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Phomiuna Aqueducts - Get your game on!Follow

#1 Dec 20 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts
Continuing the `Get Your Game On` series of guides, we are now pleased to bring you ...

The Phomiuna Aqueducts

Started: 12/20/2004
Last edit: 05/11/2006 - Took out LG tags due to a change on the site that disabled their use.

Area Notes
* Level cap: 40
* Handy items: Antidote, Holy Water, Silent Oil
* The mission requires you to hunt the Minotaur. This is not a BCNM fight. You can take an alliance, making it far more entertaining than the Promyvions.

The Map
The map comes from a ???-point deep in the Aqueducts; specifically in the Library area. The Library is where the lamp room secret door is. The ???-point is said to be on a timer and repops randomly in any of the Library rooms.

There are four Library rooms. Two are west, two are east. When you're finishing off the Minotaur stuff you are accessing the west side only. As far as I'm aware, attempts to access the east side at this stage of CoP result in you finding a ladder you cannot climb -- the trapdoor above is locked.

I located my map on the middle jar in the northwest corner of the northern library room, on the west side of the map. Your mileage may vary. I wish you luck. ^^

Enemy Notes

Diremite Non-aggressive | Non-linking
These look like tektites from Zelda. A bit spider-like, no discernable face. I find these to be friendly and enjoy fighting them.

Filamented Hold - Slow, one target
Spinning Top - AOE damage
Grapple - Damage attack, one target
Double Claw - Double attack, one target

Drops: Spool of Bloodthread, Wind Crystal

Gloop (Oil Spill) Slime type | Sound aggro
Nothing special to report, just another type of Slime. Oil Spills are the IT version. All the standard slime attacks are represented.

Drops: Slime Oil

Fomor Jobs vary | Sound aggro, sound link | Be wary of teamed Fomor!
Fomor are undead that come in a variety of flavors. While Dark Stalker types on the mainland are only found in Elvaan, Fomor come in every race and every job configuration. Be wary when approaching a group of Fomor - watch them to see if they're partied. If they move as a team, if they cast buffs on one another, or if they're doing Sentinel duty somewhere, separating them may not be possible. If you pull one member of a four member team all four will come to fight you due to sound links. I've seen links even on Carby pulls.

The jobs will vary, so expect some variety in the fighting style and in job-related attacks. Fomor cannot use 2-hour abilities.

Barbed Crescent - Damage attack, one target
Foxfire - Damage attack, one target
Netherspikes - AOE damage attack.
Aegis Schism - Defense Down, one target
Carnal Nightmare - AOE, sets TP to 0
Dancing Chains - AOE Drown (-10sec HP Down, plus stat debuff)

Drops: Dark Crystal, JSE (Subligar), Shakudo Ingot (NIN and SAM), Balloon Cloth (THF), Bronze Key (rare/ex, for the Phomiuna mission).

A note on the JSE subligar: It's all Lv50. It's themed on the Zodiac. The Job the subligar is for is controlled by the type of Fomor you kill for it. (i.e., want RNG Subligar? Kill a Fomor Ranger.) The JSE Subligar can be used in a Bastok quest. Quest notes are here: http://ffxi.allakhazam.com/db/quests.html?fquest=546

A note on Fomor hate: Players report that the Fomor have a cumulative hate counter, sort of like how Tonberries do. As you kill Fomor, your Fomor Hate increases - it can be lowered by killing Giants and Orcs out in the fields around the Safehold. Resauchamet (K-7, east/upper section and north) in the Safehold gives a fame message. I'll detail these as I collect them.

Low Fomor hate means you can walk by them without aggro; High Fomor hate might let them see through sneak/invis.

* Tres Duendes * NM Tri-bat with a BLM pet
"Divisortheory" wrote:
On the first map at that link to alla at (E-4) there is an NM called Tres Duendes. He is a BST with a pet called Duendes' Amoroso. The pet is a Fomor Black Mage just has a different name. Anyway this NM drops 3 items. Vampiric Claws, Niokiyotsuna, and the following dagger:


For the curious, Tres Duendes translates from Spanish as `Three Charmers`. Amoroso is Spanish for `lover` (male).


