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Sorcerer's Ring
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Latent Effect: Magic Attack Bonus

  • The latent effect triggers when the player's current HP is at or below 75% and their current TP is under 100%.

Final Fantasy XI

Category: Final Fantasy XI
This page last modified 2010-05-01 14:11:45.
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nabbed one!
# Jun 20 2009 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
I got my hands on one of these just last night on Carbuncle server. if anyone's interested in it give me a shout. Character name is Sacrilege

Edited, Jun 21st 2009 11:47am by Kingofcruel
sorc ring complete guide
# Aug 08 2007 at 11:45 PM Rating: Good
120 posts

Hopefully this will clear up all the confusion about this ring.

Edited, Aug 17th 2007 2:49:57am by itchblm
sorc ring complete guide
# May 24 2009 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
414 posts
itchblm wrote:

Hopefully this will clear up all the confusion about this ring.

Edited, Aug 17th 2007 2:49:57am by itchblm

THAT will clear up confusion? It's a Stephen King novel! Wow. Just crib notes...
Clarification on latent trigger
# Jul 13 2007 at 12:04 AM Rating: Good
31 posts
Shendokai is on the right track but didn't finish a follow-up on this latent effect. It ends up that you need your current hp to be 75%, or less, than your base hp (your hp when naked). What is particularly confusing is that equipment giving simply +15hp or -15hp affects your BASE HP. Convert 50hp to 50mp and the like (such as zenith gear) affects your CURRENT HP.

So to use my example,

I have 755hp naked except Sorc. Ring: latent is triggered with 566 or less, current hp (i.e. 566/755 = 75%).

I have 705hp max., naked except Zenith Mitts and Sorc. Ring.: latent is triggered with 566 or less, current hp. That is, even though 566/705 is 80%, you still get latent.

I have 740hp max, naked except Root sabots (+35hp), Zenith Mitts, and Sorc. Ring.: latent is triggered @ 592-593/740 (i.e. 80%). This occurs because +35hp affected my base hp of 755, making my new base 790hp (593/790 = 75%).

***This is important because +HP and Convert HP > MP gear is the equipment you want to swap in affecting the ring's latent.*** (Although, -HP gear can bring your current HP down, keeping it on you will lessen the gap between current and max. For example, 593/790 = 75%, 593/(790-40HP) = 79%, causing latent to not proc)

I hope this helps at least 1 single person as I couldn't find concrete info anywhere!

How I found this out, started when I was getting what seemed to be mixed results. I found out, by chance, the exact HP I was getting my latent to kick in. I initially couldn't figure it out, but with the current HP known for latent to kick in, I finally came up with the math. 755 base + 35hp (Root Sabots) + 9hp (Rainbow Cape) - 20hp (Penitent's Rope) = 779 base x 0.75 = 554 current.

BCNM Treasure and Tribulations : How to choose the right che
# Jun 18 2007 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
This forum is nice but it lacks in information how to choose the right chest!

How to do that?

First of all the Mimic does not pop random in every box!!!
Mimic pops are influenced by the game day, and u are now asking to yourselfs " how come?" or "wth is he talking about!",well after i put 500 bs and 3 hours of mass teleport back and forth to get to the bcnm area and warp zone and some drops from the real chest, I figured this:

#1 - mimics do not pop random in the same game day
(actually they keep in same place till game day changes)
#2 - they are influenced by game day where they are in the bcnm
(tested 10 times in a row)

And this how it works, now i ask to this forum readers and users to give some information detailed on game day and wich chest are real and wich ones are not.
A guide would be very helpfull ^^; (since im out of bs to do more testing grounds)
BCNM Treasure and Tribulations : How to choose the right che
# Jun 24 2007 at 4:23 AM Rating: Decent
i dont think ur thoery is accurate since if u do the bc with others and end up doing the bc more than once in a game day i believe you chances of getting the mimic are always the same.
# May 31 2007 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
I am offering 1.3 MIL for this item on the Seraph server.

Character name = Blastxbeat
# May 31 2007 at 3:52 AM Rating: Decent
I am offering 1.3 MIL for this on the Seraph server. My character name is Blastxbeat, see you in game! Thanks!
HP for lantent effect to kick in
# Mar 06 2007 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
Alright to all u ppl out their that have been blm for ages why dont u use just two or one ring to get lantent depending on lvl/gear u have. Which ring/rings u ask.. Prime avatar Reward rings LV65 -15% HP(hint hint).
Many mages would think twice b4 waste'n space. right now if i bring all my MAB, INT x7staves, AFx5 + relic body, Hmpx5, elemental skill gear food reraise,sneak/invisable items im left with about 55/60 on my gobbie bag. sometime room for new gear/farming/HNM/RARE/EX gear is worth so much more.

