Treasure and Tribulations  

Start Area: Balga's Dais
Start NPC:Shami (H - 8)
Max Party:3
Related Mobs:Mimic
Max Level:50
(Average from 15 ratings)
Items Required:Comet Orb
Items Granted:Astral Ring
Conjurer's Ring
Darksteel Ore
Drake Ring
Fencer's Ring
Gold Ingot
Gold Ore
Guardian's Ring
Kampfer Ring
Light Spirit Pact
Mahogany Log
Medicine Ring
Minstrel's Ring
Petrified Log
Platinum Ore
Rogue's Ring
Ronin Ring
Scroll of Freeze
Scroll of Quake
Scroll of Raise II
Scroll of Regen III
Shinobi Ring
Slayer's Ring
Soldier's Ring
Sorcerer's Ring
Tamer's Ring
Tracker's Ring
Wyvern Scales
This Quest is Repeatable
Last Updated: Sun Mar 20 15:30:06 2011

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Battle Notes

To begin, trade 50 Beastmen Seals to Shami at (H-8) in Port Jeuno in order to obtain the Rare/Ex item Comet Orb. Upon receiving the orb, make your way to the Balga's Dais zone located in the Giddeus dungeon.

Be advised that only three players can enter the battlefield, that their levels will be capped at level 50, and that there is a 30 minute time limit that starts the moment the orb trader enters the battlefield.

Upon entering the battlefield, you will find three treasure chests (Large Box, Medium Box, and Small Box) in the center of the room. When one chest is opened, the other two will disappear.

  • There is a 33% chance that you will choose a chest that, when opened, will result in completing the bcnm, and your party will receive the treasure pool from the chest.

  • There is a 66% chance that the chest you open will transform into a Mimic, and in order to complete the bcnm, the mimic will have to be defeated.


The most common strategy in doing this BCNM is to utilize the roulette method, which is basically just to choose one chest and hope that luck is on your side, since popping the right chest will result in an instant win. If a mimic is spawned, the player will either try escaping using a Warp Cudgel, a Scroll: Instant Warp, or the Warp I spell, or, if using the method of going in on a level one job, just dying.

However, it is possible to beat the BCNM with a small group via killing the mimic spawned if the "lucky" chest isn't opened. However, this often requires planning and preparation ahead of time to win, as the group must go in with every intention of defeating a mimic should they fail to open the "lucky" chest.

Red Mage and Ninja method

A simple, straightforward method, though easily the longest one used, the Ninja will fight the mimic while the Red Mage cures and buffs the Ninja, while helping to enfeeble the mimic. The mimic's Death Trap ability as well as its Draw-in effect will often result in the Red Mage being hit a few times, so it is advised to keep Stoneskin, Blink, and Phalanx up as much as possible to survive.

Black Mage method

This method basically culminates a full contingent of Black Mages casting the Freeze Ancient Magic on the mimic soon after it spawns.

This page last modified 2008-04-03 02:49:53.
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lucky BCNM50
# Oct 17 2005 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
lol i've done this BCNM twice, and got extremely lucky at it. Both of these times i didn't pay attention to the moon, just went when i had the seals :P

So i went the first time as 73rdm/blm with a chainspell warp macro ready in case a mimic popped. i went for the medium chest, and i got an Astral Ring and a Sorcerer's ring. I flipped when i saw the astral ring, knowing it was worth 1mil in siren. I never heard of the sorcerer's ring before, but got even more excited when i saw it was worth 2mil. So i felt pretty good havin a 3mil solo BCNM without even havin to fight anything :P

then about a month later i decided to do it again, knowing i was pushing my luck that i would choose right chest again. I brought a low lvl job this time, somethin i didn't care about, and went in. this time i attacked the large chest, and to my surprise no mimic popped. I got another astral ^~ LOL when i got out the first thing i did was laugh in disbelief, and im still debatin on pushing my luck again to see if i can get another :) i'm sorry to all of you that have wasted 200+ seals and gotten nothin >< i feel bad
# Oct 15 2005 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
I won this my first try. I opened the small chest and won 1605G, a Platinum Ring (200k), and a Reraiser potion (7k). None of these items are listed above. No Astral Ring, unfortunately, but I still feel lucky to have won it.

I used BLM as my main and SMN as my sub to use an avatar as a distraction so I could warp out, had I gotten a Mimic.

Edited, Sat Oct 15 19:44:47 2005
damn all your luck
# Oct 09 2005 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
i've done this 5 times and gotten raped each time, 4 onthe large box and 1 on the small one. law of averages say that it should be 1 of 3, i'll be pissed if next time i lose. i've burned 250 seals already and i ain't happy
Write up on this one
# Sep 27 2005 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
We have a write up on it on our clan's website:

Lots of myths dispelled, I think.

In a nutshell, between 20 people we did this one easily a couple dozen times. Got astrals I'd estimate 50% of the times we "succeeded" (e.g., didn't fight the mimic). More often than not, we just died.