You are killing a Fomor with a beastiality fetish. (Or a group of bats with a Fomor fetish...) >.> Way to go, Squeenix. I'll never sleep right again.

Tres Duendes spawns in a room that has six Fomor. Four are a linked team, two are loose and wander. One of the loose Fomor is a BLM. The BLM is a placeholder for Tres Duendes. The NM is actually the bat cluster; the Fomor pet, Amoroso, is linked much in the same way a Wyvern is to a Dragoon.

Taurus (Stegotaur, Minotaur) | Sight Aggro | True Sight | Sight, Scent tracking
Kinda like a walking ox with wings. Tough to describe, easy to recognize. If you're Invisible and have aggro, you can run over water to lose them. Good luck pulling that off. Stegotaurs are IT, Minotaur is the NM Boss of Phomiuna.

Double Attack - natural feature of the race. All Taurus class beasts have the Double Attack job trait.

Mortal Ray - causes Doom (10 second countdown, after which you die). Gaze attack; can unlock and turn to avoid. Fix Doom with Holy Water or Cursna. Cursna can be resisted.
Mow - AOE Poison + Damage + Hate reset (like Promyvion Brume)
Frightful Roar - AOE Defense Down
Triclip - Triple Attack, one target
Back Swish - Tail strike for damage, one target
Unblest Armor - Shell

Draw In (Minotaur Only) - AOE and has an incredible range on it. You won't believe how far away it can steal you from! Don't advance on the Minotaur until you are ready to fight. This attack has no proper name; the Minotaur emotes when he's using it. Can't be dodged or avoided, just like any other Draw In.

Drops: Dark Crystal, Spruce Lumber (rare/ex), Taurus Horn

Hell Bat Solo bat type | Non-aggressive
Canal Bats Grouped bat type | Non-aggressive
Makara Pugil type | Non-aggressive

Mission Notes

Mission: Distant Beliefs

A better map, if it's still online

Obtain access to the Aqueducts -
Talk to the Mayor in town; Top level, east side, upper section, south. He's behind a door that is next to the ??? you touch for the hairpin (for the Safehold map quest).

Talk to the guard at the door of the Aqueducts. That should be all you need.

Kill the Minotaur -
Suit up in your Lv40 gear. Bring handy items. Small groups have an easier time with stealth; large groups, an easier time with adds. I had a two-party alliance, 10 players total. Bring Holy Water and Antidote. If you have a Thief who's competant, bring Tools, Skelly keys, or Living keys for a lockpicking mission later on.

Find the Minotaur. Stealth required. You have two options. The first is to bring your team through; the second is for a dedicated Sneak Master to go through by himself, then stop at the K-3 intersection. Warn the team, walk near the Minotaur, let it use Draw In.

Draw In will slurp up all the members of the alliance, instantly teleporting all players to the Minotaur's room. Let the fun begin! By the way, it pays the Sneak Master to run around in a big circle after Draw In hits, as the Minotaur almost always follows up with Mortal Ray.

General directions:

Follow the path. Take the right turn (north, H-9). Take the left turn (west, H-8). You're facing a round, open room that has Taurus' in it.

Sneak across this room to the NW. Target the ladder, talk to it, hit Yes, climb up. Move into the hallway after you've climbed as the Taurus can see you if you're on the ledge.

Follow the path, hang a right. You'll wind up overlooking a round room with Stegotaurs in it. (K-10) Drop down and head north into the tunnel. The tunnel runs NW and empties into an ovular room that runs north and south, with a big pool in the middle (J-8).

In the northwest corner of the pool room is a ladder up (I-6). This room has Stegos and Fomor, so make your way carefully. Ascend the ladder.

From the top of this latter the path goes west and turns north. You'll be at an east/west intersection. *Remember this place.* Turn right to go to the Minotaur. There will be a Stegotaur in the hall; He fills up the entirety of the hallway so avoiding him is not easy. Either engage and defeat him, or wait for him to face the corner while he patrols back and forth. As soon as he looks in the corner and stops moving, you can sneak behind him. (Remember, Taurus-class enemies are Sight/True Sight only!)

