Vana'diel Bestiary: Bloodtear Baldurf  

Found in:La Theine Plateau
Level:63 - 65
Grants Title:The Hornsplitter
  • Notorious Monster
  • Aggro
  • Not Linking
  • Based on Earth
  • Strong against Ice
Updated: Tue Mar 3 08:11:53 2009

Bloodtear Baldurf Picture

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General Information

Bloodtear Baldurf's Spawn Location
Bloodtear Baldurf's Spawn Location

    • Respawn time is roughly 21-24 hours after its last Time of Death.

  • Has a Draw-In effect.

  • Grants Title: The Hornsplitter

Bloodtear Baldurf Special Attacks

  • Ram Charge: Single target physical damage with an additional Knockback effect.

  • Rage: Self target Attack Boost and Defense Down effect (Effect can be dispelled).

  • Petribreath: Frontal cone AoE Petrification effect.

  • Great Bleat: AoE HP Down effect (Circle of effect originates from mob).

  • Rumble: AoE Evasion Down effect (Circle of effect originates from mob).

  • Mighty Strikes: All melee attacks performed by Bloodtear Baldurf will deal critical damage during the duration of effect. Denoted by the characteristic mob two-hour animation.

    • Bloodtear Baldurf is capable of performing Mighty Strikes multiple times.

This page last modified 2009-03-03 00:23:03.

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LVL 46+ THF got manhandled
# Jun 28 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
I was running to Sandy and I see this huge thing and i see it versing one guy. So i check it out but he has hiden his info. I can see that he was at least a lvl 46thf from his weapon. Well anywaz he gets his butt kicked hardcore. It was funny but sad.
# Jun 20 2004 at 5:23 PM Rating: Excellent
why is a big sheep holding a powefull shield like this?
RE: why?
# Aug 19 2004 at 10:31 PM Rating: Default
He's a NM. He's High level. I rest my case.
One tough cookie
# Jun 17 2004 at 4:50 AM Rating: Excellent
122 posts
My friend Devony and I ran across this while heading for Selbina to board the ferry. At first, I had this NM confused with Lumbering Lambert, but, luckily, I check this sight before engaging. About 2 minutes after we arrived a party of lv 60+ showed up, and proceeded to have a 15 minute fight with this fella. That was the longest battle I've ever seen. I felt like we should have been awarded exp from just watching it ^^ :P
Bloodtear is tough even at 70
# Jun 17 2004 at 2:08 AM Rating: Excellent
I fought this thing just recently as my level 71 DRG I almost died... but getting the title HornSplitter after is Cool,and getting the Viking shield as well.. but I never got the drop. O_o

Level 71 DRG/ WAR 35 ATM

Good battle
# Jun 16 2004 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
I had just logged on and was checking the AH in Jueno, when somebody sent an alert over my LS, "Bloodtear sighted, everyone to La Theine." Did a quick shout out for a Tele: Holla, arrive there, and what do you know, I was the second person from our LS on the scene. He ended up being claimed by the 63 RDM from our LS who arrived there and I. We ended up with 10 people from the LS in the battle, most between 50 and 60, and just had a lot of fun with it. Unfortunately, it didn't drop the Shield, just the Lumbering Lambert Horn. Afterwards we went to see if Steelfleece had been claimed yet. We hadn't heard of it yet, and spent ~2 hours waiting with no spawn. Everyone started leaving, and all that were left in Konschtat were my fiance and I, when he spawned right next to us. We sent out the message, but she was getting hurt pretty quickly. I pulled it to give her time to get Utsusemi up (I already had Blink going) when it chewed a hole through my Blink. I died in 3 or 4 hits, she tried to hold it, end up zoning and about 10 seconds later the rest of the LS shows up, but it was already taken by a different group.
Shield seems like a VERY rare drop
# Jun 14 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Excellent
771 posts
I fought this with a few of my LS mates. It's a rather unorthodox and disorganized battle, since someone usually finds it, a few people from the LS come to 'claim it', and then they have to hold out until a few reinforcements arrive. I was one of the first people from our LS to arrive via Holla, and all we had to keep Bloodtear busy was a 55 Sam for tank, myself as 54 or so rdm at the time, and a 70 whm. I had to convert, since we were running low on MP a few times, but soon a PLD and DRG arrive to help us out. This beast has roughly 10k HP, just by seeing it's life barely move a millimeter from WS we were constantly dishing out. It'll use Mighty Strikes pretty much whenever it feels like it. It's too bad I can't dispel 2hours.. oh, no drop.. It drops a Lumbering Lambert horn or whatev, since it's a rare spawn from that. Almost a decent consolation prize.. if you need to do the Purple belt quest I guess. Dumb expensive shield..
lvl 54 pld
# Jun 13 2004 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
i saw a lvl 54 pld TRY to take it... didnt work. he got his *** kicked. it lasted not to long every time the pld would heal he would just get hit for more then he was healing. happens i still give him props for trying!
<pos> ?
# Jun 12 2004 at 11:33 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone remember the exact position where they found this beast?

