WOW Guide Console Guide  

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Console Guide

Keyboard Shortcut List:

Ctrl+Y - Displays current player statistics.

Ctrl+R - Displays current FPS.

Ctrl+V - Displays NPC and PC names in boxes.

Alt+P - Displays graphic rendering statistics.

Alt+B - Displays player movement boundaries.

Alt+Z - Removes UI for clean images.

Prt Scr - To take screenshots.

CombatDebugForceAction Variables:








7 ALWAY****











Description: CombatForceDebugAction is used to make a target act in a way you request.

- CombatDebugForceActionOn

--> Usage: combatdebugforceactionon (x) (0 or 1)

Note: (x) is one of the variables above.

- CombatDebugForceActionOff

--> Usage: combatdebugforceactionoff (x) (0 or 1)

Note: (x) is one of the variables above.

- CombatDebugForceActionOtherOn

--> Usage: combatdebugforceactionotheron (x) (0 or 1)

Note: (x) is one of the variables above.

- CombatDebugForceActionOtherOff

--> Usage: combatdebugforceactionotheroff (x) (0 or 1)

Note: (x) is one of the variables above.

- CombatDebugShowFlags

Debug Command List:

- Bug

- Suggestion

- Note

- SndDebugPingSound

- SndDebugRoomType

- env

- envlist

--> Description: Lists all currently playing environmental sounds.

- nuke

--> Description: Ban a user from the current server.

- enumTextures

- enumTextureGxCache

- ghost

--> Description: Watch a player.

- zoneintroreset

--> Description: Replays current zone introduction.

- invite

--> Description: Invites a player to join your current group.

- PLightInfo

--> Usage: plightinfo (index)

- PLightEnable

- PLightOmni

- PLightDirPos

--> Usage: plightdirpos (index) (x) (y) (z)

- PLightAmbColor

--> Usage: plightambcolor (index) (r) (g) (b)

- PLightDirColor

--> Usage: plightdircolor (index) (r) (g) (b)

- PLightAmbIntens

--> Usage: plightambintens (index) (number)

- PLightDirIntens

--> Usage: plightdirintens (index) (number)

- cameraClip

- SeeIfWorldFrameSucks

--> Description: Let Jeff know dammit! Nukes away!

- learn

--> Usage: learn (spell)

Or type 'learn -1' for all spells.

- cooldown

--> Toggles cooldowns.

- cooldownPet

--> Toggles pet cooldowns.

- useskill

--> Usage: useskill (skillname)

Description: Simulate usage of a spell without actually casting, to test skill rank-ups.

- setskill

--> Usage: setskill (level) (skill line name)

Description: Manually set a skills level.

- bootme

- levelup

--> Description: Automatica character level-up.

- setfaction

--> Usage: setfaction (level) (faction name)

Description: Manually set your faction. (Alliance / Horde)

- pet

--> Description: Tells you the GUID of your current pet.

- TaxiShowNodes

--> Description: Shows you all available taxi nodes.

- cinematic

--> Description: Start an in game cinematic.

- forceanim

--> Description: Force a monster animation.

- rese

--> Description: Resurrects your current character.

- whois

--> Usage: whois (accountname)

Description: Ask the server to do an account/real name lookup on a character name.

- rwhois

- dtime

- time

- gametime

- localtime

--> Usage: localtime (1-24)

Description: Sets the in-game time. Typing localtime 3 will make it very dark, while localtime 12 will make it noon.

- spawntime

--> Description: Tells the server how frequently to spawn mobs.

- loc

- dloc

--> Description: Tells you the x,y,z co-ordinates you are currently standing in.

- facing

- dfacing

--> Description: Tells you the angle in degrees you are currently facing.

- showbounds

--> Description: Shows the character bounds. (Newbie translation: Ooh! A bubble!)

- tloc

--> Description: Tells you the targets x,y,z co-ordinates.

