ambush last night.

Zantaviat: According to the officer, he says he dropped the page near a crucifixion mound by that pond you see before us.

Zantaviat: With the Orcs forces doubled like this, attacking them head-on would be futile. Sneaking in and retrieving the page unnoticed is the most logical method of carrying out this mission.

*Click the ! by the pond* Obtained key item: Lost document.

Zantaviat: You found the page! Well done. Now the Temple Knights' Davoi report is complete. Take this to San d'Oria swiftly and deliver it to Prince Pieuje.

Obtained key item: Temple Knights' Davoi Report.

--Area: Southern San d'Oria--

Endracion: What? You were told to hand the Temple Knights' Davoi report to Prince Pieuje personally? Endracion: Well, you should find His Highness in the cathedral.

--Area: Northern San d'Oria--

Pieuje: We can negotiate with the Orcs once we know what they want, but I loathe the prospect of sending Temple Knights to scout.

Shamonde: That hotheaded brother of yours refuses to thing pragmatically. Our research through the centuries proves that the Gates of Paradise will soon open forth!

Shamonde: And still his ears are deaf to us! Your Highness, I fear we may fall behind the other nations.

Pieuje: I understand. We must first find what the Orcs know of Paradise's gates.

Pieuje: Bold have they become of late. Some say their arm has reached as far as the Tomb of King Ranperre and Ordelle's Caves.

Pieuje: Hm? Is someone there?

Shamonde: How dare you! Eavesdropping on the papsque as he entertains the prince!

Pieuje: No, it is all right, Your Holiness.

Pieuje: You came to deliver the report, yes? Well, let us see it.

Pieuje: So... The Orcs are searching for something. What it is we cannot say. This requires further delving.

Shamonde: Hmph.

Pieje: Thank you, ____. I will inform the gatehouse knight that your mission is complete.

This page last modified 2008-08-08 20:06:27.