The Emissary Spoilers  

The following are transcripts for the mission The Emissary.

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Opening Scene - Metalworks

Naji: Good to see you again. I hear you're going overseas.
Naji: Usually, I would be giving you your orders, but this time, the president's aide wants to meet with you in person.
Naji: I don't know if the missions you've been on so far were tough for you...
Naji: But this time, I'm sure it's going to be a real challenge.
Naji: I mean, you're going to have to go to both San d'Oria and Windurst...
Naji: It's not like going somewhere nearby, like Gustaberg or the Konschtat Highlands. You'll have to travel by sea, too.
Naji: This is the President's Room. Remember to be polite.
Naji: (Oh, and make sure you don't say anything that might offend him... He's really touchy.)
Lucius: Ah, we have been expecting you. I remember meeting you after your first mission. Let me introduce you. This is Sir Karst--
Karst: President Karst. That is how you will address me.
Karst: Lucius, what was that about a first mission?
Lucius: The report from the Zeruhn Mines, sir. About the Talekeeper--
Karst: Hmph. Those Galka again. I was not informed you had met with the messenger, Lucius.
Lucius: I did not feel it was necessary to bother you with such trivial matters, sir.
Karst: "President," Lucius.
Lucius: My apologies. I am sorry for not having informed you about the Galka, Mister President.
Karst: No matter. Here are your orders.
Karst: As you know, there are three other nations aside from our own in Vana'diel. The Kingdom of San d'Oria, the Federation of Windurst, and the Grand Duchy of Jeuno.
Karst: Jeuno is still professing neutrality, so I want you to go to San d'Oria and Windurst.
Karst: It does not matter which you go to first, as long as you go to both. I will give you a letter of introduction, which you will present to the consuls in both nations. Any questions?

Any questions? (Selected option is bolded.)

  • What do I do once I get there?
  • Why am I being sent?
  • How do I get to San d'Oria?
  • How do I get to Windurst?
  • Where are the consulates?
  • Why did you call me here?
  • No questions.

Karst: The consuls in each country will tell you. Don't worry, we are not asking you to spy--the jobs you will be given will benefit those countries as much as ours.
Karst: Any other questions?

Any questions? (Selected option is bolded.)

  • What do I do once I get there?
  • Why am I being sent?
  • How do I get to San d'Oria?
  • How do I get to Windurst?
  • Where are the consulates?
  • Why did you call me here?
  • No questions.

Karst: Why? Officially, to promote friendship between our nations. In reality, to investigate the internal state of those countries, and also to train you.
Karst: Any other questions?

Any questions? (Selected option is bolded.)

  • What do I do once I get there?
  • Why am I being sent?
  • How do I get to San d'Oria?
  • How do I get to Windurst?
  • Where are the consulates?
  • Why did you call me here?
  • No questions.

Karst: San d'Oria is in Northern Quon, the same continent as Bastok. You can get there by land.
Karst: Ask someone else if you want details. I'm the president, not a travel agent.
Karst: Any other questions?

Any questions? (Selected option is bolded.)

  • What do I do once I get there?
  • Why am I being sent?
  • How do I get to San d'Oria?
  • How do I get to Windurst?
  • Where are the consulates?
  • Why did you call me here?
  • No questions.

Karst: Go to the port town of Selbina to the northwest. Once there, you can take a ship to Mhaura, a small town that is a stone's throw away from Windurst.
Karst: Ask someone else if you want details. I'm the president, not a travel agent.
Karst: Any other questions?

Any questions? (Selected option is bolded.)

  • What do I do once I get there?
  • Why am I being sent?
  • How do I get to San d'Oria?
  • How do I get to Windurst?
  • Where are the consulates?
  • Why did you call me here?
  • No questions.

Karst: And you call yourself an adventurer!? Just ask the guards of the country you're in!
Karst: Any other questions?

Any questions? (Selected option is bolded.)

  • What do I do once I get there?
  • Why am I being sent?
  • How do I get to San d'Oria?
  • How do I get to Windurst?
  • Where are the consulates?
  • Why did you call me here?
  • No questions.

Karst: I do not trust my subordinates, so I prefer to give the most important orders myself. That is all you need to know.
Karst: Any other questions?

Any questions? (Selected option is bolded.)

  • What do I do once I get there?
  • Why am I being sent?
  • How do I get to San d'Oria?
  • How do I get to Windurst?
  • Where are the consulates?
  • Why did you call me here?
  • No questions.

Karst: Good. Lucius, the letter.
Lucius: This is your letter of introduction. Present it to the consuls and they will give you further instructions.
Karst: Those are your orders. Depart quickly. You are dismissed.
Naji: So, how did it go? Did the president nag at you?
Naji: I still can't believe that Chief Cid actually backed that guy during the elections...
Naji: Oops. You didn't hear me say that, okay? I gotta go. Good luck on your mission!

San d'Oria -> Windurst

Scene One - Northern San d'Oria

Baraka: You're here with business from the administration, correct? You should probably talk to Consul Helaku.
Lion: Really? You don't say... Thank you.
Lion: You've come all the way from Bastok, have you? I'm Lion, a traveling adventurer, you might say.
Lion: Have you heard? The Orcs have a new forward base in Ghelsba, to the northwest. Now their greedy eyes are turned toward this land!
Lion: Orcs are cruel and violent. They attack wayfarers on the road, and steal children, all to inspire fear and terror in the San d'Orian people.
Lion: But, there's one thing that just doesn't make sense.
Lion: Orcs never were known for their craft, but they carry even better armor and weapons lately.
Lion: I suspect there's someone behind the Orcs, pulling the strings, if you get me.
Lion: Someone has to figure out their plans and take action, before this country falls to an Orcish invasion!
Lion: People whisper in the streets of trouble in the royal house. They should focus on what's outside their walls first, if you ask me.
Lion: Well, I don't expect things will be getting any easier around here for a while yet, but you take care, all the same.

