3, 2, 1... (R) | 50 | Waughroon Shrine |
6 |
Scroll of Raise, Jungle Belt, Odenta, Forest Belt, Ocean Belt, Kageboshi, Desert Belt, Scroll of Regen II, Steppe Belt, Scroll of Freeze, Scroll of Quake, Fire Spirit Pact, Light Spirit Pact |
Amphibian Assault (R) | 60 | Sacrificial Chamber |
6 |
String Torque, Enhancing Torque, Guarding Torque, Elemental Torque, Summoning Torque, Evasion Torque, Shield Torque, Scroll of Absorb-STR, Dark Ore, Divine Torque, Water Ore, Fluorite, Scroll of Erase, Scroll of Phalanx, Aquamarine, Gold Ingot, Sunstone, Earth Ore, Jadeite |
An Awful Autopsy (R) | 50 | Qu'Bia Arena |
3 |
Super Ribbon, Templar's Mantle, Intellect Torque, Scroll of Quake, Rival Ribbon, Sly Gauntlets, Ivory Mitts, Storm Gorget, Benign Necklace, Hateful Collar, Ebony Log, Petrified Log, Esoteric Mantle, Undead Skin, Sniper's Mantle, Heavy Mantle, Rush Gloves, Darksteel Ingot, Gold Ingot |
Ark Angels v2 (Elvaan) (R) | 99 | Northern San d'Oria |
6 |
Ark Angels v2 (Galka) (R) | 99 | Northern San d'Oria |
6 |
Copy of Rem's Tale, Chapter 9, Sif's Lock, Tunglmyrkvi, Anahera Blade, Agitator's Collar, Lurid Mitts, Daihanshi Habaki, |
Ark Angels v2 (Hume) (R) | 99 | Northern San d'Oria |
6 |
Manabyss Pigaches, Piece of Maliyakaleya Coral, Bloodrain Strap, Castigation, Lithelimb Cap, Anahera Saber, Copy of Rem's Tale, Chapter 6, |
Ark Angels v2 (Mithra) (R) | 99 | Northern San d'Oria |
6 |
Copy of Rem's Tale, Chapter 8, Chunk of Beryllium Ore, Raimitsukane, Anahera Tabar, Regimen Mittens, Felistris Mask, Sekhmet Corset, |
Ark Angels v2 (Taru) (R) | 99 | Northern San d'Oria |
6 |
Copy of Rem's Tale, Chapter 10, Hepatizon Ore, Anahera Scythe, Venabulum, Theurgist's Slacks, Scamp's Sollerets, Fravashi Mantle, |
BCNM Orbs (R) | 70 | Port Jeuno |
Star Orb, Sky Orb, Moon Orb, Lachesis Orb, Comet Orb, Cloudy Orb, Clotho Orb, Atropos Orb |
Birds of a Feather (R) | 30 | Waughroon Shrine |
3 |
Katana Obi, Scythe Belt, Lance Belt, Mace Belt, Avatar Belt, Gun Belt, Dagger Belt, Cestus Belt, Axe Belt, Song Belt, Sarashi, Wrestler's Earring, Mercenary's Earring, Light Opal, Mythril Ingot, Shield Belt, Pick Belt, Scroll: Magic Finale, Staff Belt, Rapier Belt, Scroll of Dispel, Scroll of Erase, Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni |
Brothers D'Aurphe (R) | 60 | Qu'Bia Arena |
6 |
Marine M Boots, Wood M Ledelsens, Eurytos' Bow, River Gaiters, Wood F Ledelsens, Mythril Ingot, Dune Sandals, Scroll: Valor Minuet IV, Marine F Boots, Creek M Clomps, Cross-Counters, Scroll of Flare, Creek F Clomps, Hi-Potion +3, Chrysoberyl, Sunstone, Gold Ingot, Moonstone, Zircon |
Carapace Combatants (R) | 30 | Horlais Peak |
3 |
Katana Obi, Warlock's Earring, Sardonyx, Beetle Jaw, Wizard's Earring, Wyvern Earring, Healer's Earring, Pilferer's Earring, Mercenary's Earring, Trimmer's Earring, Scroll of Fire II, Ashigaru Earring, Beetle Shell, Mythril Ingot, Killer Earring, Esquire's Earring, Singer's Earring, Scroll: Magic Finale, Insect Wing, Wrestler's Earring, Elm Log, Beater's Earring, Silver Ore, Scroll of Dispel, Steel Ingot, Genin Earring, Magician's Earring, Mythril Ore, Scroll of Absorb-INT, Scroll of Absorb-VIT, Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni |
