Mobs By Family: Yagudo

Family Information:
  • Based on Wind
  • Weak against Ice
185 creature(s) found for Yagudo
Name Level Range Location Family
Picture Attached Aa Nawu the Thunderblade 60 - 60 Balga's Dais Yagudo
Picture Attached Aa Xalmo the Savage 80 - 84 Castle Oztroja (S) @ I 7 Yagudo
Picture Attached Buu Xolo the Bloodfaced 64 - 64 Balga's Dais Yagudo
Picture Attached Chaa Paqa the Profound 64 - 64 Balga's Dais Yagudo
Picture Attached Coo Keja the Unseen N/A Meriphataud Mountains Yagudo
No Picture Cuu Doko the Blizzard 60 - 60 Balga's Dais Yagudo
Picture Attached Dee Xalmo the Grim N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Dee Zelko the Esoteric N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Divine Ascetic N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Divine Assassin N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Divine Disseminator N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 8 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Divine Inciter N/A Meriphataud Mountains (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Divine Inspirer N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Divine Martyr N/A Garlaige Citadel (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Divine Paradigm N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Divine Sentinel N/A Garlaige Citadel (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Divine Templar N/A Fort Ghelsba, 8 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Doo Wapa the Desolator N/A Apollyon - CS Yagudo
No Picture Duu Masa the Onecut N/A Altar Room Yagudo
No Picture Duu Masa the Onecut 83 - 83 Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Eyy Mon the Ironbreaker 16 - 16 Giddeus @ G 7 Yagudo
No Picture Fee Jugu the Ramfist N/A Altar Room Yagudo
Picture Attached Ghoo Pakya N/A Giddeus @ G 7 Yagudo
No Picture Gii Jaha the Raucous 60 - 60 Balga's Dais Yagudo
No Picture Goo Pake the Bloodhound N/A Altar Room Yagudo
Picture Attached Hoo Mjuu the Torrent 16 - 17 Giddeus Yagudo
Picture Attached Huu Xalmo the Savage 63 - 63 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
No Picture Jii Xai the Rimebladed N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Juu Duzu the Whirlwind 13 - 13 Giddeus @ J 12 Yagudo
Picture Attached Juu Zeni the Poisonmist 64 - 64 Balga's Dais Yagudo
Picture Attached Kazan the Peerless N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Kee Taw the Nightingale N/A Altar Room Yagudo
No Picture Laa Heha the Falconer N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Laa Mozi N/A Giddeus @ H 7 Yagudo
No Picture Laa Vaqu the Sutler N/A Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) Yagudo
No Picture Laa Yaku the Austere N/A Altar Room Yagudo
Picture Attached Laa Yaku the Austere N/A Ghoyu's Reverie Yagudo
Picture Attached Lii Jixa the Somnolist N/A Castle Oztroja Yagudo
Picture Attached Loo Hepe the Eyepiercer N/A Dynamis - Windurst Yagudo
No Picture Loo Kutto the Pensive N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
No Picture Maa Febi the Steadfast N/A Dynamis - Windurst Yagudo
No Picture Maa Illmu the Bestower N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Mee Deggi the Punisher 35 - 36 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
Picture Attached Mesa Wivre N/A Abyssea-Konschtat Yagudo
Picture Attached Moo Ouzi the Swiftblade 30 - 30 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
Picture Attached Moo Ouzi the Swiftblade N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 8 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Muu Buxu the Elusive N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Muu Febi the Steadfast N/A Dynamis - Windurst Yagudo
No Picture Naa Zeku the Unwaiting N/A Meriphataud Mountains @ I 11 Yagudo
No Picture Nuu Gazo the Dirgerimer N/A Meriphataud Mountains (S) Yagudo
No Picture Nuu Kofu the Gentle 64 - 64 Balga's Dais Yagudo
Picture Attached Pee Qoho the Python N/A Temenos Yagudo
No Picture Poo Yozo the Babbler N/A Altar Room Yagudo
Picture Attached Quu Bokye N/A Giddeus @ G 6 Yagudo
Picture Attached Quu Domi the Gallant 35 - 36 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
Picture Attached Quu Xijo the Illusory N/A Giddeus Yagudo
No Picture Roo Beju the Eulogizer N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Saa Doyi the Fervid N/A Castle Oztroja Yagudo
Picture Attached Seed Yagudo N/A Qu'Bia Arena Yagudo
No Picture Soo Luma the Ascended N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
No Picture Suu Xicu the Cantabile N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