- TerminalVelocity

--> Usage: TerminalVelocity (1-100)

Description: Similar to gravity. Setting this to 1 allow you to "fly", while setting it high will treat you like a stone.

- speed

--> Usage: speed (1-60)

Description: Increases the game accordingly. Recommended: 50.

- walkspeed

--> Usage: walkspeed (1-60)

Description: Increases your walk speed accordingly. Recommended: 50

- swimspeed

--> Usage: swimspeed (1-60)

Description: Increases your swim. Recommended: 60.

- turnspeed

--> Usage: turnspeed (1-60)

Description: Increases your turn speed. Recommended: Default.

- port

- worldport

--> Usage: worldport (continentID) (x y z) (facing)


Description: Warps you to the specified location / continent.

- money

--> Usage: money (copper)

Description: Instantly become rich using this console command.

- db

--> Usage: TableName (Name or #ID)

Note:Wildcard use * in TableName or Name not ID though.

Description: Select a table from the database.

- drawlog

- animlog

- beastmaster

--> Description: Beastmaster allows you to walk freely around the world without having monsters attack you.

- sendevent

- mem

- level

--> Usage: level (level)

Description: Manually enter your level.

- petlevel

--> Usage: petlevel (level)

Description: Manually enter your pets level.

- clearquest

--> Description:

- flagquest

- TaxiClearAllNodes

--> Description: Disables all Taxi Nodes as viable forms of transportation.

- TaxiEnableAllNodes

--> Description: Enables all Taxi Nodes as viable forms of transportation.

- ChangeCellZone

- finishquest

--> Usage: finishquest (questID)

Description: Automatically mark your quest as completed.

- cameratarget

- questquery

--> Usage: questquery (questgiver) (questID)

Description: Automatically attain a quest.

- questaccept

--> Usage: questaccept (questgiver) (questID)

Description: Accept the proposed quest.

- questcomplete

--> Usage: questcomplete (questgiver) (questID)

Description: Automatically complete specified quest.

- questcancel

--> Usage: questcancel (questgiver) (questID)

Description: Automatically accept the proposed quest.

- reclaim

--> Usage: reclaim (corpseGUID)

Description: Reclaim the specified body.

- buyspell

--> Usage: buyspell (trainer) (spellID)

Description: Buy specified spell from specified trainer.

- sellitem

--> Usage: sellitem (merchant) (item)

Description: Sell specified item to desired merchant.

- buyitem

--> Usage: buyitem (merchant) (muID) (quantity>)

Description: Buy specified item from specified merchant.

- buyiteminslot

--> Usage: buyiteminslot (merchant) (muID) (container) (quantity)

Description: Buy an item in the specified slot.

- SndDebugDumpChunk

- SndDebugShowCurrentChunk

- SndDebugSetChunkProperty

- SndDebugSetCurrentChunk

- SndDebugCreateChunk

- SndDebugListChunks

Game Command List:

- HeapUsage

--> Description: Displays a list of the heaps in use.

- ObjUsage

--> Description: Displays the object manager list status.

- newleader

--> Description: Sets a new leader in your current group.

- lootmethod

--> Usage: lootmethod (method)

Description: Toggles your loot method between freeforall / roundrobin / master.

- cast

--> Usage: cast (skillname)

Description: Cast a spell.

- cancelaura

--> Usage: cancelaura (index)

Description: Cancels an aura given the aura's index, not auraID.

- spellstring

--> Usage: spellstring (string)

Description: Opens up an edit box for the specificed spell.

- playercombatlogdebug

--> Usage: playercombatlogdebug (0-1)

Description: Toggles combat logging on/off.

- invite

--> Usage: invite (player)

Description: Invites a player to join your group.

- accept

--> Description: Accepts the group invitation.

- decline

--> Description: Declines the group invitation.

- disband

--> Description: Disband your current group (Must be group leader).

- uninvite

--> Usage: uninvite (player)

Description: Remove a member from your group (Must be group leader).