Ultimately... I can think of a lot better ways to earn cash and get astrals than this one :-)
RE: Write up on this one
# Sep 27 2005 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
... or grant you instant and unescapable death.

Escaping from this is ridiculously easy.
I have done this quite a few times on 3 different jobs.
Bst lvl 7- Widescan doesnt work, dont know why i tried, got right chest the 1 time i picked it.

Drk 50 ( capped )- This i also tried only once, picked wrong chest and the **** started attacking me, then i clicked on my warp cudgle, and what seemed a very long time, it finally went. I think he got like 3 hits on me, and missed 1 or 2, never really too life threatening tho, maybe hit for 150-250 each hit....
Rdm 50 ( capped )- Ridiculouly easy, if I can do it with a warp cudgle, i can sure as hell do it with Chainspell Warp. The reason i didnt do this first was i didnt want to risk losing exp on my main job, drk i could care less about. Chainspell warp has never failed me, and you dont even need a macro or to be quick, thats how sad it is. If you die on this, and are a rdm, no offense, but my god thats sad... :(
I finally got it
# Sep 27 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
Ok im 1-3 on this 1 Death >< 1 Timely Warp and 1 Minstrels Ring a Gold ore and 1200 gil the ring is goin for 200k on Caitsith 20k on the ore not bad for a orb that was collecting dust in my Storage and some Beastman Seals i had forever! I plan to farm seals and do this many many times lol! Oh BTW i did it with my 41 RDM/21 BLM

Note: when i picked the large chest the mimic it spawned BLEW through my Blink/Stoneskin/Phalanx and did 400+ Damage in ONE HIT!!!(That was the one Death ><)
RE: I finally got it
# Feb 20 2006 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
1-3? 1 death, 1 warp , and 1 win = 1-2 or 1/3
How many people?
# Sep 27 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
Can only one person enter this BCNM or can a group of people?

thank you, i appreciate any response :)

Edited, Tue Sep 27 14:00:47 2005
RE: How many people?
# Sep 27 2005 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
I did this myself last night, but it said 6 people could enter.
RE: How many people?
# Sep 27 2005 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
i did it with one you will need Blink/Utsusemi and warp incase a Mimic Spawns if not your Dead >< GL
# Sep 26 2005 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
Its been mentioned a few times.. this is all about luck, i've wasted 300 seals doin this
1/6 on it and only got it right my first time.
I chose medium box on my first try and ended up with a mythril ore and 1,500 gil. This isn't really worth it but i get seals alot from soloing as bst and others jobs as well as lvling my npc.
So all i have to say is if you wish to do this
good luck.... and go as a job u could care less about lvling or one that is still lvl 1
Mimic Mania
# Sep 25 2005 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, I can't believe these 2/2's and 4/5's. I read this thread and thought I'd try my luck with the few beastmen's seals I still had...I'm currently 0/4 (wasted 90% of my seals in 2 hours).

Yet i guess this is good if you don't have a level 20 beastmaster (with which you can more safely get astrals and other neat drops) or you got proper jobs leveled for other good bcnm's, like the worm's turn for Erase and a few other things or whatever.

If you got the jobs though, i recommand you get a good strategy and go for a ''normal'' bcnm. Don't do a lazy (and dymb) move like I did and throw away 200+ beastmen's seals.

That being said, good luck on getting the right box!
# Sep 24 2005 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
I'v done this about 6 times now. I'v only won on my 3rd try>.< I got scroll of quake and 2 different rings forget which 1's, but they weren't worth much. This is the only BCNM that i was able to win at. But only 1/6 is bad.
# Sep 24 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
I have done this BCNM 8 times now, and have gotten an Astral each time I have done it for myself, Friend has around 800seals, is a DRG and needs gil for a Scorpy Harness so i told him to try it out, went in and chose the small box (u can chose the box with spells, abilities or attacks) and he got PLatinum Ore and a Kampf Ring. Second time he went in he did the same thing and got Mimic, I always chose the small box and always get an Astral, in what my friends have done I have neva seen the medium box give treasure from them, always small or large, with the 1/3 chance of getting an astral.
Guess im just lucky
# Sep 24 2005 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
Hehe ive done tis bcnm several times im 4/5 on it but ive never been jiped on phoenix. My first try went with the small on cause im a taru reward was an astral ring and a sorcerers ring nearly 2mil all together on phoenix. Second try died miserably. 3rd try got quake and a light spirit pact kept quake cause im blm but sold the pact for 350k. 4 try minstrels ring and another astral. 4th try Quake and a minstrels ring. so this bcnm is all luck IMO.
Battle Plan
# Sep 21 2005 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
My first ever BCNM, and boy was I surprised...

I went in there a nervous reck, my LS thought I was nuts, for soloing this BCNM...

