Treasure and Tribulations  

Start Area: Balga's Dais
Start NPC:Shami (H - 8)
Max Party:3
Related Mobs:Mimic
Max Level:50
(Average from 15 ratings)
Items Required:Comet Orb
Items Granted:Astral Ring
Conjurer's Ring
Darksteel Ore
Drake Ring
Fencer's Ring
Gold Ingot
Gold Ore
Guardian's Ring
Kampfer Ring
Light Spirit Pact
Mahogany Log
Medicine Ring
Minstrel's Ring
Petrified Log
Platinum Ore
Rogue's Ring
Ronin Ring
Scroll of Freeze
Scroll of Quake
Scroll of Raise II
Scroll of Regen III
Shinobi Ring
Slayer's Ring
Soldier's Ring
Sorcerer's Ring
Tamer's Ring
Tracker's Ring
Wyvern Scales
This Quest is Repeatable
Last Updated: Sun Mar 20 15:30:06 2011

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Battle Notes

To begin, trade 50 Beastmen Seals to Shami at (H-8) in Port Jeuno in order to obtain the Rare/Ex item Comet Orb. Upon receiving the orb, make your way to the Balga's Dais zone located in the Giddeus dungeon.

Be advised that only three players can enter the battlefield, that their levels will be capped at level 50, and that there is a 30 minute time limit that starts the moment the orb trader enters the battlefield.

Upon entering the battlefield, you will find three treasure chests (Large Box, Medium Box, and Small Box) in the center of the room. When one chest is opened, the other two will disappear.

  • There is a 33% chance that you will choose a chest that, when opened, will result in completing the bcnm, and your party will receive the treasure pool from the chest.

  • There is a 66% chance that the chest you open will transform into a Mimic, and in order to complete the bcnm, the mimic will have to be defeated.


The most common strategy in doing this BCNM is to utilize the roulette method, which is basically just to choose one chest and hope that luck is on your side, since popping the right chest will result in an instant win. If a mimic is spawned, the player will either try escaping using a Warp Cudgel, a Scroll: Instant Warp, or the Warp I spell, or, if using the method of going in on a level one job, just dying.

However, it is possible to beat the BCNM with a small group via killing the mimic spawned if the "lucky" chest isn't opened. However, this often requires planning and preparation ahead of time to win, as the group must go in with every intention of defeating a mimic should they fail to open the "lucky" chest.

Red Mage and Ninja method

A simple, straightforward method, though easily the longest one used, the Ninja will fight the mimic while the Red Mage cures and buffs the Ninja, while helping to enfeeble the mimic. The mimic's Death Trap ability as well as its Draw-in effect will often result in the Red Mage being hit a few times, so it is advised to keep Stoneskin, Blink, and Phalanx up as much as possible to survive.

Black Mage method

This method basically culminates a full contingent of Black Mages casting the Freeze Ancient Magic on the mimic soon after it spawns.

This page last modified 2008-04-03 02:49:53.
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# Jan 04 2005 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
Decided to try this in hopes of Light Spirit. Well walked in, buffed up, pulled out Titan just in case.

Tried the "chest is trasperant" LOL, all were lined in red. Decided on small chest, attacked it, Astral Ring and Soldiers Ring.

I'm happy!
# Jan 04 2005 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts

I ran a test of mine on this BCNM for the past few days....

I just want to verify there is abosolutely no way to tell which is a Mimic and which is real. Despite what anyone says. If they think they know a way they're just extremely lucky.
Why you ask?
Because they are all Mimics; all 3 of them. It's just if you pick the right Mimic the Chest will Spawn, or "Armory Crate" rather.

I have video to prove it. :/ Unfournately I cant find a free host to take it. Try PMing and Ill try to send it.

# Jan 03 2005 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
WTF was up with your music choice? Nice vid tho, I had an error message tho when using WinZip... I could view it but not save it. Oh well... still got to see it tho.
dumb question
# Jan 03 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
215 posts
Dumb question I know but, everyone talks about "picking" the lock, what if you can't pick locks? What key do I need? If no key, what do I need to do to be able to pick it?
RE: dumb question
# Jan 03 2005 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
260 posts
I haven't done this one myself, and I might pretty soon since my old characters has 240 Beastman Seals. ^^

I'm pretty sure they mean 'Select' instead of 'Pick'. Just run up and select a chest and if you're lucky you won't have to fight anything.
RE: dumb question
# Jan 04 2005 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
215 posts
Ok, thanks. I am in same boat, I have an old character with 155 seals I had been wondering what to do with. Not having to be a THF will make it much easier for him to get there.
# Jan 03 2005 at 2:41 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
i must thank this change >.<

was halfway to O.Kote (300k/600k), and decided to give this a go.

picked the small chest, and got the ring ! ^^

sold the ring and got the kote soon after
# Jan 03 2005 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts

One, if you pick a mimic... do the other chests disappear? Or can you run for them?

