__DEL__1593970221866's Avatar


Posts: 2
Well, I'm a mithra. I'm from Windurst originally , but I migrated over to Sandoria. I started off very weak and nOOb like and now Ive reached atonement! I've completed missions quest and been around vanadiel and back! I like to help others. I like to try to make their journey smoother than mine was. I'm a REDMAGE as my main job. I have other jobs but Love love RDM. I was awarded on www.theblacklistsite.com as most honerable player for 2008!! My Ls held steady at #1 over all language Ls's on seraph for a great deal of time on LS community.I am leader of a CoP/Limbus/Assualt/Sky/Einherjar Linkshell.For our current events go to our website vanadielshadows.com! Again Website to that is http://www.vanadielshadows.com I will add more here later, until then , check me out on LS community at http://fanzone,playonline.com/index.do on the seraph server (Bismarck), or Http://www.twitter.com/vanadielshadows or on ffxiah!