I'll put it out in the open first and foremost, that I am new to FFXI. I had tried it out for a few weeks every couple of months, and it is only now that I have been able to stick with it, after having shook off my ravenous addiction to World of Wacraft.
However, don't get me wrong, I am by no means new to the Final Fantasy namesake. I've played every one of them except IV, V and XII, including killing the "secret bosses" from most of them, too - (Emerald and Ruby from VII, Ultima and Omega from VIII, Ozma from IX, the Dark Aeons, Nemesis and Penance (without Cheats) from X, etc).
Now, having finally being able to stick with FFXI for longer than a single month's worth of subscription, I can honestly say that I'm having an absolutely fantastic time, and I've been poring over all the different boards on this forum, trying to garner as much information as possible! And it has been during these, shall we call them, "adventures" around the boards that I have come across all this trouble with recent blanket-bannings, and it troubles me.
Further research into the subject reveals that Square Enix isn't exactly best known for it's customer service, with some quite frankly reprehensible events, especially over the past few months enveloping the duration thus-far of the bannings.
And from all of this, one thing is annoying me almost as much as the stories about the abysmal service given by the Square Enix representatives, and that is the attitude some players on these boards have been giving towards their brothers and sisters of the FFXI playerbase, which has driven me to actually make this post, instead of just reading and shaking my head in disgust.
I know many of you have been shrugging this off for a while now. That needs to stop. I realize that “eh, it doesn’t affect me†is a natural response to many issues for most, but that isn’t true here. Imagine how you would feel if your Linkshell leader got banned for no reason, or if the guy/girl you duo’d all the way to 75 and became great friends with was banned for no fault of his/her own. You know you’d care. It has happened, it is happening, it will continue to happen, unless we speak out.
I agree with this. Absolutely, whole-heartedly agree. Players quoting to the innocent people that were blanket-banned, by various flaws within the workings of Square Enix, that horrible "We can ban you whenever we want, for no reason" clause that you mentioned is within the Terms of Service, and not actually commenting on the predicament other than that.
This is a horrible attitude to take, and is why I am replying and showing my full support for Professor Jinte's plea. We need to unite under times like this. I don't want the game I'm currently loving, to become a wreck of disparate, self centered players, that treat innocent people as a sub-race, simply because they themselves weren't blanket-banned, and sure none of you do either.
We need to stick together, and I, for one, am with you Jinte.
Edit: Couple of little spelling and grammar errors, sorry. Edited, Aug 3rd 2009 4:06pm by Enbi