it lost to a beetle
# May 31 2004 at 8:11 AM Rating: Default
5,339 posts
I watched a high level BST use his Beetle summon (Panzersomething) and it managed to beat Baldruf. The BST didn't even need to do anything until the very end. It was just silly watching this enormous ram getting whooped by a beetle.
RE: it lost to a beetle
# Jun 10 2004 at 3:23 AM Rating: Decent
solo rdm 59 =]

rdm best #1 yup
RE: it lost to a beetle
# Jul 23 2004 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
357 posts
I don't think so. Once it uses max HP down, unless you have a WHM handy to Erase the effect, you're good as toast, not the mention that Mighty Strikes would tear through your Blinks, Stoneskin, and Phalanx like its nothing.

Nonetheless, this guy is pretty easily taken with a level 60 party.. even 55s shouldn't have any issue with him if they're well prepared. His Mighty Strikes is nothing a WHM shouldn't be able to keep up with. The biggest concern in this battle is getting Max HP down Erased and healed up fast enough.

RE: it lost to a beetle
# Jun 10 2004 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
btw got shield .. and yes i use it =]
ninja,summoner,and drk took him
# May 26 2004 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
Me another low lvl was coming back from valkurm with my paladin friend when he spawned on us killing my friend in 2 hits(didnt even get to turn invincible on) and I ran as fast as i could. I spammed shout that he was there and finally a elvaan ninja and a summoner started killing it both were anon but were in af. So I tried to see if I could get a raise for my friend as I took screenshots of them fighting it :) finally after about 3 minutes a drk in af came and helped them out it didnt seem difficult for them tho because the summoner used a cure only once. Oh and he can use mighty strikes multiple times >.< used it like 5 times in this battle.
RE: ninja,summoner,and drk took him
# May 30 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
yeah so i was just chilling in sandy wen one of my LS mebers puts up a message saying that bloodtear was up and that we all had to get there as fast as possible. we get t lathien and there is a 74 bst fighting it with wat looked like a black mandy as its pet. bst gets him to half health wen he dies and our ls moves in. there were 5 of us a 32rdm/blm(me),a 59rdm/blm,a61 drk/war, a 61blm/wmg, and a 44rng/thf. he kills me in 2 hits as the rest of pt works on him he uses mightystrikes more than 6 times. finally we kill him but no shield :( but it was wrth the awsome screenshots
bloodtear - dead
# May 21 2004 at 3:58 PM Rating: Default
a thf found bloodtear today - - we warped out and owned it in mins - - - to our surpirsed it dropped the shield!! only going for around 1 million on my server - - its a nice 130k boost though for everyone

# May 17 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
I only know of 1 person who has got the drop before. Koroco on siren server, his party got the drop but they didn't want to sell it. Anyways hey jyneefur.

Zivs, Siren Server
nin 54
rdm 32
smn 21 (currently lvling).
RE: Drop
# May 17 2004 at 3:36 PM Rating: Default
1,059 posts
/wave zivs

Koroco, eh? I need to go rob his mog house. >.<
My First HNM!
# May 05 2004 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
1,059 posts
We had a group that was going to gather to fight Bloodtear, but people weren't online, weren't in the right place, yadda yadda yadda. Suddenly, some of the people in La Theine spotted him and we all hurried to get our butts there. By the time I got there, one person was dead and Bloodtear wasn't engaged. (Either he got aggro'd or tried to engage until we got there.. I'm not sure.) I raised that person and we formed our 7-person alliance.

drg41(?) - thf44(rng10) - drk50(thf25) - whm50(smn25) [me] - nin58(war29) - rng60(nin26) - drk61(thf30)

We engaged in the battle, the Ninja/Warrior tanking the entire battle. Part way into it, our whm54(blm27) showed up, which was good since I didn't get to rest MP after teleporting and raising. The max HP/MP down really stank, but we had things under control. Even when someone got hit while their HP/MP was lowered to 200 or 300, a hit didn't kill them and we easily just Cured them. The Ninja kept Utsusemi up most of the time. He also held hate well. A few times Bloodtear would hit someone other than the Ninja, but he didn't even glance in my direction when I fired off Cure IIIs and IVs. All-in-all it was a fairly easy fight, at least compared to what I've read and what I expected. No deaths, no near-deaths. Just a nice Divine Seal + Curaga II to heal everyone back to full afterwards. ^^

