
Name Level Stats Where Found How Found
Ark Tabar  1Exclusive Dmg: 1 Dly: 999 Enchantment: Costume    
Bronze Axe  1Dmg: 8 Dly: 276  Bastok Markets, Port Windurst Crafted, Purchased 
Bronze Axe +1  1Dmg: 9 Dly: 268   Crafted 
Orcish Axe  5Rare Exclusive Dmg: 10 Dly: 288 STR: 2 INT: -1 MND: -1 CHR: -1  Ghelsba Outpost, West Ronfaure Dropped 
Brass Axe  8Dmg: 12 Dly: 276  Bastok Markets Crafted, Purchased 
Brass Axe +1  8Dmg: 13 Dly: 268   Crafted 
Legionnaire's Axe  10Dmg: 13 Dly: 276  Bastok Markets, Bastok Mines Purchased, Conquest 
Light Axe  11Dmg: 14 Dly: 260   Crafted, Quested 
Bone Axe  13Dmg: 16 Dly: 276  Windurst Woods Crafted, Purchased 
Bone Axe +1  13Dmg: 17 Dly: 268   Crafted 
Felling Axe  13Rare Dmg: 13 Dly: 276 Ranged Accuracy: 4  King Ranperre's Tomb Dropped 
Jolt Axe  13Dmg: 16 Dly: 276 Enchantment: Attack: 3   Crafted 
Bastokan Axe  15Dmg: 14 Dly: 268 Accuracy: 1   Crafted 
Republic Axe  15Dmg: 15 Dly: 260 Accuracy: 2    
Bone Pick  16Dmg: 18 Dly: 312  Windurst Woods Crafted, Purchased 
Bone Pick +1  16Dmg: 19 Dly: 303   Crafted 
Battleaxe  20Dmg: 20 Dly: 276  Bastok Markets, Selbina Crafted, Purchased 
Battleaxe +1  20Dmg: 21 Dly: 268   Crafted 
Platoon Axe  20Dmg: 19 Dly: 276   Quested 
Rusty Pick  22Dmg: 22 Dly: 321   Quested 
Tomahawk  25Dmg: 23 Dly: 340   Crafted 
Tomahawk +1  25Dmg: 24 Dly: 333   Crafted 
Tigerhunter  26Dmg: 22 Dly: 276 Additional Effect vs. Tigers: Paralysis  Davoi Dropped 
Military Pick  28Dmg: 24 Dly: 260 Accuracy: 1   Quested 
Garde Pick  30Dmg: 23 Dly: 312 In areas under own nation's control: Ranged Accuracy: 3 In areas under own nation's control: Ranged Attack: 3  Jugner Forest Dropped 
Plain Pick  31Dmg: 26 Dly: 312   Crafted 
War Pick  31Dmg: 26 Dly: 312  Northern San d'Oria Crafted, Purchased 
War Pick +1  31Dmg: 27 Dly: 303   Crafted 
Warrior's Axe  32Dmg: 25 Dly: 276 STR: 1 DEX: 1  Davoi Dropped 
Mythril Axe  37Dmg: 29 Dly: 276  Upper Jeuno Crafted, Purchased 
Mythril Axe +1  37Dmg: 30 Dly: 268   Crafted 
Navy Axe  37Dmg: 29 Dly: 276 Enchantment: TP+10    
De Saintre's Axe  39Rare Dmg: 28 Dly: 288   Quested 
Emeth Pick  39Dmg: 31 Dly: 312  Upper Delkfutt's Tower Crafted, Chests/Coffers 
Barbaroi Axe  40Rare Exclusive Dmg: 32 Dly: 288 STR: 2 CHR: 2   Quested 
Combat Caster's Axe  40Dmg: 33 Dly: 280 Attack: 5  Lower Jeuno, Windurst Woods Purchased, Conquest 
Razor Axe  40Rare Exclusive Dmg: 31 Dly: 276 STR: 2 DEX: 2   Quested 
Veldt Axe  42Dmg: 27 Dly: 276 Ranged Attack: 3    
Veldt Axe +1  42Dmg: 28 Dly: 268 Ranged Attack: 4   Crafted 
Combat Caster's Axe +1  43Dmg: 34 Dly: 272 Outside Nation's Control: DEX: 2 Attack: 5   Crafted 
Combat Caster's Axe +2  43Dmg: 35 Dly: 264 Outside Nation's Control: DEX: 3 Attack: 5    
