my first time at this area and i noticed him, so i hid myself with whm spells <invisible, sneak, deoderize> just to be safe get real real close to him, took a picture then when i turned around and started to walk away i noticed that sneak and all went away at same time and he killed me in 2 hits for a lvl 25 whm, 250-280 hit. so now i have a pic of him saying [picture taken two seconds before he came to eat me]. back stabbin' ****** ^_^
that's actually a picture taken from the Tavnazian Archipelago region
Heh, they changed the pic here at Alla. the pic that was up before of this creature was literally just outside the zone to kazham. Something tells me though someone did it on purpose. For how far away from the town these things are found, would have been very hard for a lower level person to zone it that far
I was trying to make my way back to Kazham from Yhoater and I ran into this thing (guess someone was zoning it, too cuz it wasn't where it was supposed to be)... so, I ran for a while, and was getting pretty close to the zone, then bam! died...
i duno whats with all you chosing wierd soloing combos, like rdms wtf is wrong with you???? <-- Rdm/Nin soloer i solo these at 55, cons as EP, this thing is nothing, no, this thing is less then nothing!!! im at full health at end of battle AND less then 100 mp wasted on battle
These things are Awesome, and there Accuracy is crapola! Im a 52 Nin/Thf when im farming and they Con Easy Prey. Throw up a couple of Blinks blind, and a must, slow, and it's like "Invincible." Miss Miss Parry Miss is all i have to say, plus that Lacqur Log is true. 14k on my server and for what a mesely 200hp lose a fight; can take 3 or 4 before having to sit.
Haha the other day while xping my thief in the jungle someone zoned one .. now i cant solo one at 46 but thank god some lvl 65 was lvling a sub and went into kazham and changed jobs. Allthough it would be cool to see it destroy mass people (kinda like following smithys around).
Ouch...this guy is pretty mean. Tried him not more then 3 was me (43 whm) and a lvl 50 PLD. The first few times he hit were for maybe 18ish or so. But out of nowhere he came out with some evil debuff poison bad breath stuff, PLD went down in 5 in 2. He also likes camping corpses.
Dont mess with these guys or you WILL get "Smoked"
I cant find any reason why you would want to kill these? They exclusively drop Wild pineapples and thats it? what gives heh? Just another mob to Torment you while you try to level ??
Yeah, don't mess with these things. It conned as easy prey to me as a 56 RDM, and it totaly owned me. Was hitting for 60-70 even with phalanx and protect III on. Had to chainspell + warp to make it out alive. >_<
I was beating them yesterday as 55RDM??? Keep up stoneskin/blink, and make sure you hit them with slow/blind/paralyze and the fight is all but won^^ (You should also have an "en-spell" , blaze spikes and a fencers ring is handy.)
If you're getting low, sleep them, convert, cure4 and a nice fire2 to wake them up =P
yea.. don't try this with a full party of lvl 33s.. At the time there was no lvl posted for these, so we tried and got horribly beaten.. it does over 150 damage per hit.