Redeeming Rocks Spoilers  

The following are transcripts and videos for the quest Redeeming Rocks.

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Kocco Ehllek : Nehehe! It's so prrretty. My prrretty little stone. Meow!
Kocco Ehllek : As long as Mama doesn't find out. Nehehe!
Kocco Ehllek seems extremely pleased with herself...
??? : Kocco! There you are!
Kocco Ehllek : Meow?
Rohn Ehlbalna : You stole another gem from Shairiri's shop, didn't you!?
Kocco Ehllek : ...N-no...meow!
Rohn Ehlbalna : When will you everrr learn!?
How many times do I have to scold you for the same thing!?
You can't just take otherrr people's thing! We've been over this!
Rohn Ehlbalna : Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to have people think I raised a child who steals!?
Kocco Ehllek : I-I'm sorry Mama! Meeeow!
Rohn Ehlbalna : No more apologies! You know what to do! Turn arrround!
Kocco Ehllek : Owwwwww! Meeeooow!
Kocco Ehllek : Waaahhhhhh!
Kocco Ehllek : Meeeooowww!!!
Rohn Ehlbalna : Maybe you're learrrn your lesson this time!
Shairiri : You poor thing...
Shairiri : Even though Kocco has stolen gems from my store before, I don't think she means any harm.
I think maybe her pranks just get a little too far out of hand.
Shairiri : Her mother is so busy-wusy with work that she's probably just lonely. Don't you think?
Rohn Ehlbalna : You know what happens to bad little Mithrrra? They get left in Giddeus for the Yagudo to snack on!
Kocco Ehllek : Noooooo! I-I'm sooorrry! Meeeooowww!
Kocco Ehllek : Wahhh...meowww...
Shairiri : Would you mind telling her mother that for her? I'll stay here and comfort her.
Shairiri : Since her mother is a member of the Anacondas, she's most likely somewhere nearby.

Rohn Ehlbalna

Rohn Ehlbalna : Hm? Oh, it's you. What do you want?
Rohn Ehlbalna : You saw all that, huh? It's so morrrtifying. To think my own child is a thief...
Rohn Ehlbalna : Shairiri is so kind, she always says that she doesn't mind. But you've got to have discipline!
Rohn Ehlbalna : I'm a mercenarrry. I never know when I will be called to battle, or when I may die at an enemy's hands.
Rohn Ehlbalna : I rescued Kocco from the battlfield and took herrr in as my own. She has no family other than me...
Rohn Ehlbalna : So I just want to preparrre her now to be able to live an honorable life, in case something should happen to me.
Rohn Ehlbalna : *Sigh*... But the way things are now, my heart is so uneasy. I can't step onto the battlefield with confidence knowing she is not yet rrready.
Rohn Ehlbalna : Hey, you seem like an adventurer who's been around and seen a few things.
Rohn Ehlbalna : If you wouldn't mind, do you think you could talk to her? I mean, tell her about how the world rrreally works and the hardships it contains? I would be in your debt.

Kocco Ehllek

Kocco Ehllek : Waaahhh! Meeeooowww! *Sniff*...
Shairiri : You poor thing...
Shairiri : She just won't stop crying. I don't know what else to do.
Shairiri : Kocco, if you promise your mother that you won't steal anymore, I'm sure she'll forgive you.
Kocco Ehllek : Waaahhh...*sniff*... But I need a gem...
Kocco Ehllek : A gem...b-blue like the waters...f-from the lands of the M-Mithrrra...
Shairiri : Hmmm...well, I can't just give her one of my wares. What to do...
Shairiri : Adventurer, if you should happen to find such a stone, would you be so kind as to bring it back for Kocco here?
Kocco Ehllek : ...!
Kocco Ehllek : Pleeease, meow! Pleeease bring me a stone, meow!
Shairiri : And then you'll promise to stop stealing things?
Kocco Ehllek : Of courrrse!
Shairiri : A blue stone... Hmmm, that could be a bit difficult...
Shairiri : Such stones used to be found within Vunkerl Inlet, but the onset of war has...complicated things.

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2008-10-26 14:06:43.