Celery (R) | 60 | Qu'Bia Arena |
3 |
Mythril Ingot, Silk Cloth, Knightly Mantle, Nursemaid's Harp, Elusive Earring, Oblation Abjuration, Trailer's Kukri, Teleport Ring: Dem, Darksteel Ingot, Fluorite, Hi-Potion Tank, Hi-Ether Tank, Rainbow Cloth, Chrysoberyl, Sunstone, Aquamarine, Libation Abjuration, Moonstone, Zircon, Jadeite |
Charming Trio (R) | 20 | Balga's Dais |
3 |
Cotton Cloth, Platoon Spatha, Gunromaru, Ganko, Mythril Beastcoin, Platoon Pole, Toad Oil, Scroll of Drain, Air Spirit Pact, Platoon Gun, Platoon Disc, Potion, Fiend Blood, Potion +1, Platoon Edge, Platoon Cutter, Beastman Blood, Mannequin Hands, Mannequin Head |
Creeping Doom (R) | 30 | Balga's Dais |
3 |
Hi-Potion, Sardonyx, Warlock's Earring, Wyvern Earring, Hi-Ether, Healer's Earring, Pilferer's Earring, Scroll: Magic Finale, Mythril Ingot, Mercenary's Earring, Elm Log, Light Opal, Silver Ingot, Killer Earring, Ashigaru Earring, Silver Ore, Esquire's Earring, Silk Thread, Trimmer's Earring, Singer's Earring, Beater's Earring, Genin Earring, Magician's Earring, Steel Ingot, Wizard's Earring, Iron Ingot, Iron Ore, Scroll of Dispel, Scroll of Erase, Wrestler's Earring, Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni, Darksteel Ore, Bast Parchment, Onyx |
Crustacean Conundrum (R) | 20 | Waughroon Shrine |
3 |
Platoon Mace, Bronze Ingot, Fish Oil Broth, Platoon Dagger, Bronze Sheet, Land Crab Meat, Platoon Axe, Platoon Cesti, Mythril Beastcoin, Platoon Sword, Crab Shell, Beetle Quiver, Platoon Zaghnal, Mannequin Hands, Mannequin Body |
Demolition Squad (R) | 60 | Qu'Bia Arena |
Creek M Mitts, Mythril Ingot, Wood Gloves, Dune Bracers, River Gauntlets, Scroll: Valor Minuet IV, Creek F Mitts, Marine M Gloves, Marine F Gloves, Wood Gauntlets, Chrysoberyl, Aquamarine, Hi-Potion +3, Moonstone, Vile Elixir |
Die by the Sword (R) | 30 | Qu'Bia Arena |
3 |
Katana Obi, Warlock's Earring, Mercenary's Earring, Wyvern Earring, Lance Belt, Wizard's Earring, Rusty Pick, Rusty Greatsword, Avatar Belt, Gun Belt, Scroll: Magic Finale, Dagger Belt, Cestus Belt, Scroll of Regen, Ashigaru Earring, Beater's Earring, Genin Earring, Axe Belt, Magician's Earring, Pick Belt, Mannequin Hands, Scroll of Erase, Petrified Log, Mannequin Head, Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni, Rapier Belt, Mannequin Body, Gold Ingot |
Dismemberment Brigade (R) | 60 | Horlais Peak |
6 |
Spectacles, Hamelin Flute, Chrysoberyl, Sarnga, Moonstone, Peace Ring, Assault Earring, Dragvandil, Kabrakan's Axe, Sunstone, Gold Ingot, Zircon |
Divine Might (Extreme) (R) | 99 | Port Bastok |
18 |
Lentus Grip, Kyujutsugi, Seraphicaller, Divinator, Crematio Earring, Gelai Earring, Sanare Earring, Tripudio Earring, Trux Earring, |
Divine Punishers (R) | 60 | Balga's Dais |
6 |
Spartan Cesti, Ochiudo's Kote, Dominion Mace, Peace Ring, Master Belt, Aramis's Rapier, Forseti's Axe, Enhancing Mantle |
Dropping Like Flies (R) | 30 | Horlais Peak |
6 |