As you follow to the right the path will turn south and lead to another drop into a circular room (K-5).

The circular room below has Stegs and Fomor in it. Drop down and head to the NW corner where a tunnel awaits. There is a wet path here with some fish in it. The fish are not aggressive, so once you make it to the water, stop and rest to full. The intersection to your north is (K-3).

After you're full, buff up, eat food, prepare yourselves psychologically, for it's time to fight the Minotaur. Draw In is the only extra attack I know of; in all other respects he's like any other Taurus-class with more HP, so if you've practiced on those you should be good to go. I recommend getting in some battles; learn to disengage/turn for Mortal Ray, learn not to panic when Mow hits, etc.

You can build TP on the fish but they're IT; your healers will have to rest again afterwards.

When you're ready, walk to the west. The intersection is (J-3). The Minotaur is due north at (J-2). As soon as he sees you he'll do his Draw In emote and suck your entire alliance into the room with him. Fight and win! Note: The Draw In attack can slurp you in from distances you would not believe. It's range is phenomenal.

A single party of talent might be able to take the Minotaur; I ran the fight with 10. Only losses were due to Mortal Ray.

Killing the Minotaur gives no title, no drop, and no cutscene.

Find Nag'molada -
See above where I tell you to remember an intersection? You need to go back there. You are going to need one of two things for this next part; a Bronze Key or a Thief with appropriate tools. The key drops occasionally from Fomor, and one key covers the alliance.

From the Minotaur (J-3):

Head back the way you came to the ladder at (K-5); follow the path from the ladder north, pwn the Steg, turn west to find the intersection I mentioned. South will lead back to the (I-6) ladder, but you aren't going there.

Keep heading west; the turn south is (G-5) and there's another Steg to kill. The overlook into the circular room is (G-6).

This is another pool room; though it looks the same, it is not. This one runs west to east. From the drop at (G-6) run due south into the SE facing tunnel. Go in but don't go too far south as an Oil Spill hides back there.

There is an Iron Gate at (G-8), facing west. If you go too far south you'll fall off the edge of the stone walkway and have to take a very long walk around. (I'm not describing the walk around because you shouldn't be falling off that walkway!) The gate is what you're after. Trade your Bronze Key to the Iron Gate. If you've no Bronze Key, have your Thief pick the gate. If you've no Key and no Thief, it's time to farm you some Fomor. Parties are entirely welcome to devise their own strategies for this. Mine sure had a fun time beating on them.

After you're through the gate keep moving west; keep an eye out for enemies. Avoid or engage at your discretion, you should know this place by now. There should be three sentinel Fomor on guard; use Sneak to cruise right by. There will be a targetable ladder. Climb it for a cutscene with Nag'molada, then re-climb it to actually ascend.

Find the lamp room -
From the top of the ladder:

This room is safe. Catch your breath.

You'll have a door to your left and a door to your right. Both eventually lead to the same location (mirrored paths); I'll give directions for the left door.

Open and proceed forward, but go slowly; there are two Stegotaurs loose in the hall. Pull them individually and destroy them. Follow the path as it turns to the right; it will dead end at another door.

Sneak before opening this door as the room has 10 Fomor in it - a party of six and a party of four.

With Sneak up, proceed into the room and hang a right to go around the tall shelves. Down at the dead-end there is a ??? you can touch. This forces a wall to open up behind you, on the right. Go touch the ??? and get into the room behind that secret door. This is the candle room.

Deal with the stupid puzzle -
This puzzle is stupid.

It's based on the elemental properties of the current day of the week. You must press the lamp that corresponds to Today, then the lamp that corresponds to the Element Weak to Today.

Firesday: Fire, then Ice.
Iceday: Ice, then Wind.
Windsday: Wind, then Earth.
Earthsday: Earth, then Thunder.
Lightningsday: Thunder, then Water.
Watersday: Water, then Fire.

Lightsday: Light, then Dark.
Darksday: Dark, then Light.

Once you've got the door open it's open for only a few seconds; be sure to get inside. There may be a switch inside that can be used to pop the secret passage repeatedly.

