I'm lvling up my clothcraft skills just to be able to survive in the game, I've not found any way to really make any gil yet guessing cause I'm still new to it all. But my crafting ability is going up quick and I notice the price is affected by the greed of the crafter... Well I am going to try to synth every piece needed from the ground up, like all of it from it's base materials and farm those even if possibe. Then I am going to really **** everyone off by selling them at the actual cost of what I paid into it. Take a look at the different prices server to server.. 6 mil on one ... and 21 mil on another.. and ONE person posting it to the auction house changes the price.. "yesterday it was 5 mil today its 20 mil" you know why? -_Monkey "C" Monkey do_- So just watch the prices on the auction house in the next month cause I am going to bottom line the hell out of it. That will drive the material costs back down also. The fact things cost so much keeps the RMT's working selling gil to people who just can't get that much and it became a circle of BS we all are affected by see? If more people would step in and do this or things like it RMT's wouldn't be out of a job but alot of good players would remember the fun of the game and would be able to play it like it was meant to be played.. Everyone ******* Square/Enix did it to us... is that really true? Did they hire the RMT's to come and mess up our economy? No WE did it with OUR greed.. Same with the AH fiasco and inflation inflation- people buying gil can spend more + crafters see there are some people willing to spend more + greed + crafters getting so much gil from selling inflated item from people buying gil buy more materials up + cost of harder to farm materials goes up cause the crafters have more gil and don't mind spending it to make huge profit faster = Current state of every server in Final Fantasy 11. It's a pipe dream I know... no one is gonna want to take a loss to help the economy, and I know already as well a few people doing it isn't going to do any good. And I admit being a crafter I am glad to be able to sell things at such a high price.. BUT one thing though.. I am gonna KILL the price of the cloak 3 at a time on the auction house! At least for a while... Monkey see monkey do.. and Monkey watch this.... cause all of garuda's crafters are gonna be PISSED!
"I notice the price is affected by the greed of the crafter..."
You do realize the people selling things on the auction house are real people don't you? Of course they're affecting the prices! People don't spend all the time, gil, and go through the nerve wrecking labor of skilling up their crafts just so they can sell everything at or slightly above cost. They do it because it will pay off in the end. Take a basic economics class. Demand means people will buy as much as they can for as little as they can. Supply means business (in this case crafters) will sell as much as they can for as much money as they can. SE intended for this game to have an economy, and that's what it has. People are going to act rationally when it comes to buying and selling. For the economy to change like you want it to, people would have to... become something other than human. If you have a problem with the price of something, then don't buy it. Obtain it by alternative methods, or find a substitute... like us humans do.
Currently I'm a 66 PLD and I am definitely considering this item, and would actually use this in PT's. Why? What is more dmg if I can heal that amount in return, thus earn more hate. The whole amount I lose from my crown is a joke compared to the benefits of another Refresh.
First, no this will not give me a total of +2 Refresh. It will give me +3. With a Parade Gorget (which I have), above 85% HP I get +1 Refresh. With a Hercules Ring (which I have), below 50% HP I get +1 Refresh and +3 Regen.
Second -10 evasion? Please. As Paladin I'm not dodging squat. I've got capped evasion, but I'd rather spend my extra points in shield where I actually excel.
Third, for solo purposes. I can already drop DC and DC- and MP regeneration is the only factor preventing me from taking DC+ or EM. And for those who think its not possible, I sub /WAR and for solo purposes even I don't recommend it. Sub WHM, +3 Refresh, +3 Regen (run below 50% HP), +5 Regen (spell), and Stoneskin. If you want to be really cocky and toss away the ability to cure status effects, /RDM and throw in Phalanx and Enthunder and equip a Joyeues.
"First, no this will not give me a total of +2 Refresh. It will give me +3. With a Parade Gorget (which I have), above 85% HP I get +1 Refresh. With a Hercules Ring (which I have), below 50% HP I get +1 Refresh"
I'm currently lvl 62 PLD, and I have to say your ignorance of the power of PLD/RDM soloist shocks me.
