I think the cap for the restore recipe (Broken Rod+Light crystal) might be closer to 12. i have 11 skill and after at least 15 attempts I've gotten only a single .1 so far.
Fishing is the newest skill i have attempted and am having very little luck i have only had liek 5 bits and caought 2 out of 50 tries! i have a worm lure, i know i'm a newb:)
hey what world are you in? im in Siren the next time you are on message me my name is Ecstacy on ff11 and if you want to catch stuff i would buy a fishing pole go to windurst woods and be sure to use Insect balls as bait and catch moat carp. When you get a stack they sell for 4k a at the AH well in my world they do.
What would be a good lure? I have the Sabiki lure and i seem to be doing fine. Will my skill rise if i fish at the dock with bait? or should i stick with my lure. I catch about 3-6 Bastoke Sardines everyother cast (If the moon is good) if you can give me some tips plz do, im trying to get a better profit for my Monk.
Good beginners rod. If you want to start leveling fishing for very little start-up, go to Windurst. I did Bamboo + Little Worm in Windurst Waters till lvl 2. Then off the dock by the Fishing Guild in Port Windurst with Bamboo + Lugworm. I went from Fishing lvl 0-4 in about 4 hours this way and made gil while doing so. I did break a couple rods in Windurst Waters, but they are only around 300 gil at the Guild. While leveling, i got a stack of Moat Carp = 4000 gil. Even beginners can make a small profit!
Yeah that is a great strategy for getting moat carp. When you get to the higher levels and can ride a chocobo, go pay a visit to the brothers in the port in Sandy. They are easy to find, they are standing next to each other out on the edge of of dock that sticks out in the middle of the water. They take in the moat carp for only 100 each but after 100,000 moat carp are turned in you get the liu shank's rod (sp?) priced at a cool 3.5mil gil.
Also if you have moat carp in mind.. use insect balls, they are the best thing to use in Windy to catch carp.. They are priced at 500 gil each.. might wanna wait till your skill is about 6-8 before spending money on these babies ^^
think about that tho because you would have to catch 5 to get a single insect ball and the current trends in windy make selling a hassel (asfar as i have seen)
Ok, a bamboo rod is ok for starters. i used a yew rode though in west ronfaure with little worm and caught a bunch of moat carp. This was before the fishing update mind you. Now it's so easy to catch fish. If your going to use insect paste be sure not to use a bamboo rod because at a low skill lv it will probably break. Switch to a hume rod which is about 6k on Kujata. if you need gil sell your moat carps :)