Okay, I did something this weekend I'm not 100% certain I'm proud of, and I would like some of your comments on whether I should be ashamed of myself or not.
In my LS Clan (which I run) we have been trying to do mission 3-3 (Appointment to Jeuno) since August but without any luck. The high people who needed it (myself and a few others) were rarely on together at the same time with enough of a window to do it, the lower people who needed it were taking a long time levelling up to where we'd feel comfortable dragging them along for such a harried journey. We had several failed attempts where we couldn't get enough people to go and a few false starts (for example, one of our members started Windy's 3-2 twice).
Long story short, this last weekend we were determined to do it come hell or highwater. After an hour of organizing, we had a good little crew. Several people from our LS, several others who needed the mission, and even a high level WHM to help (64WHM). We set out (only a few of us had maps, but oh well) and ascended the tower (actually, making record time). Only one death at the hands of a nasty Spirit, which our WHM prompty raised.
The problem is, one of our LS members kept disconnecting. All the way up, he would d/c and we would have to pause and wait for him. We didn't mind really, but our high-level WHM had a static he needed to get to and time was ticking.
We make it to the top, fight the NM, and got enough keys on the first kill for everyone in the group that needed one (obviously, we had two people who had already done the mission). Everyone lots... except this one guy that kept d/c'ing. We notice on the map he is still back at the staircase (and is only level 32, so he'd get slaughtered trying catch up with us). We call for him to lot anyway, and he promptly vanishes from our party.
He had d/c'ed sometime before the fight.
So we wait around for him, re-invite him, escort him to the room, and wait for the next spawn (they say the spawn time is 10 minutes, but I was personally able to fit 3 Chakra's in there before he spawned again, so I'd say it was closer to 15).
The next spawn happens, and he d/c's again. We repeat (wait, invite, wait for spawn) and he d/c's in the middle of the fight.
He kept d/c'ing every single fight. We waited around for at least 45-60 minutes trying to get his damned key, and he kept d/c'ing just when the fight started. We fought that thing 4 times, with a 5 being taken by a party near us while we waited for him to reconnect.
Finally, after the last time, we realize we really needed to get our 64WHM back to his static (they had already patiently waited an hour for him). Plus, two of our Clan members had work the next morning and it was already very late for them (they were East Coast, while I am in the West). So we gave him another five minutes, then continued on without him.
We he finally did rejoin, he was pissed (understandably so... we left him stranded at the top of the tower with no way to kill the NM and no way to get back down short of Death Warping). We knew there was another Alliance on the way up, so we advised him to wait for them and join them when they showed up, but he just swore at us (the whole LS) and disconnected.
So, I feel bad about this and all... but what could we have done? His connection wasn't reliable enough to stay on long enough to get the key, and we had already put around an hour into trying to work around his connection problems.
Thus, my questions are these:
1) Were we wrong to leave him up there? Should I, as LS leader, put my foot down when everyone else wanted to go? (Even if it meant I would be alone up there waiting for him and unable to really help as I was a 36 MNK).
2) How long to you have to wait for people with d/c problems? If you are fighting a quest/mission NM like us, is 45-60 minutes adequate, or should we have given him even longer?
PS: This person was also someone who had already caused two false starts for the mission by accepting 3-2 twice after he had already done it. This is why everyone else in the party wasn't really willing to wait for him any more.
Edited, Mon Sep 20 12:11:39 2004 by vismaior