Singer's Mantle, Scroll: Magic Finale, Varlet's Targe, Wrestler's Aspis, Wyvern Mantle, Onyx, Ashigaru Targe, Emperor Hairpin, Mannequin Head, Scroll of Dispel, Mercenary Mantle, Scroll of Erase, Beater's Aspis, Wizard's Mantle, Mannequin Body |
Eye of the Tiger (R) | 50 | Horlais Peak |
3 |
Super Ribbon, Mythril Ingot, Templar's Mantle, Scroll of Freeze, Intellect Torque, Sly Gauntlets, Heavy Mantle, Shock Mask, Storm Gorget, Hateful Collar, Gold Ingot, Benign Necklace, Mana Circlet, Nue Fang, Sniper's Mantle |
Factory Rejects (R) | 40 | Qu'Bia Arena |
6 |
Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni, Mercury, Raifu, Jongleur's Dagger, Gold Beastcoin, Doll Shard, Agile Mantle, Rearguard Mantle, Scroll of Phalanx, Buzzard Tuck |
Grimshell Shocktroopers (R) | 60 | Waughroon Shrine |
6 |
Vassago's Scythe, Enhancing Mantle, Astral Shield, Fey Wand, Assault Earring, Chicken Knife, Scroll of Raise II |
Grove Guardians (R) | 30 | Waughroon Shrine |
6 |
Pilferer's Mantle, Killer Targe, Scroll: Magic Finale, Herb Seeds, Mannequin Hands, Scroll of Dispel, Scroll of Erase, Vegetable Seeds, Genin Aspis, Wrestler's Mantle, Scorpion Quiver, Healer's Shield, Grain Seeds, Magician's Mantle, Mannequin Body |
Harem Scarem (R) | 30 | Balga's Dais |
6 |
Scroll of Regen, Healer's Mantle, Dhalmel Meat, Giant Femur, Mannequin Hands, Scroll of Dispel, Mannequin Head, Mercenary Mantle, Scroll of Erase, Wyvern Targe, Esquire's Mantle, Trimmer's Aspis, Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni, Dhalmel Hide, Wool Cloth, Wizard's Shield, Beater's Mantle |
Hero's Combat | 60 | Stellar Fulcrum |
6 |
Heroine's Combat | 60 | Stellar Fulcrum |
6 |
Hostile Herbivores (R) | 50 | Horlais Peak |
6 |
Jungle Belt, Ocean Stone, Slayer's Ring, Forest Belt, Ocean Belt, Jungle Stone, Scroll of Regen III, Medicine Ring, Ronin Ring, Soldier's Ring, Desert Stone, Tracker's Ring, Shinobi Ring, Conjurer's Ring, Kampfer Earring, Forest Stone, Tamer's Ring, Rogue's Ring, Fencer's Ring, Desert Belt, Scroll of Freeze, Sorcerer's Ring, Guardian's Ring, Steppe Stone, Scroll of Raise II, Steppe Belt, Drake Ring, Scroll of Quake, Minstrel's Ring, Light Spirit Pact |
Idol Thoughts (R) | 50 | Qu'Bia Arena |
6 |
Kakanpu, Scroll of Freeze, Oblation Abjuration, Golem Shard, Granite, Platinum Ingot, Optical Needle, Nazar Bonjuk, Mantra Coin, Mythril Ore, Libation Abjuration, Gold Ingot |
Jungle Boogymen (R) | 60 | Sacrificial Chamber |
6 |
Marine M Boots, Wood M Ledelsens, Scroll of Absorb-STR, Enfeebling Torque, Wood F Ledelsens, Wind Torque, Elemental Torque, Dune Sandals, Guarding Torque, Summoning Torque, Marine F Boots, Healing Torque, Earth Ore, Creek M Clomps, Lightning Ore, Ice Ore, Light Ore, Evasion Torque, Wind Ore, Creek F Clomps, Mythril Ingot, Dark Ore, Dark Torque, Scroll of Erase, Fire Ore, Black Beetle Blood, Water Ore, Sunstone, Gold Ingot, Scroll of Phalanx, Mahogany Log |
Kindergarten Cap (R) | 90 | Horlais Peak |
3 |
Kindred Spirits (R) | 60 | Throne Room |
6 |
Armbrust, Spartan Cesti, Mythril Ingot, Sairen, Schwarz Lance, Scroll: Carnage Elegy, Hamelin Flute, Vassago's Scythe, Aramis's Rapier, Archalaus's Pole, Light Boomerang, Dragvandil, Forseti's Axe, Omokage, Kabrakan's Axe, Demon Quiver, Demon Horn, Sunstone |
