(Note: As of this post, on the Leviathan Server, Noble's Tunic was going for 5mil at last sale, with prices no higher than 5.3mil in the history which dated back to 9/22/06. By comparison, the Black Cloak was 70k at last sale, prices no higher than 90k in the history dating back to 9/27/06. Vermillion Cloak was at 4mil at last sale, prices no higher and no lower than 3,790,000 in history back to 9/27/06, and Haubergeon was 2,150,000 at last sale, prices no higher and no lower than 2,000,000 in the history back to 9/30/06. Why is Noble's more expensive? Because Shining Cloth is a pain in the **** to get.)
I have to question the people claiming that they'll 'stop leveling' White Mage at or around 68-70 because of this item. How much of that is you actually needing this item to level post-68/70, and how much of that is you actually just wanting this item so badly you won't level past that point without it? I see this the same way I saw a Haubergeon as I approached level 59 on my Hume Dark Knight. It's an incredible item; it would undoubtably be extremely useful in party situations, among others. But I don't need it any more than I need, oh, a Vermillion Cloak. It's not a necessity, it's a highly desirable item; and as a WHM65, who's just coming off the rebound to bring his subjob up to par, I honestly can say that I have no intention of stopping my leveling process pre-71+ just to work myself to death trying to afford this item. ESPECIALLY not with the Christmas season rolling in; it's the same every year so far. Christmas comes, the Gilselling sites start dropping prices and offering 'holiday specials', and before you know it, prices are like a balloon filled with helium- they keep going up and up and up. But I digress. I honestly don't see any item like this as a necessary part of my job unless its price happens to be more affordable; and even then, I'll usually pick it up as a little personal treat. Kind of like a comparison between the icing and the cake; are the Noble's Tunic, the Vermillion Cloak, or the Haubergeon the 'cake', or are they just icing?
i dont think we are going to see the same kind of gilseller specials this year as last year.. two big reasons: 1) think about how many accounts have been banned in the last year for RMT activity and how much gil has been removed from the game system wide.. 2) just checked the prices on IGE to see how they are doing, and the news is good lol :-) they are up to about $30.00 per 1mil gil. last year before christmas, they we selling for about $12-15 per mil..
given the massive system-wide deflation over the last year, how much damage do you really think gilbuyers are going to do if prices only get down to $20?? i remember what happened after the xmas discounts (when gil got down to like $7/mil) and how bad the economy was messed up, but that is not going to happen this year. there are not enough RMT accounts left to support it lol
Valefore price update: Noble's Tunic ~7 mil, Royal Cloak ~7.5 mil. Umm... Lol noble's got lower than a Royal Cloak. Noble's Tunic is actually not that bad now in terms of price, and is starting to become a lot more common nowadays.
<Warrior in my party> Man I need to get gil for armor next level. <Me> Yeah I know what you mean, i'm taking a break from {White Mage} because I can't pay for Nobles <W> Nobles? How much is that. <M> {Um...} 10 mil, 11 mil? something like that. <W> 10 mil for a quest?!?!?!?! What quest is that??! <M> Dow what with the who now? <W> What quest is 10 mil? <M> Nobles is a piece of armor <W> O why not just camp it? <M> Because its a clothcraft synth? <W> So level clothcraft? <M> Its like a level 90ish synth <W> 10 mil should get you that far <M> Probibly not if I buy all my materials <W> O <M> Why wouldnt I just buy the Nobles with the 10mil instead? <W> Because then you could make one whenever you needed it! If only we could all be as innocent as rank 4 taru wars using scythes
i've seen most of those Big Ticket Spells listed here at the magic shop NPCs for considerbly less than the prices your listing. Some of you may wish to check the Federal Magic Reserve in Windurst before buying from the AH.
i've seen most of those Big Ticket Spells listed here at the magic shop NPCs for considerbly less than the prices your listing. Some of you may wish to check the Federal Magic Reserve in Windurst before buying from the AH.
lol wtf.. made me forget what forum i was reading.. tunics are body armor :P
edit: decent info if we were talking about midlevel scrolls, since most people would just visit AH for convienence (paying too much) instead of visiting the magic reserve.
Yea this thing is only 16-18M on Cerberus, but by sheer dumb luck a 71WHM in my ls got one for 1.6M lucky ******* so now he runnin round in it and makin me look poorer than ever..... Randor you suck!!!
i just crafted my first nobles at a lvl 86 clothcrafter. i dont recommend doing that unless your nuts like me lol but i got it. and i signed it too^^. so i felt lucky so i did a vcloak too. and on leviathan server nobles is 15mil and vcloak is about 9.5-9.8mil usually.
I am saving for this one Siren (i have about 600k and its about 14mil{fun}) doing it for two reasons... a friend loves it <3 and Auto-Refresh with /nin ::drol:: really can help solo if you know what im saying >>; and in an xp pt, 2mp/3sec with cure potency +20% thinking i could be unbeatable, solo since im pining over someone it seems like a nice target >< back to setting up ENMs >>
this tunic has been showing up on the Ramuh AH a lot now, there were no sales at all starting after the AH tax patch, now during the month of May there were like 7 sales going from 10-12M (now the most recent sales are 11M)
wow.... thats alot of money, i might not even have that much at end game =O i have like 5 mil all together in junk, only because my items cost ALOT more then they did when i got them.
[Edddiiitttt] Spelling, i spelled a word wrong, very.... wrong =O
Cure potency does stack, I have Nobles Tunic and Healing Staff which both have +10% Cure potency and my cures are very strong. A noticeable difference from just having the staff to having the Tunic now also... Im very pleased with the Tunic due to the head slot opening up for me, i was using a Royal Cloak until Tunic was obtained...
this armor is ranging from 13-16 mil gil on Valefore server ..and is sold quite often. the +1 version was sold once on the AH for 100million by a lvl 75 JP named Pirorin i think his name was.. he had 250mil gil after he bought that too..he showed me when we were in a party together.he speaks pretty good english i think but use simple words.
you can never have more then 99,999,999 gil its been proven many many times and tested there is no way anyone could ever have 350 mil o and this is like 2-3 mil on seraph
Skjie is correct. On Alexander server AH, Martial gun sold for 250 million. Probably a friend or two combining heir gil together, but nonetheless proving that AH max is well above the Bazaar cap of 99,999,999.
hi hi every one out and fellow whm's i have looking at the prices for this cloak and this bites the last on the server Pheonix sold for 20,500,000. The Shining cloth used to make it goes for over 15mill. ive been drooling over this for a while and now that im close to lvl to where id be able to wear i dont have nearly the amount of money that they want for it