- repopme

--> Usage: repopme (0-1)

Description: Repops you when you're dead.

- who

--> Description: Displays a list of the other users on the server.

- undressme

--> Description: Strips your character of all of its equipment.

- godmode

--> Description: Makes you invulnerable to all elements in the world.

- acceptres

--> Description: Accept resurrection request.

- declineres

--> Description: Decline resurrection request.

- guildcreate

--> Usage: guildcreate (name)

Description: Creates a guild.

- TogglePVP

--> Description: Toggles PvP on current server.

- friends

--> Description: Displays your current friends list.

- addfriend

--> Usage: addfriend (name)

Description: Adds specified friend to your friends list.

- removefriend

--> Usage: removefriend (name)

Description: Removes specified friend from your friends list.

- trade

- addtradeitem

- cleartradeitem

- cleartrade

- accepttrade

- canceltrade

- showtrade

- tradegold

- unaccepttrade

- ci

- cm

- cgo

- dm

- save

- deathbind

--> Usage: deathbind (bindstoneid)

Description: Binds you to the inputted bindstoneID.

- recharge

--> Description: Instantly fully heal yourself.

- played

Graphics Command List:

- gxRestart

--> Description: Restart the graphics engine.

- reloadUI

--> Description: Reloads the user interface.

- light

--> Usage: light (0-1)

Description: Toggles light on/off.

- fog

--> Usage: fog (0-1)

Description: Toggles fog on/off.

- DepthTest

--> Usage: depthtest (0-1)

Description: Toggles depthtest on/off.

- DepthSet

--> Usage: depthset (0-1)

Description: Toggles depthwriting on/off.

- culling

--> Usage: culling (0-1)

Description: Toggles backface culling on/off.

- dblbuffer

--> Usage: dblbuffer (0-1)

Description: Toggles double buffering on/off.

- resxy

--> Usage: resxy (x) (y)

Description: Sets the screen resolution to x by y pixels. If no parameters are given, the current resolution will be displayed.

- resmode

--> Usage: resmode (1-3)

Description: Sets the screen resolution mode x, which is a number from 0 to 3. If no parameter is given, the possible modes will be displayed.

- bitdepth

--> Usage: bitdepth (16 or 32)

Description: Sets the color depth 16 or 32 bits. If no parameter is given, the current color depth will be displayed.

- 3dapi

--> Usage: resmode (OpenGL or Direc3d)

Description: 3dapi toggles the 3D API between OpenGL and Direct3D. Changes won't take effect until the game is restarted.

- showDetailDoodads

--> Usage: showdetaildoodads (0-1)

Description: Toggles the showing of detailing doodads (grass, flowers) on/off.

- maxLOD

--> Usage: maxLOD (0-10)

Description: Set the maximum land shape value.

- showCull

--> Usage: maxLOD (0-1)

Description: Toggle culling on/off.

- setShadow

--> Usage: setShadow (0-1)

Description: Shadow colors must be in range (0.0,1.0).

- mapObjLightMode

--> Description: Toggle between vertex light / lightmaps.

- waterShow \

> Both do the same.

- showWater /

--> Usage: watershow (0-1)

Description: Toggles viewing water on/off.

- waterMaxLOD

--> Usage: maxLOD (0-10)

Description: Set the maximum water shape value.

- waterWaves

--> Usage: waterwaves (0-1)

Description: Toggles water waves on/off.

- waterSpecular

--> Usage: waterspecular (0-1)

Description: Toggles water specularity on/off.

- waterRipples

--> Usage: waterripples (0-1)

Description: Toggles water ripples on/off.

- waterParticulates

--> Usage: waterparticulates (0-1)

Description: Toggles water particulates on/off.

- showShadow

--> Usage: showshadow (0-1)

Description: Toggles terrain shadows on/off.

- showLowDetail

--> Usage: showlowdetail (0-1)

Description: Toggles showing low detail on/off.

