since its made with curry and dragon meat they should have called it Dragon Vindaloo, And serve it up with some popadoms. Lister of red dwarf would have loved that.
Okay, considering I go through at least one serving of this stuff a day, i'm quite familiar with its effects:
Red Curry Duration: 3 hours Stats: STR +7 AGI +1 INT -2 Attack +23% max (150 rumored to be uncapped) Ranged Attack +23% max (150) HP +20-35
EDIT: grants Demon Killer effect (forgot about that)
Yeah, the hp boost varies on this. i've seen it go as low as 20 and as high as 35 in the year i've been eating the stuff. Since I am a ranger though i eat it for the ranged attack boost and can't really confirm or deny the uncapped attack boost rumor
Red curry 80k (and lowering) Dragon meat 50k. I have tried about 20 synths so far i think about 6-7 fails. Rest sucseeded, .3 skillups. I'm glad this doesn't really lose gil right now so i am gonna keep skilling cooking up for a while. Only problem is the rate which currys sell :/
Just made one today at 95 cooking. Went to guild for synth support and faced NW on iceday. Now I get to show off with my own signed red curry in my bazaar lol. No skillup though :(
Ive hit 95 cooking and spent 4-5hrs in crawlers nest to get myself 12 jellys for soups, because dragon meat is 200k each. Im sorry seraph, cooks cant really sustain that. Red curry sells for 200k so there is no profit to be made, dragon soup sells for 100k, so thats a no-no. I will make a few red currys when i hit 97-98 signed for people who want it, and who bring me the meat. But otherwise, im not going to touch it.
/em resigns to spend 43279052 hours farming crawlers nest for jellys.
this isn't tiny boost at all, most foods have a cap at how much att% they actually add. like w/ meat chief's att+22% but caps at 65 added. this food caps at +150 attack, which there 3 foods that caps this high. curry caps the fastest giving the highest percentage yield of the 3. also the +7 str, resist sleep effect/demon killer effect and also matches the 150 caped melee attack w/ a 150 cap ranged attack. this food is all about DD'ing. later in the game you can get so much acc+ equips is not even funny so its kind of nice to have things like this when you don't need sushi. not saying the you don't use sushi end game just not all the time. hope this answer's your question
Does anyone have any idea if the attack+% has a cap or is it really just +25%? If that is so this is by far the most godly attack food ever at high levels.
For those of you who dont know, most meat dishes give attack + x% (capping at y for z attack) Usually cap is about 80 for the higher foods like meat mithkabobs and coeurl subs. If this has no cap then it could give upwards of 200 attack for lvl 75 with nice gear. Which is what leads me to believe this has some cap...
I think is good this but with cursed soup if you are level 75? do god soup , yummmmM!MMM! or cursed soup, but i dont know the recipes, what i can know? before i was cooking 32 but now 0 ^^ lol, i erase old character, this curry if i pay a few only for it is good for me but much is good for cooking,
this is for level up cooking ^^, i put this because i cant enter to game :(
ok guys red curry is alsot ranged attack + it's more then 32% as yellow curry i'm doign 800 slug with a crossbow and red i'm doing over 1k slug easy :o this is by far the best food for rngs who don't want to be beaten in the dmg department. now to get it is the hard part i have the meat but none of the other ingredients to make it ;; and it's 60k in ah vice the dragon meant at 79k :o which tells me you should only use this food if you are in a hnmls and tell them that u would like the meat for your food! most of them will agree and give it to you as you will become one the best DD that they have seen. for example i did war af3 there is 2 goblin nm's i used red curry on one and WOW i was doing 2k slug's yellow on the other tiem i went and was only like 1400 slug's big ranged dmg difference :o any ways b prepared o buy it for alot of food lasts about 5 hours <.< i used it first time while doing zm5 started at 3pm est food wore at around 8 est ^^
This is, by far, the worst item to skillup on. Going for 40-70k on Quetzalcoatl, this stuff just sucks. During one period, with 10 meats, i blew out 4, made 6, and earned a .1 skillup. Be prepared to lose the meat too, everytime i blow one out, i lose the meat 100% of the time. As i write this, i just synthed 11 times, blowing out 3, full moon, watersday, not one skillup. Cooking sucks.
Hey Carl I'm on Quetz too and you're buying the meat before I can get it! lol But yeah so far zip on the skill ups, it's terrible.
Also, I hope the greedy player Alvis gets MPK'd for jacking the price of Dragon Meat up from 60k to 80k in two days. That's a 30k loss per synth of Red Curry, something that is a terrible skill up. Great.
These sell for 50-60K on Caitsith, which is about the cost to make.
The funny thing is that someone on Caitsith who shall remain nameless went and bought the signed Dragon Steak I had made because he got sick of seeing it in my bazaar. Maybe he'll do the same with the curry. ;)
my sister has 7 of these damn things in he MH, and she never uses em cuz theyre so expensive >< so whats the bloody point of having em if theyre just gonna take up space?? and these things run for some-odd 50k on gilgamesh.
This DOES NOT cap 100 - this is very important, as you don't want to waste money on however much Dragon Meat is trying to get skill. It caps somewhere in the 90s, possibly even 99, but I can't confirm what level exactly.
(Assumption based on the fact that neither of the NPCs who gives recipes above your level gives this to me at 99.9.)
Posted:Jan 20 2005 at 5:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) as sume1 said 85k each... imagine you die just after used it ><. but the stats are good ide like to have some to solo some EM at lvl 40 ^^.