fr quest:A Bundle of Love  

Free Realms
To Start: Speak to Cudip in Merry Vale.
Cudip says,"I'm more interested in the red petals. They're filled with the magic of love!

I'm trying to make a potion to mimic the petal's effects. It'll be complete once I add an authentic dose of love! Nothing says love like a bundle of flowers, right?

Pluck a few from some hard-to-reach places, using the launch pads to help you get there. "

Cudip thinks flowers are the key ingredient for his love potion. He's asked you to pluck a few from hard-to-reach places.
This is an Errand quest.

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  • In Merry Vale, the flower is on a ledge at the second launch pad.
  • In Snowhill, the flower is on the landing at the third launch pad. It's tucked in among the building supplies at the playground.
  • In Seaside, the flower is on the small island southwest of the playground. You can get there by swimming or by using the launch pads.

Closing Comments

Cudip says, "Ah yes, *sniffs*, these flowers are the perfect symbol of love! They should do nicely."

Petal Picker Festival of Hearts
Quest Series
Potion Testing: Version 6.0
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This article refers to items, events, personae and activities introduced in 2010, and available in-game during the Festival of Hearts celebration.
In 2012, the Festival of Hearts is scheduled to run from February 7th to March 8th.

This page last modified 2012-02-21 14:19:10.