- showSimpleDoodads

--> Usage: showsimpledoodads (0-1)

Description: Toggles showing "simple" doodads on/off.

- detailDoodadAlpha

--> Usage: showsimpledoodads (0-255)

Description: Set the doodad alpha level.

      • Lower is better.

- shadowLOD

--> Usage: shadowlod (0-1)

Description: Set the shadow LOD.

- showplayer

--> Usage: showplayer (0-1)

Description: Toggles showing your character on/off.

- motionBlend

--> Usage: motionblend (0-1)

Description: Toggles motion blending on/off.

- SkyCloudLayers

--> Usage: skycloudlayers (0.0-1.0)

Description: Set the sky cloud layers.

- SkyCloudDensity

--> Usage: skycloudlayers (0.0-1.0)

Description: Set the sky cloud density.

- SkySunGlare

--> Usage: skysunglare (0-1)

Description: Toggles sun glare on/off.

- SkyShow

--> Usage: skyshow (0-1)

Description: Toggles sky on/off.

Console Command List:

- run

--> Description: Runs a wtf file from the wtf folder.

- new

--> Description: Starts recording a new script.

- append

--> Description: Adds command to the end of an existing wtf file.

- end

--> Description: Stops recording a new script.

- type

--> Usage: type (filename)

Description: Types the script to the console.

- dirwtf

--> Description: Lists the wtf files.

- fontcolor

--> Usage: fontcolor (colorclassname) (red 0-255) (green 0-255) (blue 0-255)

Description: Change the console font color.

- bgcolor

--> Usage: bgcolor (alpha 0-255) (red 0-255) (green 0-255) (blue 0-255)

Description: Change the console background color.

- highlightcolor

--> Usage: highlightcolor (alpha 0-255) (red 0-255) (green 0-255) (blue 0-255)

Description: Change the highlighted text color.

- fontsize

--> Usage: fontsize (15-50)

Description: Set the console font size.

- font

--> Usage: font (fontname)

Description: Set the console font face, be sure to use the .ttf file name.

- consolelines

--> Usage: consolelines (0-100)

Description: Set the console viewscreen size. This is also do-able by clicking the bottom of the console and dragging it to a desired size.

- clear

--> Description: Clears all text in the console window.

- proportionaltext

--> Description: Makes the text proportional, example below.

Example: Test Text = T e s t T e x t

- spacing

--> Usage: spacing (size)

Description: Sets the spacing between text in pixels.

- settings

--> Usage: settings (0-1)

Description: Returns information about the console.

- default

--> Description: Returns console preferences to their default values.

- closeconsole

--> Description: Closes the console.

Default Command List:

- help

--> Usage: help (topic)

Description: Displays help information about the requested category.

- quit

--> Description: Exits the program to desktop.

- ver

--> Description: Displays the current version and build date.

- set

--> Usage: set (variable) (value)

Description: Sets a variable to the defined value.

- cvar_reset

--> Usage: cvar_reset (cvar)

Description: Sets the value of a CVar to it's startup value.

- cvar_default

--> Description: Sets the value of a CVar to it's color coded default value.

- cvarlist

--> Description: Lists every CVar.

- gxColorBits

--> Usage: gxcolorbits (16, 24, or 30)


Description: Sets the color bits to be used.

- gxDepthBits

--> Usage: gxdepthbits (16, 24, or 32)


Description: Sets the color depth to be used.

- gxResolution

--> Usage: gxresolution (resolution)


Example: gxresolution 1024x768


Description: Sets the color depth to be used.

- gxRefresh

--> Usage: gxrefresh (refreshrate)


Description: Sets the refresh rate.

Note: Must be one of 60, 70, 72, 75, 85, 90, 100, 120, 160, 180, 200.

- gxApi

--> Usage: gxapi (api)


Description: Sets the 3d api to render.

Note: Must be either Direct3d, OpenGL.