HP for lantent effect to kick in
# Jun 30 2007 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
Looks like a good idea, but theres just one problem. The avatar rings only activate on the day of the ring, so unless you wanna only kill on 1 day or carry around all the rings, this won't quite work :(.

Could someone PM me with some equipment suggestions for lvl 60 gear swaps for this latent?
HP for lantent effect to kick in
# Jun 03 2007 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
Alright to all u ppl out their that have been blm for ages why dont u use just two or one ring to get lantent depending on lvl/gear u have. Which ring/rings u ask.. Prime avatar Reward rings LV65 -15% HP(hint hint).
Many mages would think twice b4 waste'n space. right now if i bring all my MAB, INT x7staves, AFx5 + relic body, Hmpx5, elemental skill gear food reraise,sneak/invisable items im left with about 55/60 on my gobbie bag. sometime room for new gear/farming/HNM/RARE/EX gear is worth so much more.

Best Friggen idea ever.I thought I was stuck macro'ing -HP gear. These two rings, free rings mind you all, are gonn ahelp so much.
Re: Another Look At Sorc. Ring Latent
# Sep 28 2006 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
I'm afraid your testing does nothing but mislead people even further as to the true nature of the Sorcerer's Ring latent. Try going through the BLM forums and you will realise that the latent activation has nothing to do with your current HP bar which is why your results go against the accepted 75% figure. The latent on the Sorcerer's Ring is activated by your current HP being at 75% of your BASE HP (that is your HP when naked). What also needs to be factored in is that Zenith Mitts also count towards this and therefore there is no need to remove them for nuking and that yellow HP is not required to activate it IF you understand how the latent is actually working.
Re: Another Look At Sorc. Ring Latent
# Nov 07 2006 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
I did all the math, double, triple, and quadruple checked it based on this before I bought the ring. I just got it and can confirm that the latent is only active in yellow HP, that would be 75% of your current HP. I came up with a very crude test that went something like this... skip to the end if ya don't care about details. :P

Teleport-Holla, put on HP- gear, put normal gear back on. At this point I was at 75% of my base HP. I cast burst II on a bird for about 1.4k. I rested to full HP/MP and recast burst II for the same 1.4k on the same bird on the same day with the same weather. Not noticing any difference, I tested if it was actually 75% of your current HP by training a few mobs plus two more birds for testing. I cast Burst II on one bird, 1.4k again. I waited until the mobs drained enough of my HP for it to turn yellow, then recast burst II on the other bird for 1.5k. I repeated this a few times, making sure to cast everything on the same day/mob/weather/etc.

Basically I got +10 MAB when I had yellow HP, but not when I had 75% of base HP.
Another look at Sorc. Ring Latent
# Sep 18 2006 at 12:53 AM Rating: Good
3,379 posts
It seems commonly accepted that this ring along with the other Lv 50 rings kicks in when your Health bar has lowered itself to 75% or less (yellow health). After hearing about 80% mark from many a JP friend, I decided to test some. My recent tests would suggest otherwise. The trigger is indeed in your HP bar, but the cut-off point is not 75%, but rather 80%. Observe:

Gear for the first 3 sets of tests:
-Jupiter's Staff
-Phantom Tathlum
-Demon Helm +1
-Ugg Pendant (Latent active)
-Abyssal Earring
-Moldavite Earring
-Genie Weskit
-Zenith Mitts
-Snow Ring
-Tamas Ring
-Prism Cape
-Penitent's Rope
-Mahatma Slops
-Rostruum Pumps

HP: Little less than 75% of my total HP bar (511/682)
Day: Windsday
Weather: None
Food Eaten: Melon Pie +1
Moon Phase: N/A 78% Waxing Gibbous
Spell cast: Thunder IV
Mob cast on: Ebony Puddings (Chosen for their low magic defense / resist rate)
Cast1: 1512 dmg
Cast2: 1512 dmg
Cast3: 1512 dmg
Cast4: 1483 dmg (slight resist due to addition of earth weather)
Cast5: 1512 dmg
Cast6: 1483 dmg
Cast7: 1448 dmg (again resist from weather came into play)
Cast8: 1512 dmg (weather dissappeared)
Cast9: 1512 dmg
Cast10: 1512 dmg

Both Ugg Latent and my Sorc Ring latent were in full swing. Next I tried it at my theoretical 80% HP mark.