No Picture Theoyagudo Bard 30 - 35 Buburimu Peninsula, 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Theoyagudo Black Mage 30 - 35 Buburimu Peninsula, 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Theoyagudo Monk 30 - 35 Buburimu Peninsula, 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Theoyagudo Ninja 30 - 35 Buburimu Peninsula, 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Theoyagudo Samurai 30 - 35 Buburimu Peninsula, 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Theoyagudo Summoner 30 - 35 Buburimu Peninsula, 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Theoyagudo White Mage 30 - 35 Buburimu Peninsula, 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Tzee Xicu the Manifest 85 - 85 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
No Picture Tzee Xicu the Manifest N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Vaa Huja the Erudite 45 - 45 Giddeus Yagudo
Picture Attached Vaa Oozu the Redolent N/A Meriphataud Mountains (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Vee Ladu the Titterer N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Vee Qiqa the Decreer N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 8 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Vee Seju the Consumed N/A Garlaige Citadel (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Voo Tolu the Ghostfist 60 - 60 Balga's Dais Yagudo
Picture Attached Vuu Puqu the Beguiler 21 - 22 Giddeus Yagudo
Picture Attached Vuu Puqu the Beguiler N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Wuu Qoho the Razorclaw N/A Dynamis - Windurst Yagudo
Picture Attached Xoo Kaza the Solemn N/A Dynamis - Windurst Yagudo
No Picture Yaa Haqa the Pious N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yaa Haqa the Profane 42 - 43 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Abbot 50 - 52 Castle Zvahl Keep Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Abbot 53 - 59 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Abbot 79 - 82 Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Abbot 71 - 73 Garlaige Citadel (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Acolyte 3 - 10 East Sarutabaruta, 3 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Acolyte 61 - 63 West Sarutabaruta (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Archpriest N/A Temenos Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Archpriest N/A Apollyon - CS, 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Assassin 64 - 72 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Avatar 75 - 75 Castle Oztroja, 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Carrier N/A Ghoyu's Reverie Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Chanter 50 - 57 Castle Oztroja, 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Chanter 76 - 78 Meriphataud Mountains (S) Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Chanter 77 - 79 Castle Zvahl Baileys (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Condottiere N/A West Sarutabaruta Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Condottiere 62 - 64 West Sarutabaruta (S) Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Conductor 63 - 67 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Conductor 79 - 82 Castle Zvahl Keep (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Conquistador 43 - 49 Castle Oztroja, 2 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Discipilnant N/A Apollyon - CS, 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Disciplinant N/A Temenos Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Drummer 30 - 37 Castle Oztroja, 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Eradicator N/A Temenos Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Eradicator 76 - 79 Meriphataud Mountains (S), 2 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Eradictor N/A Apollyon - CS, 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Flagellant 62 - 72 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Flagellant 79 - 83 Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Follower 20 - 22 West Sarutabaruta Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Genja N/A Sauromugue Champaign (S), 6 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Guard N/A Ghoyu's Reverie Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Guard N/A Meriphataud Mountains (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Herald 30 - 36 Sauromugue Champaign Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Herald 32 - 36 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Hierogrammat 79 - 82 Castle Zvahl Keep (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo High Priest 72 - 74 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo High Priest 77 - 79 Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Initiate 3 - 10 East Sarutabaruta, 3 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Initiate 61 - 63 West Sarutabaruta (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Inquisitor 50 - 58 Castle Oztroja, 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Inquisitor 71 - 73 Sauromugue Champaign (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Interrogator 30 - 36 Sauromugue Champaign Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Interrogator 35 - 39 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Kapellmeister N/A