Legion XI Comitatensis (R) | 60 | Chamber of Oracles |
6 |
Parrying Torque, Scroll of Raise II, Elemental Torque, Summoning Torque, Evasion Torque, Earth Ore, Lightning Ore, Ice Ore, Light Ore, Mythril Ingot, Ninjutsu Torque, Enhancing Torque, Guarding Torque, Fire Ore, Wind Ore, Dark Ore, Chrysoberyl, Aquamarine, Sunstone, Divine Torque, Water Ore, Gold Ingot, Fluorite, Jadeite |
Let Sleeping Dogs Die (R) | 30 | Qu'Bia Arena |
6 |
Scroll of Absorb-INT, Scroll of Dispel, Warlock's Shield, Mannequin Hands, Ashigaru Mantle, Mannequin Head, Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni, Scroll of Erase, Mannequin Body, Scroll of Absorb-VIT, Magician's Shield, Wolf Hide, Wizard's Mantle, Scroll of Absorb-AGI, Singer's Shield, Killer Mantle, Revival Tree Root |
Mercenary Camp | 60 | Stellar Fulcrum |
6 |
Petrifying Pair (R) | 30 | Ghelsba Outpost |
3 |
Onyx, Katana Obi, Scroll: Magic Finale, Tourmaline, Scythe Belt, Light Opal, Lance Belt, Scroll of Absorb-INT, Mace Belt, Scroll of Dispel, Avatar Belt, Leaping Boots, Cestus Belt, Dagger Belt, Gun Belt, Axe Belt, Song Belt, Sarashi, Scroll of Erase, Shield Belt, Pick Belt, Staff Belt, Rapier Belt |
Provenance - Beguiling Radiance (R) | 99 | Beguiling Radiance |
Strategema Knife, Transitory Abjuration: Hands, Pensee Earring, Canute's Helm, Atmacite of Assailment, Atmacite of the Vanguard, Beguiling Petrifact, Dusky Periapt of Exploration, Serica Cloth, |
Provenance - Maddening Radiance (R) | 99 | Maddening Radiance |
Atmacite of Imperium, Atmacite of Solipsist, Maddening Petrifact, Corvine Abjuration: Hands, Supernal Abjuration: Hands, Nikko-ichimonji, Folhardi Ring, Wohpe's Sabots, Dusky Periapt of Prudence, |
Provenance - Protocrystal (R) | 99 | Provenance Protocrystal |
Atmacite of Provenance, Periapt of Emergence, Adamas, Sanus Ensis, Plenitas Virga, Hyaline Hat, Tessera Saio, Drachenhorn, Corvine Abjuration: Body, Foreboding Abjuration: Body, Lenitive Abjuration: Body, Supernal Abjuration: Body, Transitory Abjuration: Body, |
Provenance - Seductive Radiance (R) | 99 | Seductive Radiance |
Atmacite of Cataphract, Atmacite of the Parapet, Seductive Petrifact, Corvine Abjuration: Hands, Foreboding Abjuration: Hands, Myrmex Mittens, Wanion Belt, Bryoja's Staff, Vivid Periapt of Prudence, |
Rapid Raptors (R) | 50 | Balga's Dais |
3 |
Mythril Ingot, Templar's Mantle, Intellect Torque, Ivory Mitts, Sly Gauntlets, Heavy Mantle, Storm Gorget, Spiked Finger Gauntlets, Benign Necklace, Hateful Collar, Rush Gloves, Mana Circlet |
Return to Delkfutt’s Tower (Extreme) (R) | 99 | Northern San d'Oria |
6 |
Mes'yohi Haubergeon, Mes'yohi Rod, Mes'yohi Slacks, Mes'yohi Sword, Copy of Rem's Tale, Chapter 10, Copy of Rem's Tale, Chapter 6, Copy of Rem's Tale, Chapter 7, Copy of Rem's Tale, Chapter 8, Copy of Rem's Tale, Chapter 9, |
Royal Jelly (R) | 40 | Waughroon Shrine |
3 |
