I made this at cooking lvl 6. I was making sliced sardine but accidentally picked moat carp instead of bastore sardines (I was skilling up fishing and wanted to do something with the fish that wouldn't sell--not for much anyway). Boy was I angry; the moat carp sell for a hefty price compared to the sardines and quus I was catching normally.
HI! can anyone tell me if this stuff sells?Because on phoenix the fish sells 1k a piece.if i synth this will it be worth it?please tell me about it ASAP! (^.^) <~~~SQURMY <( )> <( )> (^.^) <~~~~SQURMY JR. <( )> <( )> <( )> <( )>
guess i shoulda came here first, im lvl 2 at cookin, so it let me try but it always failed, i figured it cant make me fail every time right? -.- 2 stacks of wind crystals later.... you get the picture. i'll try again when i hit 7
weird that the cockrice stew they said was lvl 0, isnt either. they seem to make some of these levels up.
When the people at Allakhazam aren't sure of what the level cap is, they just put 0. Furthermore, the levels that the site say are just the caps, meaning that you won't level up by making these at the stated level (therefore, it wouldn't make sense to have a skill cap of 0, since you would never be able to level up making that item).
You people aren't able to begin synthesis because you have to reach lvl 8 cooking and take the guild test in order for this recipe to become available to you. You might even have to take the second or third tests, seeing as how the skill level cap is 17.
I tried it at lvl 5 cooking just hit lvl 5 and got a skill up of .4 i only had one carp not too good a fisher yet...I usually get .1 or .2 skill up on sliced sardines. I'm not sure if this helps anyone or not but it seems its a little higher but achievable at 5
Doesn't seem correct. Level 3 Culinarian here and I failed with a stack of Wind Xtals and Moat Carp with Guild synthesis support. :( Anyone know at what level synthesizing this becomes possible?
By "Slice of Carp, Cooking (2)", it means if you have Cooking at lvl 0 or 1, it just simply won't let to start the synthesis even if you have both the components -- Wind Crystal and Moat Carp.
Now since you are at Cooking lvl 3, you CAN start the synthesis, but it doesn't guarantee you will succeed. You still have high chance of failure until you are closer to the trivial level of making with receipe. Trivial level means if you reached this lvl but still using the same receipe, you will no longer raise up your cooking skill.
Taking "Hard-boiled Egg" as an example: You can start making it at Cooking(0), but the trivial level of making Hard-boiled Egg is about Lvl4 (from what I've heard), so when you at Cooking(4) and still keep making hard-boiled eggs, you cannot improve up your cooking skill.
I disagree, you can generally try items below the stated levels.
Ergo, this number is just off imho. You can keep making boiled eggs till 4 or 5, and then move on to sardines. Ignore this until there's more clarification.
Of course you can keep making them- what he means is they only help to a certain level. If you try the synth of this item too low, it doesnt let you. Past level 2 though, you can sart to synth. Doesnt guarantee success though.
From what i've seen, you can start successfully making synths at about 10 levels under the cap with advanced synthesis support. So you should probably try to start synthesis around lvl 7. your failure rate will probably be pretty high but you should get decent skill-ups up til the cap.