Two, can't you go as a low-level char since if you pick a mimic... you're either dead or running? Just take a low class, not even try to fight, and just die and HP if you guess wrong?
Just won
# Jan 01 2005 at 1:46 PM Rating: Excellent
64 posts
Decided to give it a try after saving up 50 seals, headed over to the burning circle.

Went in, a friend of mine told me to pick the one on the far right, so i picked the one on the far left (small box).

And i won! :D

Unfortunatly, all i got was a medicine ring, a chunk of gold ore, and ~2k. Oh well.
extremely lucky
# Dec 29 2004 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,085 posts
yeah, I had 50 seals lying around yesterday, and I needed some gil for my dark staff, so I gave this a try...guessed correctly and got the gil, a shinobi ring, and an astral ring. The risk/reward on this BCNM is huge, and I got extremely lucky. Wouldn't reconmend it if you're faint at heart.
2/4 for 660k
# Dec 27 2004 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
125 posts
I've done this BCNM 4 times now. I chose it because it's the only one I can solo with my current jobs, and because I got tired of everybody else getting to do BCNM while I was left on the wayside.

My strategy was to go in as NIN/ so I could have |Mijin Gakure| ready while |Utsusemi| gave me time to use it. I chose the medium box all 4 times.

On my first attempt, I tried everything possible to tell the 3 chests apart, and could discern no differences. It is my belief that the people who stated they could tell a difference were not telling the truth. Perhaps they *thought* they could tell them apart and then proceeded to get lucky. Result of first attempt: Mimic, |Mijin Gakure|.

Second attempt, same as the first. Put up |Utsusemi|, smacked the medium chest, got a mimic, used |Mijin Gakure|.

Third attempt, put up |Utsusemi|, smacked the medium chest, found an Armoury Crate. Popped it for a Sorceror's Ring (2.5k) and an Astral Ring (400k now that |Castle Oztroja| coffers no longer contain it). Since I didn't need to use |Mijin Gakure| I hoofed back to Windy, warped to |Jeuno|, and picked up a fourth orb.

Fourth attempt, put up |Utsusemi|, smacked the medium chest, found an Armoury Crate. Popped it for a Platinum Ring (60k) and a Scroll of Raise II (200k).

I'm pretty sure that my results are not typical, and that more people have come out dead or with crap than made away like the bandit that I am. But for me, 660k for 200 seals seems like a fair deal. I didn't have to worry about bringing along people I didn't completely trust, or buying a bunch of meds so that I wouldn't die.

On a related note, does anybody have any information on the |Balga's Dais| BCNM50 named Rapid Raptors (or was it Rabid Raptors...I forget)? It sounds like a pain, but since I'm not a BCNM job (read: WHM, RNG, RDM, DRK, BLM), I have no desire to attempt it blindly.
300seals </= 600,000 gil
# Dec 21 2004 at 8:02 PM Rating: Excellent
103 posts
I've been saving up these seals for a while and never got into a BCNM party, from my experience PLDs aren't sought after for these, so I decided to clean up my safe and finally put these to use. I lucked out and picked the right box 4/6 times. In addition to 1,000gil each success. I got 2 items.

First success:

Scroll: Freeze <5k>
Rogue's Ring <80-100k>

Second: <crap>

Petrified Log <5k>
Soldier's Ring <gARbAgE>


Scroll: Quake <200k-130k due to undercutting>
Guardian's Ring <worthless but I can macro it
into Shield Bash>


Astral Ring <300k-350K>

It's a gamble, you can get lucky or not, so if you feel like doing this one, just realize that you can come out with big winnings or virtually nothing, so don't take it to heart. My technique was always to pick the small box, so my odds were at least getting 2 right. I switched to WHM/BLM cast blink/stoneskin, and when a mimic would pop I'd just warp out before it could do any harm.

