
Quick Facts

Type: Passive
Expansion: Omens of War
Total AA: 70
Classes: Rogue



Each rank in this ability increases the chance of successfully landing a backstab.

Rank Requirements

Rk AA Lvl ExpansionPrerequisites
1 3 66 Omens of War

2 6 68 Omens of War

3 9 ?? ??

4 7 76 Secrets of Faydwer

5 9 78 Secrets of Faydwer

6 12 80 Secrets of Faydwer

7 7 81 Seeds of Destruction

8 9 83 Seeds of Destruction

9 12 85 Seeds of Destruction

10 ?? ?? ??

11 ?? ?? ??

12 ?? ?? ??

13 ?? ?? House of Thule

14 11 91 Veil of Alaris

15 13 93 Veil of Alaris

16 15 95 Veil of Alaris

17 11 96 Rain of Fear

18 11 98 Rain of Fear

19 11 100 Rain of Fear

20 ?? ?? ??

21 ?? ?? ??

22 ?? ?? ??

23 ?? ?? ??

24 ?? ?? ??

25 ?? ?? ??

This page last modified 2016-03-26 18:06:18.