HP: 80% of my total HP bar (545/682)
Day: Windsday
Weather: None
Food Eaten: Melon Pie +1
Moon Phase: N/A 78% Waxing Gibbous
Spell cast: Thunder IV
Mob cast on: Ebony Puddings
Cast1: 1512 dmg
Cast2: 1512 dmg
Cast3: 1483 dmg (earth weather came into being)
Cast4: 1483 dmg
Cast5: 1512 dmg
Cast6: 1512 dmg
Cast7: 1448 dmg (again resist from weather came into play)
Cast8: 1388 dmg (weather hit me hard)
Cast9: 1512 dmg (weather gone)
Cast10: 1512 dmg

The latent on the Sorc Ring was still kicking in fully with my ugg latent.

HP: Just 1 HP over 80% of my total HP bar (546/682)
Day: Windsday
Weather: None
Food Eaten: Melon Pie +1
Moon Phase: N/A 78% Waxing Gibbous
Spell cast: Thunder IV
Mob cast on: Ebony Puddings
Cast1: 1443 dmg
Cast2: 1443 dmg
Cast3: 1387 dmg (food ran out)
Cast4: 1443 dmg
Cast5: 1443 dmg
Cast6: 1443 dmg
Cast7: 1387 dmg (earth weather appears)
Cast8: 1405 dmg
Cast9: 1405 dmg
Cast10: 1443 dmg (weather dissappears)

The latent was not kicking in at 81%. My next three test runs consisted of a specialty day / gear set for ice just to test if it was on a specialty day with bonuses going into the elemental damage.

Gear for the last 3 sets of tests:
-Aquilo's Staff
-Phantom Tathlum
-Demon Helm +1
-Ugg Pendant (Latent active)
-Abyssal Earring
-Moldavite Earring
-Genie Weskit
-Zenith Mitts
-Snow Ring
-Tamas Ring
-Prism Cape
-Hyorin Obi
-Sorcerer's Tonban
-Rostruum Pumps

HP: Just under 75% of my total HP bar (511/682)
Day: Iceday
Weather: None
Food Eaten: Melon Pie +1
Moon Phase: N/A 80% Waxing Gibbous
Spell cast: Blizzard IV
Mob cast on: Ebony Puddings
Cast1: 1661 dmg
Cast2: 1661 dmg
Cast3: 1604 dmg
Cast4: 1661 dmg
Cast5: 1661 dmg
Cast6: 1563 dmg (I rested a little too much and ugg latent didn't kick)
Cast7: 1661 dmg
Cast8: 1661 dmg
Cast9: 1642 dmg
Cast10: 1661 dmg

Clearly the control of the experiment still works. Both latents are kicking in nicely with the day bonuses.

HP: 80% of my total HP bar (545/682)
Day: Iceday
Weather: None
Food Eaten: Melon Pie +1
Moon Phase: N/A 80% Waxing Gibbous
Spell cast: Blizzard IV
Mob cast on: Ebony Puddings
Cast1: 1661 dmg
Cast2: 1607 dmg
Cast3: 1661 dmg
Cast4: 1661 dmg
Cast5: 1563 dmg (Again, I rested too much, Ugg didn't kick)
Cast6: 1661 dmg
Cast7: 1661 dmg
Cast8: 1607 dmg
Cast9: 1661 dmg
Cast10: 1661 dmg

Again, both Sorc Ring and Ugg latent were kicking in just fine at 80% rather than the accepted 75% level.

HP: Just 1 HP over 80% of my total HP bar (546/682)
Day: Iceday
Weather: None
Food Eaten: Melon Pie +1
Moon Phase: N/A 80% Waxing Gibbous
Spell cast: Blizzard IV
Mob cast on: Ebony Puddings
Cast1: 1543 dmg
Cast2: 1543 dmg
Cast3: 1487 dmg
Cast4: 1543 dmg
Cast5: 1543 dmg
Cast6: 1543 dmg
Cast7: 1452 dmg
Cast8: 1543 dmg
Cast9: 1543 dmg
Cast10: 1543 dmg

Just over 80% clearly does not allow the latent of the Sorc Ring to kick in. However .5 of a HP under the 80% mark yielded a 100% kick-in of the Sorcerer's Ring latent very consistently.