- gxVSync

--> Usage: gxvsync (0-1)


Description: Toggles vertical sync on/off.

- gxWindow

--> Usage: gxwindow (0-1)


Description: Toggles windowed mode on/off.

- hwDetect

--> Usage: hwdetect (0-1)

Description: Toggles hardware detection on/off.

- lod

--> Usage: lod (0-1)

Description: Toggles land smoothing on/off.

- fullAlpha

--> Usage: fullalpha (0-1)

Description: Toggles full alpha on doodads on/off.

- doodadAnim

--> Usage: doodadanim (0-1)

Description: Toggles doodad animation on/off.

- mapShadows

--> Usage: mapshadows (0-1)

Description: Toggles terrain shadows on/off.

- lightMaps

--> Description: Always returns (null).

- lodDist

--> Usage: loddist <50-250>

Description: Sets the land smoothing maximum distance from player in feet.

- SmallCull

--> Usage: smallcull (0.001-2.0)

Description: Sets the doodad culling level.

- DistCull

--> Usage: distcull (1.0-888.888916)

Description: Sets the doodad culling level.

- MaxLights

--> Usage: maxlights (0-8)

Description: Sets the maximum number of simultaenous light sources.

- shadowLevel

--> Usage: shadowlevel (0-1)

Description: Toggles the shadow mip level on/off.

- alphaLevel

--> Usage: alphalevel (0-1)

Description: Toggles the alpha mip level on/off.

- texLodBias

--> Usage: textlodbias (-1.0 - 1.0)

Description: Unknown.

- trilinear

--> Usage: trilinear (0-1)

Description: Toggles trilinear filtering on/off.

- detailDensity

--> Usage: detaildensity (1-128)

Description: Sets doodad density levels.

- farclip

--> Usage: farclip (177-777)

Description: Sets the maximum distance you can see.

- nearclip

--> Usage: nearclip (177-777)

Description: Sets the maximum distance you can see.

- fov

--> Usage: fov (1-179)

Description: Sets your characters field of view.

- specular

--> Usage: specular (0-1)

Description: Toggles specular shading on/off.

- pixelShaders

--> Usage: pixelshaders (0-1)

Description: Toggles pixel shading shading on/off.

- particleDensity

--> Usage: particledensity (0.3-1)

Description: Sets particle density level.

- unitDrawDist

--> Usage: unitdrawdist (20-150)

Description: Sets the unit draw maximum distance.

- waterLOD

--> Usage: waterlod (0-1)

Description: Toggles water smoothing effects on/off.

- baseMip

--> Usage: basemip (0-1)

Description: Toggles basemip on/off.

- anisotropic

--> Usage: anisotropic (1-16)

Description: Sets "anisotropic" filtering level.

- textureLodDist

--> Usage: textureloddist (80-777)

Description: Sets the maximum distance for the game to texture.

- ErrorFileLog

- Errors

--> Usage: errors (0-1)

Description: Toggles error display on/off.

- ErrorLevelMin

- ErrorLevelMax

- ErrorFilter

--> Usage: errorfilter (filter)

Filters: general / world / ui / animation / models / objects / all

Note: Use "except" to invert mask.

- debugTargetInfo

--> Usage: debugtargetinfo (0-1)

Description: Toggles displaying target debugging information tooltips on/off.

- showGUIDs

--> Usage: showguids (0-1)

Description: Toggles displaying GUID tooltips on/off.

- DesktopGamma

- Gamma

- realmName

--> Description: Displays the realm name.

- realmAddress

--> Description: Displays the realm address.

- profanityFilter

--> Usage: profanityfilter (0-1)

Description: Toggles the builtin profanity filter on/off.

- SoundOutputSystem

- SoundDriver

- SoundMixer

- SoundBufferSize

- SoundMinHardwareChannels

- SoundMixRate

- SoundSoftwareChannels

- SoundInitFlags

- SoundMemoryCache

- Music

- MasterVolume

- MasterSoundEffects

- EnableMusic

--> Usage: enablemusic (0-1)

Description: Toggles enabling music on/off.

