Reputation (wow)  

see also: Reputation Rewards, Generic Reputation Guide

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Reputation, also sometimes called "faction" as a carryover from other games, is your standing with a particular group of people. A group of people might hate you initially, but there are actions you can perform to improve their attitude toward you. It is, of course, also possible to make people hate you more.

You can view the reputation (or rep for short) with groups you have made contact with in your Reputation Window (Default key: U). Initially this window will only list the races of your faction. As your time in the game progresses, this list will be filled with a great many different affiliations.

Reputation Levels

The worst attitude an NPC can have toward you is Hated. Unless that character is pre-disposed to not attack players, he will come after you. This is the default setting for most MoBs in the game. Slightly better, but still "kill on sight," is Hostile. If you can reach the next level up, Unfriendly, you will only get the cold shoulder from these NPCs.

Beyond Unfriendly is Neutral. Neutral will allow you to interact with an NPC, such as getting most quests from them or being able to buy and sell from vendors. Many groups begin as Neutral, and earning their trust provides additional rewards.

Positive levels of reputation begin with Friendly, continue into Honored, Revered, and finally Exalted. Achieving these levels of reputation will sometimes open up new quests, allow new purchases from a quartermaster, and will make purchases from all their merchants less expensive. Some actions, such as receiving riding training with another race, can only be done once a high level of reputation has been acquired. For more information on items you can purchase at higher levels of reputation, see the Reputation Rewards page.

A person's reputation level can be partially identified by pointing at him or her with the mouse. The color can help indicate your reputation with him.

LevelPoints to CompleteMerchant DiscountNPC color
Exalted N/A 20% Green
Revered 21000 15% Green
Honored 12000 10% Green
Friendly 6000 5% Green
Neutral 3000 - Yellow
Unfriendly 3000 - Orange
Hostile 3000 - Red
Hated 36000 - Red

The Reputation Window

The Reputation Window, accessed by hitting the "U" key on your keyboard, will contain not only a list of all the factions you have access to, but will also allow you to find out more information about each, sometimes to "declare war" on them (making them attackable), or show your progress toward the next level of reputation alongside your experience bar.

Certain sets of reputations are all aligned under a particular heading. For example, each of the goblin cities are collectively called the Steamwheedle Cartel. After that, most of the random isolated factions are listed. It is possible to move a reputation to the "Inactive" heading instead, to reduce clutter. For example, a Blood Elf that has moved beyond the Ghostlands no longer need to worry about their Tranquillien rep.

List of Factions


Alliance Factions


  • Character begins: Friendly
  • Represents: The Night Elves of the Alliance.
  • Leader: Tyrande Whisperwind <High Priestess of Elune>
  • Based in: Darnassus, Teldrassil
  • Raised by: Completing general Alliance quests, particularly those given by Night Elves.
  • Rewards: Exalted allows non-Night Elves to ride a Nightsaber.

Gnomeregan Exiles


  • Character begins: Friendly
  • Represents: The Dwarves of the Alliance.
  • Leader: King Magni Bronzebeard
  • Based in: City of Ironforge, Loch Modan
  • Raised by: Completing general Alliance quests, particularly those given by Dwarves.
  • Rewards: Exalted allows non-Dwarves to ride a Ram.


  • Character begins: Friendly
  • Represents: The Humans of the Alliance.
  • Leader: Highlord Bolvar Fordragon
  • Based in: Stormwind City, Azeroth
  • Raised by: Completing general Alliance quests, particularly those given by Humans.
  • Rewards: Exalted allows non-Humans to ride a Horse.


  • Character begins: Friendly
  • Represents: The Draenei of the Alliance.
  • Leader: Prophet Velen
  • Based in: The Exodar, Azuremyst Isle
  • Raised by: Completing general Alliance quests, particularly those given by Draenei.
  • Rewards: Exalted allows non-Draenei to ride an Elekk.

Wintersaber Trainers

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: Two Night Elves in Winterspring
  • Leader: Rivern Frostwind
  • Based in: Frostsaber Rock, Winterspring
  • Raised by: Completing repeatable quests
  • Rewards: Exalted for unique Nightsaber mount
  • Notes: Entirely not worth the effort. This is not a valued judgement.

Horde Factions

Darkspear Trolls

  • Character begins: Friendly for Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren. Neutral for Undead and Blood Elves.
  • Represents: The Trolls in the Horde
  • Leader: Shadow Hunter Vol'jin
  • Based in: Orgrimmar, Durotar (or arguably, Sen'jin Village)
  • Raised by: Completing general Horde quests, particularly those given by Trolls.
  • Rewards: Exalted allows non-Trolls to ride a Raptor.