Himmel Stock, Dusky Staff, Mana Ring, Marksman's Ring, De Saintre's Axe, Buzzard Tuck, Mannequin Hands, Archer's Ring, Steel Sheet, Air Spirit Pact, Grudge Sword, Gold Beastcoin, Scroll of Ice Spikes, Shikar Bow, Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni, Scroll of Erase, Steel Ingot, Scroll of Refresh, Scroll of Phalanx, Pearl, Goshenite, Turquoise, Fire Spirit Pact, Sealed Mace |
Royal Succession (R) | 40 | Balga's Dais |
3 |
Himmel Stock, Agile Gorget, Dusky Staff, Silk Cloth, Gold Beastcoin, Sealed Mace, Jagd Gorget, Ohaguro, Wild Pamamas, Calveley's Dagger, Kagehide, Scroll of Ice Spikes, Scroll of Refresh, Pamamas, Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni, Scroll of Erase, Scroll of Phalanx |
Shooting Fish (R) | 20 | Horlais Peak |
3 |
Scroll of Blaze Spikes, Scroll of Warp, Platoon Mace, Platoon Pole, Pugil Scales, Platoon Cesti, Shall Shell, Mythril Beastcoin, Platoon Gun, Platoon Disc, Purple Rock, Platoon Bow, White Rock, Mannequin Head, Scroll: Horde Lullaby, Beastman Blood, Platoon Cutter, Mannequin Body, Thunder Spirit Pact, Platoon Zaghnal, Yellow Rock, Red Rock, Blue Rock |
Shots in the Dark (R) | 60 | Horlais Peak |
3 |
Aquamarine, Trainer's Wristbands, Teleport Ring: Vahzl, Sapient Cape, Teleport Ring: Holla |
Steamed Sprouts (R) | 40 | Balga's Dais |
6 |
Scroll of Absorb-STR, Gold Beastcoin, Survival Belt, Balance Buckler, Mythril Beastcoin, Sapphire, Red Rock, Scroll of Ice Spikes, Garnet, Scroll of Refresh, Guarding Gorget, Scroll of Erase, Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni, Fire Spirit Pact, Enhancing Earring, Oak Log, Rosewood Log, Ametrine, Scroll of Phalanx, Goshenite, Peridot, Sphene, Black Pearl, Vile Elixir, Translucent Rock |
Tails of Woe (R) | 40 | Horlais Peak |
6 |
Scroll of Absorb-STR, Blitz Ring, Gold Beastcoin, Druid's Rope, Mythril Beastcoin, Black Rock, Scroll of Ice Spikes, Ametrine, Blue Rock, Scroll of Refresh, Pearl, Peridot, Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni, Scroll of Erase, Fire Spirit Pact, Aegis Ring, Scroll of Phalanx, Tundra Mantle, Vile Elixir |
The Celestial Nexus (Extreme) (R) | 99 | Northern San d'Oria |
Vanir Battery, Vanir Boots, Vanir Cotehardie, Vanir Gun, Vanir Knife, Vial of Wyrm Blood, Copy of Rem's Tale, Chapter 10, Copy of Rem's Tale, Chapter 6, Copy of Rem's Tale, Chapter 7, Copy of Rem's Tale, Chapter 8, Copy of Rem's Tale, Chapter 9, |
The Final Bout (R) | 50 | Waughroon Shrine |
3 |
Scroll of Quake, Super Ribbon, Templar's Mantle, Intellect Torque, Rival Ribbon, Wisteria Lumber, Sly Gauntlets, Mahogany Lumber, Ivory Mitts, Tree Cuttings, Storm Gorget, Wyvern Skin, Benign Necklace, Hateful Collar, Boyahda Moss, Esoteric Mantle, Heavy Mantle, Shock Mask, Gold Ingot, Spiked Finger Gauntlets, Mana Circlet, Rush Gloves, Mahogany Log |
The Palborough Project (R) | 90 | Waughroon Shrine |
3 |
Earth Ore, Raxa, Hi-Reraiser, Vile Elixir, Fracas Grenade, Fervor Ring, Adaman Ore, Darksteel Ore, Molybdenum Ore, Ebony Log, Petrified Log, Mahogany Log, Light Fewell, Lightning Fewell, |
The Worm's Turn (R) | 40 | Waughroon Shrine |
6 |