Why does this affect me?
Well for starters, those of you making macros so you can macro your HP down to the right amount for this latent to kick in, this can change what equip you were planning on having. 80% of your health bar is NOT yellow. Its still the border of white meaning your WHMs and RDMs won't freak out. They still see white HP. Also in the event you're in an area with undead, you will not be aggroed by them from low HP but can still have super-boosted nukes.
Another look at Sorc. Ring Latent
# Mar 04 2007 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
This is not a good test. It has been shown by others, and yes i have personally tested, that hp > mp gear needs to get added back to hp. I got a tele to dem and started casting stone with no gear hp modifiers. At constant HP: I'd get 75% hp and cast and id get latent. Then, id equip a blue cape which is 15 hp > mp and i would still get latent, but when id use -15 hp in gear and i would no longer get latent. Notice Happernack is using Z mitts. Im not saying hes wrong but his test is flawed unless he tests how his hp modifying gear is affecting latent.
I wish I never sold this.
# Feb 20 2006 at 9:57 PM Rating: Default
240 posts
You know what hurts, I had this ring on my old character after doing the BCNM in Giddeus. The one where you pick a chest?

Sold it for 300k... now I'm kicking myself for selling it. I could be using that for my BLM.
I wish I never sold this.
# Feb 20 2006 at 9:56 PM Rating: Default
240 posts
You know what hurts, I had this ring on my old character after doing the BCNM in Giddeus. The one where you pick a chest?

Sold it for 300k... now I'm kicking myself for selling it. I could be using that for my BLM.
I wish I never sold this.
# Feb 20 2006 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
You know what hurts, I had this ring on my old character after doing the BCNM in Giddeus. The one where you pick a chest?

Sold it for 300k... now I'm kicking myself for selling it. I could be using that for my BLM.
# Feb 12 2006 at 3:15 AM Rating: Default
hay guys guess wat?


; ;
# Jan 31 2006 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
[b][/b] Yeah I want this ring really bad.. I already got the republic Circlet ... (+5 Magic Atck. Bonus) so between these 2 things that quite a bit of damage.. Then add Molditave Earring in there O.O The Damage is crazy.. My friend has done experiments and it may not seem like ALOT compared to the hundreds of DMG BLM's do.. But believe me it adds up.. The only down fall to this ring is ... That its 5 mil... >.< These damn winter holidays screwed our whole server ....
8,000 gil
# Oct 18 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
Someone had this in their bazaar for 8,000 lol. But of course that was like 9 months ago! I got it. Fast forward, 500,000 in Rangoruk!
RE: 8,000 gil
# Apr 15 2006 at 5:28 PM Rating: Default
Edited by bsphil
21,739 posts
lol fast forward to April 2006 on Ragnarok, 2-3 mil. Gah, I really want to sell the one I got from BCNM50.
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
If no one debated with me, then I wouldn't post here anymore.
Take the hint guys, please take the hint.
gbaji wrote:
I'm not getting my news from anywhere Joph.
I gotI think its great. It cost me a lot of money
# Oct 18 2005 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
32 posts
I think its great. It cost me a lot of money the use, becaus I use venom potions the get inyellow. With blink, ice spikes, and earth staff I'm not worried about taking a few hits. I can take some whacks even as a taru, plus evasion is maxed. so I say hell yeah to this ring. Ps I sub rdm, so the whm only sub LIE
I gotI think its great. It cost me a lot of money
# Oct 18 2005 at 2:18 PM Rating: Good
32 posts

Edited, Tue Oct 18 15:36:22 2005
Myth Busted
# Sep 19 2005 at 7:58 PM Rating: Excellent
"SmokyTheTaru" wrote:
I have one and i use it. The latent affect is only with sub WHM. ^^

I just tried using this ring with Blizzaga III on bee's in the Rolanberry Fields and here is what I found:
75BLM/37WHM w/ >75%HP = 1271 dmg
75BLM/37WHM w/ <75%HP = 1357 dmg