I decided to go in as my Main Job, RDM. At level 50 I managed to keep most of my armor, but Body, Feet and Belt was unequipped due to cap, which really hurt me defensively... I figured, I'd cast Protect III, Blink, Phalanx, then Stoneskin, and Equip my Warp Cudgel for a melee weapon. I ran in, and attacked the Large Chest... I felt almost drawn to it. After hitting it, it vanished, and became an Armoury Crate... I was happy. ^^

I ended up getting a Fencer's Ring, which had been on my wishlist for several months now, and a scroll of Quake, which is currently going for 260k on Titan...

No Astral Ring, but hey, my first BCNM, I must say, I dunno what I enjoyed more.. getting a profit... or aweing my entire LS! ^_^

Wise to sub BLM for this, cause a trusty Warp Cudgel, or what not may not always be around for you. I'm thankful I didn't have to use it.

Happy Hunting!
# Sep 19 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
lol 1/1, astral too, fun, went in as 21 rdm, just inxase though, not worth the risk unless you want to kill 50 seals
# Sep 13 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
Is it even plausalbe to defeat a mimic at level 50 maybe not solo but with at pt?
# Sep 10 2005 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
2/2 on this 1st time got minstrels ring (200k) and petrified log (15k) 2nd time darkteel INGOT (27k) and slayers ring (2k) prices on phoenix.
# Sep 03 2005 at 9:02 AM Rating: Default
190 posts
how do you "choose" the chest? do you simply attack it? do you need thf tools? or some kind of key? im not wasting my seals till i know the answer. lol
RE: how?
# Sep 05 2005 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
264 posts
Walk upto the chest you want and attack it like any other mob, if your lucky, the other 2 will disappear and your chest will turn to an armoury crate, choose the crate and it will open.

Just did this today with my 36THF, ran in, targeted the Large Chest, and ended up with 1500gil, Ronan Ring and a Platinum Ingot. Oh, and the new record on Diabols.

Not sure if those things are worth much, but I'm gonna go find out now
RE: how?
# Sep 27 2005 at 10:28 PM Rating: Good
If you're a Smn or Bst, could you just sic your pet on it? That would give your pet the initial aggro, if it turns out to be a mimic, right?
bst charm
# Aug 31 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
Could you go in as a bst and check the chest too see whether or not it is charmable???
RE: bst charm
# Sep 07 2005 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
3,883 posts
I'm going to assume, no.

In Pso'xja, the Treasure Chest enemies start out with green text over their head (NPC), so you probably wouldn't be able to target them with something like that. It's only until after you get close and their name turns Yellow (Unclaimed Enemy) that you would be able to interact with them that way.
RE: bst charm
# Sep 25 2005 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
190 posts
That, and Mimics are arcana, of which none that I know of are charmable.
Garuda Server;
Mithra; 75war,thf,bst,rdm(retired), 70drg, 66rng,nin, 62mnk, 51pld, 42drk, 40cor, 37smn,sam,blm,whm,dnc,brd,sch,blu,pup
Taru; 32dnc, 30war, 26nin, 19mnk, 16thf, 16drk, 10whm, 10rng, 8bst, 8blm

If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
correct me if I'm wrong
# Aug 28 2005 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
people are saying just AoE I think 1 of 2 things would happen either a you get to mimics pissed at you or 2 it won't work. and if 1 happen you have to kill both before you get the treasure. I don't know if horde lullby or sleepga would work.
This is a joke.
# Aug 20 2005 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
Honestly, this BCNM is a joke. Unless you have a character that you have leveled (like I did) and have 50+ seals that you can spend in no better way (lack of jobs for other BCNMs, laziness, ect..) you should NOT do this BCNM.

For 50 seals AND choosing the correct box out of THREE...You should NOT be jipped by this BCNM. I got jipped. 50 seals and picking the right box led me to a nice 50k. Right. My next armor upgrade is 2 million. (Not as much as other jobs, I know, PLDs are lucky for the most part, but you get the point.)

Take my advice. Stay away.
RE: This is a joke.
# Aug 28 2005 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
Well, seeing that this is the only bcnm you have a chance to do solo it's not that bad and it's not a jip. heck you don't need to lvl anything. if you want take a few prism powders and do it as a nude lvl 1. or you can go as a lvl 12 nin and blink before you choose and 2 hour out. You don't have to share. My BST friend does this all the time chooses one box if it is wrong use his jug send it after the mimic and warp out. as BST/BLM I think. You can do it with PLD/BLM too.

The pro is you don't have to shout or scheul to do this one. The con is you have a 2/3 chance of getting nothing if you solo.

But remember this sometimes you die in other bcnm if you have bad luck or a dumb pt.
# Aug 14 2005 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
335 posts
if i pick the right chest, do i have to kill a mimic? O.o
why not
# Aug 11 2005 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
im seriously despret for gil so i guess ill give this a shot, but with my luck i wont get anything, ill post results later.
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