Nemesis Earring, Turquoise, Scroll of Absorb-STR, Gold Beastcoin, Sphene, Earth Mantle, Ametrine, Scroll of Absorb-AGI, Strike Shield, Guarding Gorget, Mythril Beastcoin, Scroll of Refresh, Scroll of Erase, Scroll of Ice Spikes, Spirit Torque, Peridot, Enhancing Earring, Black Pearl, Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni, Fire Spirit Pact, Shikar Bow, Goshenite, Scroll of Phalanx |
The Wyrm God (R) | 99 | Abyssea-Empyreal Paradox |
6 |
Twilight Mail, Twilight Belt, Twilight Cape, Twilight Cloak, Twilight Helm, Twilight Knife, Twilight Scythe, Twilight Torque, |
Toadal Recall (R) | 30 | Ghelsba Outpost |
6 |
Mannequin Hands, Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni, Scroll of Erase, Mannequin Head, Scroll of Phalanx, Mannequin Body, Genin Mantle, Pilferer's Aspis, Mercenary's Targe, Trimmer's Mantle, Magician's Shield, Seedbed Soil, Warlock's Mantle, Beater's Aspis |
Treasure and Tribulations (R) | 50 | Balga's Dais |
3 |
Scroll of Regen III, Scroll of Quake, Slayer's Ring, Light Spirit Pact, Scroll of Freeze, Platinum Ore, Medicine Ring, Kampfer Ring, Tracker's Ring, Ronin Ring, Soldier's Ring, Shinobi Ring, Scroll of Raise II, Drake Ring, Conjurer's Ring, Minstrel's Ring, Petrified Log, Astral Ring, Darksteel Ore, Wyvern Scales, Gold Ore, Tamer's Ring, Rogue's Ring, Gold Ingot, Fencer's Ring, Sorcerer's Ring, Guardian's Ring, Mahogany Log |
Under Observation (R) | 40 | Horlais Peak |
3 |
Peridot, Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni, Himmel Stock, Scroll of Erase, Scroll of Ice Spikes, Fire Spirit Pact, Raifu, Hecteyes Eye, Peacock Charm, Mutilator, Mantra Belt, Tourney Patas, De Saintre's Axe, Black Pearl, Buzzard Tuck, Garnet, Scroll of Phalanx, Reraiser, Tilt Belt, Grudge Sword, Behourd Lance |
Undying Promise (R) | 40 | Qu'Bia Arena |
3 |
Raifu, Scroll of Absorb-STR, Platinum Ore, Scroll of Ice Spikes, Scroll of Utsusemi: Ni, Mythril Ingot, Scroll of Refresh, Fire Spirit Pact, Ram Skin, Scroll of Erase, Mythril Beastcoin, Mutilator, Jennet Shield, Elegant Shield, Tourney Patas, Ohaguro, Calveley's Dagger, Platinum Ingot, Kagehide, Wyvern Scales, Jongleur's Dagger, Behourd Lance, Bone Chip, Scroll of Phalanx, Gold Ingot, Mahogany Log, 1666 Gil |
Up In Arms | 60 | Waughroon Shrine |
3 |
Chrysoberyl, Moonstone, Black Pearl, Mythril Ingot, Pearl, Vile Elixir +1, Gold Ingot, Kraken Club, Oxblood, Ajari Bead Necklace, Walkure Mask, Translucent Rock, Steel Ingot, Teleport Ring: Altep, Philomath Stole, Painite |
Wild Wild Whiskers (R) | 60 | Balga's Dais |
Hi-Reraiser, Moonstone, Sunstone, Mythril Ingot, Vile Elixir +1, Translucent Rock, Zircon, Icarus Wing, Penitent's Rope, Teleport Ring: Yhoat, Teleport Ring: Mea, Painite, Gleeman's Belt, High-Quality Coeurl Hide, Steel Ingot, Walkure Mask, Hermes Quencher, Adaman Ore, Darksteel Ingot |
Wings of Fury (R) | 20 | Ghelsba Outpost |
3 |
Astral Ring, Mythril Beastcoin, Gunromaru, Platoon Spatha, Ganko, Bat Wing, Platoon Pole, Platoon Lance, Red Rock, Purple Rock, Platoon Sword, Translucent Rock, Scroll of Sneak, Scroll of Invisible, Platoon Dagger, Bat Fang, Platoon Axe, Scroll of Deodorize, Platoon Edge, Thunder Spirit Pact |