75BLM/37RDM w/ <75%HP = 1274 dmg
75BLM/37RDM w/ <75%HP = 1368 dmg

I recast these spells to check for consistancy and found that these numbers show 95%~ of the time (in other words, my test was accurate). I used exactly the same equipment on all casts and did the exact same mob type everytime.
From this we can conclude that the rumor about the latent activating only with a WHM sub is entirely false. I only tested WHM and RDM subs since they are likely the only subjobs anyone will use and still get an invite.^^
Rate up if you dig the info, plz. ^^
RE: Myth Busted
# Dec 14 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Default
using your info, id say your assumption might be a little off, considering, /rdm would give you higher INT than /whm and thee damage being consistant would make 1 see that as /whm u can do the similar damage of the higher INT blm/rdm.
To me your little assesment concludes the validity of laten = /whm as it seems to have lvld the distance inbetween both /rdm and /whm subs.
RE: Myth Busted
# May 26 2006 at 8:15 AM Rating: Default
your an idiot
RE: Myth Busted
# Jan 31 2006 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
What he's showing there is that there is an increase in damage below 75% HP regardless if he is subbed whm or rdm.
RE: Myth Busted
# Dec 20 2005 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
33 posts
you've obviosly never gone out and tested how much damage a single INT gives you... IMO it's not that much. This item is definately not /whm only... I've tested it extensively. It's also not 75% or yellow HP. you can still get latent with more than 75% of current max HP. Some people say it goes off of Base HP (IE. 75% of max HP w/ no gear on). I don't think this is quite right either. My max HP is 967 Base. My nuking HP is 897. My modified HP is 718 (amount of HP I have after swapping out gear). I don't get the latent at 718 though, I get it at 697. I've also tested if you need to be hit during 75% HP to activate. That's false. It definately goes solely off of HP, but the calculation to find the exact percent... seems to be the trick part. The best way is to go out and test it. It's easy to see the damage difference of tier IV nuke with and without latent.
useful for farming
# Sep 10 2005 at 5:52 PM Rating: Default
yeah its too much of a pain to swap this in exp party .... every time my hp is yellow the WHM just cures me.... if i make a big deal about it its a hassle and so i just use it for solo'ing hard mobs. plus its going up in value since i bought it so i'll wait till it's worth a good amount
RE: useful for farming
# Sep 12 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
Thats the whole idea of making 2 macros:
1) Puts on your Zenith + other HP down gear.
2) Puts back on your normal XP gear. ^^
Its not a hassle when you consider you're getting 10% Magic Attack (like dual wielding elemental staves almost ^^) and if the WHM cures it off, then just nail your macros again. You can drop your HP to yellow faster than they can cure it off, and eventually they'll learn what you're doing. ^^
# Sep 08 2005 at 3:12 AM Rating: Good
Oddly no one's seemed to have explained the value of this ring and its proper use. 'FenrirValendros' touched on it when he said:
"FenrirValendros" wrote:
But ya, just gotta put on a bunch of HP- Gear, then take it off. ... For Taru, Astral rings + Gold Hairpin, would probably do the trick.

This is proper End-Game and I'll tell ya how. XD
Know all that useless Aquarian Abj. you see dropping that no one wants? Yea, take it. ^^
Uncurse (yea I know, its a couple mil, but its end game lol) then make a macro that puts on Z.Head+Z.Legs+Z.Feet+Two Astrals(or Electrums or Serket). Now, make another macro that swaps back in your normal equipment. *GASP!* You have yellow HP w/o ever taking hate. ^^
Just hit those two macro's before a nuke and you get an instant +10% dmg on your spells. Taru's got it easy with the low HP, and might not even need all three of those items (and can probably get by with the electrums instead of the more expensive rings). And yes, /RDM helps a ton (assuming that what 'SmokeytheTaru' said about the Latent only activating with /WHM isn't true) what with not having that pesky Auto-Regen but even with /WHM all you have to do is hit your macros again.
Perhaps a third macro might be handy if you find yourself unable to control hate, that will equip your Earth Staff+Sorc.Earring and all the -Enmity gear you got. ^^
But all in all, don't count this ring as 'useless' guys! Its VERY useful if you just use it right.
*watches the price jump on AH*
MWAHAHA!!! Delicious!

Edited, Thu Sep 8 04:27:34 2005
# Aug 27 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Mon Sep 19 02:46:02 2005
got it cheap
# Aug 18 2005 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
just got this for 20k on slyph, feal bad for you guys that have to pay 500k for it, tested it out on fire elementals in sky, added around 80-100 to my nukes when i was in the yellow...now i want the ugg pendant
# Aug 10 2005 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
2,429 posts
500k on midgard :( and not sold often
# Jul 19 2005 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
You all on other servers are so very very lucky...The price of this at Jeuno AH's on Bahamut range from 200k a month ago...to up to 2 mil for the last 6 sales....Talk about price gouging.
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