All AF+1 pieces come from sea, at least indirectly. In sea there are areas known as Limbus, something of a mini-Dynamis. Collect a couple Rare/Ex items and a certain amount of the special Ancient currency from Limbus (much less than a Dynamis relic weapon, don't sweat!) and an NPC can upgrade your AF to +1.
Do you people really think SE intended SMN to be a solo job? Why would they have avatar enmity down on SMN af? I can ask you, why would they put enmity+ on SAM af or ranged acc on NIN af? The fact is SE intended SMN to have their avatars out in pt meleeing. The avatar enmity down reduces their hate from bloodpacts. They didnt intend for SMN to be a healing class. It's just how it was adopted by players.
Its a pretty silly idea thinking SMN needs loads of enmity-, with this in mind. SMN only need enmity- now because theyre typically used as healers. Why would a SMN need a ton of enmity if they really only pull hate when spam curing(keeping in mind, this is not what was planned)? Why would an avatar need enmity-? To not turn a mob and ***** up an SATA.
Please people, we played this game our way to be most efficient but our idea of job purposes made this type of thing inefficient. Nevertheless, it IS avatar enmity down.
ALL high lvls i ask for your help please if you are in hades server and u want to help send me a /tell i am a lvl 52 smn who wants to get the evokers spatts noone helps me so if u are willing to help let me know thx for your time
Posted:Jul 10 2005 at 12:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Solo SMN> LOL dude come on dont u have any brains, Smn alone is pretty much powerless against IT at high lvls u need party to be at ur best UNLESS u have two hour but thats once evry two hours aint it?
I hit fifty and see my AF1 options, and think that this is the best choice for my first piece. Yes, my first because being an elvaan and seeing the Himmel Stock, the Kukulcan's Staff is a waste. The avatar accuracy is a fantastic help for when I get a chance to use any offensive BPs. And anyone can appreciate the emnity down.
This enmity is for the player not the Avatar. I have the pants and the gloves so far and the gloves says " Avatar: Enmity -2 ". Those pants say: Enmity -2 , that means it is to the summoner.
so the pieces that say Avatar: Enmity -3 means that while your avatar is out, you have the enmity-3, not your avatar
im sorry but no your wrong. avatar: means that this is what the avatar gets. you will never see a piece that says "avatar enmity -2" it will always read "avatar: enmity -2"
opps, lol, while I'm complaining about missinformation... my post is how missinformation gets started... let me be more specific on that. the legs and feet lower your emnity.. the chest and gloves lower avatar emnity.. and not sure about the head. =^.^= Sorrow, mithra summoner, whm, thief and ranger: Pandemonium server
Actually I thought this armor sucked because of what Arashi said down there too... It'd been corrected in several locations that they added "-avatar emnity".. but I've seen the armor in-game.. and yes, it is YOUR emity.. not the pets..
Sigh this is getting old.
Nothing's more annoying in this game then people correcting me with false information they got from the web. =T_T=
Sorrow, mithra summoner, whm, thief and ranger: Pandemonium server
who cares about solo'ing. i didnt play a Final Fantasy game thinking i could solo... if u want to solo, u should either play beastmaster or not play at all.