Scene Two - Northern San d'Oria

Helaku: Hello there. I'm the consul from Bastok. Name's Helaku.
Helaku: You must be tired from your trip. But first, let me get you up to speed on the situation here in San d'Oria.
Helaku: Northwest of the city is an Orc village. They call it Ghelsba Outpost.
Helaku: Our reports tell us that the Orcs are using Ghelsba as a forward base for an upcoming invasion of San d'Oria, but there's a few things that just don't fit.
Helaku: We all know that Orcs are beastmen, right? To say they're low on brains would be an understatement.
Helaku: Which is why I wonder how they came by the high-quality armor and weapons they've been using. Not to mention the ranged weapons and devices!
Helaku: We suspect there's someone behind the beastmen calling the shots, but we've no idea who.
Helaku: I wish I could send you to Ghelsba immediately, but in this region official missions require San d'Orian approval.
Helaku: What I want you to do is go to Chateau d'Oraguille and speak to Monarlais Halver. He'll issue you a formal mission order.
Helaku: Leave this building, and you'll see a great fortress to the right. That's Chateau d'Oraguille. And be polite; San d'Orians can be quite touchy.

Scene Three - Port Windurst

Melek: I am Melek, the consul of Bastok. I trust you had a safe sail here?
Melek: So, you are {Playername}...? I heard about your activities in San d'Oria and am expecting great things from you here too.
Melek: Well then, we should get straight to the matter at hand. Gold Skull, why don't you start by informing our fair citizen here about what the mission involves?
Gold Skull: Allow me to explain...
Gold Skull: The mission from our comrades in Windurst entails the extermination of a giant monster that appeared in the depths of Giddeus, the borderland to the theocracy of the Yagudo beastmen.
Gold Skull: You are to receive a key from Heavens Tower in the Windurst Walls district, and head to the innermost part of Giddeus.
Gold Skull: Your orders are to then defeat the heinous beast that lurks there.
Melek: You look perplexed. Yes, well, I guess if you put it frankly, you are protecting a pack of Yagudo beastmen from a ferocious monster.
Melek: You see...in order to maintain the peace of their country, the Windurstians have formed amicable relations with the Yagudo.
Melek: But, as you've probably realized, it's hard to call their relationship amicable when you witness the outrageous behavior of the Yagudo.
Melek: But, in order to maintain the trust of Windurst, we have to participate in this preposterousness.
Melek: Well, good luck with your mission. I look forward to hearing of your success.

Scene Four - Balga's Dais

Searcher: Heh-heh-heh... I'm so glad you could come. I didn't realize that little rumor I spread would be so effective.
Searcher: Yes, I'm the "ferocious monster" you were told about... One who will rally the beastman hordes on a grand campaign to rid the world of you and your kind!
Semih Lafihna: "Rrrally the beastman hordes"? Almost sounds as if you're planning to wage another Crystal War!
Searcher: Heh-heh-heh. I see you catch on quick.
Searcher: The day of reckoning will come, and the beastmen will be the ones to rule this world! Not that you'll be there to see it...
Searcher: Because you'll already be dead!
Searcher: Arise Wyrm of Darkness, Devourer of Light! I command you! Smite my enemies where they stand!
Semih Lafihna: A spatial distorrrtion...? This can only mean...!?
Semih Lafihna: A...a drrragon?
Semih Lafihna: Phew. Heh-heh... I knew it couldn't have been old you-know-who. I was getting carried away therrre.
Semih Lafihna: Hah! Is this all you can musterrr? ...Your pet drrragon?
Semih Lafihna: Hm...? Here come the reinforrrcements. Looks like they'll be able to handle this. I have more pressing matters than dealing with the likes of these. I'll leave it in theirrr hands.

Scene Five - Balga's Dais

Searcher: This...this cannot be! Me, defeated...by these weaklings!?
Lion: Oops, I guess I missed the show.
Lion: Hey, wait a minute. This dragon...
Lion: No doubt about it, it's a nether beast from the Northlands! What's it doing here!?
Lion: Their kind haven't been seen ever since the Shadow Lord was destroyed and the Northlands sealed...
Lion: To see one here, with the beastmen, it's as if...
Searcher: The Shadow Lord will soon be brought back to this world. I was merely making preparations for His return...
Lion: What!? Who are you!?
Searcher: I am Searcher, a servant of the Shadow Lord. The "Great Hero" that saved you twenty years ago is gone--none has the power to defeat Him now.
Searcher: While your peoples were busy squabbling with each other, we have been preparing for His return.
Searcher: And when He comes...He will destroy you all!
Searcher: Enjoy your lives...while they last... Foolish...weaklings... Hah hah...hah... Eye-eye-e~ye...!
Lion: The Shadow Lord...is coming back... There's going to be another war...
Lion: Our days will be filled with hatred and sorrow once more...
Lion: {Playername}! You should head back to your country. And don't forget to report what happened here! If it's true the Shadow Lord is being resurrected, we can expect great trouble to follow!
Lion: I've got to get going. I hope to see you around again someday, {Playername}.

Scene Six - Port Windurst

Melek: ...! The Shadow Lord...!?
Melek: Wait a moment... I'll need you to rush back to the homeland.
Melek: Here... You understand what you must do? Take this report to the President's Office in Bastok.
Melek: On your way. Please hurry to Bastok!

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2008-09-19 15:19:26.