  • Character begins: Friendly for Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren. Neutral for Undead and Blood Elves.
  • Represents: The Orcs of the Horde
  • Leader: Warchief Thrall
  • Based in: Orgrimmar, Durotar
  • Raised by: Completing general Horde quests, particularly those given by Orcs.
  • Rewards: Exalted allows non-Orcs to ride a Wolf.

Silvermoon City

  • Character begins: Friendly for Undead and Blood Elves. Neutral for Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren.
  • Represents: The Blood Elves of the Horde
  • Leader: Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron
  • Based in: Silvermoon City, Quel'thalas
  • Raised by: Completing general Horde quests, particularly those given by Blood Elves.
  • Rewards: Exalted allows non-Blood Elves to ride a Hawkstrider.

Thunder Bluff

  • Character begins: Friendly for Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren. Neutral for Undead and Blood Elves.
  • Represents: The Tauren of the Horde
  • Leader: Cairne Bloodhoof
  • Based in: Thunder Bluff, Mulgore
  • Raised by: Completing general Horde quests, particularly those given by Tauren.
  • Rewards: Exalted allows non-Tauren to ride a Kodo.


  • Character begins: Friendly for Undead and Blood Elves. Neutral for Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren.
  • Represents: The Forsaken
  • Leader: Lady Sylvanas Windrunner
  • Based in: The Undercity, Lordaeron
  • Raised by: Completing general Horde quests, particularly those given by Undead.
  • Rewards: Exalted allows non-Undead to ride a Skeletal Horse.

Steamwheedle Cartel Factions

Booty Bay


  • Character Begins: Neutral.
  • Represents: Steamwheedle Cartel.
  • Leader: Steamwheedle Cartel.
  • Based in: Everlook, Winterspring.
  • Raised by: Completing quests for the goblins, the Steamwheedle Cartel, or denizens of Everlook.
  • Rewards: -


  • Character Begins: Neutral.
  • Represents: Steamwheedle Cartel.
  • Leader: Steamwheedle Cartel.
  • Based in: Gadgetzan, Tanaris.
  • Raised by: Completing quests for the goblins, the Steamwheedle Cartel, or denizens of Gadgetzan. Killing the Southsea NPCs and Wastewander nomads will increase your Reputation with the Steamwheedle Cartel as well.
  • Rewards: -


  • Character Begins: Neutral.
  • Represents: Steamwheedle Cartel.
  • Leader: Venture Company
  • Based in: Ratchet, The Barrens.
  • Raised by: Completing quests for the goblins, the Steamwheedle Cartel, or denizens of Ratchet.
  • Rewards: -

Shared Factions

Thorium Brotherhood

  • Character Begins: Neutral.
  • Represents: Thorium Brotherhood.
  • Leader: Overseer Oilfist
  • Based in: Thorium Point, Searing Gorge
  • Raised by: Completing quests for the Thorium Brotherhood.
  • Rewards: Profession recipes

Argent Dawn

  • Character Begins: Neutral.
  • Represents: Argent Dawn.
  • Leader: Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff
  • Based in: Light's Hope, Eastern Plaguelands and Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands
  • Raised by: Completing quests, including repeatable quests, using valor tokens which are obtained by turning in scourgestones
  • Rewards: Purchased items
  • Note: The mantles of the dawns that can be purchased and add resistances to a players mantle are unlocked by completing a quest given but the quartermasters which involves handing in 10 valor tokens and then turning in 25 valor tokens is required to be able to purchase chromatic mantles of the dawn

Timbermaw Hold

  • Character Begins: Hostile.
  • Represents: Timbermaw Hold
  • Leader: Unknown
  • Based in: Timbermaw Hold, Azshara and Winterspring, Winterspring
  • Raised by: Completing quests, including repeatable quests (turning in beads)
  • Rewards: Purchased items, Allows access to Moonglade and Winterspring through tunnels at unfriendly


Alliance Factions

Honor Hold

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: Remaining Human forces in Outland when the Dark Portal was opened.
  • Leader: Force Commander Danath Trollbane
  • Based in: Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula
  • Raised by: Completing quests, killing hellfire orcs, or running Hellfire Citadel.
  • Rewards: Various from quartermaster, including Heroic key for Hellfire Citadel at Honored.


  • Character begins: Unfriendly
  • Represents: The tribe of Broken living in Telaar
  • Leader: Arechron
  • Based in: Telaar, Nagrand
  • Raised by: Quests in Orebor Harborage and Telaar, killing Nagrand ogres
  • Rewards: Various from quartermaster
  • Notes: Player will want to start by performing quests in Orebor Harborage.