No shield. >.< There's always tomorrow. ^^
Ram of Death
# May 04 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
I was a lvl 24 WHM walking to get a choc at the Holla crystal, when I see some mundo huge ram in the distance. I tried to get closer to see what it was(not knowing it aggroes)and saw the name and knew it was an NM. I didnt know the lvl so I left it alone, When I turn to look at it one more time, it was charging at me....I tried to run, but it chased me down and sat on me...like 700 points of damage, 1 hit kill ><. All I could see was fluff on top of me. Good thing HP was in Jeuno ^^.
# May 01 2004 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
OMG that thing look HUGE I wonder if u can like step inside it and take pics of it?? The AF wearing pld looks inty-bity compared to the gigantic ram!!
New Title: Hornsplitter ^^
# Apr 29 2004 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,455 posts
Me and a WHM friend of mine had just Teleport-Holla'ed out of Davoi after getting my last AF piece. We had to escape after making a small train, we just barely got by alive, but it worked out good. So then he went to Jeuno, and I headed out to San d'Oria. On my way back I was widescaning, like usual, hoping to find something good. Then I see Bloodtear Baldurf on the screen :O. I run towards it and I noticed there was already a little crowd of people around it...

The WHM that helped me was also a friend of mine in Teamspeak with me, so I shouted and yelled for him to come and bring a few friends and see if we could take it... I remember the website saying he's like 60+, but we wanted to try anyway (we were both broke). So he got a few friends in the area and I got a few of mine, meanwhile I watched it and made sure no other parties stole it from us :D. Then, once everyone was here (took about 5 minutes), we organized parties, and started fighting. The party looked like this:

Ranger/Warrior -58 (me)
Dragon/Warrior -60
White Mage/Black Mage -59
Bard/White Mage -58
Red Mage/White Mage -53
Red Mage/White Mage -58

The DRG was going to be the main tank, but that only lasted for the first 30 seconds or so. I decided that I wasn't going to hold back on arrows and such so the DRG could keep hate, I just went all out and shot away. I popped up Defender for most of the fight, and then I just shot as quick as I could. I managed to Sidewinder it 4 times, and only got to use Barrage once (so the fight was under 5 minutes long). In that time it also used Mighty Strikes 4 times.

During the fight it was hitting me for about 50+ damage, but it hit fast... It wasn't so bad in the beginning, but then it did that Max HP and MP down move and my HP went down from 1k to like 250 ><. It was tough after that, but by then we had it down to about 50% and things were going good. The BRD stack Minuet on everyone in the beginning, then he stack Ballad because the MP was starting to run low.

Then, right on the last 20% or so of its health it used some sort of Weapon Skill or something, it hit me for all my life (I was full, at 205, lol) and I died. Once that happened the hate was switching around between the mages and the DRG, and I was raised by one of the RDM's right away. I just ran a good distance away so I wouldn't get killed by an AOE attack, and kept firing. Surprisingly, I had more HP with Weakness then I did with that stupid Max HP and MP down ><. Then, I used my last Sidewinder and that was the end. :D

But, didn't get the Shield drop :'(... It was still a ton of fun though :D... Can't wait to try to face him again.

We all got the title 'Hornsplitter' for beating him.
Another Spectator
# Apr 27 2004 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,332 posts
Yet another 'lowbie' that had the oppertunity of watching this fight.

LS, 8 of them, all nearly level 75. Killed him in 3 minutes. I got the chance to see him spawn along with another camper (I was actually camping Lambert). After watching him for, like, 10 minutes, they arrived.

The group started out the battle with a very unorthidox Sneak/Trick attack that only did a whopping 40 damage to him. Baldruff was only hitting thier tank for 40 to 60.

Contrary to popular beleif, YES, Bloodtear uses Mighty Strikes TWICE!!!! in the battle, and possibly a third time had he lived. Nothing flashy about this battle. No skill chains. Just guys hittin. Every now and then, Steel Cyclone (540 damage), Rampage (818 damage) and Dancing Edge (1163 damage).

Along with the Shield drop (They had the curtosy to tell me what dropped, in english.. :) ), there was 6 Ram Skins and that was it.

