Merit Point Category Expansion

 In the June version update of Final Fantasy XI, the merit point system, a staple of powering up your job once you've reached level 75, will be seeing several updates to various categories. Various categories, such as Combat Skills and HP/MP, will be seeing an increase in the number of points that can be spent. In addition, a new category, Maximum Merit Points, will be added, allowing for an increase in the number of merit points that can be held at any one time, up to a total of 15 extra.

Excited for these Merit Point changes? Hop on over to the ZAM forums and tell us all about it!

From the official Final Fantasy XI forums:

[dev1210] Merit Point Category Expansion

  • A new entry, Maximum Merit Points, will be added to the “HP/MP” merit point category.
    • Placing one point in this category adjusts the character’s maximum number of merit points by one, up to a possible fifteen.
  • The maximum number of points that can be spent in the following general categories will be increased.
    Category Pre-adjustment   Post-adjustment
    HP/MP 15 45
    Attributes 24 45
    Combat Skills 32 56
    Magic Skills 32 48
  • The maximum number of points that can be spent in the following specific categories will be increased.
    Category Pre-adjustment   Post-adjustment
    Specific Attributes 12 15
    Guarding, Parrying, Shield, and Evasion skills 4 8


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