Timorous Deep (EQ2 Quest Series)  

Timorous Deep
Quest Series
Starting ZoneTimorous Deep
Rec. Levels1 to 20
Next Butcherblock Mountains
Thundering Steppes
Nektulos Forest
Contents [hide]
EverQuest II
Quest Series

Timorous Deep a the starting zone for Evil and Neutral characters. The quests in this zone range from level 1 to 20.

The new Sarnak starts in Chrykori Village, and should begin by talking to Tykor Gi'lok, the Chrykori Village Secondary.

Chrykori Beach

Agh'Tok Je'ar

  1. Roots of Hatred (3) - Sends you to Tykor Gi'lok
  2. Poaching the Poachers (1)
  3. Curious Ore (2)
  4. Report to the Primary (3) - Sends you to Primary Conzuk Zum'ha in Chrykori Village

Taroche Dry'zok - quests unlock at level 2

  1. Stuffed Gorger Claws (2)
  2. Delivery to a Veteran (3) - sends you to Citizen Niba'ouz
  3. Fish of the Chrykori Isle (3)
  4. Bigger Fish to Fry (3)

Chrykori Village

Varkori Riz'lul <Chrykori Village Chef>

  1. Hopefully the Meat Isn't Timeworn (3)
  2. Sandy Eggs (5)

Civ-Parser Di'xin

  1. Chrykori Relics (3)
  2. The Ends Justify the Means (5)

Primary Conzuk Zum'ha - in Chrykori Village

  1. Disrupting Haoaeran Studies (4)
  2. Disrupting Haoaeran Rituals (6)
  3. Further Assistance to Chrykori Island (6) continue with Secondary Arozik Sky'ki in Trythec Loft

Tertiary Mak'ki

  1. Don't Get it in Your Eyes (5)
  2. Don't Get it in Arozik's Eyes (6) continue with Secondary Arozik Sky'ki in Trythec Loft

Trythec Loft

Craewen Ku'vi <Chrykori Standard>

  1. Pluck Them of Their Pride (8)
  2. Ku'vi's Vengeance (8)

Bio-Parser Zo'dok

  1. The Filament Strangler (6)
  2. It Can't ALL be Interesting Work (7)

Arozik Sky'ki <Chrykori Secondary>

  1. Haoaeran Poisons (6)
  2. Scout Scouting (7)
  3. Haoaeran Orders (8)
  4. Decoder Glyph (8)
  5. War (8) - continues in Thulwun Station East with [[eq2 mob:Tertiary Dih'ha

Pyrrin Roost

Bezok Myli'ki <Chrykori Standard>

  1. Prison Break (9)

Gerwen Di'ki <Chrykori Standard>

  1. Weapon Break (9)

Thulwun Station East

Tertiary Dih'ha

  1. Killing the Advance (9)
  2. Reinforcements of a Sort (9)
  3. Sever the Head (10) - Be sure to pick up the griffon reins. Examine them to start The Great Griffon Escape.
    1. The Great Griffon Escape (10) - Turn-in: Fly to Thulwin Station East and speak to trainer complete, then continue by speaking with Secondary Shai'dn

Tanzikla Hir'ki <Chrykori Standard>

  1. A Reverse Supply Run (9)
  2. Stealing Their Steel (9)

Secondary Shai'dn <Chrykori Secondary>

  1. A New Threat? (10)
continue with Chelduk Hir'vin - on the beach
  1. Wrecking Crew for the Wrecked Crew (10)
  2. Blackshield Orders (10)
  3. A Job For a Secondary (10)
return to Secondary Shai'dn <Chrykori Secondary>
  1. The Problem Concerning Pirates (11)

Gorowyn Beach Outpost

Primary Sha'ki <Gorowyn Beach Primary>

  1. What Would McFeely Do? (11)
  2. Blackshield Operation (11)
  3. Taking Action (12) - sends you to Standard Ku'uul in the Green Overlook
  4. The Chain of Command (14) - sends you to Burrin Vor'Ork

Tizyk Niba'ti <Chef>

  1. It's Got a Salty Sting (11)
  2. It's Got a Salty Tang (11)
  3. It's Got a Salty... It's Salt (12)

Arowon Myli'tak <Gorowyn Beach Secondary>

  1. The Blackshields Have Landed (11)
  2. They've Made Themselves at Home (12)

Trainer Charkin Myli'Dok

Graem Vorbent

Burrin Vor'Ork

The Green Overlook

Standard Ku'uul <Gorowyn Beach Standard>

  1. Step 1: One Head of the Hydra (12)
  2. Step 2: A Tempting Treat (13)
  3. Step 3: Execution (13) sends you back to Primary Sha'ki

