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Feedback to SE - Masquerade partyFollow

#77 Oct 25 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
yeah that kinda sux that it's only in san francisco. i'm from hamburg / germany, so i can't check out the cool event :/
#78 Oct 25 2004 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
I think it's a great idea, it allows the community to connect. Unfortunately, the location is a horrible decision, if you could, try making it more central, such as St. Louis, or Kansas city. Or make regional ones, by major regions, East/West Coast, Midwest, etc.. just some ideas.
#79 Oct 25 2004 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
Great idea and I think they should have it every year and maybe in different states/countries if possible. I would do anything to go there but I'm in Florida. Would be fun dressing with a Pumpkin head :)
#80 Oct 25 2004 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
If the party was in NYC I would be there. But Cali is a little to far from Easton, PA.
#81 Oct 25 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
1,366 posts
I don't really know how to count the Canadian area since not many players live in the far north

A bit off topic here, but, worth mentioning for those of you who choose to read it. (Note: I live in the US now, but, spent most of my life in Canada - and my kids and father still live there.)

I realize that many US residents think that the world ends at the end of the 'weather map', and beyond that, if there is anything, it is just a vast wasteland of ice and snow year round ... however, I have to laugh anyway at the above statement.

Just FYI, a few 'Canuck' factoids for ya: More than 60 percent (probably higher these days) live within 60 miles of the US border. Canada is a bigger country (size wise) than the US. Canadians along the border have about the same weather that US residents along the northern border of the US have. They also have just as much (more actually) distance to cover laterally as anyone in the US to get from one side of the country to the other.

Even in the Yukon (up by Alaska) they have high speed internet access these days - and in fact, many Canadians had access to higher than dialup speeds long before more US residents did (all hail, Silicon Valley North in Kanata, Ontario). Even in the Yukon it is not ice and snow year long - and the summers are very pleasant, and residents up there can grow THE largest veggies you have ever seen during their summers. The only (populated to any extent) places in Canada where there is 'ice and snow' almost year round is the eastern Arctic (i.e. Iqualuit, formerly known as Frobisher Bay). I have lived in both places so I know what I am talking about there.

There IS a distinct cultural difference between Canada and the US (thank goodness!), however, Canadians pretty well have access to anything anyone in the US has access to (and often better and earlier too), and do a lot of the same things as Americans do. I got my 'gaming' start in Canada way back in the 1970s. So, it would not surprise me if percentage of population-wise at least as many Canadians are playing FFXI (and other MMORPGs) as Americans. Perhaps higher - you know those cold winters you talked about, well, hockey ain't the only thing to do then! ^^

At any rate, Canada is not some 'foreign land', guys. Wave to your Canadian 'friends' - they are not very far away. I drive 20 hours between Ottawa and western NC. I drive 20 hours between western NC and the CT/RI border. I drive 16 hours between western NC and north-central TX. From the southern US, in other words, it is about the same distance/driving time to most US cities as it is to most Canadian cities.

Edited, Mon Oct 25 12:31:31 2004 by Alumni
#82 Oct 25 2004 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
Have an event in KC or Dallas and this Kansas boy will be there! =D
#83 Oct 25 2004 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
2,711 posts
Regional parties would be an awesome idea. Maybe something to think about for Christmas.

It wouldn't be too tough to find people who were willing to help out in exchange for free admission, t-shirts, etc. like a lot of anime conventions do stateside, and they would just need to fly one or two employees out as coordinators and supervisors to each location, barring that they didn't hire a contractor locally. Living in Texas, I'm close to nothing, but it would be a lot more feasible for me to drive to Dallas, Houston, Louisiana, etc. than to Cali. I at least don't have the problem of parents not letting me go :) Were I still living at home, I probably wouldn't be able to attend even if it were held in my home city.
#84 Oct 25 2004 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
246 posts
Aside from the distance factor (I live in Florida), they also sort of sprung this on us out of the blue. Two weeks notice isn't enough to secure vacation time or book reasonably priced airline tickets...
#85 Oct 25 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
460 posts
Me and the wifey may head up to SF for this event. I live in Southern California and will be driving up to get a tattoo finished the same weekend if I can so I might go. It seems like it would be fun. If my Tattoo artist was not close to the event I would not drive 7 hours to go, and I feel bad for ppl that really want to go but just can't make that hike.
If they are going to make the effort to do a NA event why not make it something people around the country can go to and enjoy?
SE. Though you are based in Japan remember all the money brought in by the NA and Euro Consumers the pay monthly fees to play this game. Make an effort to reach out to a larger number of these people. Just a thought.