Temenos Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Kapellmeister N/A Apollyon - CS, 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Knight Templar N/A Temenos Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Knight Templar N/A Apollyon - CS, 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Knight Templar 76 - 79 Meriphataud Mountains (S), 2 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Lutenist 44 - 49 Castle Oztroja, 2 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Lutenist 71 - 73 Sauromugue Champaign (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Mendicant 11 - 20 Tahrongi Canyon, 2 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Mendicant 61 - 63 West Sarutabaruta (S) Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Missionary 71 - 73 Sauromugue Champaign (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Muralist N/A Castle Oztroja Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Nokizaru 79 - 82 Castle Zvahl Keep (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Oracle 30 - 36 Sauromugue Champaign Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Oracle 34 - 38 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Parivir N/A West Sarutabaruta (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Persecutor 11 - 20 Tahrongi Canyon, 2 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Persecutor 62 - 64 West Sarutabaruta (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Piper 11 - 20 Tahrongi Canyon, 2 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Piper 61 - 63 West Sarutabaruta (S) Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Prelate 65 - 69 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Prelate 77 - 79 Meriphataud Mountains (S), 2 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Prelatess N/A Apollyon - CS, 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Priest 22 - 28 Giddeus Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Priest 21 - 25 Meriphataud Mountains Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Priest 24 - 28 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Priest 26 - 30 Sauromugue Champaign Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Priest N/A Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Prior 45 - 49 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Prior 47 - 49 Castle Zvahl Keep, 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Prior 71 - 73 Sauromugue Champaign (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Prioress 76 - 79 Meriphataud Mountains (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Pythoness 71 - 74 Sauromugue Champaign (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Scribe 3 - 10 East Sarutabaruta, 3 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Scribe 61 - 63 West Sarutabaruta (S) Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Sentinel 50 - 56 Castle Oztroja, 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Sentinel 76 - 79 Meriphataud Mountains (S), 2 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Stormer N/A Ghoyu's Reverie Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Superior 79 - 82 Castle Zvahl Keep (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Templar 72 - 74 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Templar 71 - 73 Garlaige Citadel (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Theologist 23 - 27 Giddeus Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Theologist 21 - 25 Meriphataud Mountains Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Theologist 23 - 27 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Theologist 26 - 30 Sauromugue Champaign Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Theologist N/A Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Transporter N/A Meriphataud Mountains (S) Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Votary 22 - 26 Giddeus Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Votary 21 - 25 Meriphataud Mountains Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Votary 22 - 26 Castle Oztroja Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Votary 26 - 30 Sauromugue Champaign Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Votary N/A Fort Karugo-Narugo (S) Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Yojimbo 79 - 82 Castle Zvahl Keep (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Yagudo Zealot 42 - 49 Castle Oztroja, 2 more areas Yagudo
No Picture Yagudo Zealot 71 - 73 Garlaige Citadel (S) Yagudo
No Picture Yii Haqi the Threnodist N/A Meriphataud Mountains (S) Yagudo
No Picture Yoo Mihi the Haze 60 - 60 Balga's Dais Yagudo
Picture Attached Yuu Mjuu the Awakened N/A Fort Karugo-Narugo (S), 1 more areas Yagudo
Picture Attached Zhuu Buxu the Silent 16 - 16 Giddeus @ H 7 Yagudo
No Picture Zhuu Buxu the Silent N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
No Picture Zjaa Bao the Wrathherald N/A Castle Oztroja (S) Yagudo
No Picture Zuu Xowu the Darksmoke 60 - 60 Balga's Dais Yagudo