- EnableSound

--> Usage: enablesound (0-1)

Description: Toggles enabling sound on/off.

- realmList

--> Description: Shows a list of all current realms.

- Joystick

- mouseInvertYaw

--> Usage: mouseinvertyaw (0-1)

Description: Toggles mouse inversion on/off.

- mouseInvertPitch

--> Usage: mouseinvertpitch (0-100)

Description: Sets mouse inversion pitch level.

- camerasmooth

- cameraSmoothingRate

- cameraLinearSpeed

- cameraAngularSpeed

- cameraAngleA

- cameraDistanceA

- cameraAngleB

- cameraDirection

- cameraAngleC

- cameraDistanceC

- cameraAngleD

- cameraDistanceD

- EnableGroupSpeech

--> Usage: enablesound (0-1)

Description: Toggles enabling hearing group speech on/off.

- EnableErrorSpeech

--> Usage: enableerrorspeech (0-1)

Description: Toggles enabling error sounds on/off.

- AmbienceVolume

- EnableAmbience

--> Usage: enableambience (0-1)

Description: Toggles enabling ambience sounds on/off.

- MapWaterSounds

--> Usage: mapwatersounds (0-1)

Description: Toggles enabling water sounds on/off.

- statusBarText

--> Usage: statusbartext (0-1)

Description: Toggles status bar text on/off.

- assistAttack

- minimapZoom

- minimapInsideZoom

- combatLogOn

--> Usage: combatlogon (0-1)

Description: Toggles combat logging on/off.

- PlayerFadeMouseOver

- PlayerFadeInRate

- PlayerFadeOutRate

- PlayerFadeOutAlpha

- DamageFontHeight

- DamageFontOutline

- DamageFontFadeInTime

- DamageFontTotalTime

- DamageFontConeAngle

- showsmartrects

--> Usage: showsmartrects (0-1)

Description: Toggles showing "smart" rectangles on/off.

- UnitNameRenderMode

- UnitNamePlayerName

- UnitNamePlayerGuild

- UnitNamePlayerTitle

- UnitName

- UnitNameUnitTitle

- UnitNameUnitSummonedBy

- weapontrails

--> Usage: showsmartrects (0-1)

Description: Toggles weapon trails on/off.

- ObjectSelectionCircle

--> Usage: showsmartrects (0-1)

Description: Toggles the object selection circle or not. Turning it off will be confusing.

- DebugTargetPath

- FootstepSounds

--> Usage: footstepsounds (0-1)

Description: Toggles playing footstep sounds on/off.

- CombatLogRange

- CombatDeathLogRange

- CombatLogPeriodicSpells

- showfootprints

--> Usage: showfootprints (0-1)

Description: Toggles showing footprints on/off.

- showfootprintparticles

--> Usage: showfootprintparticles (0-1)

Description: Toggles showing footprints particulates on/off.

- ShowBreath

--> Usage: showbreath (0-1)

Description: Toggles showing characters breath on/off.

- violenceLevel

--> Usage: violencelevel (0-5)

Description: Sets the violence level.

- SkyCloudLOD

--> Usage: skycloudlod (0-1)

Description: Toggles sky texture effects/smoothing on/off.

- logout

--> Description: Logs you out of the current realm.

- script

--> Usage: script (scriptname.wtf)

Description: Executes the specifed wtf file on the client.

Author: Assassin~{RC}

Web Page: http://www.royal-council.com

( a few minor adds/edits by Darkflame )

Converted from Guides
Created: 2004-06-05 15:16:39
Last Changed: 2006-06-27 08:28:18
Author: Assassin~{RC}
Category: General
Last Edited Never
Score: 3.00
Note: None
Guide ID: 239
Last Changed: Unknown

World of Warcraft

This page last modified 2009-06-04 15:56:35.