Edited, Mon Oct 25 12:50:00 2004 by srekal
#86 Oct 25 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
230 posts
yeah thats pretty much it...distance

Id love to attend this but Im not driving to Cali from SC
Charlotte hell yes, Atlanta probably, but not San Fran
#87 Oct 25 2004 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
I think the problem here is that America is freaking BIG.
Bunch of people who live in Canada like me won't possible be going... unless... there are free transportation and somewhere to stay...
#88 Oct 25 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
261 posts


Saying this, I must add that no matter where it was I wouldn't be able to go. I'm pregnant. I have a 6 month old son. My husband (who also plays) has work the day before and on the Monday following. It would just not be feasible for me to go this year. I think if you try a bit more to accomedate people in the next few years, then it would be really worth it to go.


You poor poor girl!! Babies so close together, almost like haveing twins^^ (Mine are 3 yrs apart).

Sorry for being off topic, I just have to give props to the stay at home mommies who play!

I just moved to the east coast from California >< so needless to say I will not be attending. However I would travel a fair distance to attend this event. I recently started making costumes and would love to try an FF costume!

Edited, Mon Oct 25 12:56:12 2004 by MangoMage
#89 Oct 25 2004 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
212 posts
I can't even think of it coz im in asia!! argh..
#90 Oct 25 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
327 posts
"Eekiki the Shady" wrote:
I guess the best suggestion would then be to have more than one party. One for each U.S. coast, one for Europe, one for Oceania, and obviously one for Japan.

Well, I'm from Belgium (Europe), so I won't be able to go there, neither for this event nor for further ones. I agree with you : SE imagines really nice and great events, but only a few people can go to... What about Europe, Japan, Canada ?
#91 Oct 25 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
Nagah wrote:
1. Multiple locations (across the world).

My thoughts exactly! I live on the east coast and would go for sure if they had one nearby.

Also seeing how this game is meant to bring the whole world together. Having them in multiple locations along with a way we can view the other parties around the world, they should set up some kind of via satilite things where we can see them and they can see us.

Edited, Mon Oct 25 13:09:05 2004 by Poesghost
#92 Oct 25 2004 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
The party sounds like it'll be a marvelous time. Sadly I'm in Virginia and really doubt that I'd be able to scrape together the funds to go out to SF for the festivities... otherwise I'd be there in a heartbeat.
#93 Oct 25 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
562 posts
I'd love to go, if it weren't so far away. If I went, I'd probably dress up in a custom RDM AF outfit, including either making my own pimp hat or getting a hatter to do it. (Preferably out of leather. I have the design kinda mapped out, without numbers or a full-size model. Might have to make the hat regardless. If I do, I'll be sure to post pics Smiley: grin)

I just hate that practically all the big events are in San Francisco. While it's a great city, it's expensive to travel to there and is so far away. Why not coordinate events in most of the major cities, like Memphis, Atlanta, NY, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and New Orleans? (I'm sure I'm forgetting a few, so whatever major cities there are, there should be events.)
#94 Oct 25 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
310 posts
I agree with the idea of having these party in different locations... i live in Canada and even tho i could go there by car, I just can't get 1 week vacation from my job...

if there was a party closer to my home, i'd probably go

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#95 Oct 25 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
I think the major problem (as everybody else has said) is that it is singular in nature and location. A "roadshow" or whatever term a similar event goes by in the United States, would be more appropriate. The main point is that, in a game which completely disregards national and international boundaries, lots of people will want (and do wish) to participate in such an event, but because of the nature of the world, a vast majority of FF11 players will be left disappointed.

