In most party’s I join in the new areas every one besides my self has shadows, so the ATT down effect is worthless, and I doubt the DoT effect has much of a plus over diaIII simply because 4wars on 1 mob with -15%def (or something like that) im sure will inflict much more dmg then bio. As fare as kiting and DoTing, I have many ppl suggest I get bioIII for Kirin and what ever, but think of this when you are doing something such as kiting a high lvl NM do you really have time or magic points to cast bioIII over and over and I know we do to keep down the regen of HNMs but bio2 costs less mp and has a longer duration. And one last thing additional merits into bioIII or diaIII only extend the effect time by 30 sec it dose not increase the DoT or the ATT down effect at all. Oh and a rdm can have 220 dark magic.