Highsummoner is right. . . I tried to solo him around lvl 72 and got him down to about 20% HP no prob, (about 45mins maybe?) things were going awsome and I even started the fight with only 530ish mp. Well. . the normal kitting strategy worked till about 20% HP, I though it was all going well cause it seemed to always cast banish 2 (maybe 3 can't recall) and I ~thought~ . . ."Sweet it must be out of mp or close to it" . . . WRONG! . . about an hour later it was still at 20% HP and I was getting down to about 200ish mp (smn/whm). Well, I /tell~ed someone in my ls and luckally they were nice enough to come help me finish it off ^^.
If ya want this to be an easy fight . . and I mean EASY just have 1-2 smn's / bst's tear it appart till about 20% HP then sick your hard hitters on it.