I went 4 time against this monster. first time i got rapped by links, as a 35 whm.. I went today and decided that i needed that drop, went as 49whm/1rng... so I waited for it to pop the first time... no drop.... waited 1 hr and came back for the spawn..... no drop..... came back for the third time about an hr later, and saw some blm's lvling and walked away for a bit and came back.. they were ko'd, I started casting raise on them and I see VE on my widescan... lol right as i set tracker i see the person i was raising say thank you. and at that moment I say sorry ill brb and that the VE popped.. went back after getting the drop ^^ and saw that they got raised... but that part doesnt matter. all i know is that i got the drop finally ^^b
just started playing last month, looking for itams for m thf. someone said they did away with this item..? or they replaced it with the empress pin? anyhelp greatly apreciated.
To curb the RMT campers from certain items (This one, Leaping Boots, Sniper Ring, and Peacock Charm), they replaced these drops with identical items named differently that are rare/ex (Empress Hairpin, Bounding Boots, Shakiree Ring (sp?), and Peacock Amulet --- respectivly). These new items give the same stats as the old ones. Additionally, the old ones are now available as drops through BCNM fights to give everyone a fair chance at the drops.
Unfortunatly, camping doesnt seem to have changed except for the camper names. Gilsellers have been replaced by hungry players wanting the items. Still lots of competition, but at least you know the drops are getting used by the campers now!
Personally, I treasure myBounding Boots, because noone can say I paid for them. They are mine through hours of killing PH, NM claiming, pleading, praying, crying, and cursing! LOL
I get 2 summoners and me as a paladin i run in and 2 hour and Provoke the huntfly. The summoners Diamond Dust with Shiva 2 times each and u win. Wow that was soooo hard. (not)
Im 4/4 on Emp Hairpin and ive got a Scorpoin Harness and 2 Snipers Rings to Prove it.
Yeah, I know theyre expensive. What I would like to know is if one would be able to obtain an Emperor's Hairpin if they just recently(2 hours ago) obtained an Empress' Hairpin? Can you have both in your possession? If so, im gonna go dominate that Valk Emp again so I can actually make some gil instead of looking cool :)
Side info: -Was a WAR35/THF17. -Was 1/2 on drop. -Was eating alotta Goldfish while I camped.
Holy crap I thought I had it bad... for only 3 mil on Auction House... 10 million is like the price of Scorpion Harness+1 on Garuda! I remember back in the days when it was only 100k.... over one year ago though... :*(
wow this item cost to much i bought it for 300k , yeah been awile eh...now its up to 7 million on fairy...imma wait till it gets to 12 million...should be a few more days then imma sell mine... just a side not...not really Gil sellers that mess up the prices..its the crafters that wanna raise up prices.and gil buyers that are in patient and just put down ALOT more then what its worth just to buy it i'v just sold my Katanas they was yoto +1 put down for 100k and got 400k for each of them..who the hell randomly puts down a extra 600k? hmmmmmmm
Wow, that sucks man, in Unicorn its half the price of yours, makes me thankful, but what realy sucks is the patch SE made on Lizzy and Emperor, it seems inflation have gotten worse since then. Don't get me wrong, I like that they made it rare/ex, until i figured out that gil sellers would up prices on other NM drops. its hard to lvl up my nin when I can't afford this new overly priced crap, along w/ having to spnd gil on tools, I basicly blame the Inflation on SE a little, and gil seller/buyers ALOT. Something need to be done soon and fast, or SE will lose alot of FFXI players.
As much as I despise the gilsellers (primarily for the 24/7 camping on mobs that have drops that players need), you can't blame the inflation on them -- it's primarily the structure of the FFXI economic system. You have a million people farming, gardening, logging, mining (etc.) all of which brings new value into the system, and there are very limited means to remove the excess value (AH tax, sales by NPCs, turning in guild items being the main ones available). So, it's built into the system, unfortunately. The only way to cure inflation is to take more money out of the system; like IRL, the central banks adjust the interest rates up, add various taxes, etc., and very little of this sort of activity is possible in the game. How would the players react, for example, if the Jeuno AH tax were moved to 40% from 10%, and the city AHs had a 10% tax instead of the current minimal charge? In fact, I suspect (much to my dislike) that the gilsellers perform a positive economic role in making articles available, since they often are the most efficient "producers" of the articles in question and bring more to the AH than otherwise would be the case. Meh, just rambling thoughts in response to "gilsellers cause inflation" ideas -- gilsellers actually cause frustration, not inflation.
One of the simpleist things se can do to cut the rate of inflation wiould be to expand the list of past ah sales to 25 or 50. Most importantly it would interfere (sp?) with people who price jack, i.e. people who buy/sell something through a group pf friends to raise prices. Mainly because people wouldn't pay such cost increases if they could see how prices had progressed and how the prices were just a day or two ago.
Look at all the items for the things you can get... before emp pin.. now imagine..... lets say you do not get what you wanted.. what do you do.. lets say 6 party members were sucessful... and you did not get what yo wanted that would suck.....
Man I got this Sucker for 290k way back when ;p and now it over a MIL !!! WOOT ... I also had leaping boots 300k ~> now winged boots for 50k more. What a great investment when I ever sell it ;p But I am not... great piece of gear.
Time to find NM so I can sell ;p and Finally they posted the BC for the drop.
Would you guys be kind enuf to post how much this thing cost on your servers? I'm movin to a new server, and are lookin at how much things cost to kinda help me decide. (i know no one on any other server, so im kinda goin by prices to chooe my next server.) Thanks a bunch^^~
1.5-3mil on hades kinda sucks actually i can't even camp this thing. I just want to use it too. Usually about 15-20 campers camping it. I also would like to get the leaping boots but can't get those either still to many campers.
I wish i was on the same World Server you guys are on. On Asura, it went from 1.25mil to 2.3-5mil a few days after update. I sold mine and plan on campin VE for Rare/Ex version. ( This server seems expensive compared to other severs).
i will be kicking myself for ever , when the ex update came out the pin droped from million to 400k but didnt buy it cus everyone thought it keep droping oh how wrong they were it shot back up to higher than it was before cry (caitsith why has thou forsaken me