I can only assume you have never levelled PLD, i regularly use PLD/RDM to solo, the benefits you gain are enormous.
Fast-cast, en-spells, blaze spikes, bar-spells to help status effects wear quicker, at higher lvls you will gain phalanx and dispel as well s stoneskin, blink and regen which you gain from much lower lvls.
Please don't make the mistaken assumption that PLD/RDM will die, as I use it often, and can take EM's regularly, and with the help of my NPC, i can take T's for exp chains ^^
I need to get me one of those. Oh and there are gilsellers doming back there is a party of blackmages in gustav tunnel pretty much all the time on remora and that stupid packet sniffer and her bots in the sanctuary of Zitah. -_-'
last sold on siren server was 10/17/06 for 3,980,000 gil it used to be 10 mil but it droped since most of the gil sellers are gone but they are coming back and did you know it takes a gil seller just 30 days to have a lvl 75/37 job and be rank 6, yeah thats right only 30 days i watched a pt of them do it lol they get to 75 then get rank 6 then get sky/sea its sad but its true
Being a PLD I would love to have the +1 MP per tick, I have already noticed my down time cut damn near in half with Dark Staff + my new auto refresh ability. Now if I can get 2 points a tick and +10 from staff in 30 seconds of down time that is 160 MP roughly, I only have 201 MP at level 62. That is a HUGE difference on my down time ^^ Defeinitly worth me saving up the flow I think.Edit:: how what is the tick rate for MP while resting? 3, 5 or 10 seconds?I think my math is wrong so I will try it tonight.
In my opinion, WHM AF body and headgear is alot better(or a hairpin, w/e... Yes I do have one(which I'm trying to sell) The evasion -10 is ridiculous, this isn't worth buying. And for those of you who think this item is godly... you are SO wrong... And besides... Noble's Tunic/Black Cloak > Vermillion Cloak.
Well you're right mostly that a WHM doesn't really NEED a Vermy, honestly, I think only a SMN can make good use of a vermy. WHM/SMN, there is your Auto-Refresh. It's also not bad for PLD during their resting. But you said the -10 Evasion makes it not worth it.. lol the jobs that use vermillion cloaks can't evade squat to begin with, and you probably aren't in a good party if you're getting hit anyway. The Vermillion Cloak has always been a richmans luxury item and is hardly worth it for basically every job but SMN.
I would use it while healing, so the whole -10 Evasion means absolutly nothing cause I dont tank with it on, But man does it decrease my down time. If I have (8/201) MP left. I will have full MP in 1.15 min roughly 75 seconds[ Vermy + Dark Staff + autorefresh] without anything it takes close to 3 min. With just a Dark Staff and my autorefresh it takes 2min. So vermy makes a huge difference on my Down time.
I would use it while healing, so the whole -10 Evasion means absolutly nothing cause I dont tank with it on, But man does it decrease my down time. If I have (8/201) MP left. I will have full MP in 1.15 min roughly 75 seconds[ Vermy + Dark Staff + autorefresh] without anything it takes close to 3 min. With just a Dark Staff and my autorefresh it takes 2min. So vermy makes a huge difference on my Down time. <<< Double post>>>><<<< my bad>>>>>
That maybe true , but last i checked , LV59 WHM and BLMs cant use those pieces of armour . Besides , as long as your not an idiot mage , the Neg EVA really shouldnt pose a problem , unless you have a Crappy Tank . but thats your promblem then isnt it >.>
i only read the top post, didnt bother to read the second cuz it was basicaly a huge run-on sentence. lately ive been doing bones pts, burn pts and ive noticed i dont have much time to rest. i think this piece of equipment would be ideal for it. by 74 xp mobs dont resist my spells, so since im up and running most of the time, this will help me out a bunch. before then, imo yes its a waste. for meriting and such its a great piece.
