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Posts: 35
Well, Ole Ans started out a ruddy ole dwarf in the great halls of Moradhim. There he was tempered into a fine healer. He found solice and comfort in his fellow dwarves,Morlantus,Muradinaxe,Hagandaz,Roichlem and Gloin. These dwarvin Kin formed the Midnight Hunters, there deeds became legend in the bed timestories of lil dwarves. Alas, they are no more. These great adventurers have gone on to become Legendary figures. As for Gloin he wandered into the mountains never to be heard from again. And ole Ansgar committed suicide in B.S.I., or did he? Legens has Ansgar jumped from the bridge to be teleported to a mountain where the spirits of Tunaria gave him a 2nd chance to serve them. Ansgar chose the blue pill to awake as Sigwulf A Barbarian Shaman. He found being a tall feller quite tough to deal with at first but his power grew. He sought out his dwarven brothers to tell of his harrowing tale. And as all dwarves might do they all had a pint of ale at ole bsi to tell tales of all thier adventures and to welcome thier brother home. Even if hes a bit hard to fit thru the front door as of late. He and his Barb and elf friends Haman & Iwen. What an odd dwarf be ye ole Ansgar. Odd indeed. CHEERS!!!!