Edited, Mon Oct 25 13:18:08 2004 by Mieck
#96 Oct 25 2004 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
So what do you all think about the FINAL FANTASY XI Masquerade Party?

I think it's a great idea. Any physical manifestation of the game community is cool, be it a Convention or Masquerade Party. It'll let people get together with others who obviously have a similar interest, and build upon the idea of games creating a community; which to the best of my knowledge is a focal point of FFXI.

Who is going etc. why or why not?

Not I, because I live right near New York City. We may be the art and cultural capital of the nation, but we sure aren't the tech capital. California gets all of the fun T_T
Also, because someone hasn't implemented Real-Time Chocobo Racing on FFXI or POL... heheheh ^_^V

Edited to be friendly on the eyes...

Edited, Mon Oct 25 13:24:17 2004 by GrayHavens
#97 Oct 25 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,257 posts
Why is there just one party in all of North America? This might be okay for Japan, but 3000+ miles - with only about a month's notice - is a bit far to travel for a costume party.

SE needs to consider the size of the geographic area for NA, and the common modes of transportation (i.e. no high speed bullet trains). And airfare is expensive.

Even just one party on the west coast isn't enough IMO. To cover the country and keep the travel distances somewhat reasonable (meaning you can get there by car in 24 driving hours or less in most cases), you'd need most of the following cities or similarly located ones in addition to San Francisco:

-Vancouver, BC
-St. Louis, MO
-Denver, CO
-New Orleans, LA
-Detroit, MI
-Savannah, GA
-Baltimore, MD or Washington, DC
-Toronto, ON

Maybe Chicago instead of Detroit, or Houston instead of New Orleans... but the same idea. I picked Savannah instead of Atlanta because it is a little further south, making a trip for folks in Florida a bit easier. You'd probably want at least one more spot in Canada, too.

While SE is at it, they can plan some shindigs in Australia and Europe, too.

If you're only going to have one party for the entire continent, more notice would be nice. More notice would be nice, period. I'd be lucky to be able to attend even if I lived in San Francisco. Being in Baltimore, MD makes it pretty much impossible unless I win the lottery tonight.

Having the party on the West Coast only - not even one on the East Coast - kind of annoys me. Reminds me that SE seems to forget there's more than one time zone in the US and Canada.

Edited, Mon Oct 25 13:34:46 2004 by iniadelphinae
#98 Oct 25 2004 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
218 posts
It's a great idea to have such a party so we can get together with other FFXI fans. Unfortunately, I am not attending due to (like everyone else has said) the fact that it is just too far away. :(

There have been several suggestions to have more venues added. This would be great! West Caost, East Coast, Midwest, South, Canada....

Just as an afterthought...
There was a suggestion that SE could sell pre-made costumes of good quality. Count me in! I'd love to have a full set of Monk AF gear ^_^
#99 Oct 25 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
If I get the chance to meet any of the gil farmers or the S-E reps who don't do anything about them then I think the event is a fabulous idea.
#100 Oct 25 2004 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
I am not. reasons:
a) Way too far from me (Tennessee) to drive and I don't fly
b) Don't have the money
c) Work is very busy
d) After visiting a very nearby EQ Fan-Faire I decided these things are not for me. Anime conventions yes. Game player conventions no.

It's not anything personal. Nothing against SE. Just the facts man.

Great game though.
#101 Oct 25 2004 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
349 posts
I live in London, Ontario... it's about 2 hours southwest of Toronto if you're not fround around here. So I can't go, although I think it would be cool.

All you folks talking about your RDM AF outfits... hah! Personally I'd be all about the WAR AF... with 2 axes on my belt. I'm no Arnold, but it would be pretty cool to walk around showing off "da pipes" in my Figher's Lorica.

Of course... You RDMs know I love you guys, right? Those paralyze spells really help me get my shadows back up!
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