wiki:Beginners Guide  

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Wikibase Documentation
Wiki Help and Documentation
Welcome, If you have pressed the edit button for the first time or are about to start editing a ZAM Wiki page then you're at the perfect place to find out what you need to learn and where to go to find more information so you can make glorious and beautiful wiki articles.

Editing An Existing Page
Most wiki pages are editable by any user. If it is editable you will see a page with "View" "Edit" "History" "Media" "Discuss" and so on... If you click "Edit" this will take you to the Edit box where you can edit the article.

How to Edit Wikitext
Editing a wiki page is not the same as a word processor yet. There are some simple formatting techniques you can learn.

  • Add ''' (3x ' )before and after the phrase you want to be in bold characters.
  • Add '' (2x ' )before and after the phrase you want to be in italic characters.
Bold & Italics
  • Add ''''' (5x ' )before and after the phrase you want to be in bold & italic characters.
Making Headings
  • Add == before and after the phrase you want to be a major heading (<H2>).
  • Add === before and after the phrase you want to be a sub heading under a major heading (<H3>).
  • Add ==== before and after the phrase you want to be a sub-sub heading under a sub heading (<H4>).
Wikihelp Check out our Cheatsheet for all formatting techniques in one easy place.

Making Links to Other Articles
Internal Links

  • Add [[ before the article name and (gameid)]] after the article name. When someone clicks on this link it will take them to the article.
External Links
  • Use the demonstration below as a refrence.
Example: [fullurl Link name as appears in the article]
Demonstration: [http://www.google.com Google Homepage]
In Action: Google Homepage
  • make sure there are not spaces in the full url.
Wikihelp Check out our Link Help for all Link building techniques in one easy place.

gameid is a big and regularly used phrase isued in a lot of aspects of zam wiki life. Each game has a unique gameid, this helps sepearate every game to its own section so you dont get lost or accidentally move to a different game without knowing. Check out Gameid Help to find out your games unique gameid.

Reference Material

If your getting the hang of it, congratulations, if you have not, all is not lost, there is still lots of resources out there.

Our mega directory of all reference material. You can also get to this from the "Wiki Help and Documentation" link above the edit box when your in the middle of editing a page.

Game-Specific Documentation
Find out your game-specific documentation. A lot of wikis have guides and information for just that game

This page last modified 2010-12-03 08:16:30.