Storm Axe  43Dmg: 32 Dly: 276 Vs. Ice: -10 Vs. Earth: 10 Vs. Wind: 10 Additional Effect: Wind Damage  Beaucedine Glacier, Ranguemont Pass Dropped 
Tabar  43Dmg: 34 Dly: 288  Metalworks, Qufim Island Crafted, Purchased, Dropped 
Tabar +1  43Dmg: 35 Dly: 280   Crafted 
Viking Axe  48Dmg: 36 Dly: 276 Accuracy: 10 Evasion: -10  Quicksand Caves, Toraimarai Canal Dropped 
Gerwitz's Axe  50Rare Exclusive Dmg: 19 Dly: 624  Ordelle's Caves Dropped 
Mythril Pick  50Dmg: 39 Dly: 312  Northern San d'Oria Crafted, Purchased 
Mythril Pick +1  50Dmg: 40 Dly: 303   Crafted 
Viperine Pick  53Rare Dmg: 42 Dly: 312 HP: 16 Enhances Resist Sleep Effect Additional Effect: Poison  North Gustaberg (S) Dropped 
Darksteel Axe  56Dmg: 42 Dly: 289   Crafted 
Darksteel Axe +1  56Dmg: 43 Dly: 281   Crafted 
Wrath Tabar  56Rare Dmg: 45 Dly: 316 STR: 7 DEX: -1 VIT: -1 AGI: -1 INT: -1 MND: -1 CHR: -1    
Arcanabane  59Dmg: 39 Dly: 276 Vs. Arcana: Critical Hit: 5%  Quicksand Caves Dropped 
Kabrakan's Axe  59Rare Dmg: 42 Dly: 288 MND: 3 CHR: 3 Accuracy: 4   Quested 
Sirocco Axe  60Dmg: 41 Dly: 258 Vs. Ice: 5 Vs. Wind: 5 Additional Effect: Wind Damage    
Tungi  60Rare Exclusive Dmg: 41 Dly: 260  Quicksand Caves Dropped 
Darksteel Pick  62Dmg: 43 Dly: 312   Crafted 
Darksteel Pick +1  62Dmg: 44 Dly: 303   Crafted 
Fransisca  63Rare Exclusive Dmg: 44 Dly: 288 Ranged Accuracy: 7 Ranged Attack: 7  The Boyahda Tree Dropped 
Darksteel Tabar  65Dmg: 45 Dly: 296  Aht Urhgan Whitegate Crafted, Purchased 
Darksteel Tabar +1  65Dmg: 46 Dly: 288   Crafted 
Acha d'Armas  68Rare Exclusive Dmg: 46 Dly: 288 STR: 2 DEX: 1 VIT: -3 AGI: -2  Kuftal Tunnel Dropped 
Nadziak  68Dmg: 46 Dly: 312 HP: 10 DEX: 2 VIT: 2   Crafted 
Nadziak +1  68Dmg: 47 Dly: 303 HP: 11 DEX: 3 VIT: 3   Crafted 
Fendoir  69Rare Dmg: 14 Dly: 288 Occasionally Attacks Twice  Cape Teriggan Dropped 
Fleetwing  69Rare Dmg: 45 Dly: 276 Evasion: 5 Set: Increases Accuracy Set: Increases HP Set: Increases VIT Set: Increases Ranged Accuracy  Beadeaux (S) Dropped 
Lohar  69Dmg: 47 Dly: 312 CHR: 5  Ifrit's Cauldron Dropped 
Rainmaker  69Rare Dmg: 45 Dly: 276 INT: -1 MND: -1 CHR: -1 Store TP: 1 Campaign: STR: 5    
Juggernaut  70Rare Dmg: 46 Dly: 288 HP: 18 STR: 3 AGI: -3 Attack: 30  Monastic Cavern Quested, Dropped 
Kriegsbeil  70Rare Dmg: 48 Dly: 276 AGI: 5 Ranged Attack: 8 Ranged Accuracy: 4   Quested 
Marid Ancus  70Rare Exclusive Dmg: 45 Dly: 276 Assault: DMG: 49 Assault: Charm: 2    
Rune Axe  70Dmg: 45 Dly: 276 Latent Effect: Attack: 5 Latent Effect: Adds "Regen" Effect   Quested 
Furnace Tabarzin  71Dmg: 49 Dly: 288 HP: 10 DEX: 2 VIT: 2 Vs. Fire: 8 Enchantment: Fire   Crafted 
Iron Ram Pick  71Rare Dmg: 47 Dly: 268 Enhances "Resist Curse" Effect Attack: 10  Southern San d'Oria (S) Purchased 
