The Gate of the Gods Spoilers  

The following is the transcript for the mission ZM13 - The Gate of the Gods.

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Scene 1: Hall of the Gods

Aldo: We've been waiting for you, PLAYER.

Aldo: I've got a score to settle with Eald'narche. It's time to put an end to that midget's plan!

Zeid: I am not certain about what he meant by being "blessed by the light," but I do know that we need that cerulean crystal you hold to find out.

Aldo: So that's how it works... Well, there's no turning back now. Let's go, Zeid. You too, PLAYER.

Scene 2: Hall of the Gods

Zeid: It seems as if we cannot continue on any further.

Aldo: What's going on? Does this mean our power was not accepted by the crystal?

Yve'noile: Long have I awaited thine arrival...

Yve'noile: Welcome, mortals, to the Temple of Altana. Eons ago, this temple was destroyed. However, its appearance doth not hinder its function.

Yve'noile: Thou hast come here to try and stop Eald'narche--to keep him from opening the Gate of the Gods...

Yve'noile: I am Yve'noile, a servant of the Dawn Goddess. I watch over the path leading to the gate.

Yve'noile: All the Zilart, including Eald'narche, are still bound by our cursed past.

Yve'noile: As thou already know, his plan began ten thousand years ago when he came into contact with the five crystals that rest beneath the surface of Vana'diel. The true crystals...

Yve'noile: The crystals that exist above the earth are now nothing but mere replicas, lacking true power.

Yve'noile: We Zilart harnessed the five true crystals' power, divided it elementally, and succeeded in containing it in a smaller form.

Yve'noile: However, during the Meltdown, the energy of these smaller crystals was simultaneously released and spread to the far reaches of Vana'diel.

Yve'noile: Over centuries, that energy accumulated inside the bodies of the living beings on this planet, causing them to crystallize. Thus, they took the form of the crystals that are found throughout Vana'diel.

Yve'noile: Mortals are an incomplete species. When Eald'narche's quest for Paradise was thwarted, life on this planet lost its perfection.

Yve'noile: Particularly, thine inability to communicate with the others of thy race casts a shadow over thy development.

Yve'noile: This inability became increasingly evident after the Meltdown divided thee into the five races.

Yve'noile: The arrogance of the Elfvaan, the envy of the Mithra, the cowardice of the Tarutaru, the apathy of the Humes, the rage of the Galka... These are the traits thou must carry with thee as thou make thy journeys through life.

Yve'noile: However, unlike the tales thy legends tell, these traits are not some ancient curse. They are merely an aftereffect of the energy released during the Meltdown.

Yve'noile: One can understand why Eald'narche would aspire for perfection...

Yve'noile: However, one can see why others would acknowledge the benefits of imperfection.

Yve'noile: On the other side of this gate lies the Gate of the Gods, Tu'Lia.

Yve'noile: I beg of thee. Release Eald'narche, and what remains of the Zilart consciousness, from the crystal's binds. I pray for thy safe journey.

Yve'noile: May the Goddess of the Dawn protect thee in Her mercy...

But as one bright star shines through the clouds at night...

And as one song rings clear above the roar of beasts...

We hold to one hope in these darkest of times.

And someday, that hope will become our dreams...our prayers...

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2009-01-26 21:35:35.