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Historical FF w/ Puppet MasterFollow

#27 Mar 11 2006 at 4:47 AM Rating: Good
Priran wrote:
Uh, no. He is a puppet, controlled remotely by a Shin-Ra exec. Which is why he doesn't die in the Temple of the Ancients.


Cait Sith dies @ Temple of the Ancients. There just comes new one to replace him. The new model even says it in the scene where Sephiroth steals the materia.
#28 Mar 11 2006 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
4,136 posts
verfallen wrote:
If anything, I can see pupptet master turning out to be just a classic job with a makeover, like gambler/corsair. Is it possible that the puppets can be used to mimic the actions of your party members? Also, is it just me, or does the artifact armot look strangely Dancer-ish?

Just throwing ideas out there...
First thing I thought "this could be Mime", and that's where I'd put my gil.
#29 Mar 11 2006 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
1,563 posts

Cait Sith dies @ Temple of the Ancients. There just comes new one to replace him. The new model even says it in the scene where Sephiroth steals the materia.


No, actually he clearly explained that Cait Sith wuz merely a vessel, nothing more nothing less, and was replaced with another vessel. He never "died" only destroyed ... like a piece of machinery, and the guy controlling the vessel never died either. Once the vessel was destroyed, another wuz sent out and the same guy controlled the vessel.
#30 Mar 11 2006 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
806 posts
It IIISSS going to be a necromancer!! I SWEAR IT!

*starts charging a Hadouken*

Hahahaha, I'm only kidding. ^^;

*stops* You got lucky.

You never know, it could turn out to be a SMN type job with each doll having some special ability (mabye even lunges at the mob and blows itself up?) wich would make the class a DD. Mabye the dolls can be just like Utsusemi: Ichi and disapear after some hits making it a tank type job... I know it's lame, but those are the only 2 ideas I have about the job. :P Hehehe.

Personally, having multiple puppets with multiple purposes just seems like such a solid choice for the job. Not quite Summoner, not quite Beastmaster. Pure ownage.
#31 Mar 11 2006 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent

No, actually he clearly explained that Cait Sith wuz merely a vessel, nothing more nothing less, and was replaced with another vessel. He never "died" only destroyed ... like a piece of machinery, and the guy controlling the vessel never died either. Once the vessel was destroyed, another wuz sent out and the same guy controlled the vessel.


Also, "He" was Reeve.
#32 Mar 12 2006 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
I was thinking about few possibiles.

PuppetMaster - Necromancer in some form (but SE's ways since they want to be very creative and dont copy same name from other games)

PuppetMaster - Engineer/Tank (Player would let Puppet to tanking the monsters as third tank job, but it can be curable unlike BST and Wvyren.)

PuppetMaster - Engineer/Mime (mimic other members' attacks and have their own skills)

I believe that Puppet might be call as Automucat or something (from pre-TOAU Quests. Wild Cat Quest)
#33 Mar 12 2006 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
315 posts
well its just a guess, but I think it will work a lot like the solo ENM ware you fight a puppet. IF you havnt done it you enter and theres a puppet thats the same job as you and the gob rolles dice to make it do things.

So Im guessing if your fighting a crab you can summon a crab puppet ( or a defencive low attack high def thing) that you use mp or whatever to make it do things

Or it will work like bst pets (possibly even use bst jugs) that you call to fight for you that you can controll

If it is that way, chances are you wont be able to do anything but controll the puppet (i.e. so its not another bst cant fight along side the pet, insted fight as the pet)

#34 Mar 12 2006 at 2:38 AM Rating: Good
Just a quick comment from what people in my Live Quest 'party' observed. They demod Puppetmaster to some extent in a BC fight. The master was engaged with a mage using that wierd magic ranged attack, and the puppet was doing sort of a throwing motion. We thought it might be that the puppet was mimicing the actions of Ajido, but this is pure conjecture. We could be completely wrong, but it would be an interesting twist.
#35 Mar 12 2006 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
Arg Puppetmasters are from Ogre battle -.-
#36 Mar 12 2006 at 6:58 AM Rating: Good
892 posts
Just a quick comment from what people in my Live Quest 'party' observed. They demod Puppetmaster to some extent in a BC fight. The master was engaged with a mage using that wierd magic ranged attack, and the puppet was doing sort of a throwing motion. We thought it might be that the puppet was mimicing the actions of Ajido, but this is pure conjecture. We could be completely wrong, but it would be an interesting twist.

/waves to Imrahil and his infamous mule.

We were there too (some of the few Caitsith people). You think it was mimicking Ajido-Marujido, eh? I didn't consider that but it's very possible... too bad the poor thing crapped out before we could see what it does.