This item sucks. Fine, argue the Refresh case until you're blue in the face, you won't convince me otherwise. And since I've said so, im going to back my argument and tell you why it sucks. Ready?
Firstly, this thing only grants 46 defense for 2 equip slots. You can easily equip a headgear piece and body slot to boost total defense much higher than you'd get with this alone. This thing lowers your evasion by 10, reducing any chance you had to dodge a blow to zero. It offers no special enhancements to any skills and the MP return on it is very, very weak.
But, of course, its all about the refresh. Lets take a look at that shall we? Auto-Refresh grants you a whole 1mp every 3 seconds. Thats 20mp in a minute. That amounts to 2x Cure 1 or almost a Cure II. Subbing summoner, or with SMN as main, thats increased to 2mp every 3 seconds. With Refresh, 5mp every 3 seconds. Sounding pretty good so far, right? Wrong. With the gear available to mage jobs (And to paladins) you will have an easier time equipping gear with with stat boosting effects to enhance your spells. This means you cast less in the long term and save those MP's which can easily amout to more than 20mp per min. Not sounding so great now, is it? And lets not forget the higher MP total you'll have because of hairpins/AF body you'll be equipping. Oh, and also the emnity. Its all about emnity! White Mage AF gear offers -emnity, something this does not. It also boosts enfeebling magic, offers comparable defense and grants MP bonuses which can top this piece alone.
As a resting piece, its fine. Equip it while resting to increase overall MP recovered. This should not be a perma-equip. When you hit level 72, stop using it! By this time you have access to Errants body which boosts rested MP by 5. This is 2mp higher than you will get with Refresh gear given the time it takes to recover 1 block of MP.
If you really want that extra 3mp while resting and have the gil to splash out, you'll get no argument from me. But recognize that there are far superior equips at this level. This should be at the bottom of most players' shopping lists unless you're a quasi-billionaire. Not worth the asking price by a longshot.
...oh, and as a side note. Red mages, for heavens sake, don't use this piece as a main body! The Warlock's Tabard offers +15 enfeebling magic, which is your main job. Use it for casting. Also recognize that with this you cannot equip the Red mage hat which enhances fast cast and boosts elemental skill.
you look at the armor and say "only 20 mp per minute" well i have to say, it takes what? ~2 minutes to kill a monster then start to kill another? well when you kill monsters your goal is chain 5 right? so you get the max xp (well chain 5 for most pt's who are not able to get above 5)
so if you are looking at ~2 min kill/heal cycles multiply that by 5. so for every chain your pt defeats you are getting about 400 mp more at the end of chain 5 than if you didnt have that.
I want to see any one of you turn down that much mp, that takes a good chunck of time to get. so. THIS THING ROCKS
This gear is basically for a SMN. Sure Austers may win in some points but this will give more MP than Austers, which is a SMNs job. And at this lvl, the -3 or 5 off of the BP timer wont really make a difference since chances are you are main healing and not spamming blood pacts.
WHM, BLM, PLD, they can do better. BRD could probably use this also, but I see nothing wrong with it for SMN.
For all jobs, there are better equips. WHM, BLM and SMN are no exception whatsoever. BLM would equip INT gear to boost damage, as well as -emnity. WHM can use their AF gear for the enmity loss, as well as better MP benefits. This armor is absolutely worthless for any job, and its ultra-weak refresh doesn't justify it being used by anyone.
Posted:Mar 30 2006 at 9:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You make a valid point in saying the benifits of the other equips at that level. That being said, you fail to notice that the game has this beutiful thing known as macros!! omg!! So, wear the vermillion while not doing anything and not at max MP, and tada! you get a bonus MP refresh for minimal down time. Just macro in the other gear while casting.
Yes this thing is way overpriced but it's a great piece of equipment. and I dare you to name something better at this level for a mage job.
For a mage, slap this on when you go to heal, add in a dark staff, also if your subbing smn auto refresh stacks with v-cloak, also will stack with food, and also stacks with bard songs, and also stacks with refresh drinks so it's pretty far from useless.
