could they have come up with a more useless use for this lumber (so far) considering the expense in obtaining wood purification? An oak shield that you can cast Shell with... usable by a whm; that's even funnier.
"OMG, I'm out of MP but shell just ran out! Whew I've got this coated oak shield."
- whm equips coated shield
- whm waits 30 seconds for shield to be fully equipped
- while waiting whm meditates and gets more MP back than shell costs to cast
- whm uses 1 charge of shell
"I'm saved! Wow I hope this shell lasts more than 30 minutes since I can't equip my shield again until then.."
wind crystal
Oak Shield 20k
oak lumber 4k
ice, earth, light animas ~5k
40k guildpoint wood purification (1 time purchase)
I just don't see people paying 10k more than a normal oak shield for 20 casts of shell?
More useful recipes are needed and hopefully will be added in future patches. A protect line of enchanted shields would be more useful. Something like:
coated elm shield = 30 protect charges
coated oak shield = 30 protectII charges
that sort of thing
Edited, Wed May 25 14:22:03 2005