Pick of Trials  71Rare Exclusive Dmg: 46 Dly: 312 Latent Effect: HP: 20 Latent Effect: Vs. Wind: 10 Latent Effect: Vs. Lightning: 10    
Reserve Captain's Pick  71Rare Dmg: 46 Dly: 276 Enhances "Resist Curse" Effect Citizens of San d'Oria: Attack: 10  Lower Jeuno, Southern San d'Oria Purchased, Conquest 
Storm Tabar  71Rare Exclusive Dmg: 49 Dly: 288 Depending on Day: Increases Elemental Weapon Skill Damage  Aht Urhgan Whitegate Purchased 
Tabarzin  71Dmg: 49 Dly: 288 HP: 10 DEX: 2 VIT: 2   Crafted, Quested 
Tabarzin +1  71Dmg: 50 Dly: 280 HP: 11 DEX: 3 VIT: 3   Crafted 
Barkborer  72Rare Exclusive Dmg: 49 Dly: 288 Vs. Plantoid: Critical Hit Rate: 7% Enhances "Plantoid Killer" effect Weapon Skill Accuracy: 5   Quested 
Leopard Axe  72Rare Dmg: 49 Dly: 288 STR: 3 MND: -1 CHR: 3 Additional Effect: Poison   Quested 
Martial Axe  72Dmg: 46 Dly: 276 TP Bonus   Quested 
Retributor  72Rare Exclusive Dmg: 33 Dly: 312 Latent Effect: DMG: 46 Latent Effect: Critical Hit: 6%   Quested 
Woodville's Axe  72Rare Dmg: 50 Dly: 288 STR: 4 Spell Interruption Rate: -5%   Quested 
Lyft Tabar  73Rare Exclusive Dmg: 50 Dly: 288  Meriphataud Mountains (S) Dropped 
Maneater  73Rare Dmg: 42 Dly: 276   Quested 
Mighty Pick  73Dmg: 47 Dly: 312 VIT: 1 CHR: 1 Windsday: DMG: 52 Windsdays: Wind Resistence: 15   Quested 
Temperance Axe  73Rare Exclusive Dmg: 39 Dly: 276 CHR: 7 Virtue stone equipped: Occasionally attacks twice  Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi Dropped 
Labrys  74Rare Exclusive Dmg: 45 Dly: 288 STR: 2 AGI: 2 Attack: 7 Ranged Attack: 7 Store TP: -5  Aydeewa Subterrane Dropped 
Lion Tamer  74Rare Exclusive Dmg: 44 Dly: 276 Enchantment: Enfire Pet: DEF: 10  Mount Zhayolm Dropped 
Zoraal Ja's Axe  74Dmg: 46 Dly: 276 Enhances "Reward" Effect  Wajaom Woodlands Dropped 
Aymur  75Rare Exclusive Dmg: 50 Dly: 312 Aftermath (Inc. Pets): Occ. Attacks Twice Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Increases Acc./Att. Primal Rend Enhances "Sic" and "Ready" effect Pet: Attack Bonus   Quested 
Aymur  75Rare Exclusive Dmg: 50 Dly: 312    
Bonebiter  75Rare Exclusive Dmg: 47 Dly: 288   Quested 
Chopper  75Rare Exclusive Dmg: 35 Dly: 288   Quested 
Double Axe  75Rare Exclusive Dmg: 46 Dly: 312  Nyzul Isle Dropped 
Dynamis Axe  75Rare Exclusive Dmg: 48 Dly: 288 In Dynamis: Light Resistance: 9 In Dynamis: DLY: 288 In Dynamis: DMG: 50    
Erlking's Tabar  75Dmg: 41 Dly: 288 Main Hand: DMG:: 45    
Guttler  75Rare Exclusive Dmg: 53 Dly: 280 Additional effect: Choke Onslaught Attack: 20   Quested 
Leonine Axe  75Rare Exclusive Dmg: 1 Dly: 288 In Dynamis: Light Resistance: 7 In Dynamis: DLY: 288 In Dynamis: DMG: 46    
Ogre Killer  75Rare Exclusive Dmg: 53 Dly: 288 In Dynamis: "Onslaught"    
Punisher  75Rare Exclusive Dmg: 27 Dly: 280   Quested 