Note: This door is halfway down the candle room and is on the wall with all the lamps. DO NOT LEAVE THIS ROOM VIA EITHER END. The furthest lamps over should trigger the secret doors to either side (which you entered from), but leaving with Sneak off is going to bring a world of Fomor down upon you.

Inside the double-secret room here is an Ornate Gate. Open it. Behind that is a second Ornate Gate. Open that for another cutscene with Nag'molada.

Escape from Phomiuna -
You can either walk out the way you came, or death warp, or Escape, or Warp II, or Tele-Dem, or use a Warp Scroll, or NIN Suicide, or whatever. Use your best judgement. Don't leave people stuck here.

Another way out is to return to the north library room. On the east side of this room is a ???-point on a bookshelf. This switch opens a secret wall on the east side of the library with a small room behind it. The secret room has a hole in the floor.

Make sure you have Sneak up, then drop down the hole. You'll wind up in a room with a Foul Meat. You can now have all the fun of navigating your way out of the depths of Phomiuna on foot. If you know the place front to back (or have the map and good position codes) this is an entirely viable way to get out, and is even pretty fast.

If you don't know where you are, never go this way. ^^

Wrap it up -
Go back to the Tavnazian Safehold. Find and talk to Justinius. Get another cutscene and withness the return of Prishe. Ta da! You've finished this mission and are ready to do more.

Next up: Riverne
* Finish Justinius' cutscene.
* Go to Prishe's room (up the ramp from Justinius) for a cutscene.
* Go to Snowmint (SW I-11 in Mis. Coast) to the Dilapidated Gate for a cutscene.
* Back the Safehold for a cutscene as you near the bridge.
* Out to Riverne (NW Mis. Coast) to the Dilapidated Gate for a cutscene.
* Hop in the Spatial Distortion and away you go~!

Riverne Site A#01


Neocron, for the AK mission walkthrough.
Kalm, for being an awesome linkshell; Promy is down, Phomi is down, next is Riverne. To glory!
Mell and Kobain, for initial survey work, as well as excellent team participation.
Mandalorian, for deep survey work (found the minotaur) and excellent team participation.
The lovely and talented Zoey, for setting me straight on the stupid puzzle quest that I hate so very very much. ^^
Nakka, for solid info and confirmation on the method for obtaining the Phomiuna Aqueducts Map.
Divisortheory and Xizro, for Fomor Hate notes.
Divisortheory, for the NM drop data.

Edited, Thu May 11 13:08:52 2006 by Wingchild
#2 Dec 20 2004 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
174 posts
wow, thanks. rate up.
#3 Dec 20 2004 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
One tip for getting there...

Send one extremely sneaky person in and only one.

Have him get the minotaur and everyone else buff up at the entrance.

Once ready, have the person at the minotaur aggro it. The minotaur uses a move that pulls in the WHOLE alliance. Worked for our two party alliance very well. We ended up getting in and out in 45 minutes.
#4 Dec 20 2004 at 3:37 PM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts
Thanks, GT. I'd been pulled in from as far back as (K-4) but hadn't realized that attack would span the entire range of the zone. Good news to have; I've added that technique in the compilation thread.

I can't wait for people to have fun in Riverne; we tried taking down a Firedrake with three players last night. Hooooooboy that didn't go well. ^^
#5 Dec 20 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
Damn GT you beat me to it. I did this the other day to pull in all 16 or so people we had. You have to wait for the right configurations of the stegotaurs in order to pass safely, but as long as you are patient, it can be done.
#6 Dec 20 2004 at 4:31 PM Rating: Good
Wing, it wasn't lightning earth, we ended up using Lighning Water to open the gate. (The puzzle)

Press the day it is.. then then weak to the day it is.

Fire melts Ice
Ice blocks Wind
Wind carves Earth
Earth grounds Lightning
Lightning shocks Water
Water douses Fire

So.. on Fires day it would be Fire lamp then Ice lamp.
on Ice day, it would be Ice then Wind...

Press once to identify, a second time to press.

It opened when I pressed, and then Kobain (who was at water.)


