Needs Moar Mystery Boxes

Apparently, the adventurers weren't terribly pleased with the Super Kupowers they were rewarded in today's Happy Friday.

Click the image to see it full size.

Discuss this on the ZAM Forums. Have an idea for Happy Friday? Email the ZAM team!

Inventory Space

Running out of Inventory Space even with the Gobbie Bag and Mog House upgrades, Mog Locker, and even the Mog Satchel? Try the Moogle Wagon!

Click the image for full size

Discuss this on the ZAM Forums. Have an idea for a Happy Friday comic? Email the ZAM Team!

The Mysteries of Equipment

Axes that give strength? Coats that give intellegence? How exactly does all of this work, anyway? Draxyle of Midgardsormr wonders the same thing in this week's Happy Friday.

Click the image for the full size

Discuss this on the ZAM Forums. Got an idea for Happy Friday? Email us!

Lemme Pencil You In...

How does one ever get the time to work on XP or merits with a full End Game schedule? Let CrazyBard show you how.

Click the image for the full size.

Discuss this on the ZAM Forums. Got an idea for Happy Friday? Email us!

Whatcha gonna do with all that junk?

Catwho sent us this comic idea the other day. Ever wonder what the NPC mechants do with all the garbage we sell to them? This one seemed to finally come up with something!

Click the image for the full size.

Discuss this on the ZAM Forums. Got an idea for Happy Friday? Email us!

Happy Friday - Scholar

Kane, formerly of Bahamut, sent this to our inbox.

Is this a Happy Friday comic simply because I placed it here?

Or will this work make you smile, thus defining itself as a Happy Friday comic?

I don't have all the answers, but you can seek them in the ZAM Forums.

Mail your own submissions here.

Happy Friday - Two for Tuesday

Check out these Final Fantasy XI comics submitted by Khei of the Phoenix server.


If you enjoy these strips, you can see more of Khel's work at Hyjakin' Nathan.

Discuss these strips on the ZAM forums.

Don't forget to send us an email and keep those submissions coming!

See you next week :)

Skilling Up

Happy Friday has a new contributor this week: CrazyBard! If you would like to contribute an idea, drawings, or script to Happy Friday, email us!

Discuss this on the ZAM forums!

Square Enix Makes You Wanna... Jump! Jump!

After a brief hiatus, Happy Friday is now back with its first FFXI/FFXIV strip since the premier strip! Click the image for the full size. If you have a Happy Friday idea, would like to draw a strip, or would like to submit a script, please email us!

Discuss this strip on the ZAM XI forum or XIV forum!

Square Enix Exposed!

In what has been a frustrating month for players across Vana'diel, the community has been searching for answers in regards to the recent string of bannings and credit card confusion. ZAM has recently learned, from an anonymous tip, the source of these troubling occurances...

Click the image for the full size.

Discuss this week's strip on the ZAM forums! Got an idea for Happy Friday? Email us!