On a side note, the orb appears to be intact after I warped out, I thought it could be reused, and failed, it is indeed cracked, so once entering the BC and leaving toss it before you grab a new one and go back.

Good luck!
# Dec 21 2004 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
I wasn't expecting to pick the right chest. I did though. All I got was a Tamer's Ring and a Manticore Hide along with 1100 gil. What a waste of an orb... oh well.
# Dec 20 2004 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
210 posts
I'm pretty sure raise 3 doesnt drop here, i doubt lightspirit and regen 3 do either.
Raise III? O.o
# Dec 16 2004 at 12:34 AM Rating: Decent
Can anyone confirm Raise III drops?
RE: Raise III? O.o
# Dec 20 2004 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
yes, can anybody plz confirm Raise III drop?
Just beat this
# Dec 13 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
Picked the middle box, I won a Fencer's Ring and an Astral ring.

Nulla is grinning to herself...
My story
# Dec 11 2004 at 6:03 AM Rating: Good
Took Nin up checked over all 3 for simularities only difference i found was the 2 were transparent when looked at from the inside and one was solid. I picked the solid one and it was right! Was my first time doing this.

Scroll: Quake = 150k
Kyphon Ring = 2k

I made off pretty good considering the only other thing worth more is Raise III and that goes for 500k. Anyways gl with this BCNM hope i helped
RE: My story
# Dec 12 2004 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
139 posts
I did the BCNM that way as well, and for my first time it was the small box that was legit.

Only got a Scroll of Freeze and a Tamer's Ring from that, including 1k gil. That's only 8k total.

I'll do another run and see if I can hit the jackpot ^^;

EDIT: Second run I kicked the bucket, but the third run I got a platinum ore and a platinum ring ^^

Edited, Mon Dec 13 17:30:11 2004
RE: My story
# Dec 11 2004 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
375 posts
Seriously?... hmm... I gotta check it out for myself.
astral rings
# Dec 09 2004 at 3:02 PM Rating: Default
I was successful 3/4 times its cool as long as you dont mind losing xp take a job you care nothing about
...I did it...
# Dec 06 2004 at 4:45 PM Rating: Default
i just beet it as a lvl 30 rdm... got 1376 gil fencers ring and a darksteele ore
"I better not be gready... Going to pick the small one..."
# Dec 02 2004 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
"Note to self; do not attempt to run away if you happen to choose the wrong one" he thought to himself as he was drawn in for the third time and utsusemi wore. After being hit for 394 damage out of 420 he hit his Mijin Gakure macro and sighed with relief outside Port Jeuno Residential Area...

Nope! Not trying that one again! ><
Video of BCNM
# Dec 02 2004 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
I made this BCNM before Delete my Old Character from Pandemonium server (I'm in Fairy server).

... lose ... :(

This is the video of the quest -> http://www.tarutaru.it/img/DOWNLOAD/Ciche_BCNM50.zip (18Mb).

I didn't know what I did if I Won this BCNM with money ...
NIN 2 hour?
# Nov 23 2004 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
Actually this question started from the post about the NIN 2 hour. Why doenst a PT of maybe one other character and a NIN go do this. If they pick the wrong chest the NIN can use his two hour killing himself but also the mimic. This leave the other character to grab the loot.
Would this work?

RE: NIN 2 hour?
# Nov 24 2004 at 10:20 PM Rating: Good
495 posts
Ninja 2hr does kill the ninja, and it does a LOT of damage to the mob, but not 100%. I HIGHLY doubt it would do 2000-5000 damage on a mimic. maybe up to 500 or so.

The question is why doesn't just 1 ninja do this, and if he picks the wrong one, 2hr. if he picks the right one. nifty nifty, got a bunch of gil and prizes all to himself.
Brilliant XP Safe strategy
# Nov 19 2004 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Ok, my friend informed me of a perfect strategy for this, assuming you have NIN leveled to 12+ and have Ustsusemi.

Use silent Oils and Tonko Ichi to get yourself through Giddeus (if your NIN is too low to waltz through un-aggroed).

Once you get inside the BC, put up Utsusemi.

Then, if you guess the wrong chest, you will have time to use Mijin Gakure to kill yourself (at no xp loss) and get a free ride home.