Most people pretty much know that but since you are obviously an idiot I thought I'd throw that in there just for you.
Oh and to the OP, your ******** about -10 evasion? Does anyone care about -10 evasion? Even a pld shouldn't since they shouldn't be wearing this during battle period. That -10 evasion means nothing.
Yes this thing is way overpriced but it's a great piece of equipment. and I dare you to name something better at this level for a mage job.
Artifact armor. Sorry, but the MP boosts offered by AF gear for all mage jobs are superior to the MP offered by Vermillion Cloak. Its fine as a resting piece (as mentioned in my first post), but for general XP use its very poor. Furthermore, AF gear offers additional benefits which are job specific and not covered by this. Anyone who considers someone else moronic for pointing out an items flaws needs to read posts more thoroughly before replying.
Yes, its good as a resting piece or for SMNs who keep their avatars out for longer periods of time (since they can't rest, they could use the perpetuation cost reduction) but as a standard equip it falls short, and I don't see why everyone is kicking up such a fuss about its obvious flaws.
It offers Refresh and nothing more. If 20mp a minute is really going to make and break your party, I think you need to reassess your priorities.
Posted:Feb 08 2006 at 7:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I see your a rdm........ LOL thats why you wouldnt want a cloak your have literally 0 mp so the 1% is useless to you and you already have refresh, you dont need the attributes from this item you have convert whm no they wouldnt need this they have a better choice in like 6-8 lvls with same effects but doesnt have -evasion and from my understanding 3x cheaper, smn on the other hand we dont really get attacked so the -evasion isnt crap +10 mp ok not great but the +1% is nice. Your thinking 1% of 100 is 1... right now at lvl 42 not near the best mp gear i have 794mp without /blm (/blm breaks the 800 barrier) with the equipment i haved saved up by time im in my 70's this cloak will give me around another 17mp along with the +10 = 27mp with refresh.. which is pretty good the only other alternative is our af which imho actually does suck or the ever so godly yingyang (ninja looking armor) which is rare/ex so thats good but finding the nm isnt the easiest thing whithout a rng and in my server half the people are like wtf is yingyang?!?! im like uhh smn jse and they reply what drops it? and i say Shikigami Weapon {Do you need it?} and not many people have ever heard of that NM his ToD is nearly impossible to find and even harder finding a pt willing to try out a NM that will invis itself and only come out of invis if A)Links or B)agrros to magic and doing that in itself is a much harder task then you would think beings the location. So no this armor does not suck and have several whm (mid 60's early 70's) friends who actually do love the cloak i synthed just because you see no need for it or are disgusted with the inflation or the price dont complain to people who dont really give a rat's a** to someone who apparetly doesnt have one for his or herself to test it out themselves. Borrow one from a friend then lets hear you complain ;) Edit: Almost forgot one thing about the -10 evasion if a whm has this and is getting hit chances are they shouldnt be in that party anyways also even if the whm did get hit a few times if they are a smart whm they would have blink/stoneskin up always while in a exp pt because not all tanks can keep hate :P
You should uh.. try paragraphs and coherent sentences because i honeslty couldnt understand half of what you were saying
For whm af is obviously better until nobles. For all the others jobs that can use this it is a resting macro piece only except SMN. Since SMN usually main heals they could use it but honestly... +27 mp and 20 mp per minute? Big freaking deal. If you were smart you'd load up on + mp recovered while healing gear, it will do you more good in the long run.