Relic Axe  75Rare Exclusive Dmg: 1 Dly: 999  Dynamis - Bastok Dropped 
Sirius Axe  75Dmg: 43 Dly: 288  Mamook, Wajaom Woodlands Dropped 
Skeggiold  75Rare Exclusive Dmg: 37 Dly: 280   Quested 
Splinter  75Rare Exclusive Dmg: 39 Dly: 288   Quested 
Tartaglia  75Rare Exclusive Enmity: -5 Ranged Attack: 3 Ranged Accuracy: 3  Wajaom Woodlands Dropped 
Doom Tabar  77Dmg: 51 Dly: 288 DEX: 3 AGI: 3  Abyssea-Grauberg Crafted, Purchased 
Doom Tabar +1  77Dmg: 52 Dly: 280 DEX: 4 AGI: 4   Crafted 
Glyph Axe  77Dmg: 57 Dly: 276 Pet: Regain  Abyssea-Konschtat Dropped 
Alard's Axe  80Rare Exclusive Dmg: 60 Dly: 288   Quested 
Aymur  80Rare Exclusive Dmg: 61 Dly: 312 Aftermath (Inc. Pets): Occ. Attacks Twice Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Increases Acc./Att. Primal Rend Enhances "Sic" and "Ready" effect Pet: Attack Bonus II   Quested 
Farsha  80Rare Exclusive Dmg: 61 Dly: 276   Quested 
Guichard's Axe  80Dmg: 56 Dly: 276   Quested 
Guttler  80Rare Exclusive Dmg: 62 Dly: 280 Additional effect: Choke Onslaught Attack: 25   Quested 
Renaud's Axe  80Dmg: 43 Dly: 268   Quested 
Renaud's Axe  80Rare Exclusive Dmg: 43 Dly: 268    
Richardet's Axe  80Dmg: 30 Dly: 312   Quested 
Magnus Axe  82Rare Exclusive Dmg: 46 Dly: 276 Accuracy: 7 Magnus stone equipped: Occasionally deals double damage  Abyssea-Attohwa Dropped 
Alard's Axe +1  85Rare Exclusive Dmg: 66 Dly: 288 Cloudsplitter   Crafted, Quested 
Aymur  85Rare Exclusive Dmg: 69 Dly: 312 Aftermath (Inc. Pets): Occ. Attacks Twice Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Increases Acc./Att. Primal Rend Enhances "Sic" and "Ready" effect Pet: Attack Bonus III   Quested 
Cleofun Axe  85Rare Exclusive Dmg: 63 Dly: 280 Latent Effect: Onslaught  Abyssea-Misareaux Dropped 
Farsha  85Rare Exclusive Dmg: 68 Dly: 276 STR: 7 MND: 7 Aftermath: Occ. deals double damage Cloudsplitter   Quested 
Guichard's Axe +1  85Exclusive Dmg: 61 Dly: 276   Crafted, Quested 
Guttler  85Rare Exclusive Dmg: 69 Dly: 280 Additional effect: Choke Onslaught Attack: 30   Quested 
Renaud's Axe +1  85Rare Exclusive Dmg: 57 Dly: 268   Crafted, Quested 
Richardet's Axe +1  85Rare Exclusive Dmg: 34 Dly: 312   Crafted, Quested 
Barbican Axe  87Rare Dmg: 63 Dly: 278 VIT: 7    
Maiden Tabar  87Dmg: 61 Dly: 288 DEX: 4 Evasion: 4    
Maiden Tabar +1  87Dmg: 62 Dly: 280 DEX: 5 Evasion: 5   Crafted 
Tonatiuh Axe  87Rare Dmg: 69 Dly: 296 Latent Effect: DMG: 79 Subtle Blow: 5  Meriphataud Mountains Dropped 
Carabinier's Axe  89Rare Exclusive Dmg: 49 Dly: 276 Archery Skill: 5 Marksmanship Skill: 5 Store TP: 4  Abyssea-Uleguerand Dropped 
Charmer's Merlin  89Rare Exclusive Dmg: 68 Dly: 288 Fencer: 1 Sic and Ready ability delay: -5  Abyssea-Altepa Dropped 
Alard's Axe +2  90Rare Exclusive Dmg: 69 Dly: 288 Cloudsplitter   Quested 