Just make sure you have your 2-hour ready lol
Formerly Valhallodin of HouseAtreides on Caitsith
Caitsith - San d'Oria - 75SAM - 75RNG - 65WAR - 45THF - 44PLD - 40NIN - 36BLU - 30DRG

Better Odds than 1/3
# Nov 15 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
972 posts
Hey guys, I am thinking the odds of guessing right in this one are better than 1/3. I just did it three times, picked the Large Box all three times, and won all three times. Sure I got total crap for the prizes, but still won.

Now, if the odds are 1/3, the chances of winning 3 times in a row is 1/27, or 3.7%. I doubt I am that lucky, especially considering my NM drop record.
Formerly Valhallodin of HouseAtreides on Caitsith
Caitsith - San d'Oria - 75SAM - 75RNG - 65WAR - 45THF - 44PLD - 40NIN - 36BLU - 30DRG

RE: Better Odds than 1/3
# Nov 25 2004 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
What drops did you get from this? I see whats available, but what did YOU get?
RE: Better Odds than 1/3
# Nov 16 2004 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Might want to retake that Probability & Statistics class.

The success rate is 1/3 over a time span of infinity. You happened to get a bunch of successes right off, and then stopped sampling. For every person like you, the odds are that there are two who have done this three times and have had no successes.
RE: Better Odds than 1/3
# Nov 24 2004 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
778 posts
Might want to retake that Probability & Statistics class.

Might want to retake it yourself. I also recommend Flaming 101 where you'll learn that you should make sure you know what you're talking about before you start putting people down.

What he said was correct, the probability of him winning 3/3 is (1/3)^3 = 1/27. And yes, I do think you were just lucky Valhallodin. ^_~
RE: Better Odds than 1/3
# Dec 07 2004 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Better lucky than good for this one I'd say! :P
Formerly Valhallodin of HouseAtreides on Caitsith
Caitsith - San d'Oria - 75SAM - 75RNG - 65WAR - 45THF - 44PLD - 40NIN - 36BLU - 30DRG

RE: Better Odds than 1/3
# Nov 17 2004 at 4:08 AM Rating: Good
972 posts
I never took probability and statistics. And the point wasn't to spit out a bunch of correct math, it was to say that the odds of winning 3 times in a row are not very good.

Besides, if you are so freakin' smart, why don't you tell us all the odds of winning this three times in a row. :P I wanna know whether or not to head to Vegas this weekend.


probability of picking correctly the first time = 1/3. Probability of picking right next time = 1/3. Third time = 1/3.

1/3 * 1/3 * 1/3 = 1/27.

Also notice (1/3)^3 = 1/27.

Edited, Wed Nov 17 04:20:08 2004
Formerly Valhallodin of HouseAtreides on Caitsith
Caitsith - San d'Oria - 75SAM - 75RNG - 65WAR - 45THF - 44PLD - 40NIN - 36BLU - 30DRG

RE: Better Odds than 1/3
# Dec 31 2004 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
lmao ....

i actually just finished "Probability and mathematical Statistics" and 1/27 is correct :P.

Hoadley ~ 63MNK (Gilgamesh)
Blind dumb luck
# Oct 27 2004 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
937 posts
I read a while back that there was a way to tell which was a mimic, and which wasn't. Well I couldn't tell the difference from the chests except they were different sizes.

I went in as my WHM because I had xp to spare. I buffed up (Stoneskin, blink, etc). After giving up hope on telling them apart, I picked the middle one and casted bind on it. I figured it would give me the seconds I needed to cast warp ( /blm ). Well the chest resisted the spell... and it sat there... and sat there... and I figured that maybe I had to get close for the mimic to aggro. Nope, it was a chest.

Got a Medicine Earing (5K on Garuda) and a scroll of Quake (120K on Garuda). Since I am currently a lvl 50 blm, I sure as hell kept that scroll.
I win!
# Oct 04 2004 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
I've never done any BCNM, so this was a new experience for me. As 50 sam, i went and attempted to see through the mimics, by doing what it says above. I tried sitting next to them and seeing if light was coming out, but that did not work out, so i decided i'd check if there were tongues.... not such a good idea. I just said ***** it and next thing i know i'm preparing for battle, but i actually just won!
Tamer's Ring (3k), Scroll of Quake(100k), and 1.8k was mine! SE has finally not screwed me.
# Sep 22 2004 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
Been trying to figure out how to pick the right chest but I don't get it. I did it once, picked the right chest and got 2K gil, a mythril ingot and a Rogue's Ring.
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