Horde Factions

The Mag'har

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: Orcs who remain in Outlands and have separated themselves from the fel orcs.
  • Leader: Greatmother Geyah
  • Based in: Garadar, Nagrand.
  • Raised by: Killing any ogre and most murkblood mobs will yield 10 Mag'har reputation.
  • Rewards: Various


Shared Factions

Cenarion Expedition


  • Character Begins: Hated.
  • Represents: Outlands Nether Dragons.
  • Leader: -
  • Based in: Netherwing Ledge, Shadowmoon Valley.
  • Raised by: Completing quests for the Netherwing.
  • Rewards: Rideable Netherwing Drake.


  • Character Begins: Neutral.
  • Represents: Enlightened Blade's Edge Ogres.
  • Leader: - (You can eventually become King of the Ogres)
  • Based in: Ogri'la, Blade's Edge Mountains.
  • Raised by: Completing quests for the Ogres of Ogri'la.
  • Rewards:


  • Character Begins: Unfriendly.
  • Represents: Sporelings.
  • Leader: -
  • Based in: Sporeggar, Zangarmarsh.
  • Raised by: Completing quests for the Sporelings and handing in Sanguine Hibiscus, which is found in the Steam Vaults.
  • Rewards:
  • Notes: Sporeggar takes Glowcap, found in Zangarmarsh, as currency.

The Consortium

  • Character Begins: Neutral.
  • Represents: The Consortium.
  • Leader: Nexus-Prince Haramad
  • Based in: Stormspire, Netherstorm.
  • Raised by: Completing quests for the Consortium, including the Daily Heroic and Daily Regular Dungeon quests. You can also turn in Obsidian Warbeads in Nagrand, along with running Tempest Keep instances in Netherstorm.
  • Rewards:

Shattrath City Factions

Lower City

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: Refugees from all of Outlands.
  • Leader: -
  • Based in: Lower City, Shattrath City.
  • Raised by: Running Auchenai Crypts and Sethekk Halls instances, and complete the repeatable quest More Feathers.
  • Rewards:

Sha'tari Skyguard

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: The fighters of the Sha'tar of Shattrath City.
  • Leader: -
  • Based in: Shattrath City.
  • Raised by: Completing quests in Skettis.
  • Rewards:

Shattered Sun Offensive

The Aldor

  • Character begins: Neutral (Unfriendly for Bloodelves. Can become part of this faction by doing quests for Aldor)
  • Represents: Draenei faction in Shattrath City.
  • Leader: High Priestess Ishanah
  • Based in: Shattrath City.
  • Raised by: Completing quests for The Aldor. This will cause your Scryers reputation to decrease.
  • Rewards:

The Scryers

  • Character begins: Neutral (Unfriendly for Draenei. Can become part of this faction by doing quests for Scryers)
  • Represents: Blood Elf faction in Shattrath City.
  • Leader: Voren'thal the Seer.
  • Based in: Shattrath City.
  • Raised by: Completing quests for The Scryers. This will cause your Aldor reputation to decrease.
  • Rewards:

The Sha'tar

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: Group of Naaru in Shattrath City.
  • Leader: A'dal.
  • Based in: Terrace of Light, Shattrath City.
  • Raised by: Completing various quests, by raising their reputation with the Aldor or Scryers, and by adventuring in Tempest Keep.
  • Rewards:

Northrend Factions

The Kalu'ak

  • Character begins: Neutral (Horde only)
  • Represents:
  • Leader: Roanauk Icemist
  • Based in: Borean Tundra
  • Raised by: Completing quests
  • Rewards: -

The Kirin Tor

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents:
  • Leader: Rhonin
  • Based in: Dalaran
  • Raised by: Completing quests
  • Rewards: -

The Tuskarr

  • Character begins: Neutral (Available to both Alliance and Horde)
  • Represents:
  • Leader:
  • Based in: Borean Tundra
  • Raised by: Completing quests
  • Rewards: -

The Knights of The Silver Hand

The Knights of the Ebon Blade

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: Renegade Death Knights
  • Leader: Highlord Darion Mograine
  • Based in: Acherus, The Ebon Hold
  • Raised by: Completing quests
  • Rewards: -

Raid Factions

Ashtongue Deathsworn

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: Broken Draenei
  • Leader: Elder Sage Akama
  • Based in: Black Temple, Shadowmoon Valley
  • Raised by: Completing quests and killing mobs in the Black Temple.
  • Rewards:

Brood of Nozdormu

  • Character begins: Hated
  • Represents: Bronze Dragonflight
  • Leader: Anachronos
  • Based in: Ahn'Qiraj, Silithus
  • Raised by: Completing quests and killing mobs in Ahn'Qiraj. Also completing quests for Anachronos will earn you reputation.
  • Rewards: Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight, and a five-piece armor set for each class.