Edited, Mon Dec 20 16:36:58 2004 by Zoeymithra
#7 Dec 20 2004 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
120 posts
One key piece of information lost here, is how do we get a fricking map to this place?!?!
#8 Dec 20 2004 at 5:06 PM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts
Rate Ups for GT and Zoey.

And Wyte ... as soon as I figure out how to get the map, I'll be sure to add it here. The reason for the explicit directions in the thread is because I had no map, so was drawing one by hand. >.>
#9 Dec 20 2004 at 5:13 PM Rating: Excellent
In order to get the map you have to touch a ??? located in the rooms with the bookshelves. There is a timer on it and it repops in a random location.
#10 Dec 20 2004 at 5:35 PM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts
Thanks, Nakka. I found generic info along those lines in another thread (while researching other quests), but shall give you credit and a proper rate-up for posting it in. ^^
#11 Dec 20 2004 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
192 posts
You are awesome.

I'd rate you up, but you don't even need it.

Now that I'm done with the Promyvions, I can start on this soon. Your guide will definitely be a huge help. Can't wait for Riverne and beyond.
#12 Dec 20 2004 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
3,383 posts
On the first map at that link to alla at (E-4) there is an NM called Tres Duendes. He is a BST with a pet called Duendes' Amoroso. The pet is a Fomor Black Mage just has a different name. Anyway this NM drops 3 items. Vampiric Claws, Niokiyotsuna, and the following dagger:



(That's me wearing it Smiley: wink)

Also Fomors don't aggro unless you killed about 5-10 of them before. It works a little like Tonberry Hate. The more you kill, the larger the radius of aggro. You can decrease your Fomor Hate by killing Orcs and Gigas in Lufaise Meadows and Misareaux Coast.

Edited, Mon Dec 20 18:17:52 2004 by divisortheory
#13 Dec 21 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts
Amusing; Duende is a spanish word that translates out to a kind of magic, or possibly charm; fitting for a Beastmaster. Amoroso is a (male) lover.

Tres Duende y Duende's Amoroso... que interesante'.
#14 Dec 21 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
448 posts
Good thread.
I'd like to point out that Fomor aggro depends on their hate level (this has been tested by a RDM and a WAR/NIN friends). Generally Fomors are non-aggro. If you keep killing them, their "hate" (like Tonberries) grows, and at some levels it's rumored to be enough to aggro even with Sneak/invis. Fomor hate can be checked at a certain NPC in Tavnazian Safehold (Resauchamet - K-7). The more cryptic he speaks, the more hate (or possession, whatever you may want to call it) you have. To lower the hate level you need to kil Orcs and Gigas in Lufaise Meadows and Miseraux Coast. While camping a certain NM there, we killed a lot of them, so when the RDM and the WAR/NIN did the Aqueducts, Fomor were non-aggro.

EDIT: didn't notice that someone alrready said that, just disregard this post.

Edited, Tue Dec 21 11:58:41 2004 by xizro
Korede..Millia moshido wa...
PLD/WAR 75/37 - Asura
#15 Dec 21 2004 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
3,383 posts
There also appears to be an area off the map which has an inaccessible ladder. Does anyone know where this leads? If you check Wingchild's link to alla's map, on the first map at (C-9) there is a ladder which goes to an off the map area. If you go down that tunnel there is a Fomor Dark Knight, Fomor Warrior, and Fomor Black Mage in a party. right behind them is a ladder similar to the ladder to get to the library, but when you attempt to go up it there's a message like "It's locked."
#16 Dec 21 2004 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
2,444 posts
I commend you on this thread.

I wish one of the Admins would sticky your guides to the main page so that they wouldnt keep getting lost. Your guide on Promyvion was especially good.

Once again keep up the good work.
#17 Dec 21 2004 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts
Thanks for the praise, Zadiel! I wish there were a better way to find good guides, particularly as our search tool is often disabled. Thank god for Favorites and Bookmarks, eh?

I've submitted guides to the Guides Page before but sadly I lack update capability -- all MMORPG guides are living documents and must be treated as such.