Artio's Axe  90Rare Exclusive Dmg: 64 Dly: 280 CHR: 3 Enmity: -5  Abyssea-Grauberg Dropped 
Aymur  90Rare Exclusive Dmg: 77 Dly: 312 Aftermath (Inc. Pets): Occ. Attacks Twice Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Increases Acc./Att. Primal Rend Enhances "Sic" and "Ready" effect Pet: Attack Bonus IV   Quested 
Farsha  90Rare Exclusive Dmg: 74 Dly: 276 STR: 10 MND: 10 Aftermath: Occ. deals double damage Cloudsplitter   Quested 
Guichard's Axe +2  90Exclusive Dmg: 64 Dly: 276   Quested 
Guttler  90Rare Exclusive Dmg: 76 Dly: 280 Additional effect: Choke Onslaught Attack: 35   Quested 
Renaud's Axe +2  90Rare Exclusive Dmg: 57 Dly: 268   Quested 
Richardet's Axe +2  90Rare Exclusive Dmg: 34 Dly: 312   Quested 
Tjukurrpa Axe  94Rare Dmg: 70 Dly: 288 Haste: 2%    
Alard's Axe +3  95Rare Exclusive Dmg: 74 Dly: 288 Cloudsplitter    
Aymur  95Rare Exclusive Dmg: 83 Dly: 312 Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Occasionally attacks twice or thrice Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Increases Acc./Att. Primal Rend Enhances "Sic" and "Ready" effect Pet: Attack Bonus IV    
Farsha  95Rare Exclusive Dmg: 80 Dly: 276 STR: 11 MND: 11 Aftermath: Occ. deals double damage Cloudsplitter   Quested 
Guichard's Axe +3  95Exclusive Dmg: 69 Dly: 276    
Guttler  95Rare Exclusive Dmg: 82 Dly: 280 Additional effect: Choke Onslaught Attack: 35    
Renaud's Axe +3  95Rare Exclusive Dmg: 61 Dly: 268    
Richardet's Axe +3  95Rare Exclusive Dmg: 35 Dly: 312    
Breidox  97Dmg: 73 Dly: 288 STR: 5 Enmity: 4   Crafted 
Breidox +1  97Dmg: 74 Dly: 280 STR: 6 Enmity: 5   Crafted 
Aalak' Axe  99Dmg: 75 Dly: 289 STR: 6 Accuracy: 5 Attack: 10 Pet: "Double Attack": 2%    
Aalak' Axe +1  99Dmg: 76 Dly: 281 STR: 6 Pet: "Double Attack": 3% Attack: 11 Accuracy: 6   Crafted 
Anahera Tabar  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 156 Dly: 288 Axe Skill: 242 Parrying Skill: 242 Magic Accuracy skill: 188 Enmity: -6 Pet: Evasion: 40 Pet: Enmity: 6  La'Loff Amphitheater Quested, Dropped 
Antican Axe  99Rare Dmg: 90 Dly: 276 STR: 10 AGI: -5 Attack: 20 Axe Skill: 108 Parrying Skill: 108 Magic Accuracy skill: 84 Ranged Attack: 15    
Astolfo  99Exclusive Dmg: 74 Dly: 276    
Aymur  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 89 Dly: 312 Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Occasionally attacks twice or thrice Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Increases Acc./Att. Primal Rend Enhances "Sic" and "Ready" effect Pet: Attack Bonus V    
Aymur  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 89 Dly: 312 Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Occasionally attacks twice or thrice Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Increases Acc./Att. Afterglow Primal Rend Enhances "Sic" and "Ready" effect Pet: Attack Bonus V    