Cenarion Circle

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: Druids - both Tauren and Night Elf.
  • Leader: Cenarius
  • Based in: Nighthaven, Moonglade
  • Raised by: Completing quests and instances in Dire Maul, Silithus,and Desolace.
  • Rewards:

Hydraxian Waterlords

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: Elementals in Azshara.
  • Leader: Duke Hydraxis
  • Based in: Azshara
  • Raised by: Completing quests and instances in Eastern Plaguelands, Silithus, and Molten Core
  • Rewards: -

The Scale of the Sands

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: Subgroup of the Bronze Dragonflight.
  • Leader: Soridormi
  • Based in: Mount Hyjal
  • Raised by: Completing quests and the instance Battle for Mount Hyjal.
  • Rewards: The Exalted rings are rumored to have the highest item level of any armor in the game.

Zandalar Tribe

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: Trolls
  • Leader: King Rastakhan
  • Based in: Yojamba Isle, Stranglethorn Vale, and Zandalar
  • Raised by: Completing quests in Yojamba Isle, the instance Zul'Gurub, and turning in coins for faction.
  • Rewards:

PvP Factions

Alliance PvP Factions

The League of Arathor

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: Alliance forces in Arathi Basin.
  • Leader:
  • Based in: Refuge Point, Arathi Highlands
  • Raised by: Participating in Arathi Basin battlegrounds.
  • Rewards: Exalted with all 3 battleground factions gives the title of Justicar.
  • Notes: Completing an AB battleground gives marks of honor that are spent with quartermaster.

Silverwing Sentinels

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: Alliance forces in Warsong Gulch.
  • Leader:
  • Based in: Silverwing Grove, Ashenvale
  • Raised by: Participating in Warsong Gulch battlegrounds - 35 reputation (38.5 for humans) is gained each time your team captures the horde flag. Therefore 1200 (1091 for humans) flag captures are required to gain exalted reputation.
  • Rewards: Exalted with all 3 battleground factions gives the title of Justicar.
  • Notes: Completing a WSG battleground gives marks of honor that are spent with quartermaster.

Stormpike Guard

  • Character begins: Neutral
  • Represents: Alliance forces in Alterac Valley
  • Leader: Vanndar Stormpike
  • Based in: The Headland, Alterac Mountains
  • Raised by: Participating in Alterac Valley battlegrounds or completing AV quests.
  • Rewards: Exalted with all 3 battleground factions gives the title of Justicar.
  • Notes: Completing an AB battleground gives marks of honor that are spent with quartermaster.

Horde PvP Factions

The Defilers

  • Character Begins: Neutral.
  • Represents: The Forsaken in the Arathi Basin Battleground.
  • Leader: Lady Sylvanas Windrunner
  • Based in: Arathi Basin.
  • Raised by: Participating in the Arathi Basin Battleground.
  • Rewards: Players that have exalted with Warsong Outriders, Frostwolf Clan, and the Defilers receive the title of Conqueror, three marks of honor for a win, one for a loss, and at Exalted faction level you can buy their tabbard.

Frostwolf Clan

  • Character Begins: Neutral.
  • Represents: Orcs and the Horde in general.
  • Leader: Drek'Thar
  • Based in: Alterac Valley.
  • Raised by: Participating in the Alterac Valley Battleground. Turning in Alterac Valley related quests, along with turning in specific items during the battleground.
  • Rewards: The Frostwolf Howler is a wolf mount available to all members of the Horde costing 50 Alterac Valley Marks of Honor. The Frostwolf Battle Tabard is a tabard available to members of the Horde that are friendly with the Frostwolf Clan costing 60 Alterac Valley Marks of Honor. Three marks of honor are awarded for a win, one for a loss. Also, players that have exalted with Warsong Outriders, Frostwolf Clan, and the Defilers receive the title of Conqueror, three marks of honor for a win, one for a loss, and at Exalted faction level you can buy their tabbard.

Warsong Outriders

  • Character Begins: Neutral.
  • Represents: Warsong Outriders and the Horde in general.
  • Leader: Warchief Thrall
  • Based in: Warsong Gulch.
  • Raised by: Participating in the Warsong Gulch Battleground.
  • Rewards: Players that have exalted with Warsong Outriders, Frostwolf Clan, and the Defilers receive the title of Conqueror, and three marks of honor for a win, one for a loss.

There are many other smaller factions that a player can gain Reputation with also, such as the Dark Moon Faire, Argent Dawn, and the Syndicate. Exploring these yield rewards, some great, and some small. This outline is only a rough sketch of the many wonderful beings that you will come into contact with during gameplay.

World of Warcraft

This page last modified 2009-06-05 11:39:06.