I didn't have Fraps running, but checking my log, I totaled up the damage done to Daldurf to 9124.
# Apr 26 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
# Apr 19 2004 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
87 posts
A level 75thief/ninja can kill this thing with out help pretty easy.
I watched it happen thief got hit 7-8 times the whole fight.
A lvl 61 pt and my self took it out with out a problem and ninja tank only got hit once as he got off chocobo. Easy fight. Bloodtear has very low def.
# Apr 13 2004 at 12:40 AM Rating: Default
a 75 war took it with one white mage healing it.....it was taking 750 damage and his health was barely going down at all...maybe a sliver..
# Apr 12 2004 at 10:20 PM Rating: Good
Earlier tonight Keichan, Lhexh,Scheme,Azoralq,kogi, and baudan took this bad boy on i was 41 wasnt high enough they almost had me fighting but i called a whm, this big terror had horrible defence as keichan sidewindered him for 2000 damage and was hitting for 300 per arrow, it was pretty cool, and yes this thing is as big as it looks
Playing Round
# Apr 06 2004 at 7:43 PM Rating: Decent
I was walking around in La thiene one day slaughtering a couple,well a little more than a couple about 35 saplings for the seeds, and I saw this Ram,bloodtear well me being a lvl 30thf/15rng I was like wow let me attack it, thank go I had flee and a high evasion as soon as I do my sneak attack he like heard me do it or something lol it hit me for about 260 haha I stoped fighting hoping it would miss me I hit perfect dodge shot a arrow at it and hit flee and ran out of La thiene as fast a possible never again will I do that thank god for perfect dodge.
Our meeting last night.
# Apr 06 2004 at 11:47 AM Rating: Excellent
571 posts
I'm a lvl 34 thief and I happened to sub rng (lvl 7) with my friend Dantares a lvl 39 whm/17 blm because we were farming for air lmnos and battering rams for a bit.
I picked this name up on widescan and Flee-ed over to him. I'd never heard of him before so I did a Sneak and hit him on his *** for 60 damage. His bar didn't move, so I told my friend to stay away. =(
He hit me 3 times, all for over 200 and he killed me.
I messaged my linkshell and Kyubi, a lvl 56 blm/27 whm came to ogle Bloodtear. I got raised and we stalked him for a little bit, watching him roam around for a couple minutes while we did some searches for any higher levels, taking various screenshots like the papparazzi. Bloodtear aggros Dantares and the he dies in four hits or so.
Kyubi raises him and use Sneak while we keep our distance, but still scheming to take him down.
Venom, a Japanese lvl 70 warrior/ 29 lvl thief happens by (full AF armor on) on a chocobo and hops off to engage him.
He's using a greataxe and hitting Bloodtear for around 140-170 on a regular hit, his criticals hit for around 250 or so and his Raging Axe hit it for around 800.
By the time Venom was at little under half, Bloodtear's hp bar moved to little over a quarter of the way down.
Kyubi and Dantares start curing him, but it's not looking good.
We invited Venom into our party, and we all join in the fray, now.
I was using a Strider Sword and was hitting Bloodtear for 0 damage with criticals of 4 (yahoo!).
We got Bloodtear down to about halfway when he did the Great Bleat which really sucked for morale, but Dantares and Kyubi were really very careful with their mp so it wasn't a great big deal.
Bloodtear was hitting Venom for around 40-50, but the cheater did Mighty Strikes 4 times that fight alone.
Anyways, he killed Venom when the mages ran out of mp, killed Kyubi (guess he got mad about a 800 damage Burst and a 700 damage Freeze), then he kills me. Again.
Dantares warps back to Jeuno. Rests. Comes back to Holla and raises us.
We rest.
I track him on my widescan and we talk over about how to kill him, because we were really close that time.
Venom types into the auto-translater:
[Standing by] and uses a Fish Mithkabob.
So we know he is down for another try.
We buff up, Venom gets in his Sneak attack, I join at the back and Kyubi and Dantares heals.
This last time took enough long enough for us to get in 3 Steals each, nothing taken, btw.
Bloodtear did 6 Mighty Strikes for this fight.
Venom gets off numerous Raging Axes and at the end of the fight, I have 34% tp because I could barely hit him.
Blckhartx, a lvl 40 bard also threw in two Cure 3s on Venom (Thanks for the help).
But we were never in danger that time.
He dropped :
Lumbering Lambert's horn.
1 ram horn.
4 ram skins.
2 earth crystals.

Our titles are: The Horn Splitter.

I'm never doing another quest again. :)
# Mar 30 2004 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
We took him down last nite with 11 people,and we kicked its ***. Dropped the shield ,and we gotta split it 11 ways.I also have lots of pics of the fight if any one wants them.

Lvl. 55 Drk
RE: Bloodtear
# Apr 24 2004 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
Ooh, pics...I saw some nutty 30 BLM run up to him, thinking it was a Battering Ram...he had the names off. Let's just say it wasn't pretty. Oog.
RE: Bloodtear
# Mar 31 2004 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
Kicked his *** isnt enough, more like OWNED him in 30 seconds ^^ Too bad we didnt give him a chance to do his 2hr, i wanted to see what he was made of lol. Ohh well, another NM down and another 100k for me.

Sparticus(Unicorn) - 61PLD
# Mar 30 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
We took him down last nite with 11 people,and we kicked its ***. Dropped the shield ,and we gotta split it 11 ways.I also have lots of pics of the fight if any one wants them.

Lvl. 55 Drk
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