Cholzakla Al'xin <Bio-Parser>

  1. Keeping Tabs
Eruwin Ska'mok <Chokemon Trainer>
  1. Grassgalor (12)


These quests in Gorowyn proper are not part of the progression through Timorous Deep. For Gorowyn City Tasks, see: City Task Quests
Krymok Quel'Gok
  1. Truce to Confer (10)
  2. Errand of Destiny (13)

Rozokal Niba'mok

Caretaker Velshin

Mok Rent

Each of the following quest series stand alone, with no interconnecting progression. That said, many of them overlap so try to get the first quest from each and do all you can, then get the second quest from each, etc. They can be broken into 2 halves. The first group all take you across the bridge to the south and as far as the Bloodworks, in the area known as the Ruins of Verelisk. The second half take place above Mok Rent, in Haoaera.

Ruins of Verelisk

Vircho Ku'guur

  1. Throm Beads (13)
  2. Throm Delicacy (13)
  3. Made From Real Gorilla Chest (13)
  4. To Skin a Panther (14)

Vertak Cho'zyr <Mok Rent Secondary>

  1. The Mountain Throms (13)
  2. Our Fallen (13)
  3. The Skeleton Bush (14)
  4. Ending It (14)

Citizen Vurken Zum'dn

  1. The Mokberry Bush (14)
  2. Enriched Sprouts (14)
  3. Rot Blossoms (15)
  4. Windhowler Reeds (16)

Vaerha Farsight <Bio-Parser>

  1. The Stonechest Tablets (14)
  2. Matching Tablets? (15)
  3. A Curious Carcass (15)
  4. Finding the Tribute Taker (16)
  5. Giving Vaerha Time

Tonkaera Di'zi <Mok Rent Tertiary>

  1. Nature's Steel (14)
  2. The Queen's Daggers (15)
  3. Useful History (15)
  4. Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Sword (15)

Primary Tlecche Myli'din <Mok Rent Primary>
unlocks when you reach level 14

  1. Befriending the Throms (17)
  2. Thulwun Station (19)

Meoloemeoloimtim Jeleemtieooloom <Civ-Parser> - NOTE:The vowels in this NPCs name change randomly every few minutes!

  1. The Sathirians of Verelisk (14)
  2. A Stronger Essence (15)
  3. The Tomb of the Shadow Lords (16)
  4. The Shadow Lords (17 Heroic) - Cloak Quest

Gwen N'Rya <Bio-Parser>

  1. The Curious Maneaters (15)
  2. In the Blood? (15)

While you are out south of The Bloodworks, you might drop by the southeast edge of the shoreline and help out a down-on-his-luck sailor.

Makrug Tel'Kor'

  1. Brink of Annihilation - sends you to Harruk Ti'Gok
Harruk Ti'Gok
  1. Questionable Orders


Secondary Tykenil Riz'dn <Mok Island Secondary>

  1. Dismantling Haoaera: Fishers (17)
  2. Dismantling Haoaera: Tappers (17)
  3. Dismantling Haoaera: Clutch Tenders (18)
  4. Dismantling Haoaera: Archivists (18)
  5. Dismantling Haoaera: Mon Haoaera (19)

Ancho Mok'nok <Mok Rent Tertiary>

  1. Stage 1 (17)
  2. Stage 2 (18)
  3. Progress Check (18)
  4. Commander Vor'ork (18)

Aralokal Di'kin <Civ-Parser>

  1. "Semi-important" Artifacts (17)
  2. "Important" Artifacts (18)

Throm Upper Tunnel

Urg Drom

  1. Throm Rescue (17)
  2. Proven on the Blood of the Proven (18)proven|Haoaeran provens]]''
  3. Misery (19)

Groag Froam

  1. Khvara Rump (17)
  2. Haoaeran Syrup (17)
  3. Throm Caps (18)
  4. Spiroc Eggs (18)

Thulwun Station West

Secondary Terkenil Niba'xi

  1. Adding to the Slaughter (19)
  2. Frazykyr (20) - rewards your first mount, Gorowyn Destrier whistle.

Tertiary Gurowyn Riz'din: Mok Island Tertiary

  1. Steamer Salvage (19)
  2. Time to Governate (20)

Gorowyn Beach Outpost

Scout Chillekla

  1. Staging Points (20)
  2. Birdwatching (20)

Faydedar Watch (Gorowyn Docks)

Sentry Vylkren

  1. Odd Feather (20)

Chullyk Mi'xin

  1. The Docks of the 'Blocks (20) - Sends you to the Butcherblock Mountains

The Grand Athenaeum

Prime Researcher Mak'bin

  1. As the Spiroc Flies (20) - Sends you to the Butcherblock Mountains

This page last modified 2010-09-13 11:09:24.