Since you were there, you know that BLU and COR both fought solo, while for some reason they sent an invincible Puppetmaster in with a weak puppet and an invincible BLU to fight THREE heroes that a lvl 70 party of 6 (basic jobs) couldn't beat with ease. Overall the demo went really wrong, and the puppet was most likely supposed to be debugged to be invincible as well. But, it's obvious that it went in there with BLU for a reason: Puppetmaster is not a solo job, it needs to play off of another job. All signs point to mimicry and/or support.

If we assume Puppetmaster to be a take on Mime, then there are several FF's that feature Mime. FFV had it as a job after you beat the secret boss, Gogo. FFVI actually had Gogo as a playable character (SHOCK FTW!!!), Tactics had it as a special promotion job, and several of the new-age FF game has had some form of "Mimic" command or ability that could be obtained (you damn whipper-snappers and your free choice of commands!).

Mimicry has a very notable history in FF, and this does appear to be a Mime job. It's a puppet, and what do puppets do? What is their main purpose? To imitate a living being. They come to "life" by way of the puppetmaster's skill, and in essence, are merely acting out the role of a living being. It makes sense for it to be a mimic, if not both a mimic and a dummy.
#37 Mar 12 2006 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
Arg Puppetmasters are from Ogre battle -.-

Yeah! The doll masters were awesome! I think puppet master is probably going to be less like any other jobs and more of a new thing. Probably like bst but with some spells. The question is, if it does get spells, which ones?
#38 Mar 12 2006 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
283 posts
Im putting my gill that Pupetmaster will be that mimic type job.

Oh and Cait Sith was the cat, he controled the mog with microphone by shouting orders. Thats why he shouts in it befor and phisical and magical attack.

And yes i do understand that Reeve controled them.

IMO, puppet master looks like the most appeling new job.
#39 Mar 12 2006 at 9:52 AM Rating: Good
330 posts
No one knows what the puppet masters role is and to make guesses at this point is a bit useless. We dont know if its a damage dealer, a debuffer, a tank, a healer, a buffer or a mimic.

In fact the only reason people think its a mimic is because they saw it resting at the same time the puppetmaster was healing and if memory serves me right even a wyvern rests when a dragoon rests and not because its mimicing but because it is programed that way for ease of play.

Even if it did mimic what would it mimic? The creature? No that would be doing what the blue mage does, using creature based attacks. A partymember? That could lead to all kinds of hate crontrol issues.

Fact is we just have to wait and see what SE says the PMT does before we can go plastering the forums with puppetmaster gossip/conjuncture/knee jerk decisions/and comments from the peanut gallery.

#40 Mar 12 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent

In fact the only reason people think its a mimic is because they saw it resting at the same time the puppetmaster was healing and if memory serves me right even a wyvern rests when a dragoon rests and not because its mimicing but because it is programed that way for ease of play.


Um, yeah, I don't think thats the reason people are suspecting a mimic type ability. And it is possible, but no matter what is said here it dosent change what it will end up being.
#41 Mar 12 2006 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
edit: didn't catch the posted response in time...

Edited, Sun Mar 12 16:06:08 2006 by Doug
#42 Mar 12 2006 at 4:39 PM Rating: Default
People are saying that Cait Sith and Lulu aren't puppetmasters, but in fact, they are. A puppetmaster controls inanimate objects such as dolls, mannequins, calcobrenas (calcobrenae?), and toys.

Lulu: Controls inanimate objects(dolls) to attack enemies.

Cait Sith: Controlled by Reeve, which then uses a megaphone to control an inanimate object(oversized doll) to move and carry out actions.

Although they are both more towards black mage and gambler/corsair, respectively, there is no reason why they can't be puppetmasters also. Yuna, Dagger, and Eiko were Summoners and White mages. Terra in FFVI was a Morpher and Red Mage. Even Rosa was an Archer and White Mage. There are more examples, but I'll leave it at that.
#43 Mar 13 2006 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
209 posts
OK class, now for some very obscure FF history! Yay!

I'm not sure how well a Mimic puppet would work, but I think it is very likely to be the case.

The fossil I used to crack this code?

Not FF4, FF7, or FFX.


FFIX ..that's FF9...

and the reason is...

Remeber the AH in Treno (I believe)? You could run in and bet on items, some turning out to be seemingly useless, others were needed at some point. One was called Magical Fingertips. God only knows what the hell it was. But, the description of the item says that it belonged to Gogo, and that he was able to make very lifelike puppets.

Gogo was a Mimic from FF6, and was the "boss" (you beat him by doing nothing, so that he retaliated with nothing) that offered the crystal that taught you the Mime job in FF5.

It is very obscure, but it offers a little history to something that may seem totally out of left field for some folks.