Aymur  99Dmg: 155 Dly: 312 Axe Skill: 242 Parrying Skill: 242 Magic Accuracy skill: 215 Pet: Attack Bonus V Enhances "Sic" and "Ready" effect Primal Rend Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Increases Acc./Att. Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Occasionally attacks twice or thrice    
Aymur  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 131 Dly: 312 Axe Skill: 242 Parrying Skill: 242 Magic Accuracy skill: 215 Pet: Attack Bonus V Enhances "Sic" and "Ready" effect "Primal Rend" Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Increases Acc./Att. Aftermath (Incl. Pets): Occasionally attacks twice or thrice Afterglow    
Aytanri  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 78 Dly: 288 STR: 10 Defense: 10 Attack occasionally varies with defense  Aydeewa Subterrane Dropped 
Brethren Axe  99Exclusive Dmg: 132 Dly: 288 Pet: Accuracy: 20 Enmity: -4 Parrying Skill: 162 Axe Skill: 162  Cirdas Caverns (U) - Foret, Foret de Hennetiel Purchased, Dropped 
Budliqa  99Dmg: 160 Dly: 312 STR: 7 Magic Accuracy skill: 167 Parrying Skill: 215 Axe Skill: 215    
Budliqa +1  99Dmg: 161 Dly: 303 STR: 8 Axe Skill: 228 Parrying Skill: 228 Magic Accuracy skill: 177   Crafted 
Camaraderie Axe  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 99 Dly: 276 Axe Skill: 108 Parrying Skill: 108 Magic Accuracy skill: 84 Reives: Occasionally attacks twice    
Coalition Axe  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 73 Dly: 276 Reives: DMG:84 Accuracy: 10  Eastern Adoulin Purchased 
Eminent Axe  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 134 Dly: 288 Axe Skill: 215 Parrying Skill: 215 Magic Accuracy skill: 167 Latent effect: DMG:141 Latent Effect: Accuracy: 15 Latent Effect: Attack: 10    
Emxgha  99Exclusive Dmg: 164 Dly: 312 Evasion: 4 Axe Skill: 242 Parrying Skill: 242 Magic Accuracy skill: 188 Pet: Evasion: 15    
Faizzeer  99Exclusive Dmg: 81 Dly: 288 Parrying Skill: 54 Axe Skill: 54    
Faizzeer +1  99Exclusive Dmg: 119 Dly: 288 Parrying Skill: 162 Axe Skill: 162   Crafted 
Faizzeer +2  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 141 Dly: 288 Magic Accuracy skill: 188 Parrying Skill: 242 Axe Skill: 242    
Farsha  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 86 Dly: 276 STR: 13 MND: 13 Aftermath: Occ. deals double damage Afterglow Cloudsplitter   Quested 
Farsha  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 86 Dly: 276 STR: 13 MND: 13 Aftermath: Occ. deals double damage Cloudsplitter   Quested 
Farsha  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 140 Dly: 276 STR: 13 MND: 13 Axe Skill: 242 Parrying Skill: 242 Magic Accuracy skill: 215 Cloudsplitter Aftermath: Occ. deals double damage    