Umm yea.. lets stop for 2 secs here "I'm also a white mage who recognizes that the AF gear offers superior benefits to this." uhh k lets see what i first wrote shall we? "you dont need the attributes from this item you have convert whm no they wouldnt need this they have a better choice in like 6-8 lvls" The only class i did not mention this for was blm and blm has much better options in 6-8 lvls just like the whm does the only job i said this was good for is a SMN and chances are a taru smn at that? your thinking but taru already has alot of mp blah blah blah no kidding you think a lvl 60 elvaan smn with 600 mp will get the use out of that 1% mp boost? nope but a taru smn at lvl 60 with 1k mp can ;) So before you post/reply to my statement i really wish you would have payed more attention while reading, also whm af is not "superior" actually its quite horrendus, Every whm i know above 67+ doesnt use af they use nobles tunic "Cure potency +% i think 10 AND refresh" so umm no af is by far nowhere near superior and please before you post some random *** comment about you being a whm that everyone has and af gear which sucks for every job maybe about 5 peices of af total that are somewhat decent. so umm yea have a nice day ^^b and have fun.
you think a lvl 60 elvaan smn with 600 mp will get the use out of that 1% mp boost? nope but a taru smn at lvl 60 with 1k mp can ;)
Even with 1000 MP, you get a measly 10mp from that 1% boost. That makes 20mp total. Guess what? With a Coral Hairpin (Lv. 60), you can get 21mp and thats not even counting the body you equip which can raise your MP total further. Read my posts more thoroughly before writing your response.
Every whm i know above 67+ doesnt use af they use nobles tunic "Cure potency +% i think 10 AND refresh" so umm no af is by far nowhere near superior and please before you post some random *** comment about you being a whm that everyone has and af gear which sucks for every job maybe about 5 peices of af total that are somewhat decent. so umm yea have a nice day ^^b and have fun.
The dispute was about the vermillion cloak, and not Nobles. Nobles Tunic is by far the best piece of armor available for a WHM (I currently equip it) and cannot be disputed otherwise. But guess what!? Noble's doesn't waste 2 item slots just to give you a refresh effect! It also grants a 10% cure potency bonus (imo, the main reason you'd equip it) making it worth its weight in solid gold. Summoners, on the other hand, can get some use out of this. I still wouldn't consider it a godly piece, but its definetely more applicable to their job than to others. +1mp/3secs is basically a reduction in perp costs for summoners' avatars, and quite a handy piece. But, when you consider that pre-70 summoners rarely keep their avatars out for extended periods of time (summon, blood pact, dismiss) its not really as important as it first seems.
i really wish you would have payed more attention while reading
Overkill, I agree with you. I don't have it yet, and don't intend to get it. I have had friends who had it who say it sucks. I'm leveling my cooking skill in order to make yag drinks. I might as well just keep juice stuff on me and have a redmage in my party always to help with refresh. Besides, I have a life outside the game, I'm not gonna waste my study time for farm god knows how long in order to get something like this! I'll stick to my holy breast plate and my mushroom dishes!
Posted:Jan 30 2006 at 11:32 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You must have been so happy to get to lvl 59 and probably was thinking "Oh I can't wait until i get my cloak!" you then checked AH and it was in the millions. you then decided to come onto ffxi.allakhazam.com and complaim about it because you couldn't afford it. oh and 2 cure I's doesnt equal 1 cure II. It equals a Cure 1.5, cure II gives 90hp, not 60. RATE DOWN!
I'm currently equipped with a Noble's Tunic. That is a far more worthwhile investment. Not only does it offer good defense and that oh-so interesting Refresh it also has better MP return, doesn't waste a headgear slot and boosts Cure potency by 10%. If you have the money to waste on a vermillion cloak, you're better off saving for a nobles.
Thats 20mp in a minute. That amounts to 2x Cure 1 or almost a Cure II.
TerrinsNAME wrote:
oh and 2 cure I's doesnt equal 1 cure II. It equals a Cure 1.5, cure II gives 90hp, not 60.
He's talking about MP to cast, not HP recovered. 20 MP per minute is two Cures (8 MP each) and almost a Cure II (24 MP). And he didn't even say they were equal.
And I agree it's overkill, but half of this game is appearances. At Lv.58 I was wearing Beak Jerkin +1, clearly the best body armor for PLD at that level, and people were like "dude wtf is with teh lizard armor lol" and all I could do was /sigh and wait until AF at Lv.60.
this is only 12-14mil on diabalos and i thought that was outrageous but now i see i am fortunate to be on this server...oh and i bought it anyhow. cant wait till 68 so i can equip my black cloak and sell this baby and make a few mil !!