That is the end of my history lesson. You all get an "A"!
#44 Mar 14 2006 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
AuraPalidor wrote:
People are saying that Cait Sith and Lulu aren't puppetmasters, but in fact, they are. A puppetmaster controls inanimate objects such as dolls, mannequins, calcobrenas (calcobrenae?), and toys.

Lulu: Controls inanimate objects(dolls) to attack enemies.

Cait Sith: Controlled by Reeve, which then uses a megaphone to control an inanimate object(oversized doll) to move and carry out actions.

Although they are both more towards black mage and gambler/corsair, respectively, there is no reason why they can't be puppetmasters also. Yuna, Dagger, and Eiko were Summoners and White mages. Terra in FFVI was a Morpher and Red Mage. Even Rosa was an Archer and White Mage. There are more examples, but I'll leave it at that.

but they had no specific "puppet master" abilities. Just because they control puppets doesn't mean that their job in BATTLE is a puppet master. They might fit the dictionary definition of a puppet master, but that doesn't make them one in game.

For example the dictionary defines a "Warrior" as "One who is engaged in or experienced in battle."

By definition EVERYONE in FFXI is a warrior, but the dictionary definition doesn't apply because in FFXI we refer to "warrior" as a specific job class, rather than using the broader, dictionary definition.

Cait Sith and Lulu are what we know in FFXI as a corsair, and a black mage (respectivly) though they may control puppets, they don't function as a "puppet master" in battle

Also those other characters you mentioned are indeed a fusion of two or more jobs, save for Terra as a morpher, a morpher is like a blue mage, except rather than gaining enemy skills one by one, they take on ALL the traits and abilities of individual monsters [see gau in FFVI, and the "morpher" class in FFTA]

Anyway those other characters you could consider to have "subjobs" Yuna was a smn/whm, Rosa is a whm/rng. this however does not apply to either cait sith, or lulu as they don't function as, or have any abilities of a puppetmaster in battle
#45 Mar 14 2006 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
307 posts
Someone else said it. it will be copying moves of other members

does anyone remember Mime materia from FFVII??

well i do and i reckon its that
#46 Mar 14 2006 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Ahhhhh and who could forget


Calbrena info

Another enemy from FFIV was


He'd summon Marionettes to do his bidding, much like a caller (Summoner)
#47 Mar 14 2006 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
It sounds like it could be like the Sadida's Boot class in Dofus. They have 4 or 5 different types of dolls they can use- one is a DD, one is a tank, one blows itself up to deal damage, another blows itself up to heal allies, and the last enfeebles the enemies.
#48 Mar 16 2006 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
An interesting idea. But Golbez didn't really summon those puppets, nor were they (at least directly) under his control. Closest thing to that is the fact that they served him, but they had a complete will of their own. The only real hint we have to Golbez's class is a possible Summoner, since when you fight him shortly after the Calbrena battle, he summons Orobouros/Shadow Dragon to pwn the party, which then is blown away by the more powerful Summoner Rydia in a semi-cutscene (maybe he was subbing it? =P). If anything, the closest thing to Puppetmastery in a previous FF is Cait Sith, though it's owner operated it long-distance, among the other large differences.

So in other words, we have the fact that puppets existed in FF previously, and some tenuous mimic theories.


Where's my *** **** Geomancer? -_-

Edited, Thu Mar 16 19:09:20 2006 by Amleth

Edited, Thu Mar 16 19:10:51 2006 by Amleth
#49 Mar 16 2006 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
For PUP I think it would be awsome if they did it like for summoners: a certain task to recieve the puppets.

Like go find certain mannequin pieces, or something.

But my idea of PUP would be, like others stated before, a extra spot in the party.

Cant find another healer? PUP
Cant find another BLM? PUP
Cant find another DD? PUP

Just as a back up job, so it could be useful in various ways.

Wonder what the 2hr is o.o;;
#50 Mar 17 2006 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
pupetmaster was from a game called ogre battle released by enix during the 90's for the snes. it also had beastmaster among other classes. these classes remind me more of enix than square games. it is just shows the synergy between two companies that merged - square-enix. some people say that ogre battle wasnt made by enix, but they are confusing ogrebattle with tactics ogre, a game released by atlus.

just google, enix, ogre battle.
#51 Mar 17 2006 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
GauIV wrote:
pupetmaster was from a game called ogre battle released by enix during the 90's for the snes. it also had beastmaster among other classes. these classes remind me more of enix than square games. it is just shows the synergy between two companies that merged - square-enix. some people say that ogre battle wasnt made by enix, but they are confusing ogrebattle with tactics ogre, a game released by atlus.

just google, enix, ogre battle.
Last I checked, I was playing Final Fantasy XI, not Ogre Battle XI....

I mean, innovation is encouraged, but, well, wtf, basically..
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