So... I do work out here in Main. I like having lots of players using the guides for verification purposes. If I ***** up or leave something out, someone using the guide will most definitely let me hear about it - at which point I can update. ^^
#18 Dec 21 2004 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
BTW Wing,

I tested the Stylist quest (Brygid in bastok) for the JSE quest.

You can *not* get it at level 40 with the AF weapon.

Since Vy got it with 1 peice of AF armor (feet) it looks like you need at least 1 peice of *body* (Head, body, hands, legs, feet) type AF armor to trigger the JSE quest.

I have maxed Bastok fame, so I don't think that was the issue, and I did zone after the first "initial quest"

When I get a ranger subligar I we can test/confirm this theory. I will wear my AF hat and see if that triggers it.

Vy also ran through the 2nd part of the JSE quest, and got the same body armor selections he said.

My thought was to try the "other" stylist quests in Sandoria and Windhurst.

I don't know if there are stylist quests in Norg, Rabao, Mhuara, Selbina... but if there are 5 armor slots that can have JSE (Head, body, hands, legs, feet) maybe there are city quests for each "slot." Just a theory your milage may vary.

#19 Dec 21 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,189 posts
Great job with the guide Wing. One thing though... my name is Neocron (not Necrocon). :)
#20 Dec 21 2004 at 3:30 PM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts

The Windy stylist is that freaky female artiste' up on top of the Rarab Hostelry. We can check it out to see. I'll take Vy's word on the 2nd run through presenting the same options..
#21 Dec 21 2004 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
3,383 posts
Just a minor correction, but the NM is actually called Tres Duendes, not Tres Duende. Not sure if this is correct spanish or not lol, but anyway that's his name.

Also he's not a Fomor Beastmaster, it's just that his job is Beastmaster otherwise he wouldn't have that pet. The NM is actually the three bats mob, like the Canal Bats in Phomiuna Aqueducts.
#22 Dec 21 2004 at 4:27 PM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts
Then `Tres Duendes` is "Three Charmers".. ^^
#23 Dec 21 2004 at 4:57 PM Rating: Excellent
1,863 posts
... and if it's the `three charmers`, and their `lover` (amoroso) is the Fomor...

Does that make it a Fomor with a bat fetish?
Or a group of bat necropheliacs?

It's pretty twisted either way. ><
#24 Dec 23 2004 at 4:15 AM Rating: Decent
292 posts
I can confirm that fomors will aggro through sneak after you have killed enough of them. Finding that out killed me. :(

I can also confirm that this mission is do-able with a party of 6. We used NIN, THF, RNG, BLM, WHM, SMN. We had two or three casualties when fighting the minotaur, but still managed to beat it. It was a very tough fight though (by comparison, our party beat all promyvion bcnms with no casualties - the minotaur was far harder). Tanking backwards is definitely the way to go, meaning that PLD is probably the best tank here. I think the minotaur might not be too hard with a good PLD tanking backwards. Getting to the minotaur with six people is not too bad unless you get aggro from multiple tauruses, in which case it's time to Escape. By far the hardest part of the mission was working out where to go - we got extremely lost. Looks like this guide may remove that problem for a lot of people.

Someone I know told me that the chance of cursna removing doom is based on your divine skill. A WHM with high divine skill will have a much better chance of removing doom. But I can't confirm this.

Last comment is that the wording of your guide kinda implies that holy water always cures doom (not true).

Great guide!
#25 Dec 27 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
125 posts
thank you for this!!

beecause of your prom guide i managed to finish dem and mea last night!!! i just now need holla! and i look forward to following this guide as well thank you!
#26 Dec 30 2004 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
665 posts
ok a couple things:

1)The "Suck-in" method does work, BUT there is a hallway where a Stegotaur roams and there is NO WAY to get by it w/o getting aggro. So what you can do is send a person w/ reraise to get aggro and have the other person run by. That's what we did last night.
2)This was an awesome guide, I followed everything to the T and it worked perfectly.
3)Time to get started on that Riverne Site - #A01 guide^^

heres the link that has my promyvion - mea and aqueducts success stories:

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