Farsha  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 140 Dly: 276 STR: 13 MND: 13 Afterglow Aftermath: Occ. deals double damage Cloudsplitter Magic Accuracy skill: 215 Parrying Skill: 242 Axe Skill: 242    
Fernagu  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 63 Dly: 268    
Forefront Axe  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 83 Dly: 288 Parrying Skill: 67 Axe Skill: 67 Accuracy: 15 Reives: DMG:104 Reives: Accuracy: 25    
Ganelon  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 37 Dly: 312    
Gibbous Axe  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 76 Dly: 296 STR: 5 Defense: 5  Aydeewa Subterrane Dropped 
Guttler  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 88 Dly: 280 Afterglow Additional effect: Choke Onslaught Attack: 40    
Guttler  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 88 Dly: 280 Additional effect: Choke Onslaught Attack: 40    
Guttler  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 145 Dly: 280 Attack: 40 Axe Skill: 242 Parrying Skill: 242 Magic Accuracy skill: 215 Onslaught Additional effect: Choke    
Guttler  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 145 Dly: 280 Attack: 40 Axe Skill: 242 Parrying Skill: 242 Magic Accuracy skill: 215 Onslaught Additional effect: Choke Afterglow    
Hatxiik  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 140 Dly: 288 STR: 12 VIT: 12 Vs. Wind: 20 Axe Skill: 188 Parrying Skill: 188 Magic Accuracy skill: 146 Double Attack: 2%  Ceizak Battlegrounds Dropped 
Hunahpu  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 140 Dly: 288 STR: 12 DEX: 12 Axe Skill: 188 Parrying Skill: 188 Pet: Accuracy: 30 Pet: Haste: 3%    
Hurlbat  99Rare Dmg: 104 Dly: 288 AGI: 8 Axe Skill: 108 Parrying Skill: 108 Magic Accuracy skill: 84 Ranged Accuracy: 15 Ranged Attack: 5 Enmity: -4    
Icoyoca  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 92 Dly: 288 STR: 8 Vs. Wind: 20 Axe Skill: 67 Parrying Skill: 67 Double Attack: 2%  Ceizak Battlegrounds Dropped 
Izizoeksi  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 156 Dly: 288 Accuracy: 10 Axe Skill: 242 Parrying Skill: 242 Magic Accuracy skill: 188 Pet: Haste+2% Enmity+7 Damage taken -5%    
Kerehcatl  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 156 Dly: 288 Parrying Skill: 242 Axe Skill: 242 Attack: 13 Accuracy: 13 Pet: Accuracy: 28 Pet: Attack: 28  Cirdas Caverns (U) - Ceizak, Western Adoulin Purchased, Dropped 
Ravana's Axe  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 75 Dly: 276 HP: 40 Pet: Adds "Regen" effect : 10 Attack: 10 Accuracy: 10    
Sacripante  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 80 Dly: 288 Cloudsplitter    
Sacripante -1  99Rare Exclusive Dmg: 76 Dly: 288