It's only 14-16 mil on my server(Carbuncle) though prices have been goin' through the roof lately so it'll probly be 20 mil soon enough ;.; Damascene cloths are 3.5 - 4 mil on my server so you could save a little bit of money by having someone craft it for you... I'm currently 80+2 Cloth but I haven't got a chance to make one of these babys yet though my friend is gonna give me the materials so I can make and sign him one... if anyone wants me to attempt to make them one send Tenchui a /tell. As of 3-06-06 the price of the vermy on carbuncle has dropped to about 10 mil and has little to no profit if you make it unless of course you take the time to get all the damascene cloths yourself.
This thing is bouit 20M+ last i check on Cerberus and me being a melee i have no clue what is so good bout it so can someone tell me? In my opion this is a waste of gil
Believe it or not, it as not as hard to make 10-20 mil as it seems.
The price of a stack of tree cuttings has risen to 500k on garuda server and tree cuttings drop pretty frequently off the goobue in boyahda tree and the goobue in zitah. id say the drop rates are 1/3 or 1/4 with TH. BCNM 40 is a miracle worker too. For all you ppl out there with over 150 seals do steamed sprouts or the worm one because they both make great profit in the end. Utstusemi Ni is breaking a mil and not to mention erase or he possibility of peacock charm dropping in worm bcnm 40.
Just a little work and maybe some help from LS you can achieve one of these beauties. Dont forget to get a crafter to make it for you. You will save a lot more gil this way.
GL and happy farming.. Dont ask me about crafting lol i dont have patience >.<
I am on the unicorn server and its like 19-20 mill. Gilbuyers and gilsellers take one of the coolest online games I've played and made it disappointing. 11 of my friends have stopped playing because they don't believe that all our game time should be spent farming or spending extra cash buying gil. Until SE prohibits the sale of gil online we will never recover.
I just wish more people played this game for fun, rather than profit. Its obvious that SE cares more about the money than their customer satisfaction. Go ahead SE, make more "adjustments" for MPK or nerf the BST. Its easier than your large multi-million dollar company losing profit on cannotlinkto or something.
easy way to stop "crazy inflation" Mobs drop money and by money i don't mean the 100gil you get from killing an orc i mean a decent amount of money. Look at WoW run around killing crap for an hour or 2 and bam! i have a decent amount of money without trying. No need for a party when i can go around by myself and make money without have to spend time or money investing in a craft but don't forget most of the decent gear that drops in WoW cannot be sold or bought for that matter.
MWUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! It's only 18mil on Hade's server for once i found something that is cheaper than another server :D im so happy it makes me cry ^^;
Btw did the bcnm for Vclaw 0/6 on that run for a damn drop on it but meh in end got 2 of the damascene clothes so i was happy at the end of the run so was this other guy but meh >=) so what others were pissed me and other guy made 6mil MWUAHAHA!
this game just keeps makein me angrier and angrier, last sale on leviathan server was 17 mill +. now my highest job is 55 blm so i cant exactly do hnm and god runs for gil and all the nm's and bcnm's that drop the d.cloth are outta my league. as inflation continues to runs rampant this awesome peice of equipment just keeps getting farther and farthe outta my reach.
Blackmages shouldn't be wearing this except for resting in. Get a Shaman's if you have the friends or stick with justa. or af otherwise. 20mp/min. is nothing to a blm.
I totally agree with u tiny dragoon.... I'm on Leviathan too and things have got ridiculous!!! I'm a lvl 59 SMN but I don't really want to move on without the v.cloak. I started crafting to bring in money, which really did help, but just as quick as I raise the money, the price of the cloak is rising twice as fast ><
I have tried camping NMs etc but this is just ruined by the gil sellers.
I hate to have such a moan here, but right now, the v. cloak seems so out of reach.