Mob Value Search (WoW)  

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Top 100 Mobs by Value

This search engine will allow you to find monsters at any level, and ranks them based on the average value of their drops. The search fields are as follows. Level, type in a level, and the engine will give you a range of levels based on your input. Type, choose from All, Normal, Rare, and Elite Mobs. The choices for locations are Everywhere, Outdoors, or monsters only appearing in instances. Search By, will organize the results list by highest percentage. If you choose Blue, the results list will be organized by gold value, then by which monster has the highest chance to drop blue items. The zone menu will allow you to narrow your search to a specific zone.

This engine is very useful for locating valuable mobs for the purpose of farming. Please note that all gold value results are variable, depending on your server.

Once you have located a valuable mob, just head out to where the monster can be found, and farm away!

Search Results

The results pages will display monsters by approximate gold value, unless you have specified otherwise on the search page. On this page, you can see a clickable link to the mob, the monster's average level followed by an R for rare mobs, and E for elite. The next column is the average value of that monster's drops. Then we have the drop percentages. These numbers tell you what your chances are of getting items of different qualities. The last two columns are Kills, which displays the number of times WoWreader has collected information on that monster, and the zone that the mob can be found in.

Top 100 Mobs by Value
This article describes one of the Allakhazam.com site search tools.

This page last modified 2008-01-30 04:21:42.