Much more useful than this necklace job-wise. Apparently the only real "value" it may have is desynthing, as Dragonkicker mentioned:
With 71 clothcraft, I desynthed this using a lightning crystal and got HQ animation and 12 margeurites. So it might be craftable, and maybe even a HQ version. I'll mess around with it later.
meh i dont know why i still have this in my inventory, maybe because i think it has some sorta latency effect lol...oh well keep the whistle and toss this piece of crap
With 71 clothcraft, I desynthed this using a lightning crystal and got HQ animation and 12 margeurites. So it might be craftable, and maybe even a HQ version. I'll mess around with it later.
This is a reply to an old post ... but non the less ... things will only appear in the Auction House once someone tries to sell something. Not every item is added automatically to the Auction House. For example, I saw there was a Lizard Lure in the AH in Jeuno, but when I went to Windy there wasn't even one listed period.
Why are you asking how much these are worth? Get to an Auction House and check the prices! It take a few minutes in game, but you could wait days for a response on the internet...
You -can't- be that lazy. If you're not willing to stop by the Auction House the next time you're in town, then you really don't care about the item, then do you?
Ok... here is what I don't understand about this item... it is a lvl 27 item that gives +3 to chr... but the lvl 15 bird whistle gives +3 chr and +5 hp and is easily gotten from brd quest... odd don't you think?
Actually, I read this post and all the replys, and the replys to the replys, and the replys to the replys to the replys. Whatever. I checked, and this is the result: Bird Whistle: Lv. 15 HP: +5 CHR: 3 All jobs Beast Whistle: Lv. 24 VIT: 2 CHR: 2 BST (from BST flag quest, NOT Brd flag quest)
Is this craftable? I noticed that w/ the last patch they moved the flowers (amaryllis, lilac, etc) into the alchemy section of the AH. Maybe there's an alchemy recipe to make these? Just a guess.
I would assume it's clothcraft if it can be crafted, not sure what the recipe might be, some kind of thread and some flowers. Seeing as how its a necklace.